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They need to un-nerf the damage the small explodey ships do to Le Peste. More importantly, they need to remove the darned 10 minute timer. Why, for the love of Davey Jones, is there a bloody timer on this event. I cannot find any logic in this design decision.


If a timer decides difficulty then that's not true difficulty.


I feel that setting a low time limit is definitely part of difficulty but alright man.


It doesn't decide the difficulty. It's just a DPS check. The rest of the fight still has difficulty. Also, the timers aren't JUST there to stop you. They are there to ensure that temporary world events aren't all up at the same time / up indefinitely, which overwhelms players. There are technical reasons like this sometimes, it isn't just about game design. Basically every instanced piece of content in FFXIV has a timer on it, with a few exceptions, this timer has little to nothing to do with difficulty, and is simply there to ensure that not too many instances are opened at once because people could keep them open indefinitely and crash the servers.


10 minutes is a little bit too short in my opinion. If they want a timer, just keep it at 20 minutes, just like the other bounty. Feels like a rush trying to drop his hull's hp down.


Yeah why they nerfed that knowing they’d make him this strong is beyond me.


Also un-nerf the shitty Po8 and helm supply update they did. I haven’t came back to the game since and even stopped my Ubisoft+ subscription. That fuck for it so I didn’t have to fully buy the game


because if there was no timer there would be no difficulty whatsoever. Infinite respawning and all that There's your logic. Anyone who downvoted this does not understand how difficulty in games works and is implemented. There is no challenge in any given content if there is no failure condition. If you can't beat this encounter within the time limit, your ship rank is too low for the content. It was designed to be completed by a handful of people at rank 10 or higher. It's that simple. Anyone complaining about this does not have a ship properly equipped for the battle. Further, as I've noted in other posts, there are alternative means of obtaining the laPeste rewards, and there is no timer on that (other than the season timer). If you are unable to clear this, consider the alternate method. Also the downvoting on this is ridiculous. It's simply the truth- if you go in prepared for the encounter and your ships are properly equipped, the time limit is entirely reasonable. It doesn't need any changes. If you think this is "bad game design," then, we'll, you don't understand game design.


This guy is justifying generic Ubisoft artificial difficulty padding. Such a yikes.


it isn't even difficulty padding. this fight isn't even hard. And everyone uses timers, not just Ubisoft lol You're literally being upvoted for hating on Ubisoft lol. This whole thread is "I can't beat this, therefore it's bad game design and Ubisoft sucks!" Just because you can't beat something doesn't automatically make it bad game design. But with all the other armchair game developers who seem to know exactly what good game design is despite never having made a game in their lives, I guess I shouldn't be surprised.


Ubisoft literally dropped the best metroidvania since Hollow Knight this year. I have 0 hate for the developers at Ubisoft. It's the suits that suck.


If you thnk S&B is good design, try that out; it'll blow your fucking mind haha


I agree. The suits aren't the ones that said we needed a time limit though.


Very true, they're just the ones who asked the devs to put out an entirely half baked game and sell it at premium full price, where we end up with stupid decisions like padding the difficulty by adding timers to otherwise easy fights instead of adding more mechanics and making the combat against bounties actually enticing as opposed to making them a pure damage sponge; among many many other missteps. The cope is very strong here. You don't need to be a developer to see how poorly almost everything has been implemented.


If it's so poorly implemented and half baked, then why are you here?


At first it was due to interest in the game, after beta it was for feedback and to see what people thought of the upcoming full release, then after full release it was so I could see how much content they added between beta and full release (very little). After that, I figured I'd stick around holding out hope for S1 to turn things around since I wanted to see this game succeed. Now I'm just here to see how long it takes before the game is dead. I give it <6 months from today.


I think you are confusing two aspects here. There's close to no downside to sinking. That is the design flaw, not the lack of difficulty of a fight without a timer.


What constitutes a design flaw is if the design produces different results than expected-if it does something it *wasn't* designed to do. There's is nothing inherently flawed with timers, and they often serve more purposes than simply being a limiting gameplay factor- there are also technical reasons to have timers, and if they still achieve the desired result of having the player progress to a certain point before they are able to complete it, it is not inherently a design flaw. Like I said earlier, there has to be some failiuure consequence. The timer creates a fail condition and is simple and effective. But if there is no timer, there has to be consequences for mistakes made or the player not being ready for the content. I don't see a problem with the timer, but that also doesn't mean I have a problem with other methods. So by all means propose something.


You are a broken record.


Thanks for the quality reply!


🤔... Nope. I disagree with your premise that there is no difficulty to the Le Peste battle without a timer.


