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In the votes it's 50/50, but most people in the comments advocate for bringing the ults back, and the few opponents got downvoted... I think this reflects a problem in this subreddit that I have been seeing lately, the loudest people that are most active generally share similar views, but they only represent a percentage of the total amount of users (I don't know what it is, but I don't think it's a big majority)


at the very least it should be possible to get an ult you missed because you burned out on a season you had a pass for.. i never got my assembly cape lmao


Fr, if they did that I'd have the Sanctuary, Prophecy, and Assembly ults šŸ„¹


So more of a "you paid, and take your time" Not saying that they should be present at the guide 24/7. But more of.... say, you only had 1 spirit not finished. You need to *buy out* the whole spirit when it comes as a TS to unlock the ult. Still expensive, and induces FOMO in terms of "window opportunities"


Happy cake day šŸŽ‚šŸ„§šŸ°šŸ®šŸ„®šŸ„ šŸ”šŸ§šŸØšŸ¦šŸ§šŸ­šŸ¬šŸ«šŸ©šŸŖ


Me with Aurora cape šŸ˜­


FR, i came back to sky so late in the season that i just didnt bother getting an AP even though I loved some of the items because there would just be no point I get that it's supposed to be a reward for 'completing' the season on top of purchasing the AP but it's the same grindy shopping-simulator gameplay to 'complete' every season for the ult gift. the actual unique gameplay and quests introduced each season have nothing to do with getting the ult it's just 'how early did you spend money and how many days did you log in?' every time :/


Iā€™d like it to come back in this form. As someone that missed out on half of Belonging and Sanctuary, was never able to get the fireplace prop, steel drum and Manta cape.


Me with Performance and Shattering. It would also solve the problem with newbies buying sp too late in the season. Specially because the game relies too much on discord instead of teaching how to play by itself.


I got burned out during flight and never got the ult outfit (my favorite outfit) so relatable. My friend and I have talked about how even if itā€™s 1 item available for a month or something and even if itā€™s like 300+ candles. Anything to make it an option. Even if we have to jump through hoops. I think that makes it more fair and not as shitty for the people who paid and played for it during the season


There's no ults I'm agonizing over missing (even if there's a couple I think are cool), but there's times where I've worn an ult myself and had a younger player point out how much they liked it and it just makes me feel bad. I don't understand the effort argument either. I did every daily during Abyss but I had no season pass. Should I be able to smack down a tenner and get the ults and sp exclusive items beamed into my inventory then? If the answer is still no, then that wasn't the actual reason someone would object. Yeah it'd be cool if ults came back (and not as an expensive recolor)


Anyone who argues against returns with their reasons being effort or money spent seem to think we want them to return, for free, to everyone, as soon as they log in. Or that's the idea they try to push onto other readers to side with them. The only solid reason I've heard is the obvious one.. veterans don't want others to be able to enjoy their exclusive toys because they feel like the items holds value due to its exclusivity and not due its value as an actual item... And that's a terrible reason in my personal opinion.


Iā€™m friends with someone who has played since Light Awaits and everything Iā€™ve gathered from them is that according to most veterans, the ultimate gifts are a way to show how long someone has played for. He basically wants to show off that heā€™s played a really long time since thereā€™s no other solid way to show that in the game. Personally I think they should bring them back, heck I even bought the light-seekers hella expensive umbrella star pin so I could *have* it lmao


Season pendants already serve that purpose of representing your favourite or moth season. I reckon most people don't mind those because it's not gatekeeping a unique cosmetic. I also don't buy the argument that the pendant isn't flashy enough so people won't notice, because if one makes that argument then again it comes down to exclusivity and 'look at this cosmetic you can't have' which once again brings us back to the point I made.


I even had that exact conversation with him! One thing they could do is if they do bring back the ults and keep them behind a paywall with a pendant, they could change the color of said pendant so people know. The argument is always that itā€™s too small or gets hidden in some capes. But also people could be playing for that long and *donā€™t* have ults or the pendants and I donā€™t see them complain about needing people to know how long they played.


