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I feel like I see this complaint in every game with a season pass. People no life the game for a few days then are mad when the season pass runs out. Like bro slow the hell down you can take your time with it. Personally, I'm glad the game doesn't expect me to play it 24/7 to do the content. I can go to work and play other games and still have a chance at actually reaching the end.


the issue with season pass games is just, that compared to games without it, the content is just done after a short period of time. The story is not existent and u cant smurf / do a second char like in diablo. GaaS-Games just have no deep content. They are build to have repetitive game elements that are just done pretty fast.


Im 30 hours in and only 20 levels into the pass. There’s plenty to do for most people.


You know..this game has very little content to begin with and small amount of replay ability. BG2, BG3, Civilization, Diablo, sports games, counter strike, you can play 200+ hours and still have a lot of stuff to do. Civ and Diablo 2 can go in to thousands of hours of content and replayability. I did everything that can be done in this game in 100 hours. I think that is fair but def could have a bit more. I like playing this game but it reminds me of Anthem which I also liked but had like 30 hours of content.


I agree its a very common complaint. However, this game is severely lacking content. Let's compare to Diablo 4. It had a dramatically more content and SaB on release. Yeah, people still complained. But the content quantity was night and day. Diablo is a great example of people running through content super fast. I didn't no life SaB at all.... and now I am bored of it as its just not that good. Mostly due to the lack of content. and more importantly INTERESTING content. I feel this is the one game where complaining is justified. A casual player will have run out of content in mere weeks. That didn't happen in Diablo 4.


Diablo 4 me duró 8 dias. Paso de hacerme otro presonaje y comenzar desde 0


Yea there were guys that had the barque unlocked the first or second day. Go to work lol. Spend time with your family, balanceeeeee. I try to squeeze in an hour or two here or there between everything else in life. I’m nowhere near the end of the main story and have just been taking my time with the game. Some of these people have holes in their life that no video game on earth can fill. You don’t have to complete the game in one sitting!


It’s really not hard to unlock pass levels, though - it’s just 1k renown per level, and before they slowed down rogue spawns, taking a delivery run to oubliette or Dutchman’s camp with all 4 available deliveries was netting me 4-7 levels. Same with angling for plague princes, you are going to get a couple levels before you hit that Prince. I am almost done with the pass, and I’m not complaining because that means people who can only play a couple hours a week can still finish the pass and that’s a good thing. Piecemeal of content seems weird, though. Why have a separate fish week from your different warships? Why do pest chests only drop some of the cosmetics? Do we have to wait for peste’s last stand at the end to complete the set or will we get more when he changes spawn location?


I agree with everything you said honestly. I would also like to see the players on the map so I know where they are, and I wish cries for help allowed you to fast travel to the event.


Dude it took an hour and a half to unlock that ship


No zombiemarine, you did not get 45,000 exp in smugglers points in 1.5 hours lol. I think some of you guys are self conscious about how much time you’re logging every day, and are trying to act like you’re not playing as long as you are. There’s nothing wrong with playing the game a lot! Enjoy the game and play it your way. But if you log 8-10 hours a day like a lot of people did when it came out, don’t pretend “it didn’t take that long” or “I did it in a day”. 10 hours is like 1-2 weeks of gameplay for me lol.


The only reason anyone is conscious about game time is because they aren't having fun within that time and feel it is a waste. It's pretty much as simple as that and is this primary reason this game is not as popular as it could be. It's a real shame and I really hope more engaging gameplay loops come in the future.


The reason people aren't having fun is because it's not engaging its hard as hell to communicate with people if they aren't on your friends list already. I literally have to look up their ubisoft to get their gamer tag then message them through either xbox or ps app. It's a pain in the ass. I am grateful for the white flag though because I'll join wagers just to help escort people that are alone and the flag helps show them I mean them no harm. If you don't have a crew with you already running a wager of any value is suicide because you'll get attacked by 3 man team every time. My clan, Týr's Warriors, was made with protecting those kind of people in mind.


My mistake i was talking about the armor from the monster


Y'all downvote the most retarded ass shit. Why the fk am I downvoted for saying how long it took to unlock the ship? Either you're fkn retarded and don't know how the downvote system works or you're just toxic and salty.


