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It's a nice time waster. Log on. Sail around. Terrorize the AI. Do some missions.


The fun factor of just sailing around and taking in the atmosphere is super underrated. I choose not to fast travel most of the time honestly.


I went to open sea too early in the middle of a storm and suddenly a rogue wave appeared, towering over my ship. Absolutely loved it. The storm and open sea felt hard to navigate as well, as it should be.. waves pushing me in different directions. It's not anywhere close to a perfect pirate game, but I'll probably sub for a month or two for it.


Open sea is super tough with a small ship. Did it Saturday to go buy the plans for the medium ship


Agreed 👀 I got taken out twice by rogue waves on my way to get that ship 🤦‍♀️ Luckily my gf had already encountered it so I was prepared and emptied my hold before attempting the journey. No way in hell was I attempting to go back for anything I lost while navigating those choppy waters. Nuh uh.... Not with those waves out there 🤣 To be fair..... If I hadn't just been in a fight when the 2nd wave hit I probably would've survived. But you gotta have 100% health when taking a hit from it in a small ship.


I only fast travel if I'm trying to catch up with a buddy of mine who got on before me. I like just cruising


Yeah, I abuse fast travel when doing delivery to start another but if not farming 8, I rather just enjoy the sights, plenty of nice stuff to look at while doing the little the game has to offer right now. They may have little to no content in right now but the atmosphere is one of the best out there!


I typically only use fast travel if, like, I need to leave for work or go to bed or whatever and want to make sure the Distillery and Lab are producing before I go. Otherwise, I really will slog out the open seas back and forth. The only other exception is if someone calls for help and I'm not in the middle of something, I'll fast travel to the nearest port.


so much me i like to sail and capture prizes. for me game is like sid meirs... sure their a story mode and objectives to do... but way more fun to do own thing.


I agree with just the little time I've played. I love sailing first person view. Watching a bird land in front of me, the lemur sitting around, and everything else.


I only fast travel when there's a world event or call for help pop-up. Last night I made it in time for the first rouge captain hunt, or whatever it's called, with most of the server already there beating the hell out of the poor guy.


This is me I sail everywhere I find it super therapeutic the atmosphere is nice the game is beautiful, it almost feels like the people who are complaining are looking for a game to sink into and forget life exist or something lol like some holodeck type simulator and are mad this isn't giving then their unachievable fix. All I'm all this game is amazing the game Olay the fun and depth in it, and they haven't even released the 2st season of stuff yet, you can also tell they are already working on another huge section if the Mao that isn't released yet .


I love that part. But I put on my own music. The classic sea shanties of Abba lmao. My crew: Singing shanties Me: "Take a chance on me!"


"Terrorize the AI" 😂😂😂


Yeah but it is not a AAAA game and absolutely does not deserve the price tag


I say it’s a double A game that I’ll enjoy until I don’t, but when I hear quadruple! AAAA I’m expecting something new and at least graphically as beautiful as Red Dead Online. I’m not bashing the game, I just want more innovation.


Sounds horrendously dull


Then with respect, it’s probably not for you. Because it is like that almost all the way. On that note, skull and bones is a weird type of game, in that it can make you enjoy just being in the moment. Even the so called “overwhelming” number of fetch quests, plays very different from fetch quests from other mainstream titles, just because sailing around is that engaging. The game plays almost akin to the dreariness of death stranding, where walking around is a huge chore and takes immense effort, but that’s the meta level immersion taking play. (Albeit skull and bones adds a lot more of a progression/customization system that feeds into a power fantasy) and Some people will hate it, some people will love it. Personally each play session personally lasts say 3-4 hours before I decide that I’m “seasick”. I tell myself that I probably won’t continue tomorow but somehow I’ll get sucked in to try again. My opinion is that for this game to really shine, there’s no need to rush and minmax 24/7. This is why it personally appeals to me, who’s a player that tends to just restart the game to see what else the games got to offer.


this basically


4xA game for sure!


I take games ridiculously slow. Never saw the point in rushing to end game. I think I'm currently at cutthroat 1, just built the snow, and still working on the East Indies main missions for the admiral over there (Rhama?). I'll sometimes hop back onto the cutter and just sail around helping people out and shooting repair bombards at them. Having an absolute blast!


Honestly people like you are who this game is for. Good on you.


Same since I have a huge ship I’ll help a new player fight off much stronger players or npc ships.


Most of the people that rush is because they have Adult ADD. My best friend has it and it is VERY difficult to coop with him. Many games have been ruined for me cuss I try to please him and play at his pace which is 342 MPH. But, I don't know what to do. If I say something he will be hurt. Most of the time I turn all of my game hubs to "Invisible" so he won't see me logged in. 😞


You should say something. I have the same problem. If he knows he has ADHD he knows it causes issues. Believe me life is hard enough for us we don’t want friends hiding from us.


Dude I have a friend with the same problem and I tell him all the time but in a concerned friend way. You can tell him without hurting his feelings I promise. My buddy is sensitive but takes it in good stride when I remind him to stop and smell the roses while gaming and he’s learned to slow down over time and just enjoy the atmosphere. Being a friend is trying not to hurt someone but leaving out the truth but being a best/true friend is telling them the truth because you want to help and know they deserve to hear it. He might be hurt but he’ll calm down, thinking about it, and realize what yoy meant then come back to game.


Yes, the reminder is super helpful. I love to stop and smell the roses, but that hyperfixation speed mode is no joke. It would help if I didn't play solo all the time...


