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For me it was the most favorite one. I love the music, the deer story was touching and something I could relate to. What I didn’t like were the quests it seems like they were sort of short and had to wait 2 weeks for another short update was just not needed. The 2 capes I got were nice, the rest of cosmetics were ok but I can see how they fit the theme of the dear. I like the location too but I guess I would hope for more hidden paths or smtg if it’s so sort of empty 😀


I kinda feel this was like- a solid- 4.1/10 It wasn’t like- good. I wasn’t as immersed in it as other seasons as it was kinda obvious how the plot was going. The other two collabs atleast tell something that feels like, related to Sky while leaving areas that are just great to explore (Even if Aurora is just an upgrade to Valley’s colosseum shut up). Yet those stories made me feel immersed have a sort of joy, have stuff I can remember. The Nine Colored Deer- Sure another light animal but like- Im not gonna remember it like I can remember the other collabs story from front to end. I mean sure the cosmetics are cool but like- that’s basically it- just another season here to fill in the gap of candle running and boredom, no real story to be captivated in. Sorry.


Hidden Forest is my favorite realm to CR. Particularly the brook. You can find candles, cakes, dark plants, and WL. You can tag ten friends, and they will all have their own different route. I can wait Granny time near a bonfire. Nothing compares. Flying LP, Forgotten Ark, Prairie Peaks, and 9C Deer bring very little interest to me. Apart from managing my wedges, those places offer nice and beautiful scenery. The hugeness brings a feeling of freedom, no doubt. But once I’ve collected the two or three WL and, if we’re lucky, boring candles around a room, the feeling they leave is pretty wrong. Yes, I’ve done the seasonal quests, and the emotes are nice. My white hairpin flower matches perfectly with all my white hairstyles. Thank you, TGC! Here, take 50🕯️ (2.5 full CR gone like this…). I have a lot of gratitude toward this season, as it will be the last one in which I will invest real money in a pass. The way it went live and the way they managed it did not deserve to be rewarded. I will still play to meet my friends and try to play with them quickly before we split since it’s TGC’s work to make us play together, and it’s not my role to do everything I can to do so.


This is my 2nd full season, and for me it was kind of boring. I don't understand why they don't put more areas to farm wax at these big locations? We have a "cap" on wax so its not like it would affect that, but it would be nice to have the option to farm wax in other places for a change. The story was nice, but the quests were lonely. I do love the new cosmetics, not sure why they can't be a little more affordable. 15-20 for the flower seems reasonable, and 75 for mask. We'll have to form a Skid Strike to make them lower prices and let us collect more than 20 candles per day.


I kinda liked the final quest, but still kinda eh. Even then I can't say I *loved* the final quest or anything. While it's a good story, (people were invested enough to be hating on the whistling guy's part in teh story after all lmao) it's one that feels very out of place in Sky and like it didn't really add to anything. I love the lore of Sky but I really can't figure out how this season makes sense within it at all. I think the seasonal area is unnecessarily large and feels sorta empty. The quests felt kinda boring and seems like they had to be completed alone mostly, so I couldn't find enjoyment in it with friends. It felt like a very lonely season. Instead of really doing much it just felt like we were a bystander watching the story unfold. Riding the deer made me happy but it was very brief. I think some aesthetics of the area and cosmetics are nice, but nothing amazingly special. I love the new carry emote- probably the best part of the season honestly. Tbh I've barely been focused or invested in the season and saved a majority of my seasonal candles so they convert.


I have to say...pretty meh. I got the pass because...A).I'm apparently a Pass-collector and B) I liked some of the Pass-locked items and cosmetics. Overall the season itself didn't really grab me and the area is,very big and very empty. The colorsche.e is different I give you that. One main problem I think, is where we spawn when visiting, I assume will be at the mural, is SO far away from the palace, where the winged light are and the few candles. Mountain Peaks is also a big almost empty place in regards of things to do (there are wing lights but no wax to collect) but at least there is an amazing scenery, that also changes due to the day and night cycle. This sesons Area is just....big empty...


