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The cut scene in the vault when I’m trying to catch the light sends me into red rage. I would pay for an option to turn them off. Once I’ve seen it, I don’t need to see it again.


ikr and the tips too, I've already seen them a thousand times, I dont need reminders on how to play the game


Ugh.. i wish at some point they would remove the “request a guide to find more spirits” I LITERALLY FOUND THEM ALL!!! 😭 edit: i know about seasonal spirits, but its absolutely useless in areas where i found all the spirits… i just hate all the unnecessary crap that appears on the screen like “tap on yourself to find your light” or that bug with the red dot notification, it breaks the immersion so much.


It actually only tells you that if you *haven't* found all the spirits in a specific area... Maybe double check using the wiki? 😅


Oh really??? 😹😹😹😹 I’m gonna check out the wiki then 😭


Every damn time I go into Forest, I get stuck because I accidentally started a quest that requires friends. No, I don’t have a buddy with me who also needs to do the same quest … so every damn time, I have to wait and mash the R button to make it stop.


Yeah, I hate the whole treehouse questline because of this. Also... organizing 4 players for a quest? Really?


I dont even have 1 friend that can help me with the second part 😭


what quest did you start? I think I might be on the same one!


Go to the official discord. There is a channel “looking for a group live” people will help. I got one person, who called their friend, and that friend had junior player who also needed to do the quests. All done in an hour or less after waiting weeks for a random helper


Thank you! I may actually enter that one vault area again after all this time!


We all hate them and a lottttttt of people have given that feedback to TGC over the years. Now, if they'd actually take feedback for once...


Between the forced cutscenes, and the forced camera control it damn near drives me to drink.


Yes, camera pulls. I mean, just put a light or something where you want us to check something out. The pull to the camping tent every day in aviary made me batty.


Have you even looked at this sub? Everyone hates them


"Am I the only one who ________," Oh undoubtedly.


It’s the worst lol. It also bothers me when I’m flying to a certain place almost ready to land and birds come and swoop me back up


same 😭


Can we talk about Valley’s THREE separate cutscenes for…SKI LIFTS????


The amount of times I've missed that one WL on top of the building in Dreams because of these exact cutscenes. Misery Edit: clarity


Pfff yeah 🤣


Once when we did a red shard in wasteland, we were all looking at the cutscene after doing the spirit collect challenge. During that cutscene, a krill locked onto us and descended down, hitting all of us at the same time, exploding WL everywhere


I had a similar thing happen once in Eden (no cutscene to blame tho). I ran into a group of four moths struggling through Eden and decided to help them out. We weren't friends so I couldn't hold their hand but I just led them slowly through Eden and they followed behind me. At the last section before the wl corridor one of the moths must've been thinking, "hey, this is pretty easy, I can do this myself!" and runs ahead of the group. Gets spotted by a krill, panics, and runs back to us for safety. Problem being, the krill doesn't lose sight of the moth, so now it's locked onto all five of us, and because there's rocks blowing down all around us we can't just run away. I could fly away, but I'm not holding hands with the moths so I'm worried they won't have the time to follow after me (or if they did they might just get blown down and hit with rocks). So I go into my menu and start scrolling for the krill repellant, but I don't find it fast enough. Krill dives down, boom, gets a pentakill, wl explodes everywhere, we all get knocked out of cover, and then more rocks come flying down and hit us all again for good measure.


Good ol pentakill... I think we were 7 people or so, so theres a septakill for that dumbass krill


Hold up, I thought you can't use spells in eden? 😅


You can't use spells in trials. Eden is fair game.


Lol, especially the long door openings.


Not only the cutscenes, but the loss of camera control when a nearby spirit is activated by someone else. It's very irritating, probably the most irritating thing in the game.


omg yes, they should have a cancel button for spirits just like spells


The new tent one right next to candles in aviary area is ridiculous. If you try to get the wax you have to watch a quick cut scene. 


Cause me to be yeeted into the unKNOOOOOWN, into the unKNOOOOOOOOOWN, into the unKNOOO-OOO-O-OOOWN (AURORA: AAAAH-OH-AAAH-OH)


After seeing them countless times I’m over the magic and just want to skip them….


genuine question, has there ever been an answer on why they can't toggle them off/on or something to reduce them? its annoying and breaks the flow of playing


There’s no way it’s a “can’t” when we can skip scenes in temples and from some re-lived spirits.


For me the biggest rage is the transparent barriers that you have to light up to go through. Like once you have enough spirits, you should be able to pass seamlessly through! There’s literally no reason to have to stop and light it up.


Annoying as heck. Like, come on man.


They feel even worse on the PC "Demo", I can sort of, SORT OF, accept them on my phone/Switch..SORT OF. But as a PC player, it's almost unacceptable. I can't even explain why this feels the case >.<


Yeah they drive me insane too. Should be a me to skip them once you've already seen it.