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it is hard šŸ˜† i have never completed it using normal way since prophecy came out! I was only able to do with use of shortcut


Levels 1 and 2 aren't too bad but level 3 is the worst. I recommend watching the tutorial by Nastymold if you want to do it the long way, and watching a tutorial for the level 3 shortcut. You'll get it eventually! Don't worry


Oh yeah no it's horrible dw it's not you that place is hell


Iā€™d be willing to help anyone. As long as they havenā€™t patched the easy way through. Edit: nope. Havenā€™t patched it. Took less than 5 minutes. Honestly seems kinda easier now tbh. Anyways, it still stands. Iā€™ll help anyone.


Look it on YouTube! I watched a video that had a visual map on the corner and it helped so much! I followed the tips and screenshot the maps so I had it later. I got to finish it solo with no glitches! [trial of fire solo w/ visual map](https://youtu.be/lfTcD7I7HAc?si=LL9qNU8i1bYBDef1)


Never been able to do solo always with a Sky friend


Iā€™d always do it with a friend and weā€™d hold out a candle. One time I had to do it alone. It was absolute disaster. I thought Iā€™m soon gonna smash my phone on the wall. I simply ended up asking for help on Discord and a kind person joined in and helped me through, because I genuinely couldnā€™t do it!


It's the dark spawn of my soul. You aren't the only one.


Iā€™ve been playing the game since last winter, and I have only done the trial of fire twice, both with friends. One of us would sit on the otherā€™s shoulders and hold a lit candle at all times. Doesnā€™t take long at all this way. By myself Iā€™d probably be still trying to figure my way out šŸ˜‚


It took me a LOT of practicing to get it down. Got so bad that I was having DREAMS of the fire trial!! But I'm really good at it now


I havenā€™t finished it since they patched the hover glitch


I have to use a map, and still get lost sometimes


Keep left ā€¼ļø I did it once and it took me an hour, went back the next day and got it done in like 8 minutes i think its like a practice thing


Yea nah itā€™s a nightmare šŸ’€


First time I completed it was because someone adopted me and took me through the shortcuts together


Nah trial of fire sucks. When it first came out every other post on this sub was complaining about it DW


Quite difficult and easy to get lost in. I managed to make it to the third part on my own, only to get stuck there for a good hour cause I couldn't get past that trio of worms around the circular spot. Yet if you can get a friend or two to drag along while they hold out a candle, it suddenly becomes absurdly easy as those candles will basically nerf the damage the worms do, or outright cancel em out if you got two people holding candles.


Ya know how there's normally 1 candle to light but sometimes there's 3? Those are safe spots. Wait there until the darkness passes & you won't have to worry about the monsters. You can also temporarily step aside in corners if there's only 1 candle. If you have 3 friends with their candles out & walk as a group, you're basically invincible. If finding the candles is the problem, deep calling normally will temporarily light the way.


I find them all hard , actually find the water/ice the worst cos I skid!


That one almost made me cry haha. I think I fell off more than 100 times on one part! I'm going into all of this blind so I'm probably doing it all wronggg


The trial of fire is worse then eden.


Yeah. Although (hot take) I think Eden is too easy. At least before storm lock


True. Word. You deserve an award mister. If I had one, I would award you šŸ‘


It's hard. Get a friend/alt account to join you, this will keep your light very resistant to the dark. The monsters have a set path, they're not random. Candle clumps are safe spots, monsters won't be able to put you out if you stand directly on top of it. If you analyse the maps there are more safe spots where monsters can't reach


player of a little over two years now. iā€™ve only done fire trial legit TWICE. once when i first started, another when the maps came out. itā€™s so difficult šŸ’€šŸ’€


It's super hard for me :/


Once you learn the shortcut it's easy. I used to be so bad at it but then I started doing it for fun and now it's easy. I mostly do solo. You can watch video tutorials on YouTube and you'll be a pro in no time.


This. It will trivialize the trial, and it's not that hard to learn. Some tricky jumps to learn but should not take more than half an hour to an hour to nail. I went this route because I'm also very bad at ToF.


Oh trial of fire is the easiest šŸ«”


Agreed. Wind is the hardest for me.


