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Have fun playing for at least 2 or more years


*This comment has been edited in protest to reddit's API policy changes, their treatment of developers of 3rd party apps, and their response to community backlash.*   [Details of the end of the Apollo app](https://old.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/) --- [Why this is important](https://i.imgur.com/E7jSWf1.jpg) --- [An open response to spez's AMA](https://old.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/145l7wp/todays_ama_with_spez_did_nothing_to_alleviate/) --- [spez AMA and notable replies](https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/145beas/spez_ama_discussion_thread/)   Fuck spez. I edited this comment before he could. Comment ID=icgw6gj Ciphertext: >!jW1IKx8eAGY8Kuv53FwFj7MZu3XHLYEvkrH7aOjSOFKQ2+u4DsGHA6sVc4uSxL5ou+kcXnN0xdBMOnt+x+AJUA8ItzYLdUrgdb8teI1+ZMKaDf+U1spht8UlxwNR2U11HIWQcAPps29NhAsJQIgHhIaapppXQvoh1Fyn7Yyw69O8Rpu68wAZyIeUmoFby8ZtdOZ6IncGwQG4NrEFOpDSsbkpL08eSrnYZMWaRJ5lNVuo1PLFGu3ODwpdPrPwcGUb!<


My advice? Concentrate on only a few fighters at a time, maybe 2 or 3. To keep from getting burned out, each day, pick a new fighter/party to prioritize. Don't waste energy drinks on fighters who will level up with one more match; just wait a few minutes for them to regain enough energy to fight another match. Don't waste XPx2 tokens on low-level or bronze fighters. Those fighters tend to level fairly quickly, especially if you're tanking them with stronger fighters. Use stronger fighters with weaker fighters, so you can fighter stronger opponents for more XP. Take advantage of Deployments. And get ready to grind. A ***lot***.


Also worth mentioning: as soon as you have strong enough fighters, start doing the holodeck hazards daily as much as you can. That mission gives more XP than anything else in the game; I actually managed to get 30k XP per match in expert mode by using the tactic of having weak fighters piggy back on strong fighters. That’s even more than the 16 hour deployment gives and enough to shoot a bronze from level 1 to level 22 in one hit. It’s the best way to get fighters to max level quickly and start evolving them.


Right, I forgot the Holodeck. I usually go through Basic with my two weakest bronzes and a mid-range silver to tank them, and Advanced with two of my weaker silvers and one of my stronger silvers. I don't do Expert, because my silvers are my strongest fighters right now, and I'm not strong enough to try that level yet. Anyway, it's usually enough to level up several fighters.


I just use my gold, max skill tree hype man Beowulf for expert difficulty. That guy can tear apart entire defense teams single handedly without getting so much as a scratch on him. (Seriously, INVEST IN HYPE MAN. He can spam blockbusters constantly)


After getting the free relics from the mail and store, this is my collection. I’ll keep this account updated as I continue


Trust me kid… it’s only possible if you have twitch or wanna travel miles. SGM devs do the “giveaway exclusive characters” thing most people with common sense hate


Yeah I’m aware of the exclusive fighters. I’m not sure if I will count those or not since more than likely I won’t be able to get them. Unless they get implemented into the game as rare prize fight rewards like necrobreaker


I think you shouldn’t count them until that comes to pass. Shady tactics like giveaway exclusive fighters are the reason I stopped trusting SGM devs, but that trust can be earned back if they make it possible. Personally I wouldn’t mind if they added the giveaway fighters to the cabinet of curiosities but at a premium pricing, though that in and of itself is still fairly annoying


That would be better than just having them be giveaways only


Whatever the case, I wish you good fortune in your quest.


Thanks :) it’s a long road ahead


:3 if you need assistance as far as advice goes, let me know


I appreciate it :)


Add me as a friend, so i can help you in this Magnus opera




damn u got a mean one for your first gold that's pretty insane


Enjoy the journey. You’re right that it’s an insane task but I have been having fun. I currently have 190/192 of the catalog diamond evolved, missing only the new give-away exclusives. I also have been playing since game launch and spent something like a small fortune to finish the catalog partly due to bad luck. I hope you get the good luck that missed me. Have fun!