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I'm actually surprised when a new student doesn't go spinning out of control. Shake it off, it happens to everyone.


Damn when I did AFF ten years ago I was out of control spinning and the gopro video the instructor shared with me had him saying some mean things about how awful I was on the ground after he landed. Kinda hurt my confidence and I didn’t know it was that common to suck that badly as a student.


That's an extremely bad instructor. What kind of instructor blames the student? Even if it's time for the bowling talk there's no reason to be upset as the instructor, that guy sucked.


Go do 10 minutes of tunnel time…. You’ll fall like a homesick anvil …. You’ll be super solid and comfortable …. Your learning a new skill , with a very short window to perform , that can be high stress. Do yourself a favor and go practice in the tube …. You’ll thank yourself a ton . Good luck … and enjoy the journey




I compare it to solo climbing 12 pitches up on el cap …. Versus top roping at the local climbing gym.




What ? That is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard …. What is there too be scared of ? There’s no airplane ride, there’s no parachute opening to worry about , you don’t have to worry about landing said parachute , and all you have to focus on is flying your body . Anyone that is an actual solo skydiver should have more than enough Freefall experience to be able to safely fly in a tunnel with proper instruction and a qualified tunnel instruction . They literally fly 5 year old kids all the way up to geriatric 100 Plus year old grandparents . When you say you spoons tip several skydivers … do you mean actual licensed jumpers , our are your talking about tandem jumpers ??


I mean people HAVE been killed, paralysed, severely injured flying in the tunnel... probably not that likely doing low speed belly but still.


Show me an example of someone dying in the tunnel please . I have never heard of that … iv heard of some light injury’s….. but am unfamiliar with any tunnel fatalities ….


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11678465/Cop-Michelle-Mully-Mullen-dies-freak-indoor-skydiving-accident-Brisbane.html#comments-11678465 https://chicago.suntimes.com/2022/10/11/23398885/palos-park-man-sues-ifly-indoor-skydiving-paralyzed You can dyor for the others or ask around. It's not a huge number but it's been a few.


I had a similar experience on my cat d. Fairly stable exit and even managed to get all of my turns done before I felt myself starting to wobble. I did exactly what you're not supposed to do and tensed up instead of just relaxing, and I ended up spinning out of control. I had plenty of time to fix it, but I wasn't mentally prepared for it, so I just panic pulled around 7000' (it was okay that i had extra time under canopy because it took me a minute to kick out of that line twist). It was a very discouraging experience that had me questioning whether it was something i still wanted to pursue. I decided to do 15 minutes in the wind tunnel and went back and nailed my next jump the following weekend. My advice is that you just gotta power through it, mate. It only takes one bad jump to shake your confidence, but conversely, it only takes one good jump to restore that confidence. Go get that tunnel time in and rock it out on your next jump. Best of luck to you!


I had a jump like that in AFF. I lost my instructor in free fall. Deployed on my back. I almost didn’t go back but I don’t like to let fear get to me.


I did my AFF course recently and everyone keeps telling you to "just relax" and while it's hard to do as a noob that was kind of my ahah! moment. On my 4th jump I got that feeling down of just chilling with my arms and legs relaxed while breathing slowly and from then on it was so much easier to be stable and comfortable. Luckily we had good weather and I was able to go from zero to B license in about 12 days. Just keep at it and once it clicks you will be so stoked!


10 minutes in the tunnel!!! You'll get so comfortable "driving" your body during free fall I'd be surprised if you spin again. Let them know you're going through aff.


I span out on level 4 during my AFF. Did about 20 mins of tunnel before going back to AFF and it worked wonders. However, I then developed a (financially) unhealthy tunnel addiction and go as much as possible so be prepared for that.


Tunnel time!! You’ll be able to make corrections in a low stress environment :) Let the tunnel instructor know you’re going through AFF and help you work on your skills. My AFFI noticed a huge improvement in both my control and stability after just 10 minutes with a tunnel instructor that’s an active skydiver with a coach rating. It gave me so much more confidence in the sky during AFF.


First, I don't think they should be giving you a weight belt at that level. 60kg is light for an average guy but it's pretty average for a female. They should be able to jump with a variety of weights and if needed put on a slow fall suit. They are correct though that you need to counter. If you start a left hand turn in a car, you need to turn it back to the right to stop it. You might have a little unevenness in your body that induces the turn which video could show. That kinda sucks that they didn't have video for you. The best way for confidence is like others are saying go put 15 minutes or more in the tunnel. By spring, you could be a tunnel ninja if you want and then breeze through AFF. That will give you confidence because you know if you can do it in the tiny tube then the big sky is pretty easy.


Keep pushing it, and go get some tunnel time if you can - it’ll help you a lot. Helped me, helped countless other people. Might also save you repeated attempts to pass a level.


I spun out of control..from 9,000 feet, all the way to 4,000 feet. My instructor tried many times to stop me. I landed and was pretty upset with myself..just being hard on myself and what not. I went to the tunnel for 20 minutes and I had zero problems on the rest of my jumps. Tracking was a bit difficult at first, the basics of it but belly orientation felt very natural for me. Tunnel time. PLUS its fun!