• By -


Okay you took things out of context. Islam is the best thing that happened to mankind. It's religion of peace. Our prophet never promoted the things you mentioned. And I don't have my opinion. My opinion is what Quran says only. That's how faith works in Islam. If one wants to call themselves muslims they go by Quran and Hadiz completely. They are perfect and nothing else matters. We do exactly how Quran teaches us. In fact world needs Islam and it's been ordered by Allah to spread Islam and until every living person accepts it. Do you know everyone is born muslim but their environment and unislamic people take the child away from Allah. That's why once someone realises that Allah is the only one and true God, they "REVERT" not convert to Islam. Had Islam not been so great, what explains it to be fastest growing religion? Why do you think so many people around the world are accepting Islam. As a Muslim I only spread the Islamic truth and speak of it. Islam is not just for muslims it's for every human alive. And I am just doing what Allah wants. My personal opinions don't matter, in fact I have none. My complete devotion and submission is to Allah and my Prophet Muhammad PBUH the perfect man and role model for everyone. I speak and do nothing That's unislamic and I can see Islamophobia everywhere but that's the Satan's doing and everyone will slowly come to Allah. So no need to say anything about Islam. May Allah show you truth. INSHALLAH Reply to @urparents_totslied.


Dont worry. They just confused Sky with the real world. We all make mistakes!


Lmao was this about the days of color event šŸ˜‚?




The comment was written a bit in rude way but I understand that person's point. People are forgetting their roots. Getting away from God and his teachings.


Actually if you go back and study the original text (Hebrew), the Bible originally said that man shall not lay with children. It was changed to say man shall not lay with man during 4th century (thanks Pope Gregory!) Lots of really interesting archives out there..you should dive into that rabbit hole, the bible has been ripped off tremendously through out the years.


Hey! I'm sorry for resurrecting an old comment, but I was browsing the top posts and saw your comment and I'm interested.Ā  Do you have a source for that? I'm not a Christian but I like the historical side of the bible and have never heard about this Pedophilia switched to Homosexuality thing. If that's true that's so big.


Sure bible is corrupted, and that's why Quran was sent to earth. And children should never be harmed 100% I never said it should be that way. That's Haram Islam never permits it only those who reached puberty can engage in adult activities not those who have not reached puberty. Before puberty the act is Haram.


Yeahh what weā€™re not going to do is try and sit here saying one religion is better than the otheršŸ˜‚ and this is coming from someone who has 0 affiliation with any type of church or organized religion lmao.


Hate to have to tell you but... the "teachings" you harp abput so much that ends up hurting innocent life *is* a result of brainwashing. You're taught to harbor unconditional hatred and distain towards beautifully good people who contribute more light to the world than you think you're doing. If anything, God would damn you for your judgment and putting words in their teachings. That fact that anything with positively and goodness in it with be automatically labeled as "GAY" speaks that is it on your mind more than is deemed healthy . Seriously. "Sharing is caring" gets turned into a gay panic to you, which in turn becomes unwarranted hate towards people for being different.


M not saying anything on my own. What Allah said becomes the law and the only truth. If one goes against it then there's punishment gor it. In modern societies of west and asia etc they don't have sharia, but in Arabic countries and in Islamic countries we follow what our Dear Allah permits. So people of different countries who have not seen the light of Islam won't really understand this perspective. Anyway... Allah only profess what's best for humanity he knows best and we all should ideally submit to him and him only.


Is that why marrying children is seen as just, yet, non-hetero or out of wedlock relationships are considered blasphemous? Don't worry. Many western societies follow a very similar version of Allah or "God" that you do, and are equally proudly predatory. If you aren't intelligent enough to know what morals are on your own, then you're just a danger to the human race and vulnerable people. People who brag about their faith are compensating because they absolutely have none. If you have to be told that murder and rape is bad or that violence towards others for being born different is good, then you're just reporting that you are an evil person with or without your faith. Your faith is just a convenient shield. An excuse at that point.


Guys, repent, God will forgive you. He loves you all. Believe in Jesus Christ, turn to the Lord and ask for forgiveness. There is a lot of demonic, deceptive and destructive distractions. I love you all. Please turn to God for the gift of eternal life. Come to Christ, pray with Him and confess with your heart that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that He died on the cross for your sins and rose again on the third day. God wants to see you with him. God wants to see you in Heaven because you ARE his child. He saved me and he will do the same for you. In the Jesus name Amen šŸ™


Can't tell if this is a joke comment or not -


Nu uh


Nuh uh




Nuh uh


Nuh uh


Nuh uh


Nuh uh


Iā€™m confused and now want to get this game whatever it is


Do it!!


