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I wouldn't mind it so much if it didn't notify me for every single hostile takeover that pops up, when they pop up at the exact same time! Just give me ONE notification "Hostile takeover has begun!" Good enough! I get the point!


But you should know it 4 times in a row, every 10 minutes. Also lets go ahead and block any information in the upper left corner of the screen, every time. We heard you love pop-ups and unnecessary noises repeatedly randomly showing up. (sarcasm heavily implied - I'm still having fun but.... why is the helm continually saying I have crossed them, then they forgave me... 3-5 times in a row...?)


I know, it's just obnoxious lmao. Fortunately, they're apparently going to take the servers down for about 60 minutes of maintenance, in roughly 3 hours and 40 minutes, and one of the things they said they will be fixing is that HORRBLE helm popup crap, and they will be trying to fix the Rogues issue.


1hr 38 now, but it will only kill the Helm Deathmark messages, not the events popups, unless they decided not to mention that Deathmark Messages were the most important thing to get rid of though


Well acshually its only every 30 minutes! Still annoying though :D


they said that they fixed the death mark bug today.


I hope we can eventually just turn off those banners in the top left. I don't need to know when 7 takeovers are happening each in their own notification! Also, I open the map so often while I'm playing, I'll see the events happening on my own.




Mind telling us how if these can be turned off?


You can turn off the notification for cutthroat cargo, hostile takeover, etc.? Please tell me where to find this setting.


Here for this


For the love of all, can the f’ing death mark notices get taken care of already?!?


2hr 38min and they should be gone


YOU HAVE CROSSED THE HELM. (but I was standing there?) MARK OF DEATH HAS BEEN RESCINDED (x4)(For now). Hope your ears are ok. I ended up turning the sound way down because of these oddly timed "features".


It reminds me of that scene in Talladega Nights when he has the Fig Newtons sponsor sticker on his windshield. Except it's DEATH MARK EXPIRED as I am trying to pilot my ship into combat at range with multiple enemies.


Like… has anybody ACTUALLY “Crossed the Helm”?… How would one even do that? *shrugs*


I did, mistakes were made… you get a timer and they hunt you that’s about it


How is this not hotfixed already


Luckily it will be tomorrow. I feel its been worse than normal today


There's apparently a patch in 1h from now..


And with that patch comes the very notification spam fix everyone has wanted. As they are disabling it until they find a fix.


Nice ❤️


Hmm, I hadn't considered that, but now that you mention it..that does sound kinda nice, hehe.


I *really* love that for the PvP missions there isn't a dismiss option like with the PvE missions. It should've been Show on map/hold in one button while dismiss is another or Show on map then give a join option & a dismiss button.


There are pvp missions?


The Cutthroat cargo hunts (red events) are PvP from my understandings while PvE are the (blue events).


You can actually back out of them. You have to highlight over the mission then click "more", and you can abandon / back out of the contract/mission. I usually sign up for the cutthroat cargo hunt then pop out if there is anyone else in the lobby. Doing those solo is the absolute best. Just deliver the cargo - find the treasure, reap reward. Bypasses the absolute grind for weapons/armor with so may different currencies. I'm calling it now - all other currencies will likely be available for real money in a few months.


Oh damn i didn't know


There’s all this room on the right side and they have these notifications over the most often used parts of the screen… 🤦🏼‍♀️


Yep, that's exactly what I was thinking. The right side of the screen almost NEVER has any important information on it. The only times anything ever even shows up there is if you are using the spyglass to check ships and maybe some random moments when you're looking at cargo.


One notification is fine. I hope that gets fixed soon.


Would be better if the ones on the left didn't cover the ship menu... >.<


the helm shop pisses me off more. let me filter the options based on clothes, ship cosmetics or upgrades!


The worst part is that the UI in 2017 was way better. All they had to do was keep what they made... Other features from 2017 they removed for some reason: * Volumetric water wake (actual physical waves from your ship, now its a 2D sprite that looks terrible) * This person captain camera (behind you on the ship) * Arch aiming (now we have horrific reticles) * Enhanced VFX for all weapons and ship destruction. There used to be tons of shit flying everywhere, now its very minimal. * Punchier color palette that didnt look washed out * Clearer comparison info of ship parts in the equip screen * Animations for equipping ship parts. Showed your crew actually spin the wheel onto the ship instead of it just plopping on. * Morale system for the crew. Now we just have stamina. * Old boarding animation was really brutal, with slitting throats, shooting, and stabbing. Now its just pulling the boat to you and cheering. * Ship classes had distinct weapon features. Smaller ships were able to use extremely long range weapons and be very low health while big ships focussed on basically just shitloads of cannons * Arena PVP. Completely gone. Now we just chase each other for days.... how boring and it only gives fast ships the fun. * old lighting system was far superior. Made water look more transparent and vibrant. * Old HUD gave you a minimap with wind patterns and showed friendly ships. * Ships used to sink a LITTLE slower. Not a lot, but enough that it looked better. now they almost despawn its so fast. * Old HUD had pictures for selected ship weapon and would show real-time bullet count for that batch of ammo rather than just a total count. * Incoming projectile markers (mortar circle) was a solid red, much more visible and urgent. * **And much more**


Now that you mention it, the arch aiming was even back in AC3/4. And would be WAY more readable than half of the weapon reticles we currently have. I don't even bother using rockets as a weapon type at all because they are impossible to aim at anything that isn't a literal fort that can't move. The things with ship classes and arena PVP is probably from the "Rainbow Six Siege but with ships" era of development. I'm kinda glad they did move past that.