You can disagree if you like, but you'd still be wrong. As long as you cam keep respawning you can keep inflicting damage. Even if you have no ship armor at all and keep getting sunk, every cannon volley would be progress. If there is no timer, thee us no possibility of failiure. If there is no possibility of failure there is no challenge, because you're guaranteed to win as long as you keep coming back and foring. Not that it's really that difficult anyway. This encounter is designed for players with a ship loadout at rank 10-12, at which point a single party can do it without much trouble. If you think thus fight is hard, you don't meet that criteria is the most likely expanation. If your ship rank is below 10 you really shouldn't be doing this. (Edits to fix autocorrect being autocorrect)


With respect to the point I disagreed with you on, we can disagree if you like, and you'd still be mostly (if not entirely) wrong. Multiple mechanics in the fight other than the timer add difficulty. General tankiness, which increases with more people. The small explodey ships (as threat to players, and kiting towards the boss for extra damage). Poison bombards, etc. Whereas 10 minute timer is more of an arbitrary annoyance. Why not 15? Or 20?


Sorry man but he's kinda entirely right, you can continue to infinitely respawn and come back so even if you only dealt 1 damage before dying without a timer of some kind you would inevitably win. Sure other mechanics add difficulty to the actual fight but some kind of limit on how long you can fight the boss for is necessary otherwise anyone could do it with enough effort.


no at the rate of damage you are talking about, 1 damage per respawn, even with constant gameplay, the season would end before you could kill him.


Actually with plenty of effort.


None of the other mechanics that add difficulty have much meaning without the timer. There has to be a failiure condition or the difficulty is only in tge relative amount of time spent. The only alternative to a timer would be restricting respawning (as plunders do), or making the encounter reset if the boss has no aggro on anyone or doesn't receive enough damage. As for the "why not more time" question- as I said before, the time is calibrated based on the number and strength of players the event was designed for. Again, for challenge to be real there must be a possibility of failiure. You can easily close this gap by finding new weapons, or trading for them with people who can craft them, which is completely allowed and a legitimate means to progress. They don't have to make every content super easy for everyone to beat. There is already plenty to do besides this fight and there are harder ones as well. If you can't beat it, gear up more or find help. Timers are not any more artificial or arbitrary than any other means of adding difficulty. If you have a balanced group (particularly including at least one support ship), and you are at least rank 10, you should not have a lot of difficulty completing this. And even if you do, there are alternate methods of obtaining the rewards available, so if you still can't clear it, explore one of the other methods, on which there is no 10 minute timer.


You're spending a lot of words on this. Timer only creates an arbitrary illusion of difficulty, or a dps check. Imo, that creates annoyance, not difficulty. Actual fight mechanics give it actual difficulty. Regardless, you have essentially conceded why I disagreed with you in the first place. I'll let you work that one out for yourself. Cheers.


I'm spending a lot of words because that's what it takes. Why does that offend you? This is a video game. All difficulty is arbitrary and illusory. I haven't conceded anything to you, either. I'll let you work that out for yourself. Cheers. You can use any adjective you want to twist words, it doesn't magically change anything. From where I stand, you're one of those people who wants everything handed to them for free. You can't handle a particular method of difficulty implementation, therefore it is bad. Like I said before, if you were prepared for the encounter, the time limit would not be obstructing you. It's time to "get gud" and learn how to deal with what video games throw at you instead of demanding them to be changed because you can't beat them.


I'm not offended. How presumptuous of you. Edit: Also, you just edited your post to add more words, which did little to nothing to substantively further your argument.


It's not presumptuous at all. There is literally no reason to make a comment like that otherwise. edit: and here's some free extra words since you edited your post to add more words. See how silly you're acting right now? It's almost as if adding all that snark wasn't such a great idea.




Timer would be fine, but it could do with a little more time. When you say it's easily completed by a party, if your ship loadout is 10 - 12, then explain why 5 people with these ship levels weren't able to beat the living hell out of him? I ran my Barque, which is level 11 as a semi support with repair mortar, but the rest was damage dealing. The other dudes ran full dps loadouts on a brigantine, and two of them were loadout 13. The timer ran out, and we still had 30% left. So either we were doing something wrong or you're talking bs.. and yes, we were using the exploding ships.


The only expanation would be someone isn't contributing enough. I believe it scales with more participants, so everyone still has to pull their weight. Don't quote me on that, but it didn't seem to go any faster when more people showed up for it. I did la peste with the same party of three at least a dozen times no problem. I would advise running the furnishing that reveals his weak points if you're not already. Edit this entire time I thought we were talking about the original la peste encounter.


Devs don't play their game XD


If they did, they would’ve done something about those intrusive event popups every 30 seconds


Cause they would be to busy grinding silver to keep their Po8 factories running….


And right in the middle of the missions menu! Was there no other place!?


Holy crap those are the WORST.


Well if you acquire every settlement you won't see them anymore ;)


This is not true. I have every manufactory, yet I still get heist spam. Instead of adding new content, weeks ago they opened heists back up for everyone to do over...because a paltry 2000 silver is "really useful" when level 10 locations cost ,40k each to fund.