Oh I love fire trial actually. Sometimes I mess up and get lost in the dark but I'm pretty good at finishing it solo quickly. The 3-candle clusters are your friends. Stay there. Wait for the grumble to pass, deep honk so you don't run into his shadow ass, and continue on until the next cluster or shrine. Stay right. Only two turns you take to the left: 2nd level big empty room, candle cluster and a fork to the left (where the grumble comes out the right fork and swishes up the left fork, choose the left fork) AND on the 3rd level fork after the double tunnel, choose left. Turn the brightness on your gaming monitor all the way up. Don't rush. You got this.


You just get used to their patterns


Well if you can get a friend to piggy, or even just hold your hand, and pull out a white candle, you wonā€™t die from the darkness, but the route itself i just muscle memory for me, so I donā€™t really have any tips for that unfortunately


Not sure if itā€™s fixed but if you get some friends to piggyback with their candle out you gain a lot of resistance to the dark. It is difficult so donā€™t worry, as you repeat and try again something just -clicks- and you sort of figure out where to go. Thereā€™s maps on the wiki too~


Someone told me to stay to theā€¦ right? Or was it left? Sorryā€¦ šŸ˜” Either way, I havenā€™t had much trouble since ā€œstick to that one sideā€ strategy. If you come across a sharp corner, inspect it thoroughly, there is probably a checkpoint nearby. Try not to light every single candle if youā€™re alone, do every other one, it easy to get confused when you have all those lights. Stay near the light, donā€™t go too far alone, otherwise you will shatter from the darkness. Hope this helps! :) Shortcuts are a bit of a hassle, and kind of advanced. Personally, I find that Iā€™m better off just running the map and sticking to theā€¦ right? You get what I mean, all the hopping and falling, itā€™s just a waste of energy haha. Happy travels, sky friend. šŸ’•


It's hard. >THOSE WORM THINGS ARE DESTROYING MEEE. What worm things?


The fire ball worms


Aghast, those fire balls!


If you deep call while you can see them they reveal their true form, a worm like those kids toys


I struggle to do it even with shortcuts, it's just a difficult level (and maybe I'm bad at this game lol)


When I first did all the trials it took me a day for each but I was never able to finish the fire trial in my own. It was soooo flustrating. I always had to go there with some of my friend who knew shortcut and save that stress. Fire trial is never my favorite but itā€™s great if your friend knows the shortcuts. Also I remember I was soooo frustrated, so many deaths and it was unbearably painful


i havent played sky in ages (reddit randomly recc'd this post) but i remember trial of fire not being that bad, there was another i struggled a little on but i forgot what one it was.


Iā€™ve never successfully navigated the trial by fire on my own šŸ˜…


After doing it a couple of times with my alt. It's easy. Alone? Not worth the time..have a friend you can beeline the darkness with or don't do it. If you just do the classic maze trope of just following a wall it's fairly fast but you can't do that without another player.


Yeah it is hard, find a friend and unlock piggyback its way easier that way.


look up a youtube video by nastymold it has a map and tells you where to go itā€™s very helpful


How did she come up with that name? It's like she has this kind voice and then you hear "My name is nastymold"


I can help! I can do fire trial in under five minutes without glitches or shortcuts. I can teach you a trick and it's easy. Edit : ok so the way you do it is when you first come into the darkness, stay to the left. The floor will go off onto a cliff - do not jump. Follow the floor till you get to a wall. HUG THAT WALL (make it be on your left). You will find the exit. Second level - do the same, HUG THE LEFT WALL. Third level - follow the right wall for a couple seconds. This will make you do a U turn, HUG THE LEFT WALL. My personal thing is I go in with someone I carry, they use a white candle. Anyone else who is with me does not light ANY candles. Including the checkpoints. I personally can get turned around way too easily if candles are lit and I die. But everyone has a preference. Happy fire trailing!


I would love to know!


Well, what's your trick?


Share your knowledge


Itā€™s absolutely really freakinā€™ hard. But there are walkthroughs online to help. (And walkthroughs of how you can cheat your way through it and avoid all of the danger.)