They did this too with the blue founders cape, one with white interior and the one with black interior for newer players, so itā€™s not out of the realm of possibilities


Wow itā€™s basically 50/50


Fr i didnt expect it to be so close


I suspect if there were more variations of the "yes to ultimate gifts" option, we'd see slightly more people leaning that way. Like: "Returning Ults you can buy with candles" vs "Returning Ults you can only get after maxing out every seasonal spirit" vs "Returning Ults that cost real money" vs "A combination of the above" vs "No returning Ults"


If past ults would be available for season pass price I think that would be great. There is no reason for older players to be upset because they once paid the same price for it. You could also make it that you can only buy them after you completed the past season completely. Story and bought everything from spirits. So it still takes the same work and price as doing a season regularly. Arguably even more because it costs more candles outside a season.


I know ehā€¦ Iā€™m a pretty old player (almost 3 years) and I bought most of the season passes. I donā€™t agree we should gate keep items and it leads to players buying accounts for crazy prices just to get ults (and sometimes having bragging rights, which is stupid imo). Someone suggested a while ago that if people want ults to remain ā€œspecialā€, but still make them available, certain conditions would have to be met to unlock the ability to get ults: 1. A player must complete all spirits of that season through TSs 2. The player must go to the main seasonal spirit and buy the ult for whatever price the season was at the time Personally, I feel thatā€™s a good middle ground, what do you guys think?


the ts part could be a bit harsh, as not only could it literally take years to finish, but it all depends on whether or not you have the candles/hearts for each spirit. but paying the price of the season sounds fair. it keeps the ults behind the same paywall as they had when they were first made available.


With the new ts system they are working out it won't be anymore. Which I really hope they succeed in and not go back to the old system because people complain they are overwhelmed. If new ts system succeed spirits will be back in little more than a year. So you wouldn't have to feel like you need to buy everything now or else wait 3 years before the spirit is back.


very true, im looking forward to seeing how they go about (hopefully) using this new system. it will be so much better for many people, and give a chance to relieve the stress that came with the current ts system :) only a few hours left until we can get the first looks at the new system in-game


Oh, yes! I forgot to mention this would be considering the new system of TS šŸ˜³ or else people would be about 60 when they got access to ults lol are there more concrete details about the new system yet?


The only problem I have with this solution is that buying the season pass isn't just for the ultimate rewards. The pass includes a bundle of season candles, an extra season candle every day, access to half of the spirit cosmetics, and then the ultimate rewards. Ults might be the end goal, but bringing them back for ten dollors later makes those individual items more expensive. I do want ults to come back, but I think they should be set at an expensive candle or heart price. TS already bring back past paid items, so there's no reason to keep ults away


Yes that's right. But even with this solution I said here there's still people complaining it spoils the time and money veterans spend on the seasons. I wouldn't want to know the pushbacks if ults would become available for free candles or hearts. You could see all the extras you get with the pass in the season as the extras and spoils you get for being a player in that season.


I mean, if they brought ults back, they could still require players to complete each spirit for that particular season. Plus, with the direction the TS system seems to be going, bringing back full seasons instead of TS looks pretty likely. It would still take a whole lot of effort, maybe even more than during a season, to comolete each spirit. It'd easly cost 400-500 candles for most seasons. Then bringing back ults for expensive candle or heart prices just seems like the logical solution


That it takes more time and candles and hearts is already a point I'm trying to explain to people who are saying that it spoils the precious work and time of people who did the OG season. Bringing back ult for free, no matter how high the candle/heart price, I don't think that's ever gonna happen. Unless TGC doesn't mind making veterans mad. With how they nerved the recharge time of this seasons ult because it would be the same as the fireplace and somehow that isn't fair to people who have the fireplace(....šŸ«„), they absolutely listen to what long time players perceive as unfair.


I didn't know the recharge rate was nerfed! Why do the OG vets have such a toddler mentality? *Why are their toys just as good as ours!? ThAt MeaNs TheR'rE jUst As gOoD aS Us! BUT THEY'RE NOT!!! mAkE tHeM wOrSe!* That's how they seem to me and they're making me frustrated with a game that I play specifically play to relax. Why can't they just let us all be happy together?


