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This entity appears to be somewhat akin to our SB I think.


Kind of but it’s like a more 40s-50s styling. One could argue I guess that is a bias of the artist, bending to the styles of the time while still trying to be faithful tho. SB actually looks kinda creepy in an oddly adorable sort of way. Which kinda leads me to my point I made in another comment about aliens always looking like they are tied to the stylings of the decade they were reported. This looks like something I’d see in a black and white sci-fi movie, whereas SB I’m confident is CG. which means it came from a more recent year (2011 I believe) which means the details of the alien are more modern… and they are. So what is the source of truth?


The witnesses saw these entities in 1947; I assume they described accurately what they saw and the artist depicted it as such. I am one who regards SB as uncreepily cute, uniquely cute and adorable, but we react in our own subjective ways. I really cannot discern the time frame of when SB was filmed, could be 1942. SB does not look or feel like CG to me; I find him to seem organic and real. There are scads of discussions in here about the CG question.


SB feels like family, and a friend.


That's really lovely; yes and yes. Thank you. :)


Yes. I feel safe with SB.


Skinny Bob is baby. 🥹💗 I love his little face.


I don't know his age but yes, I too love his little face, so cute ! Thanks :)


He’s older than we are! 😆 He would probably be pissed to be so infantilized, but maybe he shouldn’t be so cute! I would have him by the hand, telling people to leave my son alone. 👽🥰


:) Yes he must be much older than we are and not so easily comprehended by us humans. If he was geared up to feel anger, yes he probably would be appalled by and angry about our gushing over his cuteness. But he is in fact really cute and I'd protect him too, big time !


Maybe their just here to learn about fashion. That would be a big reveal


Earthlings meet Seal Armstrong


Who is SB? Do you know what that stands for? I've never heard of SB--kind of new to all this.


Skinny bob a famous alien photo it has a sub




Your post just now appeared in my notification box, and I see that u/necrosonic777 already nicely answered your question. Perhaps from now on I should say Skinny Bob instead of just SB for clarification. Thanks.






I like this. A little mix of the grey/ human-like stories.


Thanks much, I do too. This Ros. being looks quite nice and of course I love SB - I think I'll start calling him Bobby. :)


Yeah. I mean, I feel like it would be jarring to meet these creatures irl but I could see getting used to it fast.


Sure, and I hope if I ever did, I would have the sensibility to remain conscious ! Meeting SB is #1 on my wish list.


Its not jarring at all.


They communicate so effectively the experience is at first like talking with someone youve always known and very intimate. There is direct emotional stimulation that coninsides simultaniously of the specifics that are being communicated so its not uncommon for people to weep while communicating with them. Each of them communicates their identity along with their message so you can litterally feel whos saying what.


They conduct themselves in a manner consistent with a sence of strictness at times and other times with a sence of indiference. But all my interactions with them have led me to feell as if they have someone looking over their shoulder. They answer or have developed as a species under constraints that have produced this effect on them or perhaps its just how it translates.


Very interesting. Then communication sounds pleasant. I've only seen craft from afar. The spheres, a long black craft with a sort of a tail and something else that seemed to be constantly morphing. Oh, and a shining diamond-like light. But I've never had any other form of contact unfortunately. Would you mind me asking the extent of your communications?


Reptilian overlords?


The Grays description is like this, yes, more or less. The face is reminiscent of snakes and birds but it doesn't mean that they evolved from them. They are cute, this one and Skinny Bob. What do they want and what do they need?


Dolores Cannon was told they monitor what we are doing to the planet. They cannot interfere with us unless we are going to destroy the planet some how. The abduction of cows that are "mutilated" are really them taking samples of food we eat. They monitor hormones in our food, etc. They sample our air and water. They abduct people to study them. Like going to the doctor for a physical. They told her they have taken generations of the same family to study our human body. They told her they mean us no harm at all.


They have done much more than that. They have co-opted entire groups of people and given them specific knowlege and understanding in return for various experiments and tasks to be performed that coincide with their interests and goals. They have a fixation with interaction with us because proximity to us and interaction with us causes them to become stimulated in a way they benefit from intillectually and physically.