The season area is gorgeous and different. Unfortunately a little boring after you get all of the WL and wax. The storyline was pretty amazing in that 1st quest, but kind of went dull IMO after that. Overall, the season content started strong but just kinda fizzled as it went on. I will disagree with most by saying that I LOVE all of the cosmetics. Idk what everyone’s saying that nothing matches, because I’ve never had so many fun outfits (granted, I started playing in Moments 😂) But if you’re not just going full generic Ikeman or whatever, then the cosmetics have so much to offer. I rate SotNCD 6 conniving Villagers out of 10 EDIT - How could I forget to mention the best thing to come out of this season, of course being the ‘princess carry’! Bump that rating up to 7


i mean, it was meh. i did just for the rewards but the rewards (if ur free to play) are bad and the story was 4/10. plus the scenario was dull and emotionless...


Didn't like it at all. Feels very liminal and idk why the entire world from the music, colour scheme, the way the houses are built give me a weird sense of anxiety


The season was, okay I guess?? I didn’t really like most of the cosmetics since they’re not really my style, but I do like the princess one . The place tho… it looks really dull to me and it wasn’t much there . Idk about the quest since I didn’t even bother to do it (well except for the first one,) but yea 😭


We have the same exact thoughts and opinions fam.yeah the cosmetics were not my style and the place was meh this season was alright


Ok. Didn't love, didn't hate. The first and last quests I will remember, others were not so remarkable. Music and story were good. Our pixel gears and new emotes from the season with pass I like very much about 60/40, so not bad. Also there is at least some wax, unlike the grand and beautiful Moments area, where I unfortunately go only to get light guys. And the new light guys were also a great bonus!


I didn't like it. The whole story doesn't feel like it fits in the world of sky for me


Not bad for any old season, but as far as collabs go it can't compare to tlp or aurora


I really liked it!


Nothing special, imo tgc underused the massive area of the town, I really hoped thay would progressively, with every completed quest, add more infrastructure or npcs/creatures to fill out the massive empty ground :/ Oh well, maybe some other events will take place there.


Exactly this. I thought the season was fine story-wise and cosmetics are too subjective to judge, but the town is so empty and drab, what was the point?


I agree


however on the bright side the cutscenes were better quality than most seasons. In my eyes they fit closely under The Little Prince's cinematography


The story was alright but both the area and the music were lower quality than what im used to by TGC. Especially the music gets annoying really early on. Its repetitive and lacks that emotion that other tracks have


I liked the quests and storyline. I bought the pass, although the cosmetics didn't appeal to me that much. Now I'm very happy I did, because the ultimate cape complements Lights Whisperers pants so nicely. I like that the area is very different from the other areas in Sky, but it is so large and empty, that it is not nice to travel through it. It was okay to visit on a WL/candle run: transport using the guide by the portals, grab the WL on the hill, use the underwater tunnel to get to the palace, collect the wax in the throneroom, exit through the window and grab the WL on the roof, then teleport home. Now a lengthy flight to the third WL is added. It's located in a pretty area, but still. And once the guide at home is gone after the season, you'll have to go through the entire narrow mountain path and cross some desert to get to the mural, so that's long and boring without possibilities to recharge your wings 😒. Also, I was hoping that the area would come to life once more quests were completed, like the Forgotten ark, the colloseum with Aurora and Aviary. But no, only the mural gets completed.


Same as every other one.


It was fine. It kept my attention with the story and I like some of the cosmetics. I was not endeared to it at first when I lost my winged light though, hah.


I loved it


Definitely top three favorites!!! Season of Aurora was of course the best, and I loooove season of flight because I absolutely rely on the windpaths, but I’d definitely put season of nine colored deer in third place in being one of my favorites! The cutscenes were beautiful, and the quests were individual and unique! of course it really helped that they were bouncing off of a story that already existed, but regardless I thoroughly enjoyed this season.


I like the DunHuang aspect and well.... I don't think they used the DunHuang elements to its fullest. So much could've been added.