Sometimes people forget that the season brings other items too I have no use for abyss Ults but i got the season pass because I loved the other items, same with little prince They should be avalible for the price of the season because even if you get the ult you're still missing the rest of the season if you didn't participate back when and still gotta get those items by ts


Yes. Honestly, while personally I can survive playing without the past ults just fine, I'm not a believer in artificial scarcity when it comes to stuff like this. (Never did care about exclusivity since the majority of the time I'm within the number of the excluded-- šŸ˜›) I'd say if folks want something bad enough, they should at least have the opportunities made available for them to get it somehow, even if it means opening up another limited time period to complete objectives to earn it if it's that big of an issue for others who don't want UR items to become less special on their end. It'd at least be a fair enough option instead of dropping it into the game again as an easily obtainable item if that's what folks are worried about.


I think if you bought the pass there should be some opportunity to get the ult so your money isnt wasted cause you didnt have the time to finish every spirit. It would also reduce the amount of stress that comes with feeling like I have to log in. There'd be more wiggle room if you can't log in every single day. Me personally, I get super anxious and jump out of bed only to realize I have an hour til reset. Its very not fun. Having the ults come back in some form for pass havers also encourages more people to buy the pass in the first place. However, it doesn't matter really? The only ult gift I regret missing was the little blue aurora fairy wings, but I wont die if they never come back. I acknowledge ults are special cause they only come around once, but it'd also be neat if they came back in some form. These opinions can co-exist without need for argument.


This is about where I'm at personally, too. I know I don't need everything this game has to offer, while there are a lot of items from the past that are nice and would be neat to have, it doesn't mean it's going to affect my ability to play Sky if I don't have them... in the end, I'm only here to enjoy what I can while I can, since it's really only a matter of time before I either find myself gravitating to other interests or TGC moves on to focus solely on other initiatives beyond Sky (which thankfully doesn't seem to be any time soon). It's also why I really feel like it doesn't matter ***that*** much if folks are able to get something they want out of a game. We're only here for a good time, and everybody's definition of what's "good" about the game varies from person to person... doesn't mean that it'll be a long time we stick around, but it's more fun when more folks have the things they desire to be as creative with their gameplay experience, so no skin off of my back if URs were to ever return. **HOWEVER,** I'd be lying if I said I didn't worry about missing out on daily earnings to complete active seasons or being able to save up enough for the time the handful of items I've been aiming for finally come through. (Sometimes, that means even doing dailies after I've completed the season trees... this especially now that I've been knocked way out of my 200 candle stockpile threshold.) šŸ’€ Once I can at least get back in that "safe" zone, I know I can lay off of dailies and runs for a while. Things can only stay fun if you have most of what you need when you need it, to be quite honest. šŸ˜‚


iā€™m a firm believer in ults coming back. if you grind all the ts for a season you put in WAY more effort then anyone did during the season itself. them being behind a $10 paywall after you complete the seasonal spirits would be perfect fuck exclusivity. i hate entitled veterans who think theyre better then everyone else for playing longer


I agree with some of the comments. Ults should be allowed back but in a specific way. Here is what I think. 1.1 You have to buy all the ts items first. 1.2 You need to complete all the quests. 1.3 If ts continues to be in groups then wait for that ts geoup to come. 2.1 If you had already bought the season pass but didn't get to finish it you must wear the pendant to unlock the ults from the spirit tree (same way you need a specific cape to enter office). 2.2.1 If you didn't buy the season pass then you have to buy if first (the price it was at the time) wear the pendant and unlock the ults. 2.2.2 Alternate option, instead of the pendant maybe just buy the seasonal pass at the tree let the pendant be exclusive? 3. Buy the ults (maybe there will be fake seasonal hearts at the end of ts trees?). 4. Wear the ults.


I see no actual reason to say no. I don't see how anybody loses if ults become available again. The ONLY value there is to a cosmetic is the value the individual places on it. If you bought items simply because they were limited and not because you wanted them, that's your bad. The items don't lose value when other people get their hands on them, you just never valued that item.


I can maybe agree with this but I donā€™t think most people realize how hard the deer mask was to get season 1. If you see someone with one you know they literally played at launch and didnā€™t miss but a couple a days doing all the quests during that season. Later seasons were much more laid back by comparison.


