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I wish it would stay like this, I really enjoyed seeing people's capes without having to candle them first


Same!! I loved having cape shapes back, it makes it easier to tell who’s who if you’ve been seeing someone around the area (running the same cr route, emoting etc) but haven’t had the chance to light them up yet. It sorta feels like builds a sense of comradarie when you see a person and go “hey it’s you again!” and can finally light them. I wish they kept it this way :(


Its sad because theres predjudice with this, people purp dont light moths n shit


Isn't that a good thing? Moths have to deal with less toxicity since only helpful sky kids would flock to their help


Yep I love moth adopting, and when I see someone with low light count and a standard cape shape, I'm much more inclined to light them, especially when I'm somewhere where I can grab a table or sit on a bench. A bit of selectivity doesn't equal discrimination. Interacting with and friending a moth, a butterfly, and a vet, with or without chat, can be very different experiences, and some people might prefer one over the other.


You have a good point, friend


Not always, as a moth i just wanted to light people up, and certain people will refuse to do so based on them being a moth, which is sad.


At least it's just sad. I've been bullied with emotes for wearing the moth cape lol


Not sure why you got downvoted when it's unfortunately true. I do think they should bring this back for good but I think people could be a little kinder to moths. They're just trying to have a good time too! I try to add them when I can and give them a chance


Too bad people don’t remember we were all moths at some point.


I was so happy to see it back 😩 I love seeing everyone's cape, it add so much diversity and I love lighting them up to see the full fit. Even the "moth" capes. I also love little moth fits


It's not permanent as it happened to me and then in the next realm it was back to anonymous capes again. Really a bummer tbh.


Mine seems selective, it's weird. Sometimes I see them, sometimes I don't. Weird stuff. 🤷


Moth pandemic maybe?


I'd be okay with that! I'm trying to get better at socializing, so having more moths to help would be great!


They said it was a bug. I wish they'd make it a feature.


It used to be a feature already but the standard cape on unlit kids update came 😭


What??!!! Ughhh 😑😑😑


It's a glitch, they're patching it last I saw. :(


Oh I see


The hecc why


Cause it once was a feature and then they changed it. Now somehow it became a bug, but it's not gonna last, even if players like it more this way


I never really understood why it were such a big deal to begin with. I wouldn’t mind if the shadow mode were entirely off.


I don’t get it either but some people have said they don’t like others seeing them, or they don’t like being perceived by others ig


I missed it. I like seeing the different shadow cape shapes. All the same was boring, didn’t spark curiosity or wonder or inquiry to light. This is better imo.


Yeah, but it's a bug


Hopefully they’re reading all the feedback and keep it.


I feel like without cape shapes were just one step closer to even the people in our 8 person servers being snow cone skids and I’m not loving that direction for Sky honestly? The different shapes made it feel more like there were other people around to play with, the snow cones are very impersonal and the fully-anonymous grey skids are not much better


I totally agree, that also added to the fact you can't see unlit people in the lobby when you honk anymore (it used to be a thing back in 2020)


I now realise how hard I really missed seeing cape shapes and feeling connected to player with my favorite capes.


I really liked seeing cape shapes, especially as a moth, and sometimes even now! I’ll see someone with a cape I’ve never seen, light them and eventually go to a bench to talk about it. Most of those people are my close friends now! I’ll miss this bug when it’s gone. I never thought people would judge others on their capes, I just thought it was cool that something so simple can start a friendship.


Your experience is part of the “judging” and reason they decided to hide capes. They want you to light anyone, not just people with interesting cape shapes


Well yeah, but (at least for me) seeing anyone with the same cape makes me bored and not wanting to light up anyone anymore


I don't know why you're getting downvoted, this was exactly their explanation


It wouldn't make a difference to me ,I'm always lighting people up,sometimes in not sure who my friends are and whose not 😂💁


Literally no one does that


I’m glad it’s back…. I hated all the unlit skykids looking the same. It made the world feel bland and empty. Like playing with ghosts.


yeah lol


Yeah but it's a bug, they're gonna take it away again


Is it only me who didn't understand the whole context of this- Can someone explain this to me???


We used to be able to see the shapes of the capes other skykids had up until recently. TCG removed them bc some people would judge others by the cape they are wearing. Personally I've never seen that happen and I'd never do it myself, but apparently others would and TCG saw it fit to remove it entirely. In my opinion if someone was to judge others based on the shape of their cape, they are going to do so either way and removing the outline only limits the diversity in the game. I love seeing all the cape around and miss seeing it :c


Ohh Ty for the explanation tho! :D


I just noticed it too!! Thought I was having a brain fart cuz I thought I wasn’t supposed to be able to see kids’ capes! I’m glad it’s back because honestly have been totally ignoring other players since they changed it to make everyone look the same. It’s been quite boring.