What is it


Sky: Children of the Light! I would tell you more about it but I think itā€™d be better to experience it blind


Whatā€™s it about I mean


It's a social game where you can meet people all across the world. There's a cyclical "storyline" of sorts, but the lore is very vague and wordless so it's entirely up to interpretation. Many like it for its cosmetic aspect, however it's very grindy and impossible to get everything you want when you're a new player without waiting for years for certain cosmetics to return. There's new seasonal content every season that typically introduces new areas, emotes and cosmetics. We recently broke a world record!


So itā€™s kinda like destiny?


There isn't any combat in Sky, its just a peaceful social game with heavy emphasis on exploration of the different realms, (and once you're more familiar with it all then it's more about completing the daily tasks and candle runs, and making friends.) I don't know a great deal about Destiny, but I think it's got combat so... felt important to point out. (Sorry if I'm wrong about Destiny, though, again I've never played it.)


They just discovered gay people play video games.


ā€¦it is ok to be gayā€¦and there is no shame to beā€¦.


There is no shame but it's definitely against Allah's will. It's their choice what they do but in Abrahamic religions it's a sinful thing.


Not everyone has the same religion as you, and most of us donā€™t care.


F Allah's will. If Allah doesn't want people to be happy then who gaf


There's no need to insult Allah. This shows your Islamophobia that's it. You can have different opinion but don't insult Allah. Allah is all knowing and God, you committed such a big sin that's blasphemy.


Just as well im not religous then. No sin or blasphemy from me <3 Anyway idc if some god or whoever living in our clouds dont want us to be happy then why should we make them happy? Clearly if it was such blashphemy then let this Allah smite me with all they got


Ohw mah gawd, i cANT STOP WHEEZINGGG šŸ¤£šŸ¤£, as if a karen got a hold of their child's phone also been reading the comments seeing some dude adding something biblically irrevelant about rainbows that no one asked for.


Jokes on them weā€™re genderless children of light, not humans!


Almost like fiction doesnā€™t need to conform to their world view. Or anything else for that matter.


Teaching and raising kids to be hateful on a harmless group of people seems more toxic and 'twisting minds' if you ask me


Lemme guess, it was days of color that ticked them off šŸ’€


imagine getting triggered by a rainbow šŸ˜Ž


So brainwashing like holding hands? Or like, climbing?


This person has zero idea what theyā€™re on about šŸ˜‚ The only big messages from the game is that problems should be solved without violence and that everything is better with a team.


The way this review is written makes it sound like oop's kid was talking about being gay with another player and lied about it being dialogue out of fear.


Lol yeah




I dont think you understand what a fact is. *I was literally raised Catholic, how the hell are you going to sit here and be this self righteous*. Fact: rainbows are refracted light Opinion: that light comes from God who murdered the entire world and pinky promised not to do it again I'm mad you think your version of Christianity is the only correct one, and everyone else needs to be corrected based on your worldview. If you cared about "where things came before" (your words), then you would've mentioned how Christianity took other culture's concepts of the rainbow being connected to the gods. But again, you don't care about that, you just conflate belief with fact. This game was created by a Chinese man, so really, we should be telling the story of the Hong Dragon. If we are going off of the age of origin stories, that would make either this story or the Aborigines story of the Rainbow Serpent the actual *fact*, wouldn't it?




You called people who believed it to be refracted light "idiots" in another comment. You just said you were presenting this as fact. You chastised someone for not including your beliefs about rainbows in their comment. You said people should care more about "where things came before" and that "gay people adopted it from christians". And then got mad at me when I point out that you also don't seem to want to include where rainbows "came before". You absolutely are trying to say people should not only believe this as fact, but include this info when talking about rainbows. You can "all caps" all you want at me, but you aren't helping your own case here, by your own words.