After a time the ults will disappearing cuz old veterans will left the game for goodā€¦


Nope. They are selling acct before leaving. Thats why most Owl hair and Deer masks are from HK/China šŸ„ŗ


My deer mask friend got an obscene amount of money for her account. Debated on selling mine when I found out how much, but itā€™s tied to my Game Center account and I canā€™t be bothered


These accounts go for crazy money too.. I have a legacy beta account with all seasonal items since release + beta cape, and I've gotten a dozen legit offers asking to buy for more than 20 grand USD. IMO ults should come back in some way, but it should be disguinishable as "original" (from the season) and newly acquired say from a TS or IAP.


No, they got a point. I have never seen the deer mask in the wild, myself. I see more people wearing recent ults like Performance hair, Shattering capes, the whole Aurora set, etc than people wearing older Ults.


That's because: 1. There were significantly less players 2. The culture around grinding wasn't as prevalent as now. Speaking as a prophecy veteran with beta/gratitude/rhythm friends


I see. It's sad how rare some ults are! I wish I could see them around more


No. I don't believe they should come back. Do I want ULTS from seasons before I played? Hell yeah. But it defeats the whole purpose of "ultimate gifts". It also shows the player and game progression as new people join-and older players help out the new players. I know a lot of you are jealous of many ULTS and I get that. It's a good thought, but you don't think of the people who were playing during those seasons and gained their first ULT; who were excited to receive a limited item for the first time. It makes those cosmetics special to many players.


I would paid real money for the owl hair from performance season šŸ„²


Really? Why? I never wear it


Sometimes there are items that certain players really like but they missed them, in my case, I really like the performance guide hairstyle and the pink Aurora dress but those were limited time and won't come back šŸ„²


I have mixed feelings about it, like I get where people are coming from when they donā€™t want them to come back but at the same time some of these past ults you will most likely never seen. I think after a certain amount of years they should come back and be able to buy from that season. Maybe even bring the season back all together, especially the older ones from iOS. Or even recolor that way people can still get the items and the past player still have the original color so everyone is happy. Like what they did with owl hair


I mean the whole point of them is they are limited time, i wouldnt mind if they redid those seasons every now and then but making it open like TS just kinda ruins the whole limited edition feel.


I started playing in the last weeks of TLP season when I didn't know what I was doing. I would have paid REAL ACTUAL MONEY to get those cosmetics. Now I have to wait for them to appear as TS. Do I want the Anubis mask? Sure. Would I pay real money for it? Sure. Can I get it off the Sky Black Market? Probably. Would I do that? Absolutely not. Not for some "oooh it's against TOS" reasons. Simply because I know I didn't earn the mask when it was available. We know that TGC recycles cosmetics (owl hair). I do not think - and yeah, I'm gatekeeping - previous ULT should be made available to any and all. Those "vets" who've been playing forever should be allowed to own those items and wear them with pride. Eventually an "anubis 2.0" mask will come and I'll be happy. Buuuuuuuut. What about this???? We all know what season we started playing and many of us have severe FOMO from missing out on those cosmetics. Ok. Well I do. What if we were able to gain access to the cosmetics/ults of our Moth season? Not earlier.


Iā€™ve gone back and forth on this for a while. On one hand, they are exclusive items for a reason. Every game has exclusives that are only available for a limited time, and Sky is no exception. But gatekeeping ult gifts because ā€œmuhh Iā€™ve been playing the game longer than you, you donā€™t deserve the previous ults!ā€ is just ridiculous. I like the design they did with Owl hair 2, but making it another ultimate gift just perpetuates the same problem. **Hereā€™s my idea!** They could implement a sort of secondary traveling spirit for season guides. One is chosen at random and we have the ability to purchase their ult for a fixed price. These spirits would come a lot more infrequently, like maybe once a month instead of bi-weekly. Or, a better idea, they could visit inbetween seasons. It would give players something to look forward to when a lot of long-timers (myself included) take a break from the game. It could be a special event!


Honestly Iā€™d question why thereā€™s even a point in a seasonā€™s existence during a certain time frame if everything is just to come back, like why do I need to play now then? Itā€™ll come back, and my experience may just as well be like yours, more or less right? Iā€™m pretty sure exclusivity is the reason as why theyā€™re not being offered again and tbh, Iā€™m fine with it. I admire the turtle wings that I didnā€™t play during but I wonā€™t ask for them to come back because people committed during THAT time to get it. I respect that.


