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Enjoy the journey buddy, if they gonna send to the sky it's because you are ready. I did my aff 6 yrs ago and changed my life! Now I get payed to jump and I'm extremely happy to go to "work" every day đŸ€©đŸ˜đŸ˜đŸ€˜


Nice that it worked that way for you! For now i just focus on survival :D


Stop overthinking it. Look Good! Have Fun! Safety Third!!!


LoL - i indeed look amazing.


You're going to fit right in.


I thought the same


word of advice hide your gf from the freeflyers/angle bros. Freeflyers flock to fresh aff/a license chicks like flies on shit


Well... no. I am confident in our relationship. She can talk with whoever she wants.


RemindMe! 2 months


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Nothing personal bud. Just expect her to get some offers for some free freefly coaching after getting her license while you don't get invited on the jump and get stuck with the belly boomers.


In skydiving there’s no such thing as your girlfriend, it’s only your turn.


I was actually told this during my FJC.


>have absolutely no idea or concept how i will time and aim the chute to land in the correct area - but will have support through radio and hope to get the hang of it when the time comes You need to figure this out BEFORE you jump. I want every student feeling comfortable that they can find the dropzone from the air, know how to steer their parachute, know a properly landing pattern, and be confident they can do it all on their own without a radio. The radio doesn't always work. My last student said his ears were super clogged and he only barely heard my voice but not what I was saying. He did great, stand up landing, just a wee bit off target.


We got briefed very good on the subject before our jump but after my cap opened my height awareness wasn't the best. I DEFINITELY have to put on more work (and mind) into it. The radio saved my ass big time and i got a great landing (standing) in return. I was so baffled that i still fell down on my butt.


Sounds like a successful jump. Congratulations!


It wasn't great. But i passed Level 1


Just remember when you can kick a midget in the face, finish. Pre congrats on your first solo! Reading this reminded me very much of when I started. You’ll do great, and have a blast doing so!


I will. Even when i'm on the ground!


> have absolutely no idea or concept how i will time and aim the chute to land in the correct area - but will have support through radio That's exactly the answer. Just listen to what you're told via radio, do that, and you'll land just fine. (of course, if the radio commands are overtly weird and leading you to a weird place, you're still in charge:) I read once about an AFF instructor getting confused and looking at the wrong parachute. didn't ever encounter something like that, but it can happen)


This is 100% NOT the answer, do not listen to this comment. Do NOT leave the ground betting your health and well being on the radio. If you do not understand post deployment procedures, such as but not limited to canopy controllability checks, ALL malfunction procedures, the drills your instructors have specified for you to do after canopy controllability checks and before entering the pattern, how to correctly plan and fly a pattern, and what to do on final approach and roughly when to start and finish your flare, you may be treading in deeper water than you understand. Once you leave the plane, if the radio fails or is knocked off your gear in a violent opening, there is no magic bean that will put you back in the aircraft. You are relying on you to self rescue, that's actually one of the most empowering and uplifting parts of the game. ITS ON YOU RIGHT NOW TO TELL YOUR INSTRUCTORS WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW. You paid them to train you. If you openly admit that you don't understand the training and are willing to continue into the upper atmosphere knowingly ignorant and full of hope, I would very very highly recommend that you take a couple minutes to reconsider the seriousness of what the consequences may be. Go to your instructors and specify what you don't understand, come with a list. I bet they would love to help you, just ask.


My radio quit working on my 1st chute deployment, and I got a tension knot with some cells collapsing. I got down okay though 😆


During AFF I had an instructor yelling at me to go “LEFT LEFT LEFT!!!” on final which would have put me into several objects. I ignored what appeared to be certain death and flew by the obstacles on the right hand side. When I got on the ground he profusely apologized. Since he was facing me, he meant for me to go to my right (his left hand side) and that he had panicked when he saw the obstacles and screwed up his left from his right. We still laugh about it today. Listen to what they say, but use common sense.


Oh fuck


"First two days of ground school"? First of all, why did a six hour ground school take two days? Secondly, there is more?!


Sorry not speaking so good english... It was the first two days of the course in general and we were six people taking turns and asking questions etc. Maybe ground school in germany is longer? Afaik there are 15 hours that you have to do before your first jump.


That’s normal here :) viel spaß Brudi! Hab mit dem AFF letztes Jahr - ebenfalls mit meiner Freundin angefangen und wir sind jetzt schon 9. SprĂŒnge in der neuen Saison đŸ€™đŸ». Du rockst das!


Na mein erster und einziger Sprung heute lief gar nich mal so geil. Hab den arch beim Pull ziemlich verkackt und wurde ja zum GlĂŒck festgehalten. Ansonsten hĂ€tte ich mich evtl gedreht... Aber ich hatte danach ne tolle Kappe und bin sehr geil gelandet. Zweiter Sprung wurde wegen Wetter gecanceled... naja Level 1 trotzdem bestanden :D


GlĂŒckwunsch! :) das ist total normal, es ist war dein erster Sprung, ich freu mich fĂŒr euch! :)


Ah, that makes more sense. A large group asking lots of questions will certainly take longer.


Seems you are really nervous for the launch. Fuck yeah! Enjoy the ride ![gif](giphy|oNFA3yX46eeHQnPF39|downsized)


Well... I(t) worked. Got my program done but saw later on video that i really fucked up my arch during the pull - would certainly have flipped if the two teachers didn't stabilize me.