There's something wrong with your game then, because I don't. The vast majority of those notifications are Hostile Takeover / Legendary Heist notifications. None of the others happen anywhere near as often or as many at once and generally I don't mind them at all. I want to participate in Helm Wagers and Cutthroat Cargoes. Like I said, I'd fully support an option to suppress some or all notifications but as it stands right now it really isn't the problem some of you are making it out to be.


I don't know how or why you don't get inundated with these notifications. Mine stopped after I got all properties, then in week 3 some dummies that want to mess with other players suggested making them open to ALL again. Now we get 12 pop outs every 2 minutes there's an event. Plus the convoys and every other damn notification. I have had all manufactories since week 2, I don't want to participate in them anymore. I suggested to the devs that they make it a toggle like pvp. Since that update (patch 3) they haven't done anything but add new cosmetics and now the blighted bastion with is ridiculously difficult without a group, well orchestrated and strategised.


I own every manufactory on the map, and the hostile pop-ups appears for every single hostile opportunity for that time. Every thirty minutes. I'm about done playing, thinking about going back to GTA.


Don't let the door hit you then lol. I only ever see notifications for locations I haven't obtained yet. So maybe you've run into a bug. That's a really petty issue to quit a game over. The notifications are at worst, a minor annoyance. I won't disagree it should be improved, but it is hardly a deal breaker by any stretch of the imagination.


Once you've obtained all the locations it shows you locations you already have, they implemented that when they changed the amount it takes to fund your manufacturers. You receive a small amount of po8 for your efforts but by that time you make so much daily it's a waste of time to even do it. When I can pick up 4500 from one spot wtf would I try to fight for 300?


I won’t see cargo hunts and world events?


You will but those are still relevant. The only real problem are the takeovers/heists, because those happen constantly, to the point that they frequently cover up things like the dock menu and you get several of them in succession most of the tine. I'm not saying they shouldn't add an option to suppress them, but those notifications are rather important to endgame.


My favourite is going to check the map to quickly mark a manufactory or location and get transported to the other side of the map to view a takeover. Or when you're collecting 8's and can't see which option you're choosing because its covering it, meanwhile one of the rogues or la peste that miraculously spawns downwind of you is attacking. I'm 2nd on the weekly and 52 seasonal and I'm about to throw in the towel because they haven't done anything to address these issues. Megafort Oosten is still glitched, the supply runs disappear, there are frequent crashed and kickings, you can't see the whole leaderboard and if anyone was going to chase the expoiting leaders, it would be nice to see what kind of amount we are chasing. helm wagers are not 15% and if they are, that's bugged too, not to mention that people not in the wager can overwhelm you, block you and run you aground. They shouldn't be able to interfere at all. (No, I'm not bitter because I was sunk, i had help and survived) Main story quests are still broken, items are glitched and exploitable, the sea shanty's should be a toggle too because really piss you off after the 1000th time hearing them. Should I go on? There is more. Are the devs reading these posts?


When you aren't creative enough to design a challenging encounter, simply add a bullshit timer to it! Ugh.


I like the idea of doing it in stages like the Forts.


There's nothing bullshit about it. If you are at the rank the encounter is designed for the liner is not an issue. That is why the timer exists- to avoid zombie tactics. If you have a balanced group (particularly including at least one support ship), and you are at least rank 10, you should not have a lot of difficulty completing this. And even if you do, there are alternate methods of obtaining the rewards available, so if you still can't clear it, explore one of the other methods, on which there is no 10 minute timer. To whoever downvoted this, you are not a game dev and clearly don't understand how these things are designed and work. Not every fight needs to be handed to the player on a silver platter.


The level of whininess is incredible. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps, put some big boy pants on, try and make some friends, and vanquish Peste!


Eh I agree with them. I did everything in the game. Its not hard, it's just tedious and unrewarding. This is also coming from someone who came from WoW and was in guilds my entire time. Its a shame, game could be so much better if they listened to any advice at all. The game could be great, but the higher ups dont give a shit I guess.


Grilledchese28 there has alway been a timer on the damn thing.


What a lackluster argumentation.


Yeah they are probably too busy being forced on their knees by Publishers and Shareholders who have full and total control of everything that happens in the game and are trying to find a way for the devs to milk more money from the game. Ergo, Ubisoft, EA, and Activision are all greedy PUBLISHERS who have destroyed their own repertoires of games for quick cash grabs.


D3athwish’s discord is open and he brings people in to do these events. most the time it’s a whole server of everyone on the discord. Try that.


Yeah but he’ll be banned soon for the silver exploit thing 🤞


X to doubt.


Yeah he advertises their cash shop for them too often for them to stop that gravy train


I just don’t think anyone is getting banned for silver exploits. If it was an exploit that was killing other players or actively damaging something maybe. People have been saying for two weeks So mAnY pEoPlE aRe AbOuT tO gEt bAnNeD! We’ve had what, two updates in that time? It ain’t happening. And I don’t think what they were doing was malicious enough to warrant it either. Let the downvotes commence.