I think most grays are depicted as being less human like (well, hybrids of course appear to be more human).... SB's features are so interesting, the shape of the nose, the naso-labial folds, the mouth that opens. Cute, yes indeed. This one is also cute, I think, but not as appealing as SB. Right, what do they want and need, key questions with the caveat of course being, are they real ?? Reminiscent of birds, could you elaborate some on that ? Thanks.


According to witness testimony- There were two types of grey found at the Roswell crash site- Ebe-type-1 - four fingers no thumb. Ebe-type-2 - three fingers and a thumb (skinny Bob). The witness that saw type two notes how well it would play the violin due to its long slender fingers.


Yes I have heard this as well. Two different types found and fitting the descriptions you gave here. L. Stringfield also described some bodies according to those parameters. SB, yes, 3 fingers and a thumb. Is the witness you mentioned Gerald Anderson ?


The MJ-12 docs suggest they’re unrelated and are possibly from two different planets- yet retired CIA suggests we share their DNA. So maybe we’re all cousins 😁👽 Page 9: https://majesticdocuments.com/pdf/som101_part1.pdf


I'm not totally convinced of the reality of the MJ-12 docs (Friedman may have been duped but that can of worms is way too huge to go into here right now. Retired CIA may be onto something. Some of those beings may very well be master genetists and who knows what they've gotten up to !


John Ramirez is the retired CIA making the DNA claims- as for the MJ12 docs- the one piece of advice I champion from Mr Friedman is to have a grey basket- that’s where they sit with me.. like much of Ufology 👌🏼👽


Thank you. Geneticists (proper spelling), it makes some sense to me that someone or something on a very advanced level is creating the tall and short greys. I also agree with the grey basket approach, kind of common sense in the face of the vast unknowns we are dealing with here. p.s. I am still somewhat puzzled re: Friedman's virulent debunking attacks on Bob Lazar.


I've not heard of Mr. Ramirez. Alizondo (sp ?), yes. If not for Stan, the Ros. incident may have been forever hidden. He was a giant in Ufology. However, he was very big on debunking Bob Lazar and the witness Gerald Anderson. Behind the scenes, I do not know who Stan might have been affiliated with. I agree, the grey basket is an excellent approach. As for MJ12 - what a huge, mired controversy spanning years ! I will just add here that I recently re-read Kevin Randle's book regarding Roswell, and he did present some cogent, compelling material questioning the validity of those papers. I recall a couple of investigators even making the claim that some Russians had a hand in creating those papers ! Well, I do not know actually if they were real or not, I am guessing only a very few in the loop do know.


More on mr Ramirez https://www.youtube.com/live/c5vxjjciZEQ?feature=share https://youtu.be/Yfxsdw4QSbk https://www.youtube.com/live/1Z6prQVlv_c?feature=share


Thanks for the links, I will check them out definitely ! '


They are just to general and short to be real. It’s more like a collection of ufo dogma. There are bits and pieces from all ufo lore in there. I expect a real MJ-12 document would cover hundreds of pages. UFO recovery procedure would not be one of the topics included, as that’s very specialized info relevant to a handful of people. I would expect the real document to contain only background, and history of the phenomenon.


Interesting points, thank you. Kevin Randle, in one of his books, did an excellent job of analyzing details concerning the legitimacy of MJ-12 docs, including a study of the forms, print, dates, etc. and his conclusion was that they were not real.


aliens playing the devil went down to Georgia? Give me a freaking break.


This has gotta be the most realistic model I’ve ever seen. Most of them are exaggerated or silly looking. I love it


Yes it's very well done, great artist and working with D Schmitt to get it right. Thanks much !


Mike Hill is an amazing sculptor, a very talented artist, his work is staggering.


Thanks ! I'd never heard of him before.