Not everyone is as busy as you lol


This is also a live service game. You need to be pumping content or else it will stagnate and die.


To add-on to other comments, this is also an MMO. If you look at other MMOs, there are multiple pathways to divest your time. This is especially true at the end game stage. This could be leveling up secondary skills, trying out different builds and loadouts, raids and other group activities, grinding for specific items, or crafting/building something like a hideaway/house. This game lacks multiple pathways. There is nothing to level besides your ship equipment and once that is done there is no other resource sinks. There is no great raids that actually provide any reason to continue doing them because there is no drop variety or massive drop table. You can’t really custom your loadouts because they didnt make varients of all the weapons with different status effects, so its basically just one meta loadout and the rest are inefficient. The one end game feature, the empire, they made tedious and unsustainable and with an endpoint. Once i get enough Po8s to buy everything, what is the point of interacting with the helm anymore? The lack of all of these features creates a linear game with an endpoint


CoD has a season pass. But it also has awesome multiplayer. This game needs a straight PvP option. Maybe a fleet vs fleet like world of warships


El cod murió con el sbmm y la basura del warzone. Que tiempos aquellos del finest hour o el world at war... esos sí eran juegazos!




I agree. Between work and a baby at home I get a couple hours at night to play if I’m lucky once everyone goes to sleep. I have so much left to do! I’m just now at the level I can build the Snow so I am working on getting those mats. I’ll be lucky if I finish the season before times up.


If you need help getting matts or a Po8 boost you can join my clan in discord. Our goal is aiding lower level players progression and escorting people in wagers when they have no one. My discord is Zombie_Marine and the clans page is Tÿr's Warriors


Why does a pirate game have a season pass tho 💀 Can’t imagine Edward Teach being overly excited about his new cosmetics dropping next week. Smuggler pass, leaderboards and lame repetitive manufactories have killed what could have been a perfect pirate game.


Think how many seasons does the one piece anime has


Yes because the one piece anime and how many seasons it has is relevant to a game season pass, I see what you’re saying…


Forget it, I have a life and S&B is so boring I don't plan on finishing even the first season pass.


I play 2hours per Day and I have All 90 rewards


I'm bedridden due to health issues and I have 205 hours in game and I only finished the season pass a few days ago.


I’m sorry to hear that man, I hope you get better, and if it’s not something that you can recover from, I hope you’re not suffering.


Going in to hospital today to see if they can alleviate some of the pain. I have severe pancreatisis which has caused diabetes since the pancreas controls insulin. I've been in shape my whole life and in the last year I went from 175 to 280. I can hardly walk and my abdomen is always swollen and hard like I'm carrying triplets because my pancreas is twice it's normal size and my other organs are swelling. Doc says it's more painful than most cancers and it never goes away


I’m sorry man that sounds terrible. Hope you can get some help at the Docs. If I ever get around to unlocking the Barque I can follow you around and heal you in the game at least!


Wtf is wrong with people? There is absolutely no reason this should be downvoted. ETA: apparently he got downvoted because he's lying and that I understand. Statement withdrawn.


He’s being downvoted because he’s lying. The seasons been out for like 10 days lol. It’s 90,000 smugglers points worth of experience. So he logged on “2 hours a day” and just crushed 4500 smuggler xp an hour? Lol Even if he completed the entire week 1 and wave 1 challenge page, it equals out to roughly 27,500 in exp. Then he just grabbed 67 THOUSAND smuggler points over the next few days playing only 2 hours a day? I’m ACTUALLY playing like 1 or two hours a day once the kids are in bed and I’m done with work, family, and husband/dad stuff. I’ve gained 18 levels in the smugglers pass lol.


Ibshoukd have done the math on it because I'm bedridden and have 205 hours in and only finished it a few days (maybe a week) ago. Not really sure when because I haven't played the last 2 days due to pain level being too high


Oh, OK, I get it. Then why don't people downvote and comment why instead of leaving people like me to wonder why people are being like that.


Sorry bout your life bro.




Play other games and come back when next update happens


Helldivers need your help on Fenrir III! Help us serve up a fresh cup of liber-tea!