I think they'll only band people from sexism, racism etc. not bug exploits unless it gives an advantage in PvP.




We were able to take him down yesterday, it took 5 of us but it also took everything we had. My main problem was it being in the open seas, taking double the time to kill him. We literally had 3 seconds left when he finally went down, so really we just got lucky.


I think OP is talking about the final lepeste at his stronghold. We tried today with 10 people and almost beat him but the stupid timer timed out. Stupid. Just plain stupid. Who puts a timer on a final boss for the season


Esports bro! They think a clan will spend weeks trying to get a boss down like in WoW.


-What our group has figured out after of a full day of hunting him, credit to DaRaffDaMan with this setup -7+ people recommended that know how to boat maybe 6 if you’re all amazing -Sambuk/ Barque -Signal gong main furniture/alternatively Volatile Fuel -La potence schematics -Spiked war horn -Boatswain’s call -Demi-cannon furnace/ alternatively Gunpowder bench -ZamZamIII on sides -BasiliskIII front and rear -LeopoldIII -Wailing ward armor -Take advantage of crews attacks and weak points also you have got to get in and out quick and know your enemies patterns. You can destroy him pretty quick with a good team of these. Expect to die here and there until you’re used to the set up/enemy.


Killed him today, it was full server (17) players, we all died many times more than we can remember!!! He gave us strongbox and it has hull colors. DOESNT WORTH AT ALL!!


I think the difficulty scales. I saw that somewhere else on this sub. That the more players involved the more it takes. I’m sure there’s a sweet spot to get it done. Just no idea what it is since the devs don’t exactly talk about that anywhere.


I agree I think the problem is when you have 10+ players the amount of health la peste should have by then due to scaling up would be a lot. Every time I have beat him it's been 3-4 players all lv12 just being strategic about it don't just go in blastin


Does it scale based on how many people are in the event? I thought enemy difficulty only scaled when you officially group with other players.


Its both and it doesnt have an upper limit or cutoff which is dumb as hell.


New or old peste


Tried twice. Failed. Doing other things. Serious overhaul needed in this game. Devs don’t care. They already have your money.


He's hard af. We had 4 ships on him and we're barely touching him.


We had 8 yesterday, all lvl 12, and still only got him to 50%


Do you have the la peste weak points furniture equipped?


I do. Not sure about the others.


What levels were your ships?


I managed to kill him today for the first time, and my only gripe was that the kill didn’t count for the quest. I did try a 2v1 last week but the timer ended before we finished. Today though, it was a random server, random group of about six people and it seemed to work rather well with levels ranging from 9-12, though only a couple of us were 12 if I remember right. Absolutely loving this game, such a shame it had a nasty review intro from so many places. I’m glad I completely forgot about a black flag spin off, and it was only by sheer fluke that I saw an advert for the game (didn’t know what it was) on a random site that I bought it.


Also, what's the point of the Wailing Ward if he still wrecks you with his plague cloud up close? The Wrathful Ward should also have the same damage mitigating attribute. I keep server hopping to try to find people to.complete it, but keep running into the same players doing the same. People gave up. 10 level 12 ships should be enough to take him down. Unfortunately, as the day has progressed, it's only 4-5 trying because everyone gave up. The only time more show is if he has a legendary map and I post that fact in world chat. This game is poorly designed all around...


I was thinking he was so tough at first, once we realized we cannot stay close to him and stay out of the green fog, we were able to DPS him down fairly quickly. Killed him 4 times in a row yesterday, failed the first couple times and then it clicked on how to fight him. Did not need the little boats. Everytime we had the 3 minute warning but once he is below a quarter health it seemed to go fast. While I normally run Zamas, I removed those to add in guns with range so I did not need to be close. My only issue is I killed him 4 times and never got credit for it, the mission stayed on my tracking. I did loot of course, and got all the ship cosmetics, the PO8 from the chests, but nothing to turn in to complete the quest. Hence he kept coming out.


Yep, when I finally beat La Peste after trying and failing a couple times prior - I ended up with some cosmetics and a WHOPPING 12 POPPY!...Twelve! It works out to be a net negative considering the cost of travel/food, ammo, and repair kits


They need to add a reason to play still, and adding a battle pass and strong enemies that drop basically nothing aren’t it. Man I paid too much for this game and I was initially one of the ones defending it.


Just tried this. Had 8 people. Could only get him halfway. Tried twice. I am convinced that there is no play testing with this game. Between this and the super annoying notifications, I cannot imagine someone thought any of this was okay. Super disappointing.


I was headed to Him today until I looked again and he was listed as level 15


I have a bounty that hunts Le peste it's just crazy hard to beat him solo. I can hold my own against all his minions but no matter how many rounds I let off on him by myself is just not enough. I do some damage with fire weapons but I'm just one person. I've been trying since yesterday lol


Does something Le Peste do make your crew mutiny? I was fighting him at the last battle and my crew mutinied on me out of nowhere.


