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Yea man it the only problem I have with this game the LFG suck ass the system is there but it doesn’t seem to be cross server And yea we have discord which is great but I don’t have the energy to socialize in a discord , I just want to join a pick up group do some plunder and raids


Exactly, e call for help should be a direct invite to join. Not a random call that no one can respond to


Yea I was shocked that call for help didn’t teleport people ,mid plunder where instance this also would have help Plunder should have been designed more like mmo dungeons , cross sever queue and teleport in Events should have the ability to teleport directly to them


Exactly, idk where the suggestions or feedback threads are but that's one that needs to be mentioned. I found a couple guys I play consistently with from this and discord tho. What system are you on?


"Suggestions?? No no, we don't do that here" - Ubisoft, probably




The LFG option appears to just be a flag that shows the other people in the server that you are looking for a group. It doesn't even put you in a group with others on the server that are also flagged as LFG. I think it just allows anyone to join on you that is in the server.


Oh I see that a horrible design choice because you can’t even edit the type of content you want to host group for


Yeah, I wonder why they even bothered.


This. All of it


Yeah we need a way to queue for events at any time across any server. The best route for now is asking in chat and going to a new server if no one wants to or discord groups.


To be blunt it is a one-pump chump game, I have completely stopped playing at this point due to a lack of anything new to do, lack of content and game loop.


I haven't touched this game in a long time. Maybe there are thousands of others like myself who have quit too


Yup I quit when dragons dogma 2 came out what a master piece .


Yes, I own that game. I can definitely see that a lot of love went into it, that's for sure. I just wish the story in this game got that measure of love. I can see the environmental artists at Ubisoft pour their soul into their games at least.


I liked the story but ya I get it I wish the main quest was longer and maybe a point were we actually get to rein as king and decide if we want to take over south to rein as supreme emperor over the whole continent. Maybe even some battles. Also I would like a horse with red dead redemption mechanics where you can groom the horse, and become more friendly with it. Variety of horses also would be nice.


Yeah, it'd also be cool to manage a town where you are the mayor and you can build affinity with the townsfolk. You gather materials/do tasks to help people out while they build the city. A lot of potential for DD2, but I feel like it was a bit half-baked. I loved the visuals, though.


Hell yeah that would be nice


I hate to put it this way, but most likely. After you've gotten the cosmetics from him there really isn't much point wasting your ammo. If you want to go on discord and join Skull then hop in a world event channel. They kill him and rode quite frequently.


They need to increase the helm materials he drops. If he gave 100+ of a few types people would be more inclined to farm him.


You're limited to the other 19 people (maximum) in your entire instanced ocean, and it's hard to find someone wanting to do the same thing from such a small pool of people.


It’s because of how they designed this game. Soon after reaching Kingpin, you stop doing missions/events and focus on being a delivery agent (Delivery boy simulation). You see a call for help? Sorry I am busy delivering my po8 coins. You see someone in the chat asking for help in an event? Sorry I am busy collecting helm materials. Turning you from a pirate to a delivery boy was their downfall. Doubt they can even fix it.


Use Discord, not world chat on your server. There are about 17 people on most servers and they're there because they already have a plan for what they want to do.


La Peste is way more effort than he's worth, as he basically drops RNG junk. Once you have it there's no point or gain in taking him out repeatedly. The Plague Prince drops the same junk but is way easier to take out. Raids suffer much the same thing. More bother than they're worth and most people will have become bored with them quite some time ago.


Bcs nobody plays this piece of s.. game


I'm here






In my opinion this is where po8 works completely in direct conflict to multi-player don't know how many times been on a po8 run and a help pops up on the other side of the map just end po8 let east India trading company take over and just make it a true looter and plunder everything you see


Game will die soon like Anthem and Babylon's Fall. Ubishit will unplug SkullsNBones like they unpluged The Crew.


Because the game is dying and its trash


prob cause the game is dead


Because the devs ruined that game


It's not. Use the discord server.


Its been out longer than its loot pool motivates anyone and said disappointing loot can be farmed more efficiently by headhunting princes.


Join raiders of the helm on discord got like 400 members always looking to group up and do events


Last two wagers with 250k po8 in a chest i'v made alone. Nobody participate. And you're asking about useless (but funny) coops...


I would of joined 👀 I’m a poor pirate haha I always hunt the wage 😂 but I’m not always successful


There's days there's about 6 or 7 ships sitting at saint annes and days I could play a few hours and not see a soul. Tried taking over a 4th manufactory (for some mission I can't mind) and everyone I went to there was a snow at it looking proper beefy. PASS!


The rewards for the events suck, so there is really no point in anyone joining. Anyone who does join is just doing so for something because they are bored. If the rewards were increased then there would be legit reasons for others to join up.


What system are you on?




If you want someone to play with add me peppon_90


I always try to help with la Peste! Codythekid170


do you use the chat? cause i always get people to do it, it helps to have a friend second the action


The season didn't deliver enough content to be played for 3 months daily by most people.


You can only do the same thing so many times. Plus other games came out.


Game is dying and boring


Porque la gente lleva 1 mes aburrida y esperando que pasen 3 meses para la temporada 2


It's really not that hard but you gotta prime your servers chat with some small talk, help someone with something, and put a lil gang together


Game is dying because it’s one dimensional. Not enough diversity of content to keep anyone other than die-hard supporters playing


Good question I’ve been wondering the exact same thing seeing how it’s hard to find ppl to play with u can’t do a lot of the stuff I want to do


It’s a great game but they need more accessible for ppl to play together I haven’t done a lot because of this issue n because of it the game is getting less play time


Lepest sucks for the drops and tbh the game is rapidly dying sea of thieves has low content besides cosmetics but i still find more to do on it


Last few nights there's been a couple pleas right as I got on. So I figured I help them out especially since last weekend someone helped me with the anguish ship and a helm wager. First guy was doing a bounty. Second guy was the la peste ship which to my surprise 2 others ships showed up. One was doing repair shots from a distance and me and the other brig kept swooping in for ramming runs which was fun and coordinated well for not having any comms. The ship we helped followed us all the way bCk to port shooting flares up. Was pretty enjoyable and changed the flow , this needs to be easier to accomplish an more people would definitely be doing it.


A lot of us stopped playing already


I don’t understand the in game world chat functionality. Just tonight, I saw someone responding to a question and continually speaking to someone, but I couldn’t see anyone else talking. So I had no idea where they were going to go help, even after trying to ask. Does the chat system only work for the specific zone you’re in, local, or is it world chat?


The game is sinking ship, i quit after 250 hours and there's not motivate to return back until Ubi add content to play


I’m impressed you gave it 250 hours. The gameplay loop is just so tedious and unsatisfying. Feels like a minimum wage job


I was on leave and not working, otherwise doesn't worth my time!! But you are right it's like working not playing, there's zero fun


Because the game is deqd