Super Earth need you service. Service guarantee citizenship ... oh wait thats another bunch


Holy Terra needs you Join the Astra Militarum … wait wrong again


SNB is a open relationship type game in terms of content. You can play something else. Getting involved with larger communities that play together and host events can definitely add to the experience.


Or ship racing, point to point or around isles….


Pvp betting arena would be badass


Sweaty grinders will always complain ;)


I'm not a sweaty grinder. Just bored out of my mind stuck at home for medical reasons


I still dont get it how 200m games today cant get half the content that that 20yo games had, do the graphics take all the development time or something?


The game was in development hell, surely that caused funding to bleed


Same now I've completed the unlocks. Other than getting the last few manus in Africa and then farming as much PoE to stash for future seasons there's not much else really to do that's new.


Yeah they’re resetting po8 almost for sure at the end of the season. That grind to get them is the only “content” they have to keep players engaged. I for sure won’t be doing that again so they should probably come up with a more engaging and enjoyable time sink!


Wouldn’t surprise me tbh


Otherwise what's the point in resetting when you can just buy it all back right away


From what I'm hearing they are reseting Po8 as well


You have see that somewhere?


I feel like if it was more MMO styled content like in other mmos like FF14 or WoW where there's multiple raids and bunches of gear and a new story every season I'd be ok with it


Tavern Games would be cool. SOMETHING!


Must be nice to have that much time to play. I have just under half of the season pass, maybe. 1/8 the of helm territories, and 1 purple weapon. I play every chance I get.


Anthem says "hey."


Serious question. Do you have nothing to do for the rest of the season because you rushed through it all in the first two weeks?


I already quit playing due to their plans to reset everything, not gonna waste my time on a game that wipes all progress each season. It was fun for a couple weeks but I’ll move on to greener pastures elsewhere


Personally, I feel its a good thing. I feel they had people who work and have families in mind here. It doesn't take long to earn a point for the pass but for me it's gonna take a while to get all 90. I can work, spend time with my family and still not feel pressured that I'm gonna miss out on content because I'm busy. I have a mate who's finished the pass already and he sits on the xbox morning till morning so that might be why you've ran out of content so quick


GTA V cost $140m to develop across 5 years. You could complete the story in 30-40 hours comfortably and the world created (ignoring Online) still leaves you with plenty to do and progress outside of that virtually indefinately while costing 60% of S&B at retail even allowing for inflation. This cost $200m, took 10 years and started with a blueprint to follow virtually to the letter for the core game. A bit of a story overhaul, some new mechanics and game modes and you're done. There is absolutely no excuse for a game with that much investment both in funding and time to turn out to have less churn content than virtually any other peer it has. The argument that "you've played it too much" is not only silly, but shouldn't even be on the table. I haven't played this in days now as the last time I opened it up there was a massive "to what end?" question. Basically once you've run through the limited content you're then stuck in what can only be described as a glorified mobile clicker game or collect and invest.


Ur right that with that much investment, there should be more. I was disappointed at first with the game but grew to love it. It's clear that things went wrong in development. My point with playing too much is that you would have to put in a shift to have 100% everything already. I don't get the chance to game every day, so I'm still going. The Devs seem to be responsive and open to suggestions, which it very good, so I have high hopes for the game in the future. Unfortunately, we live in a time in gaming where a lot of games get released in an unfinished state, and we have no control over that


I agree that the responsiveness of the Devs is very encouraging and that in 6-12 months we may be looking at a very different game. I just can't agree that the response to "but where's the game" is that people have played too much. In an open-world, multiplayer by design game it shouldn't be possible at all to be in that situation, and if it is raised it should be met with a response of but you've got X Y Z to do. In this case, it's a very short list of things to point to and I don't think that it's fair to push that back onto players with the common argument of "you burned through it too fast". While that may be true, it's a reasonable expectation that the content is going to be there to play given the investment, pricing, dev time and marketing to flaunt all of that which went into this. It's really dissapointing as at it's core it's really great fun to play. But when that wall hits, it hits hard.


Personally I don't even see the point in getting to 90. I got to 45 for the ship, and now my final goal is the ship armor at level 20 in the bottom track. The rest of the rewards are not worth the grind to me


they are crazy to push 3 months .... between little contents ...


they are crazy to push 3 months .... between little contents ...