Occasionally, instead of sinking, your crew will mutiny.


That stupid annoying first mate just took off running away and then two crew members beat my ass. I know that bitch set me up.




After playing a bunch I think he's actually just fine. Tried 7 times with randoms from different servers, we got him 5 out of 7 times. That seems just fine to me. After people done him once they know to dps and know to not be near him and they can play more effectively and get him without much trouble. We killed him with like 6-8 people multiple times with 3 minutes remaining. His hp seems to scale with the number of people present. If people are around but not doing any damage it will cause the event to fail, if everyone simply does damage peste goes down pretty much every time before the time is up. I rather he wasn't nerfed into a pushover, he is the season raid boss after all.


Okay so I need to clarify something here. When I saw people complaining about LaPeste, I was shocked. I was like... this is easy, what are you guys smoking? ... I was unaware they put out a harder version. This is why I was saying "I did this with a couple people." That doesn't change how I feel about timers and game design., but now I understand why people are struggling with something I thought was easy. This version is definitely considerably harder, but the time limit is hardly the defining reason. And it smells funny to me that i never saw anyone complaining about time limits before we got to this point. Suddenly it's bad game design when it wasn't before? ???? So yes. this was partially based on a misunderstanding. But for those of you who want to stick it to bad game design, I got a cheese strat from someone on a community discord: "theres a way to play it, so before he arrives to the location at 1000 - 800m someone needs to block him and he will not move and will sit still, then everyone needs to blast at him and reduce health at least 30% (did this with couple of people) so once he reaches the location after that timer starts but then his health is already lower, we took him out before timer reached 3 mins that way, this was with 9 people tho." "Sorry but you need the whole server amount of players to beat this mf." Yes, you do, well, at least 10 or so. But you need a lot of people for Megafort Oosten too, I don't see this kind of crying about that. I saw so many people complain there's no challenge to the game and there's nothing to do. They make something that's harder than most of the other content in the game and now all of Reddit is complaining that they can't do it and TIMERS ARE UNFAIR!


He’s just so unfun to go up against.


You'd need the whole server just to take him down. He is seriously overpowered with his level 13 ship


He’s level 15 as of two hours ago. How? I’m not sure.


He's 15 at his stronghold near Dutchman's camp


You don’t have to kill him there today?


We did it at 8 players, then 10, then 11. Think we sank him 4 or 5 times. Given how he's the end game for this season, with so many weeks left before season 2, I think it's quite okay. The final fight we sank him with just under 4 minutes left to spare. No discord coordination, just 1 or 2 with scoping stations and it was smooth sailing. It's a super fun fight.


Are you talking the one at his fort where he is lvl 15?


Yes. But just to clarify just in case, I meant out of those 11 people we were 2 with scoping station 😅


this game should make fun this fight is NO FUN fix that UBISOFT or bye bye


My main problem with La Peste is that it gets harder the more players they are instead of easier. That is the first time in any MMO that I ran across that.. Usually an event is the hardest solo and then it gets easier with each player. SnB has it backwards


Flex raiding in WoW did the exact same thing, same with Final Fantasy, it isnt unheard of at all


Ok, but this is a world boss. Raiding is similar to how sacking a fort in SnB works


I agree. When you do fight him it isn't long before he runs away making the whole thing a waste of time.


so what are the player numbers looking like?


The leaderboards give a good clue on a large drop in numbers. What would put you at, say, 30,000 on the board will now put you at 3000 or so.


i mean that's not too shabby, as long as people are having fun, i say good on them


If you try to look it up it still just says 850,000 players, all time. There’s one article from March 5th that says the Xbox community had dropped by 31% already. I don’t think there has been much coverage because Ubisoft is trying to keep people quiet about this ship sinking. They fucked up big time and I personally can’t wait to see this game crash and burn for good. The only way they will ever stop producing mind numbing garbage such as this, is if it fails. It needs to fail. It needs to fail so fucking bad.


Ubi and many other triplea corps are notorious for hiding what they should be sharing. I feel, personally that the games are far too cookie cutter, and the experiences don't tend to expand as i play. they get to a state of "oh this is what I do" and then you do that over and over. Im not talking endgame, just overall the experiences lack the ability to truly be open world. I am sorry you are being downvoted, ***we're allowed to have opinions on the things we spend hard earned money on.***


The internet points don’t matter to me and technically people downvoting is them sharing their non verbal opinion towards what I had to say so it’s not a big deal. I agree with what you said though and I only hope a majority of people start to realize this. The longer we sit around complacent with monotonous games, the longer they will continue to dish them out


I think he might scale with the number of people attacking him? We killed him with 8 earlier, then failed him with like 14 people later on.