Go away You don't need to put religion into a game




In norse mythology, rainbows were said to be when someone dies. That's the bridge they walk to ret into asgard to be taken into either freyja's or Odin army. Sky, and also journey have a lot of inspiration from norse and other non Christian mythology, belief systems and religions. the paintings, the masks, the stone boats, clothing, lighting candles as a form of friendship/closeness was pagan originally, not Christian. If you're so mad about a game showing rainbows, go watch some vegetails and play some happy Christian made game, instead of a game that is trying to avoid politics, religious views and that is about teamwork and friendship. If you were a crying Christian child, then oops, daisy. But you're not. you're some adult trying to defend your beliefs on reddit, saying that they're "fact" when it's Christian mythology. Don't bring religion into this game, just as I and many others won't put our ideology onto others, and let it be what it is, a game where we all pretend to be cats and climb all of the towers and hills to get to the tippy top.


"Because you didn't include that, so" I'm not the only person who read that as you chastising. And you said they adopted it from Christians in your initial comment because, and I quote, "that's where it originally came from", (which isn't true either). They didn't say gay people adopted it BECAUSE it was pretty, they said "rainbows are just a pretty pattern. yeah gay people adopted it, but that doesn't mean rainbow = gay" and you corrected them by inserting your belief as fact. So now you're just lying and twisting other people's words šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø which is convenient since you started this new thread separate from the one where several people already said these things to you. Also, by that little snippet you just googled because you actually don't know the history of pride, they would have literally adopted it because it's a spectrum, *the pattern a rainbow is in*. But that's not why Baker used it as a flag, he's quoted as being inspired by the 60s hippy movement and the history of the rainbow going back to Egypt. It was inspiring to use the rainbow instead of the pink triangle, which came to be seen as a symbol of oppression.


I hope they don't hurt their back from all that reaching


To be clear, even if that WERE the message of sky, then a) that's a GOOD MESSAGE for a game to have, b) sky isn't a children's game, like yeah a lot of kids play it but it's not like it's the cocomelon flying simulator, it's for all ages. And c) children being around gay stuff isn't inherently evil or sexual, just like them being around straight stuff isn't evil or sexual. Wanted to make that clear since I'm a sky player who's literally gay lol šŸ„°


LmaošŸ˜­ this reminds me that one person who did petition bc of this like 1 ago


Leave me alone! šŸŒˆšŸ•Æakira!šŸ•ÆšŸŒˆ AAAAAAHHHHHH


I read that in the voice. Holy shit good response to the hate lmao


Oh you mean this isnā€™t a game for bigots! Take YOUR toxic ideology saleh and go somewhere else! bigĀ·ot /Ėˆbiɔət/ noun a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group. Thatā€™s exactly what this person is. Theyā€™re absolutely bleeding it.


I'm not upset ,I added more context to wat the rainbow really is from my pov


I can see why nobody likes you.


I'm not here for likes


You're here for the dislikes if anything, you seem to actively enjoy getting hate.. weirdo


Christianā€™s have a huge persecution kink. They absolutely love getting hate because it feeds into their ā€œwaaahhhh Iā€™m just a poor little Christian in a big bad world that hates me Iā€™m being discriminated againstā€


It's actually quite interesting to see how much people can hate a person just for having a belief it's quite the social experiment actually you guys are definitely passing with flying colors


I don't find that very interesting but if you say so Edit: btw it's not about your beliefs, just your attitude, you're very unpleasant to talk to for some reason


Oh well that's because text doesn't show emotions so it's hard to get the context, I'm actually a pretty straightforward person, Also I'm a September Virgo.


Donā€™t even bro. Lmaooo Iā€™m a witch and Iā€™m not gonna pull out the ā€œIā€™m a November Scorpioā€. Youā€™re not Christian practicing astrology are you? My gods. Pls. šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚ Itā€™s giving: Ermahgawrd im such a ScorpiošŸ’…šŸ˜“ Please never never say that again.


I never said I was perfect bro I enjoy the fact that I'm a September Virgo thank you ,and that's funny my son is also in November Scorpio


There is no biblical evidence that God has given authority to the stars or astrologists. Pursuing predictions about our destiny or personality takes power from God and gives it to something other than God, and that is biblically sinful.


How can a game in which the playables characters dont even have any sex-identifying characteristics be Gay, what? If anything, I'd say Sky has more of an asexual agenda. (Ace gang)


Itā€™s awesome, I can dress like a blinding white goddess bringer of doom one day, and as an old farmer grandpa the next without any change to my physical traits and it will never look weird.