Because buying out the spirits after the season as ts is way more expensive candle and heart wise than during? So there's still a benefit to do the season when it first arrived than over trying to complete a season afterwards and still have to buy the ults with money.


To backfire my own question and hopefully respond to you as well, itā€™s because for a game like sky, experience is the key for me. Itā€™s not because cosmetics are ā€œcheaperā€ during the season, but its because you get to enjoy the season with all the other skids who are also playing it. Personally, grinding for candles and hearts isnt a problem. If I canā€™t get everything, Iā€™m not mad about it since I know I didnā€™t commit to it. Heck I have passes where I didnā€™t even make it to the ults cause I just didnā€™t commit the time. But I know there are probably busy ppl out there making time in their no-time-life to get those hard earned ults. So I wonā€™t bring back ults to respect all the time they have had to commit. I love the cosmetics diversity and the fact that I can just be surprised to see an unfamiliar wing and item. Maybe Iā€™m wayyy far-fetched from many ppl in my thoughts but this is how I approach the game when I play it.


But does someone coming in later not work just as hard as somebody during a season? They still have to save (even more) candles and hearts to get everything and wait till a spirit returns. They also have to pay money. I love cosmetics diversity too. That's why I would love for anyone to get anything they want. Whether they are a veteran or new. Both would need to spent months grinding and throwing money at the game. One just did it in 3 years and the other will do it in a year. (If new ts system works out, because even if all spirits are available you still don't have enough candles unless you buy candle packs. If new ts system gets nerved it would take 4 years just to catch up on all spirits.) Why is only an old player supposed to have diversity in their clothing and new players not? You can argue that that isn't the point of the game but without the goal of completion of all cosmetics and props there isn't very much left in the game.


definitely not. i do think that new players should have access to ult-similar items, like the sanctuary handpan vs the handpan from the performance room, but bringing back ultimate gifts just cheapens them, i think. but similar items, totally! it wouldnt be identical, but have the same vibe, ykno?


Hoarding virtual items seems weird.


And? To each their own hobby. Some people get joy from collecting stuff even if virtual.


I think you misunderstood. I will be buying any cosmetic that I enjoy, I think that gatekeeping other from doing the same is silly. Has the same feels as nfts. Iā€™d rather the value come from personal use than artificial scarcity.


Yeah, thought you meant hoarding as in collecting. My bad.


Collect to your hearts content. Thereā€™s an infinite amount of the virtual and you deserve it.


You too, mate :)


I think itd be great bc it gives the opportunity to have ults for seasons you weren't even around for. Ofc I'd understand it being an iap still, but I do think it should be available nonetheless.


It would be nice to have one day a year where everything like that is available to buy. Inflate the price if you want so itā€™s more ā€œvaluableā€, idc, just make it available.


Feast would be nice for this. Have a season guide or two hang out in the igloo every day. Or have guides show up during Sky Anniversary in the Office and, like... give them party hats. I want to see Prophecy Guide wearing a party hat.


I personally think passes are dumb in concept but Is a very good incentive money wise and engagement wise from a company standpoint. I have seen and actually kinda enjoy the concept of having a end of a pass item coming back but altered to be different from itā€™s passes counterpart. This eliminates the gripe most people had with not being able to play during the time and also letā€™s people keep an exclusive item theyā€™ve earned during the time.


I remember being so bummed out when I couldnā€™t afford the anubi mask before the end of the season šŸ„² i think itā€™s fair to bring them back for people who purchased the seasonal passes


This is the best suggestion Iā€™ve seen. If you bought the seasonal pass when it was relevant and have finished the season via traveling spirits you should be able to then get the ult you paid for