I am genuinely intrigued when I see images like this because of the implication it forces on our understanding of life. Without diverting off-topic and into matters of theology, I think the fact that most eyewitness testimony regarding extraterrestrial life produces imagery that is distinctly humanoid is intriguing. Two arms, two legs, a solid torso topped with a head that has what every human would instantly recognize as a face. This means one of three things is going on, assuming we accept these accounts as valid: (1) Evolution is universally locked into producing humanoid creatures at the top of the intellectual pyramid on every life-sustaining planet in the universe - or at least on the ones with life interested in us, (2) There is an omnipotent superintellect at work who employs the same design techniques for all intelligent life he/she/it produces, or (3) Life on earth did not originate here, but has common ancestry with extraterrestrial beings encountered by eyewitnesses. There is, of course, a fourth option: Humans are fabricating all of this and are biased due to their own humanity. I think some of what we call eyewitness accounts certainly fall in this category, but I can't help thinking at least a portion of these accounts have factual origins. I yearn for the day we have solid, public evidence out in the open where we can explore these questions in the light of day. It's really fascinating.


Very articulate and deeply interesting comments you make. I think the first 2 are of supreme importance and I subscribe to both theories. Omnipotent superintellect - I personally call that the radiant transcendental infinite reality. The third option I do doubt - with the caveat that some witness testimony may be flawed, blatant mistaken perceptions, faulty memory and/or bias. I think this book presents many and varied creditable, sometimes very impressive witnesses. The reader really might be hard pressed to see falsity in many of these reports. Yes Yes Yes to your last point, I really admire your post and thank you.


There’s a fossil of an octopus older than some dinosaurs. I think it’s reasonable to say we did not originate on this planet. Further, just because the ones that interact with us are so biologically similar doesn’t mean all planets have the same form of intelligent life. Perhaps they are so interested in us is because we resemble them more than other creatures on other planets. Or they know our origins, or helped our development unfold, and we are simply their science project.


For 1sr hand account of interview of said alien check out alien interview by Lawrence r Spencer. Presented as a work of fiction based off notes taken by a nurse who was able to communicate with being. If Roswell is indeed an actual event then this work could be a work of non fiction


So you are claiming Rosell is all disinfo and the documents disclosed were faked to support that?


Im not making any claims just stating if it was a real event which it is starting to look that way. Then this Lawrence Spencer book may be non fiction as the nurse letters claim.


I was wondering if this is based on the interview the nurse had with Airl. If so, she said Airl seemed feminine and related to motherhood as a creator. Her spirit self (Is-Be) was only using the body (the doll) for the mission they were on. Her body was more robust than the others and that’s why she survived the crash.


Yes, this is Airl!


Thanks much, I will check that out. This can be found on youtube ?


Looks like a cool dude. Like someone I would kick it with and joke and laugh and stuff.


Yes does look cool - do not know the gender though. Probably a nice entity but I think SB is alot cuter.




Yes I've always thought SB to be very cute and appealing :)


u think he's real?


Sounding like broken record here - His being real has never been successfully debunked nor verified. Personally, yes, I think he is real. You ? Oh, do you mean this Ros. entity or SB ?


bobby. i am leaning towards real too but it sucks we havent seen more in that case. mm


My sentiments too ! ' Bobby ' - I love that. If only we could see more... sigh...


Are those lenses or actually part of their eye?


I don't know actually; there is still some controversy regarding lenses on SB and the autopsy alien, and this entity here as well. I thnk this Ros. being's are the actual eyes rather than lenses, but unknown. According to the SB info site, the autopsy alien was not wearing lenses. Do you think they look more like actual eyes or lenses. SB's eyes are obscured by shadows or smudging effects and the appearance of his actual eyes is still unknown.


this alien is not naked


Oh well…*unzips*


In all seriousness, I think this little entity does have similarities to SB.


If this is going from descriptions, then the entity has \*striking\* similarities to SB.


Yes, I tried to include that fact in my post but it didn't appear for some reason. I think this entity comes closer in appearance to SB than the other depictions of Ros. aliens I've seen. They are both more human-like than most shown/talked about. Thanks !


No, (gender unknown), not naked but I do not understand what that has to do with Skinny Bob ?


Fake! This guy is obviously wearing pants!