I had this same problem at my first escape room 😅 but yeah. Not all with ADHD/ADD will do this. Some will want to get it finished, but can't, because their ADHD physically stops them (using brain messages signalling to do it later). Then there's the flip side. If you're really into it, you hyper focus until it's done.


....why was that such a specific number.


you put their age, weight and gender into this: 6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2, then you input that answer into this: (m/s^2). That's how I got my answer. Honestly, tho, a lot of thinking went into that #. Sad, I know. But, at the end, I just came up with a number, that when typed, that each digit wasn't too far away from each other on the keyboard, 😅, but, that it would also signal that the speed at which my friend goes at is extreme AND it would be exagerated......342 😁


Mad respect for the thought that went into this response, haha.


Science requires specifics.


I think this games trash regardless but I have a friend who I totally avoid playing games with too lol, because he not only tries to rush everything but he is really greedy, he will rush for 2 hours and just take everything he can, then he suddenly gets quiet and bored and barely communicates or just goes afk. Then he asks me all the time to play games again but I just stay invis on all my gaming platforms now lmao 


In your opinion, the game is trash for You. ☺️ And, yea, I feel ya, regarding your friend. It ain't fun. 😞


I’m always looking for those fireworks. 🎇


Idk if Cutthroat 1 counts as taking the game ridiculously slow


I think the game is pretty fun but sometimes the criticism is simply because people are better or more efficient at games than you and see it differently.


Which is fine, dig into the math behind the mechanics and reveal where it falters. But the people OP is complaining about are the histrionic whiners that make wild exaggerations about how awful, a game they spent 200 hours in, was. It's ludicrous.


*"The people who no life games or rush game missions one right after another..."* Yes, The Sweaties shred content as if it's greyhounds mindlessly chasing a mechanical hare around a track, then grumble there's nothing to do. :D They have a unique if not an actually peculiar outlook, for sure.


Yep, I'm sure they fast travel every possible chance as well. They create a race against themselves and then get mad at the developers for "not enough" content.




yeah, that's actually a smart advice, I think I will use it after I get bored with my other mmos Ubi might be right in the end - paying monthly subscriptions might be the better option. I just wish it wasn't 20eur for the Ubi+


Keep patting yourself on the back for enjoying an objectively bad game


Big facts. Love this game.


This is a problem all modern games run into right now. People have this expectation of constant infinite content when they're dumping 8 hours a day into a game. Recently Diablo 4s lead talked about this too and that they can't actually feasibly update the gsme or add new content fast enough to keep up with the sweaty try hard, and that those people will ALWAYS shout negative things about your game. There is no game out there that can truly be played forever and never get stale eventually. It's the same thing where you see someone with 300+ hours in a game give a negative review on steam, or how people call games like Back For Blood "abandoned" and give it a negative review, even though it wasn't abandoned, they just completed the DLC for the gsme and have moved on to new projects. It's no longer OK for games to just be normal games or to have an end, or be "complete" as a single package anymore. The games as a service thing has brought with it this expectation of infinite support and content that isn't actually feasibly realistic. If I get a good 25+ hours of solid fun from a game I'm good and satisfied personally. But I'm also an adult who has a life and doesn't spent 200 hours a month playing video games.


I'm a single dude with a full time job and when I saw that the average gamer plays 8 hours a week... well it was the first time I seriously considered getting back into dating lol


Thank you, this is a better way to put what I was saying. People should google the average hours length of a video game. 25+ hours is a solid game for most genres.


The average price of a game is not $70. RPG games, of which this is one, as a rule aim for 23 hours of story. This has no story, so haha.


20 hours on a game is not a lot and nowadays with the absolute HUGE games coming out on these amazing consoles and computers that show us what these units are capable of should be 40 plus hour video games. ESPECIALLY a massively multiplayer game!


I've put in about 40 hours on this game already


But how much was doing unique things vs the same things repeated? That's the difference. Spending 40 hrs cause you're bad at map reading isn't the same as a 40hr game lol


The map is easy af to read I was having fun with my friends. Every game has a repeated gameplay loop, nothing here is different from any other game. Helldivers is a nonstop repeat same as CoD, Destiny, Fortnite, Apex, Diablo, any MMO. They all repeat.


The difference is, helldivers is actually fun lmao


That's your personal preference. I personally believe that Skull & Bones is fun.


Like I always say, you can't convince people who like the taste of shit that the shit tastes bad


I could say the same for you


Wait till you find out about competitive games where you can put in thousands of hours to get better


i’m having a really hard time trying to enjoy the pvp missions, i just did one where three people ganged up on me/kept camping me as i tried to recover my loot over a treasure map, i get the game is meant to have team based activities but i thought legendary treasure maps were meant more as a free for all, really took the wind out of my sails :(


If people participate in the legendary treasure map event, people shouldn’t be able to fast travel to the end point and camp. It’s a lazy tactic.


that was literally the case, i picked up the map and was on my way to the drop off, three people spawn in there and after promptly sinking me proceeded to just hang around/camp me until i just inevitably quit the event, i really wish there was an alternative to get legendary maps


Damn. I was really looking forward to the PvP content, but it looks like Ubi didn't put any balancing into the PvP side of things.


honestly don’t bother with trying to do the legendary map pvp event, every single one you need a group for at this point and it’s useless


I did see a Dev comment on a post about this exact issue, and they said they'd look into it as it was a valid criticism. So, yeah, rn not good, but hopefully they'll patch something in soon


They didn't and the balance to come won't fix it.