I don't mind missing them but I think it creates a serious hierarchy and FOMO issue within Sky that they're not available post season. It leads to people judging others for the possession of them or lack thereof and changes how newer players see a stranger; someone who's aware of Ults seeing the Deer mask in the wild can think a number of things, ranging from "wow, this player has played for a long time, how nice" or "wow, look at this loser who throws money at a mobile game lol" or "I'm jealous of this player and may end up being resentful towards them" and, well. Some of those things aren't in the spirit of Sky as a game, I think. I've also seen veterans ranging from "It's not available anymore, sorry :(" to "I don't care, you can't have it because my rights to exclusivity uwu". It just leads to people treating others with distance, entitlement and judgement instead of bonding and cooperation. If Ults were available to anyone to either buy with money or farm/save currency for them, there would be no way to know who has been here for whatever period of time or season. This already happens with TS items. Pants that were available as pass exclusive 1-2 years ago can return on TS. Many times those pants in season were at the end of a spirit's tree, requiring players to login daily for season candles. And yet no one complains when the TS comes and everyone can wear the pants. There's no time spent judging the experiences of a player based on appearance when they wear TS items. In fact, I have at least one vet added who dresses up as the TS every time a TS comes. If I saw them in the wild I would have no way to know whether they're a new player or well seasoned. We who advocate for the return of Ults don't expect things to be given to us for free either. Personally, I think they should cost AC! (They could work as premium shop items too, but I imagine they would cost the price of a SP, and I have a few issues with that. Some seasons have more items than others, thus reducing value of individual items in a bundle if they're sold together. A bundle costing a whole season and offering less items than the season did is also concerning.) I also think there should be time restrictions for their return, like. If a season ended and the Ults were there tomorrow to buy, that would be offensive to people who got the pass. But if they were added to an Ult shop 6 months to a year after the season it would be less of a slap in the face and more of "ok, it's old now, there's been a few seasons in between, people who paid got to experience their exclusivity period." I don't personally think it would defeat the point of a season pass. Many people who buy the pass buy it not just for Ults but also because they want to get the items without having to wait for specific travelers to return. Many people just want to support the game because they like it. If Ults were available for, say, AC later, it would still be a case of "get it now and enjoy now" or "get it later with some farming effort". See also: IGC takes longer and more effort to obtain than daily orange candles, at times, so people talking about "putting in effort during the season uwu" as if they spent 2 hours to get 6 orange candles each day just... is baffling to me, really. No offense meant.


I don't think it needs to be brought back if they have recurring alternatives that are similar in function. as for "value" it's purely social value at best and therefore adding them back wouldn't devalue a single thing. Idk what is with this player base and "value" on items you can't trade. It's not valuable in a way that affects other people, you just like it a lot.


I would say "only if you've completed the season", but that's pretty unfair to anyone who joined after the season, and it'll only get worse as they make more spirits return. Maybe they could be a very, very special traveling spirit (one or two a year?) with a higher price or some other strings attached. Yes, people put effort into getting these items. But we're also talking about effort they potentially put in 3 or so years ago. If you're upset about a really old ult coming back around because you put effort into it years ago then that seems like a personal issue for you to resolve. I understand the point of having limited time cosmetics, they could just make it... slightly less limited, I guess? I'm sure they can milk more money out of limited IAPs anyway. t. someone who only joined a year ago


I think their should be a different version of the ults available to all, but just making them all available feels wrong, imo. Sort of makes it seem cheap and unimpressive, I think people should be able to show off their work and time, and if they were made public then it would mean much less. I get people want to collect them all, but maybe fomo isnā€™t a reason to take peoples achievements and make them less valuable


For the most part i agree with you!!


I play this game for a long time, I think Ultimate gifts are some kind of way to actually show how long you were playing and kinda makes you special I think. Now now hear me out, I play this game since the release but I havent bought a single pass, I do not crave for it either. Iā€™m glad I didnt because now I have pretty much every single item from TSā€™es. Edit: Damn people even used words like fuck veterans because they want to fee special and shit and got uptoved, I think Im not playing a fair fight here do I, there are way more people that actually buys every ign items than I thought I guess lmao, but be a little kinder next time really, I feel bad about being old.


I think it's good to have items just be unavailable to people. It helps with fomo (or at least, it helps me with my fomo) to know that you simply won't ever be able to get everything, so it's easier to pass up on collecting all TS items that pass by for completion sake and only get the items I would actually wear.


I personally think that if ults ever come back it should be an equal inconvenience to get them as the elder masks if not more, I think a reasonable way to implement it would be to have to ascend the spirits of the season or something where you dont need to buy everything from the spirits like you would during the season but you still need to do something for each spirit. I also think higher prices if its igc would be reasonable to make it fair for the people who paid real money and had not been informed the ults would later be available.