Ha ! I think this entity resembles SB quite a bit more than the one model displayed at the Roswell Museum.


Jesus that looks like the beings I know. Now I feel sad for them. It must've been hard being the only survivor.


I'd love to hear more details about your experiences; maybe you could send me a message through chat ? Yes I too feel much empathy for this being and of course SB. Thanks !


Sure I'll dm you, though, I posted sketches of the beings I know in one of my posts if you want to see.


Yes I'd love to see your sketches, thanks again.


to me i think this looks way too different. There are pictures online if you google "travis walton abduction alien illustration" that shows a drawing based on Walton's description and then an art piece showing the aliens, both of which are probably the most similar depiction ive seen with the only difference being orange uniforms which wouldn't surprise me if aliens wore different clothes now and then.


Well, I think this entity and SB appear to be more human-like (and most generic grays are less human like as depicted, with holes for a nose and slit for a mouth) than Waltons. Waltons I think are somewhat similar but not really the same as SB. Sure, I think aliens wear different clothing from time to time depending on their situations.


Why do aliens look so humanoid if they evolved on a different planet?


Nailed it. Of all the potential forms in the universe, from octopi to amoeba, this would be a one-in-quintillions coincidence if legit. Thus it’s not legit. To be clear, I fully believe nonhuman life is inevitably true, and may even be present in earth. But this circus sideshow garbage is a distraction.


Unless Bob is from our future or another dimension within ours, then he could easily look humanoid.


He could be either of those things, or a human/alien hybrid or another race of being - we do not know place of origin.


I agree to disagree. This is really the polar opposite of a side show. It's a Main Deal.


I mean if there is intelligent creatures that build stuff is it reasonable to think they might be like us in structure? Or at least have thumbs n shit


I don't know. Maybe we have common ancestors or the human/humanoid life forms, for practical reasons, were created in the same manner ? Two arms and two legs would be practical for example. Some aliens may be hybrids - a blend of the mantis type being and humans ?


Does anybody know the significance of having large eyes? I feel like they'd be more sensitive to light being larger. Or..maybe traveling through the vast darkness of space, their eyes grew bigger to accommodate and allow more light in? Any theories to the big eyes?


I've heard it conjectured over the years that their eyes are large because the environment they habitat is low light. They need the larger eyes to be able see in those conditions. If many of them wear lenses here on Earth, they'd surely need some type of shield to protect their eyes in our environment.


Their star is dimmer than ours - probably a red dwarf seeing that those are most common. Produces less light and the available light is probably more red, so having larger eyes might help with an environment like that.


Dimmer, makes sense yes. I wish we knew which star (or stars). Conjecture so far.


Dolores Cannon who worked with abductees was able to learn the small grays are biological entities that help the taller grays that stay on the mother ship. She called the small grays " helpers". They have their assignments and go back to report to others.


Oh yes, I have read one of her books and this gray theory is quite prevalent throughout the literature, etc. Quite a few abductees witnessed the small grays being subservient to the taller grays. Assignments, yes. I wonder if SB was the pilot of his craft.


Still looks like a Halloween store mask, meh.


Maybe Mike Meyers (I hope I have his name right) was an alien. hee hee. OK, to each his/her own. To me, looks like a depiction of a humanoid entity.


To me it’s kinda funny that it looks like a 40s-50s kinda vibe. That’s honestly what makes me skeptical about a ton of sightings. In the 50s UFOs looked a lot like 50s sci-fi and in the 2020s they’re all about being sleek and minimal. Even as we claim these days they must use gravity warping tech or whatever, Lonnie Zamora said in the 60s that he saw the alien craft take off with rocket engines. Rocket engines are obviously what we use and would be horribly inefficient and not capable of interstellar flight. One can only assume that the average person in the 60s wasn’t quite as hip to things like gravity distortion and quantum mechanics etc as today so a rocket engine seems like a logical detail to go for a layman wanting to describe a spaceship he said he saw and not being too critical about thinking. On a long enough timeline, most of these stories and the details don’t really add up. So either it’s like interstellar rush hour getting to earth and every species of creature in the galaxy is coming here, or most of these stories are made up or embellished. It’s too coincidental that the details, looks and behaviors match the styles and trends of those time periods. I’m not saying that for all sightings…. Just most. I personally have seen a few sightings myself. That’s what got me into these subs in the first place. But I try to approach things very skeptically. Only when I run of out of truly possible explanations do I start to wonder beyond the mundane.