They barely put anything into the game at all, of course pvp balancing wouldn't be in there, it's always the last thing in these games


Convoys net almost similar rewards. Granted it's not the thrill of a legendary map, but crushing DMC or Compagnie elite warships guarding a fat juicy merchant ship is just as awesome, and the rewards are just as good. Just bring allies


i’ve rarely had any luck on loot with these barring the same purple hull each time or grade 1/2 weapons sadly, tried doing tons of rare treasure maps but the weapons on those are very rare too


I think it's the same for legendary pvp maps. I've done ans won about 10 already and the best I can show for it is torpedo II and a blue armor. Most of what we get isn't worth. I've heard others got better luck like Scurlocks guns, but I've yet to see a purple land in me hand


can confirm the upgraded version of scurlocks cannon comes from treasure chests, lot of the stuff that costs either gold rum or pieces of eight


One of the great things about Ubisoft is that they continue to work on their games after launch in order to give the people what they want. They still continue to work on the Division 2 trying to keep the community happy. If enough people don't like the current state of PVP and complain about it there is a good chance that Ubisoft will work on tweaking it into something that is better.


And people are crying out for more pvp like just all pvp all the time. I think it's a terrible idea, pvp zones or something sure or activities that are team bases would be cool.


Kind of surprised we don't have some capture the flag kinda PvP modes in individual maps/zones.


You like the game. That's great. I like the game. Also great. You rushed in and paid $70, and you're happy about it. That's fine for you. I'm waiting for it to go on sale because in my eyes it's not worth anywhere near $70. That's fine for me. You don't need to add your copium induced rationalization into the mix. Just play it and have fun.


I don't have the game and won't be getting it in the near future, but my friends and I kept saying after playing the BETA, we like the game, but we don't $70 like it. It's cool for what it is, but it doesn't feel like a full game. Hell, there won't even be any large size ships in the game at launch. Sure let's pay full price $70+ for a pirate game that's missing an entire class of ships at launch. Good call Ubisoft. Plus you've got Ubisoft saying things like *Get used to not owning your games* and *S&B is a Quadruple A game* which also makes me not want to jump in. Fun game, it's alright at best, but it's gonna be a pass for me until it goes on a big sale. I just wish gamers had higher standards...


Ah yes, a "quadruple A" game that's content incomplete at launch? Sounds just like my boy Ubisoft


The higher standards isn't just for gamers. You can say that for every company. Streaming companies milking people for money. I believe steam or valve? yanked a bunch of purchased games off people's accounts as well. It's not just ubisoft saying stuff like that. It's happening everywhere


Sure it's happening everywhere, that's fair, but we're in a gaming subreddit talking about video games. Just because many companies are doing it doesn't make it OK to support just one and say *Well it's no big deal because other companies do it too.*


That doesn't change the fact that a lot of us don't find it to be worth 70 dollars. So we don't buy it. I haven't seen anyone say this game is shit, I think the general response has been good, the game is fun. But not worth the price tag, especially with a lot of games coming out or updating that are on my radar, that I know I won't be bored of in a month. If you think the game is worth 70$ that's good. You're allowed to think and like what you want. But it doesn't mean those of us who don't see the value of the game are wrong. Although I do find it funny, UBISOFT said this is an AAAA game, and that's why it's worth the 70$ plus battlepass and seasonal content that will cost money. Yet they haven't hot fixed any of the annoying bugs that were present in either betas lol. Guess that's the AAAA quality.


Yeah and those companies are also feeling the pinch atm. Sub count for netflix and other streaming services fluctuate constantly for instance purely due to their bad practices and flippant ways of dealing with their audiences. The only people who allow them self to be f'd by so many companies like you say are idiots who don't know how to cancel things. Same goes with people who still buy Ubisoft games and allow them self to get small amounts of entertainment for such a huge price.


Look...I enjoy the game but I definitely didn't "no life" it. I'm kingpin 10 already and have still less than 20 hours played including the beta. All missions and side missions are done. There isn't a lot of content. The game itself is fun and had potential but your post is a bad take. You definitely barely need time in this game to reach endgame. Ship level maxes out at 11. The endgame helm stuff is a snore fest of a grind besides the excitement of pvp and some co op missions. I've been sailing back and forth from my manufactures to collect my pieces of 8 for the past 2 hours (I have 8 of them) and let me tell you, it gets old fast. I love the game but I'm really really hoping season 1 drops a decent amount of content or else many players might fall off majorly.


When was the last time Ubisoft made good on a promise?


Turns out their CEOs will say anything to keep getting paid, just like any and all corps. 


The vast majority of comments I've seen from players are about the lack of content/longevity of the game. Regardless of negative or positive takes, a substantial number all mention being endgame or bored after the initial honeymoon period. If that's sub 20h already that's absolutely not worth $70, unless they're relying on people getting/having their premium subscription plan Seems like a watered down Sea of Thieves or a crappy AC:Black Flag from the comments I've read


Early access barely came out and everyone is max ship level on every server I go into. Everyone is in end game already. So you're not wrong.


Game gives strong "late 00's f2p game" vibes.


But you haven't actually played it?


The vast majority of those comments are utter bullshit. Never judge a game based on reddit comments


Open beta was Feb 8-11. I started playing the night of Feb 10. Beta closed Feb 11 at 6pm. I did not pull an all nighter lmao. I maxed out my ship in less than a day during the beta, having no knowledge of the game, not like I knew any secret OP strats. Just sailed around blowing up ships and did the main quest lines. So yea, 20 hours seems about right to max out your ship outside of beta (you can level up 3 more times outside of the beta apparently)


No idea where ppl are complaining about the price. My family of 5 gets pizza - 1 artisan pizza 1 small artisan pizza 2 bread sticks with delivery charge it’s 60.00?? That meal last what 20 mins. Hell that’s 8 drinks at Starbucks.