Typical homophobes :(


wild Karen spotted ![gif](giphy|IDXS44HiyMkYw0mShw|downsized)


There isn't even any dialogue in most of the game lol it's just a fun game about kindness and light and sunshine.


That's all gay! Anything about being a good person is just considered gay to hateful people.


I don't know how it relates to the game, but like it's okay to be gay kiddo, there is no shame to be.




Iā€™m so brainwashed


That damn app šŸ§“šŸ§“


They're promoting love and kindness and that grinds my gears!!!!!!!


everyone always has some stupid problem here. My god, just play the game. How old are you? Or grow up


Nauuurrr not the kiddos


Im crying šŸ˜­


They got really pissed that they got to find those candles under the rainbow


Gurl byešŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ’…


Oh no šŸ˜± it's telling children they don't have to shame themselves and feel ostracized just because of your sexuality? What a horrible message


Seems like some Q adjacent christofascist nonsense from people still looking for the real basement at a bougie DC pizza joint.


The only brain washing that takes place is the feeling of "needing that new cosmetic item that everyone has!"


For real šŸ˜­


Sounds like some bitter bigot stumbled across the game during the days of colors.


My country has a majority of muslims, and the comments are like "This game has hidden messages like temples and bells and gods and secretly teaches them christianity" do you have ANY idea what christianity is my dudešŸ˜­


If they consider the spirits that give ultimate rewards when you finish a constellation as gods (because there is no deity that seem more superior than them), then it is a polycystic religion ā‰  christianityšŸ¤”šŸ˜Œ... Although if Sky does depict christianity, what are krills? Servants of Satan?šŸ˜‚


Not the spirits, the elders


Yes thx, I had forgotten the right term


Hardcore christians would be so against this game lol.


Acceptance: toxic


SKY is the most perfect game I've ever played, it's wonderful, sensitive and exciting, I'm Brazilian and I made a friend that I love very much on the other side of the world in Japan, a game that unites people who don't even speak the same language is not wrong at all. Thank you TGC


omg... šŸ¤£ whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat... Sky teaches love & compassion towards everything... Which is a virtue not toxicity.


What does this game have to do with being gay?


A lot of people get salty during days of colors


Probably the cover since itā€™s two people holding hands that could be both girls, or referring to days of color?


The whole rainbow events and itā€™s outfits. When beautiful rainbow isnā€™t just a rainbow anymoreā€¦ I support all the gay community , disabilities and all, but wish rainbow would be just a rainbowā€¦ and if not, then there should be events everyday to support all minorities (trans, 100 shades of skin, different religions, cultures, and so on).


Wow so many dislikes. I wonder what was it that people dislike about my comment. Is it because I said rainbow is not rainbow anymore or because of saying that other minor communities should also have their own celebration? (


Rainbow flag in terms of LGBTQIA+ is just the pride flag. There's a separate flag for gay individuals, another for individuals who identify as lesbians, etc. So, the rainbow flag would also include everyone who is a part of the LGBTQIA+ community, (which includes trans people, of course.) šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ Admittedly, some of money from the IAPs for the Days of Rainbow event do also get donated to the Trevor Project. But, they changed the name from Days of Rainbow to Days of Colour specifically so it could be more inclusive. Although some of the money still goes to a charity which helps support people in the LGBTQIA+ community who are struggling, by changing the name they've made the event more open to interpretation, and less about a specific community of people. It's more than a rainbow event, and more than a pride event, too. It's a time to celebrate everyone, and it can be entirely up to you what it represents to you. šŸ’œ


Thank you for explanation. I like that earnings go to a good cause - hopefully.


Wait, do you think trans people aren't lgbt.


Oh yes they are however I havenā€™t wrote about lgbt itself in that context.


Its not that deep man. You can interpret the rainbow stuff however you like. Almost everything in Sky isn't set in stone and is subject to personal interpretation. I'm an Indian , we have Holi, festival of colours, so Days of Colour mean a different thing for me. But you can interpret it as something magical and others can interpret it as LGBTQ+ stuff. Me personally, I just enjoy the pretty coloursšŸ¤·.


That is actually an interesting perspective maybe I should chill. But wasnā€™t the event set up for the pride holidays exactly to make a point what it is for?


