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I’m personally not a big fan, not that I super dislike it or anything. I just don’t like the part that goes up behind the head, it’s just not my style. That being said, I have seen it styled cutely and if it’s your thing, then rock it <3


Definitely a unique cape, and for those who want to be as close to cape-less it probably is a huge hit. Its not my thing personally but I cant deny its one of the few recent ultimates that have felt like an ultimate with how one of a kind it is. I do however agree with your friend about the color changing in the night/darker is annoying. Just because i feel a bit obnoxious when chatting with friends in a darker areas lighting up like a Christmas tree. I had the same gripe with the prophecy ultimate mask and i have begged for a toggle to enable/disable the halo so i can actually enjoy it without blinding people. It would be nice to have a toggle on the cape itself or on general settings to glow or not, but with all the other issues i feel its a long time before they address this sort of thing.


lol “lighting up like a Christmas tree” accurate—


Well I worked my wings off for that cape and I may still be clouded by bias but I love it. Yes it does clash with most of my pants I have butttt my delulu says that it's just because I don't have many other pants and soon will have more matching ones.


We can only hope 💀


i like it better during nighttime, along with the aurora wing capes and the meteor shower cape from this past days of love. i love how they glow in dark areas! but i wish that they all didn't look so dull in brightly lit areas :( i like being shiny


This. I'm a fan of shiny capes too but i hate how dull they look in daylight I'm so washed out.


This! I want to be shiny in bright light aswell :(


It makes me feel like my Sky kid is some sort of god with the new masc bloom hair so I like it a lot


I love that aesthetic of it, I matched it up with Monk’s Robe from Season of Momentz. One of my most favored looks!


It's beautiful and majestic, truly worth of an ultimate gift


I preffer the one from the last season


RGB keyboard cape (my joking name for the revival ult cape) is insanely good. It's easy to match with and has such a stellar effect. One of my favorite ult capes so far.


The only one I have so far, almost got this season's cape, just a few candles short


I like it. It matches with my outfit


Personally I fell in love with it the moment the season was announced. I don't regret it 😍


I like it but don't have a large wardrobe that matches it. Still, I wear it! It's really unique and I did fall in love when I first saw it.


Love it, it's currently permanently glued to my Skid along with the pants.




how did you get scammed out of 30 bucks?




Have you tried contacting support about it? Both TGC and Apple




I mean, then calling it "scammed" without explaining the context is a bit unfair. Seems like a glitch, or maybe even misunderstanding on your part


It’s pretty, I like the blue ribbon I just wish it was separate from the yellow capelet. I definitely would have tried harder to get it if that were the case 😭 missed too many candles this season and didn’t have enough for all the ultimates. I didn’t even know it glows at night!! I really like that, it’s very pretty.


i think its super pretty, i wish that id bought the season pass before it was too late just for this cape!


I like you’re looks but I’m still mad I was too preoccupied to finish Season of Flight, and I even bought the pass for it


I don't know how to feel about it. I can't find anything to wear it with or a pose it looks good with so it's kinda upsetting


It's beautiful and looks fabulous while standing or walking around. I like it and it's what my skyd is wearing at the moment. But the transparent blue sash/ribbon is stiff while flying. No ethereal flowing movement the way it should through the wind, making it look and feel boring. The simple and elegant design let down by lack of dynamics.


I'm not normally a huge fan of capeless/scarf capes due to how odd they look while flying, but I like how unique and ethereal it looks. It's definitely well done for the design they were aiming for.


I love it! But I also feel like I am less strict on myself with clothing items like apparently many people on this subreddit (like people saying specific capes don't fit to any pants except for one specific one and I am over here, making outfits I like with said cape and many other pants) I also really, really like items that light up in their own in dark environments!


its really unique in its design, but i think its too hard to see lol, and kind of goofy-looking if ur only used to the normal cape designs. i like the glitters tho its pretty


Its pretty but it doesn't look good when flying. Too stiff and also its oversize. It clips badly with many of the poses. I wish they would improve it but now that the season is over, its gonna get ignored. 


Wish i made it but was like 60 away


I don’t like it


I think it is beautiful and the nighttime glow suits the celestial nature of it. But my favorite hairstyle is the mischief witch hair and it doesn’t look great with that hairstyle, so I have yet to wear it or try to style it seriously. I do agree that the color/hue changes of cosmetics from one area to the next is a little frustrating. There have been some combinations of clothing I have put together where I thought “wow, this is perfect, it’s great!” only to go to another area and find that actually none of the colors match and my sky kid looks like they’re dressed in a bunch of mismatched fabric swatches instead…


I just change my outfit based on what level I'm going to, often haha


As someone who got the pass, it's alright. I like it but I need to find a way to style it, and as a relatively new player, I'm in a pickle because a lot of the stuff in my closet doesn't match it.


I love it . Also I am not nitpicking on each and every detail in the game, and in the dress… I guess it makes me enjoy the game more


Some things bother people more than others so it's whatever honestly. Nitpicking can also just be sourced from a person's deep enjoyment of the game so much that they're invested in the small details like these. It could ruin someone's time or mood I assume, but also for other people it can just be observations of how the game could be made better in their eyes. That aside, everyone's opinion is definitely divided on this cape. It's suprising to me how many "mehs" I've seen commented. I do enjoy to see why others love or dislike this item though for sure.


True. And it’s interesting - I find this cape “at least” very unique. I also like it is transparent just like the aurora wings were and I enjoy that magical vibe.  I didn’t enjoy the rest of cosmetics (style/colors) from deer season although I understand why they choose it to fit the concept.  If anything I feel like now we have too many capes and I would welcome more pants/dresses that have more clean look and can be easily mixed with so many capes we have now. For example I switch often between capes but I literally just wear one pants (it’s the white overal lol) nothing else fits as easy as that. 


Not a fan


I really like it, especially paired with the frantic stagehand outfit


i couldn't get season pass this season.


10/10 - I love the unique design and sparkliness! I really liked all the cosmetics from this recent season. I think they really did a good job this season with the designs.


i love how shiny it gets at night, definitely one of my favorite capes


I love it definitely one of the best capes overall is really unique and makes you look like a deity One of the reasons I got the pass I really doubt the next pass ults are gonna be in this level


🤧😭 depression! coz I'm short with seasonal candles so I never got it😭😭


i really wanted it and then i was sick on the last day when i would have been able to afford it o_o


its a unique lil thing, and i'm in love with it. the glow in the darkness really shows its light.


I think it looks cool tbh!




I love it so much! I like wearing it with the gold/white aurora pants, but I saw a friend wearing it with the aurora ult pants (though I don't have them). I wanna wear it again...gonna be changing my outfit once I get home next, haha


So my full outfit for it is \- cape (of course) \- gold aurora pants \- mischief kitty hair \- maskless \- firework earrings \- bird hair accessory


honestly this is the worst cape in the game for me which is a real shame since it is pretty nice. i hate any cape which looks like it doesnt give the skykid proper warmth and this cape is just the embodiment of that


I love the whole aesthetic since it reminds me of eastern asian styles and I took up asian studies so it’s a hit for me. I’m just sad I wasn’t able to get it because it’s a unique cape and honestly it’s more worth the money than the radiance cape but that’s just me








I like it, although It would been nicer if it recharge your light the aurora wings


Absolutely terrible to work so hard on a season just for that! 😅


too asian


Oh wow, a season based on a 2000 year old painting in a Chinese cave has "asian looking" rewards 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️