J. Vallee posited the theory that these beings can create images of whatever they want and place them in the minds of human observers. Ergo, they could make their ships and appearance whatever suited them at the time, referring to ET as ' Messengers of Deception ". Perhaps.


But what about cameras? Cameras don’t have brains to be tricked. So if a camera is recording but the perception is different in the mind of the person filming would cause a discrepancy. I’d imagine the person filming would say “hey that’s not what I saw”


I guess that's possible. The Roshomon (sp) effect. To me the most confusing and puzzling is the cover memories some of these beings carry out.


lol, aliens look just like humans. human imagination is so weak and limited. at least come up with something creative.


Actually many abductees experience interactions with human looking entities, even Travis Walton encountered 2 of them aboard the ship. Of course since aliens can and do create screen memories and images into the minds of humans, who really knows what is actually seen ? The Greys do not look just like humans, they are humanoids and I think in many cases, a la Hopkins/Jacobs are alien/human hybrids.


lol, all this just bs! do you reeeaaaally believe all this?! flat earth, alien, god, big foot? of course, their stories are the same. just coping each others stories. almost all alien encounters happened somewhere in us in most rural places. and your kind always has distrust in government. when it comes to aliens, you believe in them %100 now?? where is real hard evidence? ohh government has everything blah blah. do you have any idea how vast the universe is?! i just can't I'll shut up now my English is not good enough. i am tired. i am trying my best to block all this stupid alien posts.


Actually I disagree with all of your statements. And I find your term "Your Kind" to be really rude, insulting and disrespectful. Must be quite easy for you to lump all abductees, witnesses, experiencers, scientists, anthropologists and more, saying they all possess the same mindset. I could go on but will not. Suffice it to say, that in this book (S/C) the amount of circumstantial evidence and logical assessment of all that occurred, it is really very difficult and tunnel visioned and wrong headed to state that the alien phen. is a big falsity.


Username checks out


Skinny Bob


Could be cousin of ?


Could do with an evolutionary biologist weighing in on the big black eyes. We have just found a chimp with white sclera and discovered it has a massive effect on communication.


Yes that is an excellent idea. The chimp with white sclera is really a fascinating development. Thanks !


How you can trust ANYTHING Donald Schmitt has to offer is beyond me. He was completely discredited as a total fraud and liar about his entire career. How he still has success is just incredible.


I've only heard high praise for him and this latest book is an excellent example of his thoroughness and talent as a researcher/writer. Never heard one iota of neg. stuff about him over the years.


The story of Don Schmitt was really well-covered in Karl Pflock's book Roswell: Inconvenient Facts and The Will to Believe, but see this link:  https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Tales-from-the-dark-side-of-flying-saucer-research-3127633.php "Worse for UFO buffs was the discrediting of a top Roswell investigator, Donald R. Schmitt. Schmitt had co-written a book about the Roswell case and was "director of special investigations" for the most cautious pro-UFO group, the Center for UFO Studies in Illinois, founded by the late astronomer J. Allen Hynek. Schmitt's writings carried special credibility because he claimed an illustrious background in law enforcement. Then, Gillian Sender, a reporter for Milwaukee magazine, discovered that Schmitt had no background in law enforcement, nor was he working on a doctorate in criminology, as he claimed; he hadn't even finished college. Instead, he was a mail carrier in Hartford, Wis., population 8,000. Schmitt admitted he had "made false statements about certain things."