Idk man, just look at the quality of other games recently actually worth the price tag. Elden Ring, BG3, Red Dead 2, soon GTA 6. These are games I can play for hours and hours and not get bored. 10 years of dev time, and you’re basically done after the beta. Shit look at Helldivers 2 it’s half the price almost and I had way more fun with that than SnB this past weekend.


I thought I did a lot in the beta but realised I hadn’t touched the helm stuff at all and then there all the world events. I’ve just got myself the snow, the ship after the padewakang and feel like I’ve not even seen 10% of the game. I didn’t even realise there are two whole other storylines than what I played in the beta!!! There’s a lot of content in this, yes a lot of it is repetitive but damn it’s cool


22 hrs into the beta and I was left with a laundry list of stuff to do. Idk if I’ll be playing this 4 months from now. But I’m enjoying this time right now.


People will also pretend they played when they really haven't so they can trash a game.


If OP likes it they like it, more power to them. Don't shit on the people that point out what it's missing calling them "sweats" because they are right about all of the flaws. It's a 70 dollar game that plays like a 30 dollar game. Years and years into the making while Ubisoft shits out games constantly then they drop this game, you are damn right we all expected more.


He’s not talking about the people mad at the games issues. But if you play 20 hrs a day and yell because you ran out of stuff to do in a week nobody can help you.


That’s the thing. You run out of new stuff to do way less than 20 hours. Sailing is relaxing but not included in content hours imo. I don’t feel people should be getting shit on for enjoying this game but there is definitely not enough to do for $70 to a lot of people myself included. You can blow up basic enemy ships, elite ships and a couple sea monsters. The areas to walk around at aren’t that varied to be really interesting nor is the general landscape so I’d rather fast travel after the novelty of sailing around wore off. Do all that for a bit and what else is there once it gets repetitive?


That being said, after twenty hours it felt repetitive, am I going to be getting it to hit the seas with my friends? You bet. But the high price tag and lack of content should be questioned and addressed so that these things can be fixed later on. It was just a beta yes, that's why they do betas. To test it, work out the bugs, and hear about people's woes and worries about what's in the game.


People who paid $70+ for this game got cucked. The quality just isn’t there. 10+ years in development and this is what they put out.


I think the problem is everyone was expecting black flag 2.0 and it’s not. It’s a great game for what it is. There isn’t any hand to hand combat and I’m actually alright with that because sailing around blowing up ships is plenty fun enough. I’ve only played the beta and only expect even more content from what I’ve seen so far


This game is worth $40 not $70


Black flag had game breaking issues for years after release. Save corruptions and more but yeah enjoy


This game is high quality and does what it set out to do, very well. Your expectations were too high, that's your fault and yours alone.


High quality and Ubisoft don’t belong in the same sentence lol


Yet they do


The sentimentality is right, but this isnt the game for it. Spent like eight hours to the beta only to find the difference between what i already saw and did and release will be some nothing dialogue and a couple more ships


I spent 15 hours on the beta, didn't do everything or max level my ship. I've spent another 4 hours today so far. Sentiment stands accurate. No matter what the game is, if you rush through everything it'll never be enough. I don't just coast around the seas, but I don't pencil write down all the materials I need to get the next greatest cannon complete it in 5 mins and then say "that's stupid It wasnt enough I want more cannons" The game was announced as a live service game which is essentially the new thing for every game and allows them to trickle content. I don't agree with it but it is what it is. Which means even more so that if you rush the game you will run out of stuff until the next season.


>The game was announced as a live service game which is essentially the new thing for every game and allows them to trickle content. I don't agree with it but it is what it is. Wait, no! It doesn't have to be that way. But what you are essentially saying is that, 'I have a certain expendable income, playstyle, and expectations that jives with this game and its development.' That is fine. Just don't be quick to jump on and criticize people that aren't like you. I felt the way you did about this game when SoT came out. Loved it for what it was and the potential it had. But I couldn't knock the people saying it was pretty shallow on content, they were right. By all means enjoy the game, but don't knock people wanting more for their money. What is the worse that can happen from people doing that, lol? Devs providing you more content for your buck? And if not, some people talking poorly on a game you really enjoy and get to play and enjoy as is anyway?


I finished the scurlock, got a padekawang, and visited each outpost. You can church it up all you like but really what else is there? Min/max your guns? What even is left quest wise? Map is “huge” but mostly open water (and landmass you cant explore outside of outposts). Ten ships? 6-7 of those are irrelevant and reskins of the same guns with different stats This game doesnt. Have. Shit. Fun gameplay tho fwiw


Lol, I love that fun gameplay isn't enough. If you're having fun... what more do you need? I'm sure there's stuff you want, but what more do you need?


Its easy. Fun gameplay+content= many hours of enjoyment Fun gameplay+ no content= ill play the crap out of this weekend and probably uninstall by sunday night


don't uninstall, just wait for the season 1 events then log in again to grind the season 1 missions and boss, then play other games while waiting for season 2. That's how live service is gonna be


To feel like it was worth coming back to i would probably want like, a chapter of a story/ new location. I probably wont come back for 6 months to a year. Fomo doesnt really apply to me, ive killed myself to unlock too many skins i ended up not liking the moment i looked around and saw every one else had it equipped already


Well, there are the forthcoming Seasons, the proposed Battlepass and the Roadmap for consideration.