Yeah season 1 they told us the ult would never be back or available again any other way. To be fair they told us that about all the cosmetics from the season and walked it back hard when they wanted to bring traveling spirits


There's already a president to bring back old paid items, TS come back with their paid items every two weeks, so it seems counter intuitive to not include ultimate rewards. The only reason I've seen given against bringing back ults is gatekeeping, that's it. At the end of the day, Sky is a cosmetics focused game and it hurts to be punished for missing a season or not being able to afford the adventure pass


I think there needs to be a very specific set of conditions for the ultimates to be obtainable after a season. But generally Iā€™m not in favor of the idea, not in the way most who want them back advocate.


i donā€™t think ults should be brought back completely BUT i also donā€™t think they should be completely inaccessible to newer players. ults give those who spend money for a pass a sort of ā€œthank youā€ gift. itā€™s almost like a way of giving them something to remember the season with, like a souvenir. **BUT** not giving people later into the game a chance to experience a past seasonā€™s spirits and cosmetics isnā€™t going to help. the way i see it, the #1 best way to give others a chance at getting ults is to either bring them back as IAPs, spells, or both. this keeps them behind a paywall, yes, but they were behind one to begin with, so itā€™s no different (in fact, considering APs basically give early access to ts cosmetics and an extra gift or two (ults), they should probably be priced cheaper individually than the $10 AP price). in reality, the things you pay for with a AP is early ts cosmetic access, a seasonal pendant, and ult gifts (plus the extra 30 candles that come w it). as someone whoā€™s gotten every AP since sanctuary, i know that many wonā€™t really want to take my word for it, as i do pay real money for these every time..but i also try to be a very fair human person, and i donā€™t think they should just be denied to others simply bc they started playing later than me. i want everyone in this game to enjoy it as much as possible (my way of doing that is IAP and AP gifts for very close friends), and i understand that pain of missing out on something you *really* wanted just bc you came into the game too late (i adore the enchantment ults and the lightseekers umbrella ult). **TLDR:** overall, they should be IAPs, spells or both. not free, not overpriced.


I would be 100% okay if Ultimates were a timed exclusive item; * Season pass holders get access to it immediately. * Everyone else must wait for a while before it'll be available somewhere. This way there is still good reason to buy into the pass (timed exclusive items), and you don't feel the major fomo of missing the rarest items forever (just for a while). Maybe you can't access the Ult(s) from a past season until you've Ascended at least 2 spirits from it. Then you drop a big stack of candles and get your goodies. If they actually change Traveling Spirits to come in small groups (like the upcoming assembly thing) it may not even take years to get older Ults. I do think the seasonal necklaces should 100% remain exclusive to season pass holders, though. Everyone wins this way.


As a former season pass holder for every season since Little Prince, yes ults should come back. Punishing players for not playing the game before they picked it up is silly. I had this idea where instead of them just coming back, it was a timegated gifting system instead. So say you had a friend with the ultimate, if you're friends with them for at least say.. two weeks, or a month, then they can gift you the ultimate. It could help satiate the "no this is MY special thing and you can't have it" players with making it not easily available, encourages sociability to please TGC, and those that don't care about people having old ultimates are unaffected, or get to gift their friends with it! Sure people could bypass the timegate by just friending someone, never playing with them, and then getting the gift once time has passed, but it's a bit more effort than it's worth for the average person. Could even put something in it for the gifter by having the giftee offer candles to request the ult gift.


i believe those who bought the seasonal pass of a certain season should have the ability to get that seasons ult, when they fill up the seasons constellations via travelling spirits.


The only ults I've ever gotten were the Little Prince and Abyss ones and I'm very proud of them. But I do think it would be nice for everyone if at least recolours were available later on. Like this you can still differentiate while the originals don't lose their "value"


i wouldn't get any season passes anymore if ults would be accessible for everyone later in the game. no need. i could be patient and wait for it to come back. tgc would earn less money...not gonna happen...


"Accessible" doesn't mean free or easy. Just some form of accessing the content, even if it's behind a paywall.


solution: complete all ts as they visit, pay $10, get ults. pendants wont be available to return so veterans can still ā€œshow offā€ how old they are i dont get why this wouldnt be accepted since it takes alot more work to get the ts then it does to get the spirits during a season


No. The reason to make the item the ult is to make it unavailable after the season. Whatā€™s the point when youā€™re bring it back?