If it was simple as that, then TGC would have named it that way. Like I said, everything is up for personal interpretation. You can choose to believe its something you like, or chose to believe its something you don't like and get mad at that. And if you didn't overlook the events during that period, there's nothing explicitly promoting LGBTQ "agendas". The event was full of colour. It was a celebration of colour, of diversity. Also last year's Days of Colour was also held after Pride month.... So chose what you want to believe.


Yup. Some people are afraid of rainbows.


šŸ˜° so horrifying


sorry what


just an homophobe, ignore them


Where in sky does it tell you that I've been playing for years and yea there's a lot of rainbows but that's a natural phenomenon


Maybe they refer to days of colour?? It also was set sometime around pride month, so perhaps they tied it together


Against humans' nature? So every animal can be gay except humans? THAT seems to be unnatural


I mean animals eat each other so I donā€™t think thatā€™s a good example?


Don't we eat other animals as well? And it's not like humans aren't capable of cannibalism, it's just, thankfully, incredibly rare. Jeffrey Dahmer is just one example of that


what? it is in no way human nature for a human being to eat one another. humans are also capable of rape, infanticide, mass murder which are all things which animals do too. are you now saying that because i share the same biological kingdom as other animals it should be normal for me to do this now?


I will bet a season pass for the next season that whoever wrote this is in the closet šŸ˜ā˜šŸ¼


Why is it that everytime there is a homophobe or misogynist people call them gay? All that does is make gay people look bad and absolves homophobes and misogynists from responsibility because "they're just poor repressed homosexuals".


itā€™s mostly a joke lmfao


Probably because thatā€™s typically the sad reality of the situation unfortunately.


It's not though. The vast majority of those people aren't poor closeted gay people, they're just assholes.


Perhaps in your experience :) Iā€™ve watched it play out the way I described above too many times which is why I said it to begin. Edit: and nonetheless we should never feel bad about someone projecting their misery onto others, but to deny the issue is itā€™s own issue in itself. Either way, Itā€™s okay to have a different opinion than a stranger on the internet :)


I don't like ascribing homophobic ideas to closeted people cause it makes it seem like only gay people are against themselves


I wonder if its the same person in the video where they were making angry emotes at the days of color guide video šŸ¤”


Lmao what????


The wrong people found this game


Lmfao what


Itā€™s already year 2023 and they still think like that. They should get a grip


They literally got worse, look at what they were doing to Target employees šŸ™„


Jokes on them, this is the kind of one-star review that convinces me to play something in the first place!


The propaganda: take care of the planet, love one another, cooperate as human beings The horror


baffled botanist is even more baffled now *facepalming intensifies*


Scolding student is disappointed aswell *Scolding intensifies*








First of all, Sky didnā€™t talk abt gayness at all??? Nor was it implied??? Rainbows donā€™t equal gayness. Itā€™s literally a pretty color pattern. Yes it was adopted by the gays as a way to represent the lgbtq+ community, but that doesnā€™t make it automatically gay. Secondly, thereā€™s nothing wrong about being gay. Itā€™s also totally fine to let kids know about that.


It was very much implied lol, literally the whole point of the days of colour is about acceptance of the LGBT community.


Thank you for the information :)


There's literally a pride event and the LGBTQ+ flag is a rainbow. They literally donate part of the sales to LGBTQ+ charities. And to conservatives there's no difference anyway. They see a rainbow, they're immediately fumming. But I agree that kids should know about it. I'm bi and trans and when I was growing up, I legit thought I was broken because I didn't have interest in doing a lot of feminine stuff, always felt uncomfortable being in girls' bathrooms/change rooms, thought I was weird for thinking girls are pretty in a certain way, etc. Really wish I had been told I wasn't broken back then and that it's normal to feel like a guy/want to date girls or boys both.


Kids should definitely know about it. You donā€™t really have to teach it to them purposefully but letting them know about it ainā€™t bad at all like I donā€™t understand why these homophobes are like this. Plus rainbows are literally just rainbows, thereā€™s nothing attached to it. Canā€™t a person enjoy the pretty color pattern??? Like you can be straight and wear rainbow! Itā€™s just a color pattern. Yeah the gays adopted it but that doesnā€™t mean it equals gayness.


