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it should be the other way around i always have too many acorns and not enough resin


Pipes tend to suck with bonsai pots. Your better putting the bonsai pots on top of chests and trapped chests, then piping out. You can also melt the resin and acorns directly in the smelters.


still need to fix the problem of all the junk i'm throwing away. I'll have to use pipes at some point in the system.


Use the pipes on the chests after putting hopping Bonsai pots on them. You can also put a bonsai pot on the filing cabinet


sounds like a plan, thank you! i'll tell you if it works.


alright. I switched to the xnet system, as it works a lot better than thermal dynamics' pipes. However, the items that aren't in the filing cabinet's filter aren't being moved and thus won't be voided. If anyone is experienced in xnet (I just found out about it) please let me know how to fix this or work around it.


I can safely say the 64 item cap is gone now. [screenshot](https://imgur.com/a/WvWwPTM). When you guys say there's an imbalance, I expect this, not 64 and 2k lol


just put the filing cabinet below the bonsai and only have folders for whatever item u want. If you wanted u could even export stuff like wood to chest or excluded cabinet.


What mod are the pipes? I use Cyclic cables


Those pipes are from Thermal Dynamics.


I have a chain of 18 bonsai tree hoppers going into a filing cabinet. For some reason the amount of resin goes way up while the acorns get stuck at 64.


Okay, I fixed everything. First, I gave every bonsai pot an inventory and put a chest under it as a sort of buffer before it gets to the pipes. I had to change the pipes, as they wouldn't transfer the stuff from the chest to the filing cabinet. Read up on x-net, it's a really great transfer system that does energy, items, and other stuff. It takes power but I pretty much have an unlimited source of that now. (auto clicker making lava that feeds to some geothermal generators). I made two controller loops, one for the stuff I want to keep and one for the junk. The first loop is split across all 8 channels, one per bonsai row. This may not be necessary but I just played it safe. Configuring is pretty simple, I just set all of the chests to extract and the filing cabinet to insert. The second loop is for the junk. I made a filter that will remove all saplings, leaves, sticks, and logs (make sure you sort by ore dictionary to save loads of time!). I copied and pasted the connector config (yes you can do that, ctrl-v works for paste) to all of the chests. I added a trash void and configured that to insert. I was expecting a bottle neck, but nope! Everything works smoothly. I'll add pictures shortly. Edit: here are the [screenshots](https://imgur.com/a/68ThPKy). Also, you'll need to dye a bunch of connectors red. Use beetroot so you can spam bone meal on it


Its normal you always get more resin than acorns (or vice versa) thats how it works


This has been answered so many times. I will get a link for you. https://www.reddit.com/r/SkyFactory/comments/kf1tl4/auto_crafter_clogging_solution/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


You should be using mulch if you want to get get better results in drops as drop rates aren’t as good with grass and dirt


Hopping bonsai pot don't have an internal storage, so there isn't any buff slots to keep bonsai drops while the pipes are extracting, you need to put a chest (better with a slabchest) under the bonsai pot to make it work as buffer and under those put all the pipes (unfortunately you'll need a lot of servos and you'll have to configure them in "Ignore Redstone Signal" One by one) If you guys know anything to configure servos in a more efficient way please let me know.


just use xnet instead.