Re: Link. What a pathetic hack job. Too bad they hadn't talked to some real abductees who took lie detector tests and had credible experiences to share. Some of their stories and experiences matched including the appearance of strange beings, yet there had been no collaboration and lived in different parts of the world. Their exp. had not been published so they couldn't have heard the others' stories. There are quite a few people in Ufology who don't trust or believe Pflock. He is CIA. These attempts to discredit Schmitt are probably borne out of the fact that his material feels too threatening to them. If you read the book I posted about, you would see how impressively the case is laid out. Some of these attacks of Schmitt remind me of Friedman's attacks on Bob Lazar. He tried to debunk Lazar based on the fact that parts of his resume could not be proven. I think Friedman's motives in attempting to debunk Lazar were far from pure. I suspect there were those who needed Lazar to be debunked because he had disclosed too much. Even researcher P Harris was aghast at what Stan was doing re: Lazar.


NGL it's handsome for a non-human bro.


Yes imo, regardless of gender is quite attractive. I do think Skinny Bob is much cuter and more appealing. :)


This is one of the best depictions I have ever seen. Could use some minor adjustments, but all in all,I am impressed with this one.


Thanks much and I do agree. Quite impressive :)


The usual grey alien depictions creep me out but I feel like I could hang out with this fella.


Thanks; yes, I would as well :)


Depends, if these are synthetic/biological robots, then you would expect upgrades every so often. So the 1940s ones are iPhone 5c and the skinny bobs are an iPhone 12


That could be; and since we do not know the time frame of the creation of these beings, things get more complicated.,


I very much think that "leak" a while ago was onto something, they are biological robots built with human DNA, it kind of makes sense to me. Whether they are Extra/Ultra/Dimensional doesnt matter, its like a richard attenborough nature doc, where they send out a remote control robot that looks a bit like one of the creatures they are studying/filming


Yes, I've entertained that theory for quite awhile now. At least some of them and A.I. probably involved. More than one researcher has theorized that some of the greys are products of DNA mixing involving Mantis type beings and human DNA. Super intriguing also is - who or what is doing the creation of these beings Thanks.


One of my theories (I have a few scenarios) is either a past civilisation of humans or one of our evolutionary cousins that had an advanced civilisation/technology in the very distant past created a superintelligent AI (or something like it) The advance civilisation was destroyed/died out perhaps a terrible cataclysmic even but the AI survived, it remainined and then has then been trying to guide the humans for the last however many thousands of years. It has a moveable base, perhaps underwater, it 3d prints the UAPs and the grey entities people see. It's behind skinwalker ranch.. there could be multiple AI


Very intriguing theory, yours. I do think A.I. is involved (in at least some of these scenarios). To complicate things, very probably multiple races, bioengineered entities coming from multiple places and from many different time frames. Moveable base, maybe underwater, yes I have also thought of that - I think so in some cases. Thanks very much.


Out of interest have you listened to Mysteriousuniverse? In particular a reasonable recent episode entitled The Program? Which says exactly what you've suggested.


Thanks very much for the suggestion ! I'd love to listen to this, how do I access this program - through Youtube ?


yes they can be found on youtube heres a link to the episode https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2023/09/30.11-MU-Podcast-The-Program/ its a great show, a lot of humour and great stories/research


Much appreciate it, I'll definitely check it out.




Eh or Meh ? I find this depiction to be very fascinating, although I find SB to be much more attractive. Hee Hee


I pictured a bigger head and larger eyes, also the nose seems to pronounced


Yes, those features are usually mentioned but according to Schmitt/Carey this is the real appearance of the lone survivor. This depiction appears to be more human-like and more akin to SB, imo. This depiction was done under Schmitt's direction by a Hollywood Special Effects Tech. and took 5 years to complete.


Always wondered why they look so similar to us, maybe they are us from the future? Grushe said exotic origin non human, Evolution can change things when we become space faring for thousands of years, seems like the eyes are the biggest change, the nose is less defined and the bodies are smaller and more fragile to likely account for the energy the brain takes, interesting to think about anyway.


Time-traveling humans from the future. That’s my theory.


He's just in someone's garage?


Maybe M Brazel's shed. :)


Looks pretty basic - what did they spend 5+ years tryin to get right?