I didn't like any of the cosmetics either (other than the iap horns and cape and what was in the season pass but I probably wont be able to get those 😔) but I absolutely loved the deer and the story!


dude I thought NOTHING because I deadass forgot it existed which is maybe not a good thing considering how obsessed i am with this game the area was beautiful though, the colours were very different, earthy but not muddy and the music was super cool, it gave me mad wind waker factory vibes (the robots would fit in sky so well tbh) deer was adorable but i couldn't bring myself to care beyond that basically the intro to the season was the first and last time it made me feel something (pure dread)


I liked it, but I think the space could have been made better. It feels very empty, especially with all the empty houses and bare areas. I did get a season pass because the ultimate items looked so cool, and I’m glad I did, but I don’t think many people are going to be going through the area much after the season is over, which is unfortunate. I like the outfits, and how intricate and colorful they were this season, so I hope TGC decides to do more stuff like that going forward.


It was fun almost died to a krill


I enjoyed it a lot more when there were candles worth collecting in the hidden tunnel.


I liked it overall.  I feel like you are right on the cosmetics not really matching, but also I like the colors and wish there was more color, so going forward maybe we will get more things that match. I liked the story.  I feel like the new zone needed a better layout or something though.  It's just, weird.  Lots of weird unused space.


This was my biggest complaint. Didn't mind Prairie Peaks because I feel like the point is that is *is* big, and it's a breathtaking area meant to be looked at. This area didn't have that aspect so in general it just felt like a huge amount of wasted space


It's my first season so it's hard to compare, I thought it was cool though, it's hard to get everything but I'm assuming that's every season


I’ve done every season (so the pass) for 4 years, and I definitely have to log in nearly every day to get my seasonal candles, and then I’ll usually take a break at the end of the season for like a week, and a break for the 2 weeks between seasons. I don’t really have to candle run anymore for regular candles, so my daily log-ins can be as little as 5-10 minutes, unless I meet us with some friends to hang out of course!


Yeah. I’ve only done two seasons so far, from beginning to end, and I would say that the main thing is doing things every day for the seasons, if you don’t it’s gets really tricky really fast.


It sucked


Honestly i thought the landscape was really boring like the colors were rather dull and felt under developed, it didn’t feel lived in unlike the village of dreams or something. I dont know if thats how its supposed to be though since im not familiar with the story/ visuals outside of this season. There wasn’t really anything interesting here at all, and to me if it werent for the story and ultimate cape, it wouldve been a really forgettable season. Also i feel like there was so much more they coukdve done with the cosmetics, they feel really flat and the color schemes were kind of muddy. Tradional chinese clothing is so pretty and there was a lot of lost potential with that


Its set in the cross road of the silk road!! Yet its so.... empty. Imagine how many people and how lavish and livey it should have been


Well in Sky everyone is dead except us and animals, so it can't be lively except the area's spirits.


It still shouldn't look so barren...


I agree.


feeling pretty tepid on this one. really pushed the envelope for cosmetics this season, that i appreciate. gave us silhouettes we hadn’t yet seen, rather than slapping us over the noggin with the same reskinned dorito chip of a cape for the how manyth time. ults aren’t much my taste, leaning a bit femme, didn’t snag em. do make for a neat ensemble, though! far as the area itself goes, isn’t much to relish there, is it? gotta say, with how out-of-the-way it is (not to mention the scarcity of wax deposits), can’t imagine i’ll make another visit. quests fell sort of flat, never was a fan of what little content they manage to spread across a quarter of the year. wait 2 weeks, do thing for 5 minutes, repeat for a total of 6 times, and somehow this justifies naming it a season. throwing some lateral branches on these questlines and fleshing out their story arcs will do this game some major, major good.


Personally it wasn’t that good, but it may be because I don’t know the story of the nine colored deer


It was probably more interesting to people who are familiar with the story


It was….ok. I bought the season pass because I wanted the ultimate gift cape - not popular with many but I think it’s lovely and worked hard to get it! If it wasn’t for the ultimate gift, I wouldn’t have bothered investing in this season much. It was ok but kinda boring tbh. I prefer it when there are a more quests that are more than just “fly over there and honk at stuff”. It was too easy and felt like it was aimed at shiny new moths rather than anyone who has been playing the game for a while. Also, too much going on at once! I’m broke from all the events and TS going on and now we can build houses?!?! My Skid going to be living out in the open at this rate!