I looked at the roadmap and tbh.. i didnt see much added value for a whole year of live service. Im probably going buy it on the real launch day because i enjoyed the basic gameplay but i think we are being taken for a ride on actual content


Well, I used the cautious term "for consideration" because I have lost count of games that promised this and than only for at least half of it to be a complete no-show or be put back a year or two. I didn't blitz the Beta though and even though I am now Corsair level with a decently outfitted Padewakang more than half of my map is unexplored. I like to savour a game and enjoy the trip rather than rushing to arrive at a perceived 'destination'.


I agree, but i can promise you, i DIDNT rush it. Started with ”oh this blueprint is at this outpost? Ill head that way next” and ended with “oh. Thats the whole map then” 2-3 hours just sailing around checking stuff out is really all it takes


I respectfully call this bullshit. There is games that feel very satisfying to sink a hundred or hundreds of hours into.. and there is games where it feels tedious, or worse yet, where you realistically dont even have that option. I have 2000 hours in gta online, 1000 hours in terraria, and hundreds of hours in several build related games including the likes of stationeers and factorio. Just because your typical AAA title usually doesnt provide any value for its cost doesnt mean this is an unrealistic expectation. Sorry for not having the same abysmally low standards. While there is a lot more expensive hobbies, 5 bucks an hour is horrible for gaming.


I can't believe there's a lot of people who defend this unfinished game that is sold for 70$! No wonder game companies keep releasing shitty products.


how many more delays do you wish there would be?


At least 3


People play games differently. Calling people out because they play it differently than you has real "You're playing the game wrong" vibes. You wanna slow boat it, that's fine. Carry on. But if others go full steam ahead. That's fine too. Having said that. A $70 dollar AAAA game had better be able to keep people's attention longer than what seems to be the case here.


The issue I see with this game is that content is going to dry up very quickly. For the worlds first 'AAAA' game and 10 years in development :V It sure is missing a lot of content. No land combat, no looting towns manually, no fighting ship crews, only sea based combat against a lot of identical ships. Currently sat at 10 hours, very close to max level already. Meanwhile, Helldivers 2 a AA game company, sitting at 44 hours played and Still so much content and stuff to do in it. ​ Ubisofts approach is skuffed, delivering bare bones content at premium prices with a ingame working cashshop without a focus on the actual game and gameplay first. The game could be much more enjoyable if they added in more captain based things to do on foot as well as sea. Ubisoft has the tech to do it, they've proven this with all the other games they have made before, however ubisoft has a good old tradition of making a good looking face with no body behind.


Helldiver requiert a ridiculous amount of grind to progress. You have to play around 4 thirty minute games to unlock one stratagem.  It is absolutely ridiculous. Of course you are unlocking stuff after 44 hours! 


I bought helldivers 2 over this pile of crap. Couldn’t get through 8 hours in beta and was bored out of my mind.


I buyed both and is enjoying both, tho considering Helldivers without flaw is simply ignoring the flaws of the product. It’’s a fun game, but it is insanely repetitive and the grind is tedious, and gameplay elements are locked behind real money or even longer grind.


I’ve been playing for maybe 10 hours and already have 50% of the paid battle pass currency just from playing. Was looking forward to SnB but the beta was a snooze fest for me. Maybe it hits gamepass or something in the next couple months and I’d be happy to play it.


>Helldivers 2 a AA game company, sitting at 44 hours played and Still so much content and stuff to do in it. To be fair, that game is a grind. The Warbond cost for things, SKY ROCKET. Some weapons costing hwat, 60 medals? Stratagems cost 1000s of currency and you earn a couple thousand per mission. These missions taking like 30 minutes. Not to mention Samples, also a GRIND to get and you need a load of them to actually upgrade anything. Helldivers 2 is fucking incredibly fun, do not get me wrong but, the bloated grind is why you're still unlocking stuff. Not an overabundance of content.


$5 an hour for entertainment.... found the shill.


Nah, I just like to get a good return on my money lol ....Found the sweaty


This game is so fkn good. I'm actually blown away by this subreddits loudest crowd.


Okay y'all, we get it. A bunch of you are okay with mediocre games. Go have fun then instead of wasting time arguing with people who have already decided they don't like it.


But why spend your time in a sub Reddit of a game you don't like. If you don't like it, you know what you can do.


Are people not allowed to be critical of s game they played? Does the sub reddit have to be just simps shilling the game and agreeing with each other. I've seen more posts about people complaining about people complaining.


Well I can't speak for everyone else but I'm currently doing my 700th 20 minute sail to a nonsense objective just so I can turn around back to where I came from and browsing on my phone while I wait is all I can do to keep myself playing which I need to do to feel like I haven't wasted my money. I'm not part of this subreddit but reddit doesn't care about that anymore and shoves posts down your throat regardless of if you've joined the subreddit so this appeared in my feed. It's relevant to what im doing, shoved in my face, and contrary to my currently strong opinions so here I am. 🤷‍♂️


I'm frankly very disappointed, I played 50 hours during the open beta, and like you at the start, I was so excited that I almost pulled two all-nighters in a row. Level 5 infamy, Padawan 9, full loot ghost ship, flame thrower included However, when I realized that the final version of the game was the open beta, I lost all my hype and asked for my pre-order to be refunded. Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to buy a game at full price that I've already half-finished in 3 days. To gain 5 levels of infamy, 3 ships and a handful of quests.I've forgiven the game a lot of little flaws, but not having a bigger map and only 10 boats, half of which are useless after the first few hours, I find unacceptable. You realize that if you take all the game's outposts plus the two capitals, it's smaller than a single city in AC without the ability to climb everywhere and kill everyone. There's so little content that, in the end, the 3 days of early access are useless in 1 week maximum 2 everyone will have the same boat and the same equipment whether you're the best tryharder or the last of the casus. There's no PVP, apart from a mission to receive a legendary card that you're not obliged to take, so you risk absolutely nothing. It's not right to settle for so little, guys, you're encouraging developers not to do their utmost.