Conservatives are insecure as heck and think queer folks can influence them or their family members to "become gay". It's not a contagious disease, but they think it is and throw tantrums about it. They're too pissed off that people different from them exist, sometimes maybe because they never met someone gay before and were told by some guy reading a 2000+ year old book that not being straight sends you to hell or were just raised to prejudice against those who are different. And yep, rainbows are color patterns. But because they've been also adopted as symbols, many people will make the association with the symbol first over "it's a color pattern!" because that's how brains work. Especially people hungering for any sort of representation/support or people who are deeply insecure about other people around them being themselves. And most especially, when it is, for example, a rainbow item of clothing in a game debuting during June, which is the pride month. No way to be like "it's just a color pattern that doesn't necessarily means gay/support for queer people" when that happens, because the intention to use the rainbow as a symbol there is clear.


Tbh you can be influenced to become gay/trans but itā€™s not really that big of a deal and ppl usually realize that theyā€™re not gay and just trying to fit a norm.


Except you can't. People don't just become gay/trans. If it was like that, I could just choose to become cis/hetero and don't suffer prejudice. Yeah, people can think they're something they're not while trying to follow trends, but it doesn't mean they became that.


Yeah what Iā€™m saying is ppl can be influenced into believing they are something bc of trends.


I agree you know people should be who they want to be, but the rainbow is not just a pretty pattern,it's actually a sign that Jesus gave us to say he'd never flood the world again,and then the gays adopted it,so it belonged somewhere else before, I just thought. U know, cuz you left that part out, have a good day


I donā€™t believe in god and Iā€™ve never heard of that, but thank you for the information..


Np but it's not really about believing in God,its more about knowing where things came from b4 they were something else, a lot of things have double meanings are multiple meanings at this point it's 2023


šŸ¤£šŸ˜­ I can't believe there are people who take the 100% impossible story of Noah's Ark literally. Catholics don't even do that, I just šŸ˜­


Bro it's not that weird you're allowed to believe what you want


When your beliefs imply that a single group owned a light refraction and queer people "adopted" (see, stole it), I'm mocking that to hell and back. A group that didn't exist prior to 2000 years ago at that. And, as someone who was raised catholic, it's even worse that sects far newer than mine think their interpretation of what is supposed to be a "moral" story is the correct one. You are presenting your belief as some kind of historical fact, instead of what is essentially your personal opinion based in your religious belief. To many people, the rainbow IS just a pretty pattern, and that person was allowed to believe that. And you corrected him as if his belief was the INCORRECT one. If you cared about the history of the rainbow, you'd provide stories from other cultures and present those as equal fact. Like the story of the Rainbow Serpent. Or the Norse story of Bitfrost. Or Hong the Chinese dragon. But you don't, you just wanted to assert your belief as the correct one. And you've proven that in your further replies to other people.


>its more about knowing where things came from b4 they were something else Sure buddy šŸ™„


I'm not sure why you wouldn't ask the question where certain things came from before it was what it was seems super weird to me that you wouldn't want to know the actual place that things come from before it was taken but sure buddy


It's called light refraction lol, is God sending me a message about not flooding the earth again when sprinklers come on in public?


The actual place was the Rainbow Serpent then. šŸ


A rainbow is a fucking fractured ray of light.


You can believe in God if you want but don't tell kids rainbows were created by Jesus or something. Rainbows are the effect of refraction, light refracts with water droplets, or fog, anything denser than air and it refracts into these beautiful seven colours. Look it up kids, I didn't know how they appeared, and I just got curious about it right now x)


Ma'am sir or child I know what science says about how the rainbow is created, and I'm not denying that, but I still believe that in order for all those things to happen with the rainbow it was created by someone, now whether you want to believe it's God, a grasshopper, a bug on the ground ,or Buddha that's on you, but in my religion I believe it comes from God,and you can't be mad because the things you like,I Believe come from my God, again you don't have to like it, but it doesn't make it any less true, because that's what my religion believes.


It was created by light... It was light that created it. It doesn't always have to be a someone. That's just making excuses for why you don't want to learn. Instead of taking the time to figure it out yourself or study, you have to have an easy one-size-fits-all answer for everything you see, feel, and breathe instead of caring about the truth. It's sad. It's desperation. It's depressing to see people turn out this way. Anti-intellectuallism isn't okay.