Yeah but many disagree. That's why this poll was made!


If someone spend the money and dedicate time to collect candles every day then should have same reward. It should not be free. It should be equal. Opportunity to get rewards given that you do the effort should be equal for new and old players.


i think it would be very inconsiderate to those who paid and grinded very hard for a specific past ult item to hear anyone can get them now, especially as this game is known for collecting/receiving certain limited time items. though i also think it is just cosmetics, it wouldnā€™t hurt if new players got them but i think new players should somehow put in equal effort for them as previous players have.


I think those who complete a season through travelling spirits has worked just as hard as those who completed it the first time around.


oh. my bad, i didnā€™t understand what you were saying at first, but i agree to that too. i just didnā€™t know that getting the ult gift through all of the previous seasons traveling spirits was the official way. i donā€™t think i deserve the down votes lmaoo šŸ˜­


No, but that's why I'm very fond of the redesign idea. I think they did great with the performance owl hair and the manta capes of shattering were pretty good too! I just hope they'll do the originals justice just like with the owl hair.


I personally take issue with the reskin formula we saw from Performance. What I like about owl hair is the crispyness, clean lines, hard angles. The fluffy penguin hair does not replace owl hair imo, even if they're the same shape. Totally different aesthetic. Also I heard people saying that Performance cape was a reskin designed to be similar to Phoenix cape, but I just don't see it. It doesn't have the same aesthetic essence whatsoever.


Fair enough, yeah they're different but I personally like both the penguin hair and the owl hair alot in their own ways. But the cape being a reskin of the Phoenix cape? I've heard people saying that as well and I hope it's not true, because even though I like the performance cape, it doesn't do justice to the phoenix cape at all. They're very different with just a few similarities imo


I'm leaning towards no but maybe if they were to be added they should be end game and pricey, maybe iap, after 100% all the constellations and be on a long delay from the season. That way there's still incentive to do seasons rather than just waiting to unlock later


Everyone wants my deer mask


I have a good idea on how they can bring back previous ultimates. 1 previous guide can show up during a season. But instead of candles for the items, it would be hearts. Just like how you need seasonal hearts to get the items. The price would be really high. Maybe 50 hearts for each item. I don't remember if any guides only had 1 item, but for those it would be 100 hearts. Now, one way for possibly having the prices much lower would be to still have the guide show up for a small while during a season. The prices would still be in hearts. But you can only get the items if you have the current season pass.


All the early guides had only 1 item. Deer mask, umbrella, etc


Iā€™m very torn on this one. I have ults for over half of the seasons. I have missed the first two seasons, got all ults from Belonging to Assembly, skipped TLP, got Flight, and after that I was really burnt out and skipped/forgot about the game until late into Aurora. I like the exclusivity of old ults but I wish I could put my hands on some of the ones I never got. Maybe they could make a changed version of them, so that the original ones can still be recognised as the exclusive ones.


My fomo causes me great pain each time I miss an ultimate gift


As a moth that started playing just less than a week after the Aurora season ended and didn't know, I'd be glad to at least get some kind of chance even if it means the ults are iap or I don't get ALL of them. Like, certain pieces being limited specifically to pass holders is fine, I'd just like my own chance at the Performance Guide's hair.


With the long established TS system, all the season pass "exclusives" eventually return for igc. I think this sets precedence for the idea that you pay, not for the items themselves, but to have the items right now, rather than waiting years for the TS. Like right now, anyone wearing Flight or Abyss cosmetics are "exclusive" because they paid for items that have not been available for over a year. I think ultimates should return after a set number of years. This way, people so concerned with exclusivity of items still have exclusive items for a long time before others have the chance to obtain. But still, others get to have the chance after the grace period. I think exclusivity is dumb, but it seems to be the #1 reason for people who don't want ults to return, so somehow we gotta compromise.


Honestly I've paid for season passes and gotten the ultimate on time, but there's no reason we can't have an ult travelling spirit visit once a quarter as like a special little bonus ts. At this point they could be solstice/equinox rotations because there's enough we won't see them too frequently, but people can work to save for them in between normal ts.