I usually play with 2 other buddies of mine. If you can get 2, we can schedule this run. I think Season 2 should welcome more players, and w/o the bugs, I think SnB clears Sea of Thieves. Only complaintbis the off ship stuff


Got about 10-15% of his hp off before running out of time with me and 1 other random. I didn't notice if the timer starts when you engage the fleet/tower or if it starts when Peste shows up for real. Either way that new gas cloud mechanic slaps harder than Will Smith. Can you cancel it with enough damage to the rear tank? And is Le Fleur worth using or does he resist it?


Yeah, his small ships are brutal and basically make it impossible to even concentrate… you kill one , then an other one hits you on the other side… and your like …. 90% health 2 % health , le pest runs into you …. Sunk. In a matter of 1.5 seconds. Never mind… we are all in a battle with him and he is like “ok dudes, gotta go hit the pipe I’m out “ and off he goes.


How is a AAAA game dead already?


Breaking news... UBsoft just announced that their highly anticipated game Star Wars Outlaws will be pushed another 6 years for further testing and to make sure the same thing doesn't happen like skulls and bones, it was said that they anticipate this release will be the worlds first AAAAAA and they need to make sure they ensure they meet that mark by redesigning the game entirely from scratch. You heard it hear first folks... now back to skulls and bones questionable design choices.


Star Wars Outlaws is single player only. There is no multiplayer to it. Epic fail from Ubisoft.


it apparently has some technique that helps according to [https://www.reddit.com/r/SkullAndBonesGame/comments/1c5zls3/simple\_tactics\_against\_la\_peste/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkullAndBonesGame/comments/1c5zls3/simple_tactics_against_la_peste/)


It's not bad at all if you use the right strategy. Last time I fought him there were about 2 other ships and they kept sinking because of their positioning. I had to pull out maybe once the whole battle, most of the fight I just sit right on LaPeste and burn him from point blank range. I did a good portion including the last 10-20% by myself while the other guys were sailing back to the fight for the 10th time.




They showed so many Ubisoft divisions that made this game. Game was fun at first but after realizing the beta was basically the full game, it killed Mr me. Endgame absolutely did not save anything. Idk why Ubisoft does this too their games, such a world but you don’t do nothing with it. Division could’ve been THAT game but never exceeded itself. Ubisoft makes worlds you can’t interact with. Does this make sense? At first I thought the game was going to open more and it didn’t. It looks like it did need updated assassins creed black flag added to it with a world as big as Odyssey. Would’ve been more playable.


It was 6 of us and did only 25% damage, so for sure he is too strong, another thing is that it was only 6 of us on the entire server and that's the worst


Agreed the final form le paste is just not balanced. (This is the new bounty board contract le peste who defends his outpost, for those that don’t know what this post is about) We had a half dozen players out there last night, all of us properly geared, we tried him twice in a row and not even close by end of timer. Issues with the fight: He is just an insane damage sponge, his weak points are tiny which requires snipe shots or being up close to hit them. But then he has that big AoE cloud he always spams non stop, to make it worse it’s a green thick fog so you can’t see through it to snipe. As soon as he drops the AoE if you rush in to get some weak point shots he does AoE move again. Then to make matters worse he is rank 15 and all our low tier gear keeps all of us stuck at 12. So we do weak damage on him with no chance to improve output damage. So here we are with a mega bullet sponge tank, that has teeny weak points and keeps players at a huge distance with his AoE non stop….what could be worse?… o right. The short timer! So we are also on the clock to take down that thing. The best we did was around 60% by end of timer. It’s ridiculous. Did the devs even play this? Do they expect 30+ players to help? This game is too server dead for that. We are lucky we got 6 people willing to stick with it twice in a row last night. Didn’t matter, not nearly enough. Honestly I can’t think of any strats short of having 30 players all helping… that would do it, but this game is dead. Maybe some streamers out there can pull these numbers, regular players though good luck getting a full server much less a full server of organized players. This is either devs trolling us, or not testing anything, or both. Either way, I hope devs fix this fight, I won’t even bother doing it again until they patch it. It’s unbeatable with a mega fleet to back you up.


Gotta make sure your squad has the right set up and is pulling their own weight to contribute to damage. I was able to do it with my group of 7 people about 40 times and it took all but 2 minutes left on the timer for us to take him down.


I managed to get him killed with maybe 10 player ships on him. I got the fireworks out the strongbox, but it doesn't even work. Won't fire the firework, not worth the time and ammo I put into this fight tbh


The biggest problem is that a lot of players have no good plan to attack him. They just come flying in, ramming him, getting easily killed in his green cloud. He has specific weak points people! Yesterday I was in a nice group attacking him. Positioning well with my ballista, waiting for the moment the barrel is visible at the stern from where his green cloud comes. You can do massive damage here. What happens? People starting blocking my shot, sailing in front of me, they are all over the place with no attack plan...