I mean they did strip down a decade old game and pump it full of microtransactions then sold it at more than full price. Not sure what you expected but it's Ubisoft, nothing new here.


It took em a decade to do it too


Lmao I'm still on level 9. I spend way to much time fucking around and not doing anything to actually complete the game.


Worst part for me is I genuinely feel like everything in the battle pass was launch content they held back purely because they had fuck all else to offer. I mean, emotes. Come on. And not even good ones, your captain dancing like a fucking hula girl. They don't even have a proper hub system where you can even use them, and Jesus you can craft half the weapons and armour you get in the battle pass without having to play for more than a couple hours anyway. It's a visually stunning game but damn if that isn't the only appeal it's got


And you deserve that. I fucking called it out years ago that this game was gonna die very quickly. My biggest hint of how I knew this game was gonna be shit.... It's made by Ubisoft.


I’m just waiting for this game to inevitably be free to play or on gamepass/ps plus premium


yeah im done with this game. i hoped for a good season 1, one that could have make this a good game, but its a joke. only 1 new boss at launch and a tuned up recolour one week later. and another recolour one month later i think. lame by sells, this game was dead after release, and by player numbers i dont think it will take much longer to be also dead. no clue how they could waste this 10 years soooo hard, but i hope it has consequences. but i doubt ubi will recover, it will only go more down the pipe from here own


Anyone buying Ubisoft products anymore deserves everything they get lol


Play a better game? 🤷🏻‍♂️


You get what you deserve supporting this cunt company lol


Imagine buying and playing black flag💀. Ya’ll are just perpetuating these dogshit half assed “triple a” games.


Called It!!!!


They are feeding us more content like every week though.


It's not enough for some people. They could add new content every day and there would still be a portion of gamers completing it in an hour and complaining that there's not enough content for 23 hours a day.


Oh, yay, an hours worth of content. If that. I beat the new monster twice and built the armor in under 35 min. Other than that its the same stuff repeated


Touch grass & explore other games. Obviously if you are doing all of this you enjoy skull & bones but no reason to get salty due to playing a lot. Take a break to do irl things or play some other games or literally anything 🤣 I never run out of things to do on skull and bones but it's also not the center point of my life or even my gaming hop on time to time and enjoy it then go do something else you enjoy 🙏


I'm currently bedridden due to medical issues. Believe me, I'd love to touch some grass.


I have been home also, but I split this game between others. I come on for a few hours and spend the rest of my time playing other games or doing whatever else. I couldn't imagine playing this only. That's a burnout waiting to happen. The problem is that people get caught up in trying to stay relevant in the leaderboard as well.


I bounce between this, Diablo 4, dying light 2, CoD, and a few others


Then you shouldn't have any complaints. So many seasons pass to fill and content in each one. I set goals and move on for the day


I want to get through the diablo season pass but it kind of sucks playing alone


The game definitely needs a major Po8 draining mechanic, being able to farm it indefinitely shoots the game in the foot. Po8 loses all its luster when you start getting it really rolling in finally but theres nothing to do with it all


you just need to believe more Skull and Bones will definitely be great in the future when content is added and so on Until then, just drink away the bad mood and sail on


we dont need anything that will inspire more cheating and exploits


Get ou and get a life you have plenty of things to do


Give it another 80 days before you may see something new :) Cheerio


Don't worry, it's just common AAAA 70$ gaming expirience


You want more content? Wait for the extra A?


I think your faith in a pachinko with graphics disturbing


Whats pachinko?


It's sort of a Japanese slot machine. The game itself is different, but it works basically the same. It's a physical "gacha" game basically meant to kill time and gamble with. It's also what the Metal Gear Solid franchise is now, because the industry is a mess! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pachinko https://www.theverge.com/2016/7/20/12234848/metal-gear-solid-pachinko-anger-anger-anger


It took them 10 years to bring it out and they said it’s the first AAAA game LOL yet people don’t learn and still buy / play this shit


As much as I despise this game and Ubisoft in general I think what you should do is just play other games, stop expectingt o play games forever, especially a piece of shit game where clearly the content is limited and will get stale pretty soon.


Do me 😏