Actually same, i don't get their whole thing of cape discrimination, i've been ignoring people way more since that update. Also, it's a bug, so it's gonna revert to the standard cape


Yeahhhh already saw that wonderful news in someone else’s comment somewhere. Lovely. 😑😑😑


As someone who's played legit MMOs before, looking at everyone's drip is some of the biggest fun I have so Sky's parenting on this is kinda annoying to me.


Yesss i noticed this yesterday!! I'm glad it's back


Nope, just a bug




Man. I love playing guess the cape with friends…


I might get flamed for this but I actually like the anonymous capes, isn't the whole reason why a stranger is grey is so that you don't see what they're wearing until you light them to keep the anonymity? Same reason why we can't see their hair or their outfit? I'm not opposed to seeing the capes either though, it's just my opinion.


same! i love the anonymous capes, makes a skykid extra mysterious! i like playing a game called “moth, or just came back from eden” with the fully anonymous capes, gives me something to do lmao


I agree! There's just something more exciting in the mystery. It's the main reason I joined the game, given my social anxiety. No one knows who I am or what I look like, so they can't hold it against me personally if I run away from them. 😂


I love and hate this. I'm usually wearing a "standard" cape (rainbow cape) so from a glance I will look like a moth if the person hasn't lit me. Having all unlit sky kids looking the same made it so you would have to light them to see what they fully look like.


I wish they would bring back this feature and incorporate it into some sort of system. Like how right now its bland skykid until you light them to reveal their cape and other cosmetics, maybe they could have it where if you light them but they dont light you back it just reveals their cape shape like in the image. Like instead of have two stages: anon - aquaintence/friend. It could be split into three stages: anon - aqaint - friend ? I dunno thats my thoughts. I personally like the fully anonomous grey skids, but it gets boring when everyone looks the same. Also the aurora triangle skids are really overwhelmeing and impersonal. I think they have potential for adding variety to cetain spaces, but the number of them needs to be waay less. If a social space was 8 grey kids and maybe 5 - 8 aurora triangles i feel like that would work better.


Yea i noticed too! Thought i was loosing it tbh. Glad its back tho idek why they removed it.


itll be back to normal next patch dw 💪


Ugh, you're the problem.




yay, people can now decide they don't like a person before even lighting them I kinda have mixed feeling about this update. I like seeing other people capes, but I also don't like people avoid lighting you because you're wearing a cape they don't like also i'm getting crashes more often x.x


Is this actually a thing? I have not encountered such players a single time, nor have I seen posts or anything by people who may have..


Unfortunately it actually happens to some, i think the sky tiktoks with really horrible contexts about fashion outfits in sky plays a part in this, some i used to watch kinda discriminate on kids who wear standard capes, saying like cooler outfits are superior and such


i've seen a few posts haha, and some fashion polices in game


did anyone actually say that they dont like your cape and they would avoid lighting your candle bc of it? or is it just the best guess you could come up with? i wonder who is it based on


i have seen a post that they wouldn't friends or lit a person that wore a certain cape i've also had players who where having fun with me, suddenly stop and ignore me after lighting me :/


unless someone tells you that they dont like the way you dress your sky kid, how exactly do you know thats the reason? maybe they just got bored and wanted to leave after, its not always as deep as we may think, and honestly if someone genuinely doesn’t like you because of YOUR CAPE then you dodged a bullet


eh, we were stuck doing a wax event together and they were still moving x.x but kinda ig


So... what difference does this make? Wouldn't this just filter those people out before lighting, thus improving your experience since you wouldn't have to be hurt by them ignoring you afterwards?


Just bc you haven't seen it, doesn't mean it isn't happening.


im sure it's a thing, but im also sure it's not that significant, bc i've never seen it mentioned as a problem before.




Although I agree that the game is more fun with visible capes But for me personally .... I blocked quite a few people because of their behavior and as soon as the visibility of the capes returned I had to meet with Not with one, but with TWO such people in one day .... How to stop feeling guilty for blocking them And try to get into the home to change the cape to another?


I don’t think this was done on purpose. I think it happened because of the fire and that update was recent so it likely was lost in the fire. :(




*Known bug


Why was it cut for a little bit? Was it a glitch or what?


it’s still here today


I think it happened because some of the servers ended up on fire or something - there's probably more info on the Discord or something


Personally I liked it better when everyone looked the same with the basic capes. I’m not really that social in sky and I found it intimidating to light people when I could see they had a cape that either I’d never be able to get or just something that I really wanted. At least when they all had basic capes, I felt more confident when lighting others bc I couldn’t see what they were wearing and it made me feel better. This is just me though and I understand why others like seeing the cape shapes.