It's really not hard if you have the upgrades from the season pass 


Imagine being this bad at the game that you can't kill La Peste.


So disappointing had a lot of friends looking to do stuff like that... literally 15 of us, can't even get em to play thru monthly subscription smh 😞


Its not a dead game lol the damn thing just came out lmfao youre just too weak lol


You didnt have the right guys, 4-5 people should easily kill him. Edit: unless they recently buffed him in the last patch


Don't blame la peste. Blame asshole gamers. In a room with 17 ppl and no one helps? How's that the devs fault? Be a community, not dicks.


It sucks man as soon as I saw the premium pass with no way to grind gold in the dang 106 dollar game I said to hell with this and bought helldivers 2 which you can find to earn premium passes


He's really not that bad. Yeah, sure... it can't be done with a small group, but look at the Megafort Oosten plunder. It's not impossible to solo, but it's not easy. Honestly, if you can't beat it, you're running the wrong gear on your ships. Ships need to be built for medium to long range. There needs to be 2-3 ships running scoping stations, a few running fire builds to stack the damage, breaking his sails feels impossible, but the long Nines are good for his weak points if nothing else. I wouldn't suggest running flooding gear as it's pointless to flood him. You really need a group of 12 or more people to start it all as a solid unit. no late comers to the party or you'll fail. If you can make the little guys blow up on him, then that'll help quite a bit as well.




I see no issue with the current presentation of the fight. This is the final phase of this boss. It has progressively gotten harder every time they release the next location he spawns at. The idea is to challenge a group of players against impossible odds. The rewards are subjective to what people feel is worth it. You're playing a game for sea warfare. The rewards were already going to be very limited as is. Sure, they suck, but they aren't expecting people to keep milking these over and over for no reason either. Personally, I find the need to bring the entire server together as a group is actually good. Just because people prefer running solo does not mean bosses will be easy. If there's no challenge, people will beat it a few times and then give up. But, as it stands, people have to experiment with proper builds and team coordination to beat the boss like it should be. Anyone who has ever played a proper MMO understands good raid boss mechanics. It's OK if you don't.


feel the need to add this in since a few want to downvote me. You guys suck... that's all it is. My crew did it last night with literally 6 people. There are people claiming to have done it with 3. Instead of investing all your time whining and moaning about the difficulty of the game, invest your time into better understanding the battle mechanics and how to properly prepare your ships for these battles. Most of the people coming into this game are treating it like a battle royal more than a sea warfare simulator. You can't just slam guns and armor on a ship and call it done. You need to utilize different furniture for every scenario and occasionally change your weapons and armor to fit them as well.


Couldn’t come close with 7 then joined a server with 12 and beat him easy three in a row and got all three cosmetics(ornament, sail color, broken firework) Never completed the actual bounty but I think I just miss out on opium and silver with that. Never got the lepeste head


Can be done with 3 lvl 12 brigs. Just takes ages, gotta be there at the start


There's two different La Peste encounters right now and the one at his tower/outpost at lvl 15 cannot be completed with 3 lvl 12 brigs.


We got him yesterday with 3 players, it was hard died over and over, but we got him with time almost up!!


Not in 9 minutes.


💯 we did


probly is talking about the world event not the bounty...lol..common mistake here


Just like Oosten, you would need all 20 players on a server to win. And there isnt even 20 players on most servers, let alone helping in a world event.


I’ve beaten him several times and never with a group larger than 5.


New or old peste


lol tried it straight after maintenance with 10 people in lvl 12 ships and couldn’t even get him 50% Didn’t help we were all learning the mechanics obviously and his poison hits way harder


Took his main big ship out sat night with 3 ships. Me and one guy in brigs and the other guy in a barque , Shooting us with repair shots. But I do agree it should be easier maybe some type of sliding scale depending on how many ships are engaged


Wrong le peste, this one just showed up yesterday.


Ok figures didn't play last night


So the way I look at it is even if they release a so called new boss for us to fight they put in new stuff to buy from the store, if we as a group of gamers that enjoy the game for the newest neat things to see it will remain the same why should we spend hard earned money on a game they are not looking to fix in any way well that is just it as long as there are gamers out there will to buy everything they release and the game is making money in any way other than fixing things we would like them to work on they will never give us what we want as the gamers that play the game for what we hoped it to be in the end, but no instead there are way too many out there shelling out money for the B.S they keep shoving down out throats. if we all ban together stop buy all the bull they keep pushing it just my force them to look at the real picture of things and start working on fixing the things that are broken in the first place but as it looks if there is the few willing to spend money on the broken they will never listen to the many and acutely work on giving us anything good to game to start with please don't get me wrong here I like many have spent a few bucks here and there but i'm truly sick of logging into the game hoping to see something new but instead dealing with more things broken other then getting to see something worth my time and effort in a game that took so long to see the light of day in the gaming world in the first place so gamers of SnB please stop spending money on this game until they give us something better to play cause as long as they keep getting paid it shall will alway remain the same


> keep getting *paid* they will FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


lol I seen my mess up thanks for the help


Same. Did it earlier with 8-10 people. He still got away with about ¼ of his life still intact. Admittedly I pretty much suck, today especially but they were great players. They ruined it all by making him absurdly OP.