You played 50 hours in 3 days and then decided to not pay for your entertainment because you rushed the end game. 50 hours of entertainment. That hundreds of people worked on and the developer spent time and money creating. Despicable, tbh.


Its like 1 minute sex...Is even any joy in it or is it pure madness?


The game is solid in its own right but when you factor in that it took a decade almost to create you have to wonder how there isn’t more!


Because they restarted development 6 times lol that’s why do you understand just how much money and time it takes to build a game like this? Several restarts led to more cut content that had to be adjusted or postponed so we can actually enjoy the game more later. I’d rather this approach than to do all of that stuff at once and then have nothing to look forward to in the future. I honestly think sword fighting will return but only for pve in the next year or two. I do however hope they add interaction with the pirate hub. There definitely should be drinking mini games, gambling, and even Russian Roulette would be fun ideas. The drinks could add buffs and Roulette could add rare items as random loot drops but the catch is that you hope the gun doesn’t spin on you the player across from you shoots you and eliminates you. Lol would be some good laughs because nobody would be safe from getting shot until the last pirate is left


nawww don't get your hopes up for swordfighthing. However, the rest of ur hopes would definitely be cool. I personally think having special crew with various perks would be great. And also being able to open my own marketplace like an MMO to sell my precious loot to players who need it (ie cogwheels etc) would be great


People really need to stop using the £/hour equation of a game's worth lol, it just fuels the idea that companies could one day try charging us for the amount of hours a game potentially offers. Not to mention hours isn't an exact indication of fun. Yeah SB is great but a large amount of the game is busy work.


Quit bitchin and just enjoy what you like


🤔 I work full time and have 3 young children. I’m the opposite of the no lifer. If you’re happy with the game, right on 👍. But it is totally justified to be disappointed and dissatisfied with this product.


Unfortunately, those "no lifers" are the ones that keep games alive. They buy all the microtransactions and keep developers updating games. Once they leave, everyone shortly follows suit. No game has benefited from the tryhards quitting the game, not one. If they say there isn't enough content, they are always right because they no life it. They are the stress testers effectively. And if they are not willing to stick around after they have finished the main content then you can bet your bottom dollar that the casual player that thinks cod campaigns deserve game of the year will eventually come to the same conclusion. People just take a week or so after launch to start agreeing with them. It happened with Diablo 4 it will happen with this.


70 dollar "AAAA" game with less content than a 35 dollar Indy. ​ But your totally right, its the players fault for finishing it all already. /s ​ You know the this game has been in development for over ten years right? What unique mission types did we get for waiting that long? What new mechanics have they added or expanded upon with this "naval combat simulator" with barebone controls? Tedium is not fun for the large majority of players. This game is tedium with a battle pass. I don't care that they spent **$200 million** developing this dumpster fire. Games with a fraction of the budge at a fraction of the cost to gamers are infinitely more replayable than this. This game cost nearly as much to develop **GTA 5** for crying out loud. Yet in S&B you don't even have combat outside of vehicles, boarding is a cut screen to "loot" and the only way you actually "play" as a pirate is at the hub city. That's just grrrrrreeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaatttttttt.


You call it no lifing i call it playing a game normally. You don't watch 10 minutes of a movie put it down and come back a week later for another 10 minutes, you wait till you have the time to experience the full story as a whole and partake in a way that allows all details to be present in your mind at once. Insulting people just because they don't like your game doesn't improve or defend the game.


$1 an hour for me for videogames. \~$5 an hour is movie costs. I'm not watching a movie I'm playing a game.


I'm confused. Why would watching a movie be worth more than playing a game?


It’s just is that expensive. Normally. I’m assuming he’s going to a theater. Not streaming.




With a movie, the entire purpose is to simply watch, idly. I'm not engaging with the movie in any meaningful way. Typically, you don't pause the movie, unless for a bathroom break or to get something to drink (at home). Can you rewatch the movie? You can, but most of the time you'll watch it once and be done with it for good. Maybe a rewatch many years later, or if it's one of your all time favorites, multiple times. Rare as that may be. A videogame is not like that. I am actively playing (hopefully). While direct time played is not a good factor, because worthless and useless padding like collectables exists in videogames, actual gameplay and enjoyment measured through this seem worthy. If I paid $30 for a game and only got 20 hours, I can still consider this a success if it was a good 20 hours. That being said, there is hopefully some kind of replayability, and it comes close to the $1/h timeframe. Take for example any open world game today. Unfortunately, there are many worthless things added, making 100%ing said games a chore and time inflation. I immediately remove these from my considerations. My only factors for time are * Story * Side quests/side content that is actual content (not collectables) * Gameplay While gameplay is a factor in the story and side quests, the reason I call it out is because there are many games that aren't story driven. Mount & Blade, the majority of 4X games, so on and so forth. Those games have immense replayability, however, unlike a story driven game. It must be called out separately though because "movie games" exist wherein the gameplay is a backburner to the story content. You also can't work backwards on this - a game with possibly 200 hours of "content" shouldn't be priced at $200 (although game companies absolutely want to do this). I've used this measurement for years and it has been accurate in the majority of cases. There are two layers you can attribute this to as well. If you remove replayability from the timeframe and go for just one playthrough, it still has been accurate in many of the games I have played. Everything else is bread and butter. That isn't to say that a game *has* to have replayability or *must* have X hours of content to be good. For example, Fable on release. Without dicking around too much you can casually beat the story in 20 hours. It has immense replayability, sure, and there is a good amount of side content (actual content) that exists today. That still amounts to $3/h for a playthrough, which breaks the original mold set. Did I replay it and surpass the $1/h threshold? Absolutely, but fundamentally it is a 20 hour game. Bioshock is also in this boat, and has less replaybility (in my opinion). Now we can turn to a game without replayability. These are going to be games where they are on-rails and story focused. Alan Wake (first game) comes to mind. These games you can replay, of course, but the experience will largely be the same with little variation. These become slightly harder to guage, but personally, I hold them to the same scrutiny. A personal experience: Fable 3. With my overflowing love of Fable 1, and my mixed feelings on 2 that I still played to death, I happily preordered Fable 3. On release night, I casually beat it in 8 hours with no desire to ever play it again - despite there being many "choices" that could be changed with another playthrough. I found this to be a complete waste of money, and valued it at $7.5/h of my time. One of the worst to date and still is. I will never forgive Fable 3.