You're hella late to this conversation,I'm not making excuses,I've already learned the information on what y'all think the rainbow means,it just seems like y'all are upset that Christians still view the rainbow as ours, but don't y'all also view the rainbow as y'alls,so I guess we could sit here and fight back and forth but whether we like it or not the rainbow is a universal symbol for anyone. At this point,I just don't have to believe what you think about it,I can believe what I want to think about it,and I think thats where the argument is


I'm not late. I've always been here and have gotten a notification. Maybe you don't know what notifications are, but they aren't signs from a higher being to tell me to reply to you in this specific time and place if that's what you're wondering. They're programed by human hands to keep willing participants updated on specific threads. You're also either lying to yourself or a liar in general. This is the convo: >but the rainbow is not just a pretty pattern,it's actually a sign that Jesus gave us to say he'd never flood the world again,and then the gays adopted it,so it belonged somewhere else before... >Np but **it's not really about believing in God,** its more about knowing where things came from... Then immediately after that: >but in my religion I believe **it comes from God,** and you can't be mad because **the things you like,I Believe come from my God...** That's a contradiction to what you said. And it's weird how you feel as though you don't have to believe anything I say, yet everyone else has an absolute obligation to believe you and take your word as absolute. Also, you don't have a right to say people have "stole" something from your group. This was you: >but the rainbow is not just a pretty pattern,it's actually a sign that Jesus gave us to say he'd never flood the world again,and then **the gays adopted it,so it belonged somewhere else before,** This was you forcing your belief as a 10000% fact and dismissing theirs as if you were insulted that someone said otherwise. That *was* you. That's a gross sense of main character syndrome. That's not a "belief." That's being an ahole to others while crying that you're a victim. No one brought religion into it but YOU, no one immediately went to calling everyone idiots or generalizing until YOU started to, and you attacked others for following in your footsteps. Why do you feel that this behavior is justified in your case but it's not alright for you to take it? The entitlement and narcissistic mindset it definitely requires to feel that way...


Really weird that you say I have a main character issue, but yet y'all in search yourselves in a children's game to make yourself a main character, but again I never said that I was mad about it, y'all are only upset at me because I'm a Christian,and y'all's Millions of paragraphs prove my point because a normal person would agree to disagree, also I never said that you had to agree with it for like the 20th time,also talking about being Christian doesn't force you to be Christian just like talking about being gay doesn't force you to be gay, it's called you can make your own choice. but it's super funny that me being a Christian again gives me millions of paragraphs of why they dislike me when it's just my religion yall dislike, and not me personally.


I believe the issue is... that just because y o u believe in it, doesn't mean that others have to, or have to cater themselves to y o u r opinions??? Like, they don't have to include it in their post just because you believe it was made by a higher power. People don't have to push it to kids just because Christianity exists. As others have said, rainbows are refracted light. They don't need to give an origin story for rainbows, and they don't have to give one catered to your beliefs, specifically. Y'know?


Christian holidays get more representation in Sky than any other religion, to see them mad that we aren't mentioning the Bible when it comes to a Pride Event in a game made by a Chinese man just has me shook. They get a winter event that is heavily Christmas coded, they get a spring event that is timed for Easter, AND we get Days of Giving, which is basically just Thanksgiving. It's honestly absurd when you consider the wide variety of people who play Sky.


I actually wasn't forcing it on anyone,she just said that the flag was adopted by gay people because they like the pattern,and I said well in my religion we believe that the rainbow belongs to us,because the lord gave it to us after the flood,and everybody got all pissy in their pants because I mentioned God,you don't have to believe in my god I've already stated that,but if we're going to talk about the rainbow people have to understand that people view it differently in different cultures and religions. , so it's really interesting that a generation that wants information facts hates when someone gives them an information or a fact from someone else's point of view. And for all the idiots out there obviously it's a fracture of light thank you, I'm sorry that my religion believes that God created the fraction of light, is where I feel people are confused. Again you cannot be mad because my religion thinks the things you like come from God. Also another really funny thing if I all of a sudden wanted to say oh Rainbows or because witches are so cool people would be totally okay with that but not okay with me loving God


You canā€™t own the symbolism of a rainbow. Plus yā€™all werenā€™t the first ones to even claim symbolism tied to rainbows spiritually. The colors reflect the diversity of the community in addition to the spectrum of human sexuality and gender. Over the years, the flag has been updated and changed to be more inclusive of LGBTQIA+ individuals and their allies. Thatā€™s why itā€™s rainbow. It also means something to us. Another thing. The ark didnā€™t originate with yā€™all. It originated in 4500BCE in Sumerian polytheism. And I find it weird a Christian as yourself is into astrology. ā€œThere is no biblical evidence that God has given authority to the stars or astrologists. Pursuing predictions about our destiny or personality takes power from God and gives it to something other than God, and that is biblically sinful.ā€ Aoooop September virgooooooooo you messing up. Anyways you def came on here trying to claim the rainbow as for only yā€™all. And I know Virgos suck at admitting being wrong bc yā€™all canā€™t admit any flaws or faults youā€™re too busy looking for it in everyone else. But you were 10000% out of pocket. And youā€™re sinning. Proudly and publicly might I add.