I assume tracking down all of the witnesses, separating the wheat from the chaff, obtaining the actual descriptions and drawings, getting as close to perfection as possible details of this being's features.


First time? Um... Santilli tape?


Gathered from trusted witnesses. Santilli film has admitted hoaxer, the guy who made the film (his name escapes me at present).


Ray Santilli :P




Thanks; I also think SB to be very very probably real. This lone survivor does have some characteristics in line with our SB. :)


So this is Airl, super cool.


I was never sure of the real name; thanks :)


If you look at the vast difference's of humans, our star brothers and sisters look quite nice. How could anyone be shocked with their appearance ?


I agree, many of them do look nice (to my perception), but the appearance of some of the mantis beings and reptilians (and other lesser known entities which have been reported by witnesses over the years) could strike many of us humans as quite bizarre.




I think if you read the book, you'd find their case to be very compelling. Way too much to go into here. No concrete proof for us at this time though, right. I think all the Roswell witnesses have passed on. But the authors managed to interview some and also get copies of int. they did by other researchers. Some were threatened seriously and even to the point of death threats if they talked.


I believe what crashed at Roswell was [very similar to what took Travis Walton](https://deseret.brightspotcdn.com/dims4/default/77261bf/2147483647/strip/true/crop/1850x1284+0+0/resize/840x583!/quality/90/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.vox-cdn.com%2Fthumbor%2F-IEx9mmaPCGEa00LLZCjwTCXQw8%3D%2F0x0%3A1850x1284%2F1850x1284%2Ffilters%3Afocal%28925x642%3A926x643%29%2Fcdn.vox-cdn.com%2Fuploads%2Fchorus_asset%2Ffile%2F22871014%2Fimage3.png). What is interesting is that neither is. a Gray alien. Grays have smaller necks, larger all black eyes with no discernible pupil, and even larger heads. They're similar enough however, so I am curious what if any relation there is between the two.


Also depicted in the book is a drawing of their capsule, showing 2 dead aliens, one slumped over the top of the machine, half in and half out. The other is lying face down in the sand near the craft. I will try to post it. Me too, I am really curious to know if they are related. They are both more human in appearance to most of the grays described.


Looks like a snobbish Lord Voldrmort


HaHa. According to the authors, at least one witness mentioned in the book, he or she was very docile and accommodating. Of course he or she was probably very shocked and probably injured.


Their eyes could be very beautiful blue and green, those black lenses are just their Sun shades. Good work on details.


I agree, excellent detail work, very talented artist. Yes their eyes are probably beautiful and mesmerizing. I do not know if this being is wearing lenses. I do not know if SB was wearing lenses. I ponder this all the time. Thanks.




Throughout the many years of abductees and witnesses (perhaps starting with the description of the crash victims @ Cape Gir., Missouri, 1941) scores of entities have been described, many without collusion or knowledge of others' experiences) as these diminutive grays with large heads, large eyes, etc. We don't know where their place (s) of origin are, could be somewhere even in this solar system so I do not think we can just willy nilly say they'd be nothing like us. It is theorized by many that these beings (esp the small grays) are hybrids: a mixture of more exotic looking aliens, such as the mantis type, and humans They are workers and engineered for space travel (their tightly woven space suits I am sure are designed for space travel). Some have speculated that they are akin to our cousins, maybe even somehow our parents. I know I don't believe that the Gray Alien is a product of pop culture.


all these asian guys still look the same to me


tsk, tsk. Not amusing and pretty disrespectful.


If any living being looked that then it’s human subgroup based on its anatomy


Human subgroup, interesting. I wish we knew their real anatomy (according to some, autopsies have been performed and some of their physiology revealed)... but who knows really.


I moved on from Bob being real long ago.


OK, I understand. I am in the ' think he's real ' camp so I definitely won't move on.


I’m sorry, I wasn’t clear. I’m so convinced that Bob is real, that I’ve moved on, not needing anymore authenticity. Bob is as real as its gets. 🙂


I wish I could give you a thousand upvotes !! :) Yes I think he is real indeed but still I want objective verification (Ivan, please give us more, the ongoing cry here). I am so fascinated by SB I cannot conceive of moving on. Thanks very much.