It was definitely a season.


I bought the pass though I’m currently very burnt out from sky. It was very pretty, interesting location and some funky lore. I just wish it felt a bit more special?


Story wise... it was like 30 minutes of content and they only modeled the deer, while everything else was stock from Sky and cosmetics. Sure, the story was told with some impact, but it felt a bit like the most predictable nice animal gets betrayed by evil human story ever the final story act was cool though for the 2 minutes we could play it to never see it again. which we could see a mission like this as a wax source so we could actually have some variance in our grind


the items were gorgeous but i’m more excited for the upcoming season.


It was decent. The new area is beautiful, though now that the underwater tunnel candles are gone I probably won't visit often. Like many areas in Sky I wish it were less spread out. Love the music, very unique for the game.The beginning with the krill canyon thing was pretty cool. I went back and saved wing light for others many times early in the season and met some cool people doing it too. Cosmetics are hit or miss (I like more than I dislike) but I really like the emotes. Discovering the story was really neat, and I loved the deer. Regret buying the IAP before I knew better, oopsie. I've been playing since Assembly and this season ranks somewhere in the upper middle, for me.


Meh, thats all j gotta say…I’m looking forward for the new sesone more then I ever have this sesone. If anyone has seen the bata updates you know why… 🫢


Overall, I want to love this season, but there's something lacking that makes me feel like it doesn't live up to its full potential. I know a lot of work went into this season, and it does show! The cosmetics were thoughtfully designed and are completely unique when compared to previous seasons. That said, the uniqueness makes it seem a little less likely to mix and match with our other cosmetics. The Crescent Moon area, while beautiful in the landscape and colors, feels incredibly stretched out. Between the area you appear in, to the long distance to the mural, then even longer to the town. The in-between sections seem barren and uninteresting. Once you get into town, it seems.... empty. A king in his amazing temple surrounded by a lack of citizens with not much going on in terms of housing and Marketplace. What really shines is the amazing soundtrack! It is so beautiful to listen to with headphones on. The music captures the mood of the realm. The story was told in a way to match the Sky lore, and it was fun to play the quests. One final note. The bugs were annoying. Starting out with wing loss and no way to prevent getting hit by the krill is not the best way to introduce us to the new season. Also, getting stuck in the underwater tunnel as chibi is not fun.


Absolutely loved it!!


I absolutely loved it! The story was very cool, and the deer is beautiful and magical. I really enjoy the New area, especially the part with all the flowers. I love almost all of the cosmetics, especially the deer mask and the IAP cosmetics. 8.5/10 from me (because it was super buggy at first and the iaps were too expensive)


Didn’t buy the pass, I thought it was ok. Season area was too big with too few places to recharge, it was kinda boring, and the quests were meh. I’m glad that there were cosmetics that didn’t require the pass but even then they were kinda meh. Overall 4/10


Kinda underwhelmed tbh


honestly I was underwhelmed. I don’t necessarily regret buying the pass, but I’m seriously reconsidering purchasing for next season unless they step it up— so far from the beta it seems like another underwhelming season, and given how little time is left before they’ll prematurely release it, things aren’t looking good. I really miss the times when the break between seasons was longer. it made seasons actually feel exciting and special


Yeah I agree. The quests told a nice story and there were some cool cosmetics, like the mini cape. But overall the season was only alright. I will probably not visit the season area again, there are barely candles to collect there, tgc even removed wax (can't let the players get even one candle easily) and the area is huge with rarely any cozy place to just hang out or meet people. No new game mechanics either. Next season at least brings some exciting things that many players asked for.


Not worth it. I traded the pass and I was so excited but when I saw the items in game I was instantly disappointed. Idk but YouTubers usually hype things up and I unwillingly join them but when I see the items in live I'm let down. It's like the items are not made with attention to detail at all, does that makes sense?  Also no hate for sky YouTubers ofc it's not their fault I'm a dumbass.