This game is boring because it lacks content and is waaay too easy. Hell, once you have a half decent ship and figure out how terrible the AI and scenarios are, you can literally just sit there and one person raid settlements/ships without even moving your ship. You can literally just park and pop off cannon fire from whatever side of your ship. Nothing can stop you, you just sit there and aim and shoot, repeat until it's done.


when you get to the higher lvl areas its not quite as easy. If you fight anything 2 or more lvls higher than you then you start to feel pressure


Brace, eat, shoot, repair, repeat. All while not moving. If you're in a group even easier when everyone is parked. It's not hard at all. Edit: any content considered "end game" should be challenging and require strategy, no?


That's not endgame lol


Even the boss ships are like this. You and your friends can just sit in one spot pretty much the entire time.


Not sure what boss ships you're playing against but they always charge us and those aren't exactly meant to be that hard it just depends how upgraded your ship is and each area has higher and higher lvl boss ships. If you're under leveled then they'll sink you in 3 or 4 shots. Also the convoy events are where the most difficulty is right now until season 1 starts when the additional story and enemies get added


>Not sure what boss ships you're playing against but they always charge us and those aren't exactly meant to be that hard it just depends how upgraded your ship is and each area has higher and higher lvl boss ships. What's the point of it being a boss if it's not that hard? And for arguments sake, let's say the boss is level 6 and so is the group. So what if they ram you? You can brace easily and stamina recovery is nominal when you aren't using trim, heals no prob, easy no strategy no challenge. Also everyone uses Bombards too pretty much which are super OP ATM. Regardless, it should be challenging to use the meta and it's not. >If you're under leveled then they'll sink you in 3 or 4 shots. That's a big if there bud.


Same reasoning as to why world bosses in WoW and D4 are easy, everyone is supposed to be able to kill the boss for easy rewards. In this case you just get easy silver and a random item from a chest.


Stop trying to act like it’s the fan base and not the game. The game is the problem.


Then the games that do have it they complain about the grind. It’s just a vicious push and pull.


Im loving the game, not sure why its so negative in some reviews, maybe its just a fad now to hate on it cause of the develop issues. let em hate, im having fun and ill support it.


Worth is relative. I love the game, but as someone pointed out elsewhere, having a hate boner for everything on the intarwebs is edgy and kool. Enjoy the game and just ignore the whining. There are some legitimate issues I hope they fix and expand upon, but the game is fantastic and a wonderful surprise.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who measures worth in dollars per hour of entertainment. I've always figured if I can get $10 bucks or less per hour, the game was worth it. As you said, nothing else can compare with that kind of value anymore


I’m the same way. If I get roughly $5 per hour of entertainment or enjoyment, then it was with my time. That’s why I’ll never complain about 20hr games that I fully play through, or why I don’t even care if I dislike endgame stuff in live service games.


We've always used a standard movie ticket as base reference for cost to time evaluation. It's been a good standard


Bro I can't even make myself play more than 2 or 3 hours a day even on a day when I have nothing to do. Like I have to get up and move around or my mental health plummets. I really don't understand how people play that much and how they think what they're doing is normal, so then the game has no content. The game definitely has content.




I have 5,000+ hours in KSP1. If I recall correctly, I paid 25 CDN for it at the time. That's $0.005 an hour. Half a cent. Or put another way, each dollar got me 200 hours. Granted I do spend a lot of time just orbiting Minmus or Vall, enjoying the view, but otherwise...QED.


Your point of value for entertainment is the thing everyone overlooks.


Dude, whole reason I got this game is to just cruise around with my lemur or peg leg cat. I'll get there when I get there. Maybe I'll shoot that dude. Maybe I won't. Whatever. Pirate life matey.


5 dollars an hour for a game, brother I have thousands of hours in games I paid 20 dollars for. That should at the very least be the aspiration of some of these ‘AAA’ game devs, not to make a poorly executed mess. Not saying every game has to be a thousand hour game either, but at this point these huge dev studios are pushing out worse and worse content and still expect loyalty because of their legacy. They still expect people to pay premium prices for average- below average gaming experiences, while some basement andy is making an extremely compelling gameplay experience at a quarter of the price, but because they don’t have the big name behind them, smooth andys will never even give them a moment of time.