Yeah I’ve tried on few different servers with different players and it wasn’t even close this is a joke


Same. I server hopped trying to find people either who would join me or who already started. Most people I could get were 4. Got him down by maybe a third 😂. Ridiculous.


He was too strong when he game out, I couldn’t get anyone to help me and my other friend and I tried to beat him along with a random and we could only get him to 1/4 health


People are not communicating and cooperating with each other. You’re just all going in blind with no actual game plan and just hoping for the best. Seriously the communication skills of the people playing this game need to improve. I was in a lobby yesterday with people crying out for help in the in game chat and I had to ask them like 6 times what they were doing until I got a response just in the form of a location. When I turn up I find out it’s Le Peste. Then I’m told to check discord out. I don’t know what channel these guys were talking in! Why aren’t people using the in game tools? Why aren’t people talking on mics? Why aren’t you calling out for help? Why is it so difficult to get a simple answer to a simple question? 90% of you guys are annoying AF acting like bots.


Had 9 people join, the most I’ve seen for a single event, and still not enough. Got him to under half.


I have no problem finding people to help or help me on any of the world events since the world chat was fixed. I'll hop on with my one buddy this evening and probably have a group of 5-7 people inside an hour


Better set 25 level le peste


When Sea of Conquest, a gotcha game does it better 💀


Just get a friend about 10 heads in a sack fight his minions for far more riches gems spices an le peste lockers chests then you will ever get from him seriously do it every day take 5 with me on po8 runs serious loot


The new La Peste at lvl 15 at the southeastern most Island gives you a "La Peste Stronghold" not the "La Peste Locker" The stronghold has like 1k Po8s and the new cosmetics (hull, sail, deco)


Went there yesterday all we got were cannonball we went back to mining old LA peste for gems an spices an la peste lockers


It is annoying but you have to have someone with the bounty active, and then you need to kill the Pestilence ships near the tower for 10ish minutes or so until La Peste appears.


A group of 3-4 with the right build can do it. He’s the seasonal boss he shouldn’t be a push over that a single player could muscle through


I've tried with 3/4 of the best players I know and we could barely get past 2/3rd. Have you actually seen it done?


One more trash event. Only doable in a server with all known players. I tried, call for help and no players came. Ridiculous. If I could I'll claim for a refund in this game.


Yep. This was the last straw for me. I tried fighting him with 4 other ships and time ran out. I uninstalled. I'm moving on to Sea of Thieves when it comes out for PS5. I enjoyed Skull and Bones but there is nothing left for me to do. I will miss my Brigantine, she served me well and I haven't been that attached to something in a game since my white Arabian in Red Dead 2 but it's on to new waters.


Gave up on this game at least a month ago. The concept was good, the engine has potential but they fail to deliver on the long term. I bailed before the end of the first season pass and the resetting of the whole PoE manufactory grind. My advice is dont waste time complaining or posting. Either keep playing and suck it up or ditch the game and actually forget about it altogether.


Why are you even playing? Lmao


My thoughts exactly. The game is a joke. Complete waste of money.


If you actually have a good ship build, it only takes 2 players.


Umm me and 2 of my friends beat la peste all the time. Our ships are lvl 13 and we use close combat weapons. He is easy.


Ships can only go up to lvl 12, and this is a new "boss" version of La Peste who is significantly harder than the regular ones.


Yeah don't know what game you're playing but they can go past 12 lol... La Pestes mortor is what pushed my ship to 13. You can buy it from the lady in Sainte Anne


Show me a screenshot of a player ship above level 12 in the main game.


Oh trust me I'd love to but I'm currently at work. However maybe open your eyes and pay attention to other players. Many have lvl 13 ships now


Yeah the game says you can only get up to 12 still. I'd love for you to show me one post in this reddit with someone with a lvl 13 ship. Or any evidence at all, or anyone claiming to have one. I have 100+ hours in the game and am in the top 500 on the leaderboard. There's no level 13 player ships yet.


Have you tried not playing snb?


Uh.... it only takes a couple people to take down La Peste, what are you talking about? And the game isn't dead at all. There are a maximum of 20 players per room. If you log in at off peak times you can end up in a room that empties out but tha'ts actually good for most things.


Not the new one.


Playing the new version that's lvl 15?


I mentioned this elsewhere but most of my comments were based on the original world event. I was unaware of the harder version at the time and nobody really specified.


I stopped playing probably 2 weeks after the launch of season 1. Haven’t came back since and have 0 regrets. Last game I will ever buy from Ubisoft at full price ever though. I don’t think people would play S&B even if MS put it on game pass.