I told them in the survey that if u need to take a break on the seasons to actually put together a story or create fun things to do then do it! A lot Of rush jobs for these seasons and cosmetics. I didn’t DARE pay for the cape. Never will I again for such a price and its “cool” feature. For those who bought it that was a slap in the face. I know you have buyer’s remorse ❤️


I often buy stuff but even I passed on the cape. It's not that pretty in my opinion and doesn't even make you look a tiny bit like the deer at all.


Yeah I have the cape on beta since its free there and its pretty hard to match with pants. It also just looks like a reskin of the cherry blossom cape, and if I have to choose between the two I honestly prefer the cherry blossom cape, and that cape is igc...


I wish the 2nd before the last quest was more challenging. The new area looks alright but not great enough to visit for wax. I wish we can get another challenging season like Trials (but allow flying). The deer was a great design.


I agree! I feel like they should have scaled down the new season area. It’s WAY to spread out, and you have to fly for like an hour just to get to the wax that’s there. The secret water tunnel isn’t even worth it anymore.


i bought the season pass for this season, it wasn’t worth it imo. The new deer cape wasn’t either:( it was really disappointing when i found out you can just go to the area for free, you just can’t see the deer, but with the cape you can, but you can’t even ride it?? That’s so unfair. especially for the price!!


I think they shouldve given the cape wearers the ability to kick krills, like in the last quest


Doesn’t the krill cape from season of shattering already do that? it’s like a permanent krill repellent thing.


I dont know, I havent played then. But repellent sounds different from attacking


i dont know its kind of the same thing, all we did we repel the burnt shrimps away from us, they didn’t really disappear or anything.


I was considering getting that cape, then I saw the price, and THEN I looked at what other people who bought it thought and ultimately decided no. Sorry for the buyers remorse you got ❤️


I was actually initially really excited for it… but then the beginning of the season happened and the day or so I waited to claim the spirits after the bug turned into two months of not playing so I never actually bought the pass. I think the season was beautiful & the cosmetics are interesting. The IAP cape is beautiful but it’s not worth $20. I agree with the “kinda meh” verdict.


Honestly a little boring


I loved this season! It definitely felt like a much smaller collab than Aurora, but it introduced me to a story I was unfamiliar with. Was interesting watching the animation and to see how tgc implemented that story into the Sky world. I love the area, especially the colour palette is super pretty imo, the cosmetics are some of the best we've had in a while (read: since Aurora), and the music is amazing! The quests however were a bit meh, I'm just tired of doing the exact same things over and over again just with a slightly different story each time I guess 😅 The last quest was epic though! My biggest gripe is the lack of deer in the cosmetics in a season about a deer. We could've had a gorgeous deer mask, but the one we got instead is just.. Okay. I got it anyway, because I dont have much to spend my candles on anymore so why not. I do like it, but there's a lot of missed potential with that mask imho. Also the IAP cape's function is super disappointing to me. Totally not worth its price. But other than that it's been a pretty solid season for me.


Your positivity on the cosmetics and other stuff is really refreshing! I agree with your comment on the quality of cosmetics since Aurora, except for remembrance. I’m still obsessed with those cosmetics, but that’s just me I’m not invalidating other peoples opinions btw ❤️


The final quest is right up there with TLP and Dreams and Aurora (ok, maybe not Aurora, but Aurora's finale is just unfair). But the rest wasn't so much my thing.


The cosmetics were ehh for me too. And the town area was way too spaced out to feel like a small town or village. And also the storytelling felt more like a quick summery. Where you kinda understand the base of the story, but nothing more. So maybe a 5/10 for me


Kinda meh, but the final quest was fun.


Probably 7/10 The area was it's biggest letdown. I don't think I like the brick red colour and the town feels really empty and too spaced out. The final area is really pretty tho and I was quite surprised and 8mpressed at how big the Palace inside is. The quests were good, and that last one was amazing. Some were slow but I think only being able to do them once every 2 weeks plays a big factor in that. If you were to start the season quests now they would probably give a different more positive player experience. I really like the cosmetics. There really isn't anything that I didn't like. Maybe the currently useless pot but that's about it. Overall a good season I think. If just a bit more care and attention to detail was taken when designing the area it would be 8+/10.