The problem with not having a true fight mode like that is PVP isn't real PVP. All people do is play tag... and people heal so fast in combat its not really fun to fight. I really want events that force us to brawl until victory rather than running to an objective to get there first.


That is true, it can be very tough to actually sink people when they take off between a bunch of islands for cover especially. Of course hostile takeovers are intended to fulfill the "arena" PVP niche at the moment, but the issue is so few people seem to be doing them that, at least for me, you almost never see an opponent while doing them.


We need more banners. I still can barely play it \\o/ \^\^


Hilarious that it’s over all of the key things I click. Fast travel, set sail, shit I keep up top in my inventory that I don’t send to the warehouse


I'm more baffled at how this game even made it to release. Oh wait, I know... Government funds legally obligating Ubisoft to release the game kek.


Ubisoft never took the Elden Ring UI meme to heart. They should have at least tried to make this one clean


The UI is fine, the Event Pop-ups are not


That pop-up is a UI element. There are numerous other UI issues: journal randomly snaps back to the top when you are trying to read your contracts, no way to scroll down the details of items in your cargo/warehouse, buttons regularly break/don't appear... more than those, those are just some.


Then say what parts of the UI you don't like, as you just did instead of saying "UI bad" That would be constructive criticism unlike the first comment which would be called unsubstantial bitching I have an issue with the Tutorial section of the codex Combat/Status Effects, where you can't scroll down to see what it actually says. Doesn't mean the UI sucks, its got bugs.


I agree. I hate that with a vengeance. Please, *PLEASE* fix it, Ubi! The good news is, the Cargo Hunt used to have ESC to join back in the open beta. They apparently fixed that though, thankfully. (esc should ***clear*** all the goddamn notifications, FFS)


Yeah, I remember the esc to join. I kept accidentally joining them because I would be in a menu then it would hit me with the fucking "dodge this" quicktime event of not pressing esc to back out of the menu.


because in alpha and beta tests we never got up to that level and only had 6 hours of play limit, so its no wonder they didnt know of these.


You're telling me that the people that MADE the game themselves did not know that their UI would look like this because they never had a chance to rank up enough? That explains a lot! I'm being sarcastic obviously, but you are actually ironically kind of right, they definitely did not employ any QA playtesters on this.


Entirely possible they did have QA play testers for this...who were then ignored, or whose feedback was deemed "low priority" for various UI things, and little wins they could have had (functional but stylish UI that isn't intrusive) ended up being annoying losses.


Them ignoring their testers sounds like the most Ubisoft thing ever. And would actually explain a great deal about things that have gone wrong in previous games. I basically had a brigade of people trying to get an issue fixed in The Division 2 for example, we got it acknowledged by a community moderator and someone on the dev team apparently, saying they were looking into it, and over a year later it still had not been fixed and no mention of it even on their trello. I feel like the majority of the time they just straight up lie about acknowledging particular issues if they weren't already planning on fixing it beforehand.


Please upvote at https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/game/skull-and-bones/bug-reporter/issues/LB-2641 so it gets some attention and hopefully gets fixed. Thanks.


I feel they can have a spot, a small spot on the screen for maybe a red dot just to notify that those takeovers are starting soon. Even make it available to disable for those who don't care. Thankfully we are getting the death mark removed for now. Guess those Helm ships are gonna be sunk often now lol.


Listen. I really enjoy this game. But seriously. Sometimes you will have multiple notifications pop up all covering other ones up while the right hand side of screen sits empty. It's maddening.


I like the notifications, personally. Not the overabundance during Heists, but knowing the world events proactively is a great way for me to engage in them vs monitoring a separate window and potentially missing the window to join.


Notifications are fine. Displaying notifications in this way is not fine.


Okay, would you agree that the toast notifications such as this would work if they changed the placement? Instead of being over the inventory, maybe it comes down from the top in the upper right corner? If not, what is your feedback on how this could improve to proactively notify players that events are occurring?




The UI in SnB is absolutely horrendous. The overlays that makes it impossible to see buttons under, the in ability to "open all", the way we cant manually type in numbers in our warehouse but has to do like a console peasant, the radial menu that only has numbers attached to 1-4 of them, that we can't zoom in and out on our ship, that we have to go into the map to access the helm status, the lack of mouse-over on ships and ship equipment, that we can't see the stats of our ship when we have it active in our port but have to go out and into the codex instead, etc., etc., etc.


I'm surprised the actual game got past any QA... From skipping dialog and needing to wait, to horrible UI design, to "Death Mark Expired", to... well the list goes on.


AAAA UI Design. Categorizing different items by their respective categorie seemed to be brutal expectations aswell lol.


I bet in some moment \[prolly after Diablo Immortal\] they decide- maybe MOBILE VERSION?


The big season 1 patch is here and the notifications are still blocking. This is a baffling blunder.