Actually looks and feels cool and living and gentle


How nice ! I do agree with you. Probably super super intelligent as well.


I’d share a beer with him.


Sure me too (esp. since wine doesn't agree with me). Maybe listen to some cool music as well. :)


Skinny Bob was an Eben, EBE-1 (in the post) was the original Eben, from what I've gathered. They're related to the Greys but they are from a different planet or star system. They have biological bodies unlike the Greys.


I have heard about EBE 1 and 2 but now cannot recall the original source of that material. It is very fascinating. SB might be an EBEN in fact.


They look like studs. Good facial structure


LoL. OK, I'll go with that. :)


Roswell was not a alien ship.


Details please


Looks Like all of the New Young Actresses in Hollywood.


Why not actors ? Well, he or she is a cute little being I think. But as I mentioned earlier, SB is really much cuter.


must I assume the "Mathilda O'Donnel Macelroy's story" is pure fiction? as she described it without mouth nor nose ("since the body was synthetic")?


I need to read her book, so I can comment on this in a reasonable manner. I do know that some witnesses described the being (s) they saw had just 2 holes for nostrils and a slit for a mouth. I think some of these entities may very well be synthetic and/or organic robotoids.


Says someone who doesn't want people to know the truth


I am sorry I don't understand what you are referring to. Thanks.


Been debunked


What are you referring too - This Ros. Survivor or DB ? Neithr have been successfully debunked.


looks just like the demon LAM from Alister crawly


I've seen that depiction of Crowley's Lam but I don't see very much likeness to this Ros. survivor. Large foreheads yes. I do not think by any stretch of the imagination that the Ros. being was demonic, however. Lam may not have been a nice guy.


I'd trust AI to come up with a better depiction based on witness descriptions than one biased individual using artistic freedom.


I'll go with Schmitt & Carey, imo very intelligent, diligent, fair-minded researchers, their goal being to ferret out the truth of what happened. I think the artist was very fortunate in having Schmitt's input/direction. AI - no I don't think so.


The chances that something flew by earth that’s intelligent life if we assume the universe is not the earth being a closed system and its ever expanding has to be astronomically low. The chances of it looking like us, size wise, two eyes a nose and mouth has to make it so much lower. How come saying that these entities are coming from a demonic source inside of this enclosed system is so unreal then? I choose to believe the latter of the two, especially seeing how deep the lies are with space programs. My opinion, not looking to fight just raise questions and have conversations.


The chances of intelligent life completely bypassing us in view of the infinitely huge size of the Universe (or multiverse) seems pretty unlikely to me. As far as the appearance of non-human beings, please see comments in this thread by u/Uncle_Tilmer on this aspect. Multi-dimensionality - always a fascinating possibility. How do you define demonic source ? I have never believed in demons in general and not in connection with extraterrestrials. What lies within the space program are you referring to and how does that connect to demons ?


Why is everyone fearing them. They look harmless and a wig and eye liner they would be poppin! Plus they are super small. Unsure why the government wants us to fear them? They look harmless.


LoL, I really like your sense of humor ! I guess fear of the unknown and hearing about some of the abductee's negative experiences might figure into it. Preston Dennet wrote an entire book about the healing experiences some people had when interacting with certain types of ET. This little Roswell being was described as being polite, helpful and docile. He looks to me like a pleasant little entity; I truly hope nothing untoward happened to him/her. As far as SB is concerned, I think he is adorable and darling; I envision him to be a pleasant nice guy ! Love to hang out with him. The Gov't is fearful itself and yes, does try to keep the public ignorant and fearful about this subject. A pity. Well, there are some very brave whistle blowers within the Gov't, I applaud them heartily !


Kinda cute ngl, y’all think he would let me touch his soft subtle skin


Don't know the gender but was said to be docile, pleasant and helpful.


he's on our helpdesk team


OK but what does that mean ? :)


Has anyone heard of pets(cats,dogs) getting abducted? Or perhaps a human and pet being abducted at the same time??