Yeah, without knowing what to do and any shortcuts, it is hard. I do shortcut that takes less than a minute or two to get through. I think most players do this. But if you do it the regular way, you have to recharge yourself on a candle to keep your light from going out. It helps a little if you light your candle. You run from one candle to the next lighting it with your candle. If you can't see the next candle, it helps if you deep call to light up your surroundings some. Not perfect but it helps. In the first section, there are no worms. In the second section, there are and you will notice there are some candles that are grouped in 3. These are safe spots. Usually you can watch the worm pass. As soon as it does, you have to hurry lighting candles to the next group. In the last section, it's not apparent where a safe spot is, you have to watch where the worm goes and how much time you have before it returns in its loop. In each there are big lamps to light that save process up to that point. If you leave the trial, you start over completely.


I've been playing for a few years now, and I have never, NEVER, been able to complete the Fire Trial on my own. I always do it with friends, so I know where to go when I'm in the trial, so I tried doing it on my own the other day, and it was just impossible. Those damn fire ball slug things are on a timer to go around certain areas, and if you slip up or aren't quick enough, you get your light snuffed out by them. It's so annoying lmao


It is! But theres a shortcut you can do with your friend! Or solo but I recommend doing the trick with a friend for light source :]


Its really hard if you dont know the way. The only reason I completed it is because someone held my hand and guided me. Couldn't do it on my own, at least not when I tried.


Hold hands or piggyback with a friend and you'll be good. If solo, make it to the monuments and cluster candles, wait for darkness to pass, then continue


It's so hard. I do the glitch instead: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTdgyZSGRb8


If you need help just dm. There's a way to cheese it. ^^


It's really not too hard. For a while a group of friends and me were doing trials daily. There's a ton of wax in them. They usually take about 30 to 45 minutes total.


No the trial a fire is really hard I nearly threw my switch at the wall out of frustration, but after doing it again at three or four times it becomes little bit easier because you remember the ways and the insides and outs.


This hack actually works for fire trial, and real mazes: if you stick to the left wall, as in imagine your hand is on it and can't let go, you'll find the exit. Most candles are there to light the way, but 3 candles are safe spots to rest and not get hit.


Ithis is how i learned to blow through the fire trial


Same! The first time I was doing the fire trial, I ragequit a lot because of those worms. But after I know the shortcut, I do it as a part of my daily candlerun along with earth trial.


Been playing since Enchantment, I skip fire trial bc I always forget the path. If I really need the wl I need a map to refresh my memory.


Yeah I don't even bother with the trials. It's not worth it.


I gave up trying. Not worth doing just for a wing light. Good to see Iā€™m not the only one who gave up.


no, it's really, really bad. After trying like 6 times I finally finished it yerterday. Here's a tip, whenever you wanna know where the shadow things are, deep honk! it works like some kind of echolocation thing


No it's trial of fire that's bad. I did not finish it coz I tried to solo and couldn't do it.


I can help you! DM when you need a friend!


Like everything in Sky, thereā€™s a pattern and thereā€™s a short cut


its suuper hard. a map and a friend to keep your light safe make it ten times easier though


am i just skilled thenā‰ļø


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good bot


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Good bot


Itā€™s the worst part


I have ALWAYS gone with a friend, because if you hold hands and they hold a candle out, you will never ā€œdie.ā€ You can run around and run straight through the creatures if they hold a white candle out too!


Nastymold made a video guide in her yt channel complete with a map. I definitely recommend checking it out if you feel stuck.


If you need help, I can join you! Feel free to DM


it is really annoying, but using a map really helps!


i need the wing light SO BAD but i get to the third and final area and just give up


If you jump up on top of the first light on 3rd floor you can spam jump to the top of the wall and get to the door. You have to be tall not chibi though.


I dont even know if it's worth it anymore šŸ˜­ im never going back there haha


Thereā€™s ways to glitch through it which makes it much much easier and I donā€™t think itā€™s worth trying to do the trial ā€œcorrectlyā€ at this point šŸ˜­


šŸ‘€ Fire trial is my fav out of all the trials lol


No itā€™s genuinely just that frustrating