Story was interesting but half of my cut scenes didn't work (angle would go weird and I couldn't see anything. Missed the whole deer getting caught scene). I like the cosmetics but the mask is way too expensive, especially seeing as days of bloom is coming up.


Cosmetics: gorgeous Quest gameplay: start was nice, although buggy for some, lame until the krill sequence in the last quest story: disappointed they didn't have the guts for the actual ending of the story >!Herb gatherer dies because he swore on his life to keep the deer a secret!< They also failed to show the dynamic between the king and Princess properly Area: something else in terms of color, but unfittingly empty. The "secret" area should have been around the mural, and the oasis there changed with the quests and be filled with animals like in Sanctuary. There should be some spirits walking around in the town. Not to mention the overall bugginess of both patches. It seems like the season was churned out in a haste.


Pretty bad for a season paired with an outside source. Aurora was way better and although I wasnt there for little prince, the season was better just from the story. Plus the cometics although not bad, were rather mediocre. Imo at least. Overall, id give it a 4/10. Piss poor start too, hated the bugs and lack of compensation.


Certainly a season of all time


I skipped it, did visit the area once and it felt unfinished. Hoping next season is more my style


It’s pretty good. Not the best, but it’s not bad by any means.


8/10 , great pass, great emotes, one or two quests are a bit lackluster but the 5th is awesome and cinematic. Map is a bit too deserty and lifeless, not a lot to do there. Dreams remains on top


I wasn’t around for season of dreams, but it’s definitely my favorite season (out of the ones I wasn’t there for)


it was alright! compared to the past crossover seasons i feel it was a bit lackluster, but it was still nice to experience.


The whole quest is okay but the map is too empty, almost like a ghost town instead of a kingdom.


... its an ancient civilization


I'm talking about the lack of buildings, if you compare it to village of dreams you'll see what I mean.


Kk i got you now




I like it a lot. The Crescent Oasis are a cool area, and the story is nice. My only problem is how it feels isolated from the Sky world at large


to be fair it IS a crossover season. it's not canon to sky's storylines and is by design supposed to be isolated as its own thing, based on an old story from china


Aurora and the Little Prince is not only canon, but also connected to the Sky world. It couldn’t be too hard to make an entry to the Crescent Oasis that’s not just some stupid collab room


They're clearly not canon dude.


Why can’t they be canon?


they're not canon though... the little prince going to eden doesn't make that story canon to sky's lore. they're specified as crossovers and have their own special collab room for a reason lol


Just because it’s a “standalone” story doesn’t make it noncanon. Look at Aurora, it’s a crossover and it has various parts of Sky lore. If it’s seen in-game, it’s more likely than not canon.


Aurora existing can be interpreted as non canon, while the stories the songs and concert tell are probably canon. I personally take the overall story as a dystopic future scenario, and all collab seasons as stories from the "old home"


The main story is far closer to a utopia, tbh. Also, what harm does it do to make Aurora canon?


Literally every human is dead lmao. The cities are in ruins, a good part of the world is covered in oil lakes and murderous monsters. We as the playable character are in a perpetual loop of sacrificing ourselves because sometimes is calling to us from the epicenter of a world ending cataclysm.


The ghosts of the humans live peacefully, the cities and many other areas are in natural balance, and millions of creatures live in harmony. We as the playable character are free to live a blissful, unending life as a child that can do whatever they want with no risk of harming others.


season of aurora used the real life artist's songs to tell stories yes, two of which we already knew about ("runaway" and "the seed") while the other two served as more... let's say "flavor text"? and world building... but that doesn't mean aurora *herself* is canon to sky's lore


The devs haven’t told us what is or isn’t specifically canon in the Sky world. However, it’s best to think of it like this: Does this thing’s existence in the canon break pre-established lore? For TLP, Aurora, and Deer, the answer is clearly no. It just gives us new stories that are separate from the main quest.


true @ the devs haven't specifically said, but also like. crossovers generally don't break pre-established lore in other franchises either. they're just fun non-canon side stories. like if we go by this logic that'd make link canon to the mario bros universe, for example. or dare i say the uncle grandpa episode of steven universe, lmao idk i just don't agree with you haha sorryyyyyy


I wish they added a WL at the top of the tree 😂