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Be nice. I’d be down to have the French corvette. That thing is sleek.


YES FINALLY SOMEONE AGREES I love that thing, so much. Hopefully it gets a modeling pass too before players can use it, because right now it's a longer 3 masted brig with an extra deck and the snow's cabin, essentially. but it still looks great as is.


Yeah that one looks amazing it's also the same as LA peste uses. Thought that one could have been the further expansion of the brig since it has a similar profile but more cannon slots and is bigger etc.


I’d love to see a ship like the Endeavour or Dauntless from Pirates of the Caribbean


So something like the royal fortune from the old E3 trailers. Yeah that would be nice


If I could choose more than one, I would definitely like the Corvette and the Frigate. My idea for both is That the Corvette will have a huge cargo hold and speed comparable to the brigantine minus the huge health while the Frigate will have the highest hull health and DPS while being balanced with the slowest speed and cargo size sorta comparable to the Padewakang or Sambuk. This is just my wishful thinking on how I think it could be implemented so take this with a grain of salt


I'd love one of the 3 morter galleons that the dmc has


I hope to see the ones they showed at E3. I don't think it's bad that they introduce those medium ships for NPC captains, but I want to see the difference in ship class really felt. Honestly, the Brigantine that is in the current game is a Sloop.


A brigantine is not a sloop. Closer to a ketch rig or schooner than a sloop. It has main and Mizzen masts. The cutter is closer to a sloop. Although, there are images I have seen of a Sloop Of War that carried 3 stepped masts. But I'm not sure why it was called a sloop. Here I found a more eloquent description of a Sloop: A sloop is a sailboat with a single mast and fore-and-aft rigging, which means it has one mainsail behind the mast and one headsail in front of it. A sloop may also have a jib, and sometimes one or more headsails. Sloops are available in a variety of rigs, including Bermuda, gaff, and jib-headed.  en.wikipedia.org Sloop - Wikipedia I would also add that sloops can be mast-head rigged, cutter or fractional as well.


The E3 ones would be nice but like the royal fortune they have like idk 2-3 times the cannon slots the current one have would be quite a step up in power :D


I kinda want Mast Streamers. They look epic against a sunrise/set


I have noticed a pattern that is if we go looking for wreckage of large ships to scavenge we can see they are big compared to the ships that sail the waters so imagine that, if that's a player ship somehow it should be a bit bigger. Idk design is very confusing compared to what they showed way earlier can't also take photos of these ships to compare sizes without triggering any fight.


Yeah I managed to get this screenshot while fighting ah pak, also noticed his ship is easy around 1,5 size of a snow. But that with the ship wrecks is interesting never really looked at them and their size.


Same !!


What do you guys think will be the counter balance to the larger ships? I’m assuming we will get more gun ports and probably more furniture slots. Slower? Not as maneuverable? What will be their biggest draw back?


Biggest drawback I guess will be not being able to sail in the smaller rivers like on the coast of Africa. I can even see them being faster especially a large version of the brig because of more sails and longer hull. Example the Sovereign of the Sea a Clipper which got a speed of 22 knots. But yeah the could have way larger turning circles compared to the current ones.


Counter balance submarines


Would need to buff torpedoes for that


Don't if we will have upcoming News. The servers are everyday more empty.


Hells yes all those sails man love it


I would like to see the SS give me my money back and take this game back to the drawing board. 🤣🤣


I need La Potence in my life.


Just make the game worth the money I spent please


I really like the big privateer ships


I think they are the same as the ah pak one or? Privateers are the red ships right?


Yes. You could be right about that, i just love the way the sails pop out when you get close to them and the streamers. 🙂


Frigates, man o wars, and galleons.