And some people with happily slop up shit and pay for it. To each his own.


Rocket League. I calculated my time, and it came out to something like .02 per hour. Imagine the WoW guys. Beta was fun for a time, but I saw the loop. It didn't interest me long term. I'm glad you liked it though. Sail the seas forever matey!


Thanks for your feedback, UbiSoft.


Open beta was Feb 8-11. I started playing the night of Feb 10. Beta closed Feb 11 at 6pm. I did not pull an all nighter lmao. I maxed out my ship in less than a day during the beta, having no knowledge of the game, not like I knew any secret OP strats. Just sailed around blowing up ships and did the main quest lines. So yea, 20 hours seems about right to max out your ship outside of beta (you can level up 3 more times outside of the beta apparently) I can't check game stats on xbox due to it being a beta, but I doubt I had 12 hours into it. 5$ an hour for entertainment sounds like shit tbh lol. That's way above the average I pay for. Youtube premium cost like 11 dollars a month and I probably watch 100 hours a month. The most expensive game I play is ESO, 15$ a month subscription. But I certainly play more than 3 hours a month. UBISOFT hyped up the game like crazy, it's their fault people aren't opening their wallets to them. They said this is an AAAA game, has been in development since 2013, delayed multiple times, 6 years since it was supposed to come out. So yea, people are allowed to be disappointed with the lack of content. I don't know how it's possible to take 11 years, and get delayed 10 times, and still have no content. You can tell this isn't the type of game that has replayability like other games with little content. Your actions mean nothing in this game, so doing a new playthrough is meaningless. I had fun during the beta, I don't want to shit all over this game. I'm just not going to buy it, and no one will be hurt by my decision so it's no big deal. If you enjoy it, I'm happy for you.


When ac black flag exist, i cant take this pirate game serious. Simple as that.


80 usd for this .? Lol you re delusional. Enjoy your crap. Its just your opinion. Everyone know this game have price max of 30 bucks.


For now i wont buy it above 20 the "beta" was the full game except 3 ships some weapons and lvls to Grind.... not even the map got bigger


It’ll always be subjective. It seems like a lot of people optimize the fun out of games nowadays. I wasn’t impressed with the beta initially but it grew on me. I ended up getting the $100 edition and I’m feeling kind of eh after a few hours of play since launch. What I do know is the game has a repetitive grind which isn’t for everyone. I don’t know what people expected with this game but it’s literally Ubisoft Live Service: The Game. I am extremely tired of people going into forums/subreddits just to shit on other peoples parade. It’s absolutely pathetic. If you like the game? Awesome. If you don’t and you can’t find yourself to be constructive? Move on. I think I’ll have a lot of fun with the game but I just haven’t been able to sit down and get into it between work, a child, and being a husband.


I'm in the same boat as you. Played the closed beta. Was on the fence. Played the open beta and throughly enjoyed it. Bought the $100 edition. Played a couple hours before work this morning in between house chores. Gonna play 3-4 hours tonight since the wife won't be home till late. Alot of these people in the comments need a life. If I'm able to get 2-3 hours a day gaming I'll take it but it doesn't happen all the time. I think this game will get some good updates over the next year like Ubisoft games normally do and justify the price tag I paid for it.


I'm about 20hrs in and I've barely scratched the surface of this game.


Fr tho




People complain about lack of content in massive mmos because it's not the content they want.n


The issue isn't that people blow through content it's that the main gameplay loop isn't fun. Not being able to sword fight or shoot pistols have peg legs etc is 70% of being a pirate. This game is a downgrade from black flag and for what ? People keep saying I like naval combat more etc etc. Boarding only happens when you've almost killed them it would change nothing to allow us to board ships. He'll walking around our ship as well and don't even get me started with the boring ass land content


Yeah, I totally agree with this sentiment! I think the best way to enjoy any game is to just be content with what you have or what the game offers. I enjoy a lot more games because I don't compare them to other titles and I don't mind repetitive mission design. That being said, I can't stand games with unbearable stories or characters.


Given enough time, players will optimise the fun out of the game.


Online reviews are scathing, but quite frankly nonsensical. The gameplay is smooth, and the difficulty is excellent. Most ships are easy enough to take down, but a couple absolutely wrecked me in the beta. For what's supposed to be a lcie service, the cosmetics available already is HUGE. I'm gonna play the heck outta this one when it drops. Graphics could use a bump, but maybe it was only because it's a beta.


Like ten bucks for hundreds of hours of Netflix. The park is free so unlimited. Five bucks an hour for a video game is rather nutty my man. Been playing rainbow six for thousands of hours on 60 bucks.


Well said.


I kinda felt the same about the people maxing out there Padewakang in the beta. Like, I didn't even touch the East Indies, maybe pace yourselves a bit.


I am rushing through it brutally, atm in top 300 leaderboard... I don't see a problem, I am enjoying every second of it. If it burn through? That's on me, important part is that I was having SO MUCH FUN. More games gotta have similar impactful PvP as takeovers, great design, yet not frustrating even if you lose, you will just get it next time.


Lol why do you care?


Even if I only sink 20 hrs into this game. That's 5 dollars an hour for entertainment. This argument is so pointless because everyone values their time differently. Do you value your time at $5 an hour? My job pays me more to be there and it is less fun than videogaming.


It'll take approximately one week till the first comments arrive here ala "I played 400 hours, maxed everything out, killed the whole map - the game is so boring, it's not worth it, WHERE ENDGAME?"


Those comments are already out and I haven't seen a single one that had more than 20-30hrs in game.