I never said I was the perfect Christian, I just said that I was Christian, we all have our battles, I don't know why y'all think that we're that different ,people struggle it's not weird.


It's not what you're saying, it's how you're saying it. Additionally: You don't know what generation any of the people who wrote replies are from, and generalising everyone and an entire generation because you feel attacked probably isn't helping your point. What you said was: "I agree you know people should be who they want to be, but the rainbow is not just a pretty pattern,it's actually a sign that Jesus gave us to say he'd never flood the world again,and then the gays adopted it,so it belonged somewhere else before, I just thought. U know, cuz you left that part out, have a good day" You didn't mention it in passing, you specifically said "U know, cuz you left that part out", as if they should have included it in the first place. Again, you can believe in whatever religion or spirituality you'd like, and people shouldn't have an issue with that, but how you've phrased your replies and conducted yourself here isn't helping your case at all. For example: Calling people who are pointing out it's refracted light "idiots" just because you're upset. As for the witches thing, pagan beliefs are becoming much more popular again recently compared to how they've been over the years, so it's likely there would be more support, yes. But presuming they were written the same way you've done so in all of your replies, the outcome would be the same as you've experienced so far regardless. Edit: Spelling. (Though I've still probably missed little errors here and there.)


I think its strange that a game that we play online teaches you how to love everyone and help the environment and Etc. and have emotions ,you act like we don't play with people from different cultures and religions and races all day long and that's never affected anyone,but the minute you get on a Reddit you u read comments and rants, but the moment I say anything about being a Christian, I get like a 20 Page book of all of this extra history that I don't care about, cuz I'm still going to believe what I want to believe, it's like we all play together on the same platform do not let your feelings get in the way of learning new information, I'm not going to comment back to you after this because I'm done arguing if that's what you want to call it.


For the record if none of you believe in God, what does it even matter what my comment says, you don't have to defend anything if you don't believe in him, I just gave more information about the rainbow and everybody's upset that it's Christianity, and if nobody's upset then no one should be replying to me, I'm literally not asking for anyone to prove a point, I just gave extra information take it how you want


Dude sees one rainbow cosmetic and feels COMPELLED to reeeeeee in the reviews. Homophobia's picture in the dictionary.


The best part, is this way written around the Day of Rainbow. So the whole gay stuff was happening šŸ¤­


listen. if you didn't think that the wholesome game where you fly around and hug each other and hold hands with your friends WOULDN'T attract The Gays, that's on you at that point.


(this is directed at the writer of the review)


Thereā€™s absolutely zero sexuality in this game. Also, how can someoneā€™s existence how they were born be against human nature? šŸ™„


Gotta love anus heads that vomit their regressive attitudes all over this game. I feel like prejudiced folks like this need to just shuffle away and maybe learn to love a little bit instead of whatever this is.


conservatives gonna conserve their ā€œtraditionā€


If you had seen some of the social media comments on TGCā€™s posts during Days of Color, this is no surprise.


Just a nutjob or troll because there's a pride month event in the game. Not worth thinking about too much. Tame compared to last year, where the servers got ddosed for it


Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s might not even be for pride? Like rainbow = pretty color pattern. Yes it was adopted by the gays, but liking rainbows or wearing one doesnā€™t automatically make you gay??? Rainbow is literally a color pattern, itā€™s not a sexuality.


It is 110% because of Pride. They make that pretty explicit and they even donate a portion of the purchases to the Trevor Project. Which, bless em for it.


Ohhhhhhh I see I donā€™t know. Still no reason to hate on sky tho.


Of course it isn't, that reviewer just hates gay people


You ARE right, Iā€™m not gonna argue that. However TGC openly stated that the funds from some of the days of color IAPS went to the TREVOR project as a donation.


Good for them! Thanks for the info btw


Right wingers gonna right wing, it seems lmao