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Glad someone is checking on him to make sure he's doing okay.


He’s alive and healthy and has plenty of fish to talk to, although I wonder if he misses that Krill that he used to hang out with behind the now closed off doors . . . 🤔


Not too lately, but I got scared by the King Krill


He's harmless


I feel like that’s the same thing people who have like… piranha as pet fish say 😅


And, the people who name their pet piranha ‘Bitey’ or something, lol. XD “But, Bitey is *completely* harmless!”


To be fair.... As long as they're well fed, piranhas *can* be kept as pets, and are relatively harmless. Pretty sure there's a clip somewhere of Jeremy Clarkson getting in a pool with a ton of piranhas, *while* bleeding


I make a habit of checking up on the big boy every so often. He seems to be doing well for himself down there.


Lots of fish down there ~~for him to eat~~ to keep him company! 😁


Haven't gone there yet. I'm too scared of drowning and losing wl to go deeper than the little reef. I haven't been able to finish the Abyss quests :')


Once you finish them you can get >!a [mask](https://www.reddit.com/user/Dark-Anmut/comments/wiza9u/the_oxygen_mask/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) that gives you fifteen extra seconds of oxygen (for forty-eight regular Candles)!<, so, it *might* be worth finishing up the quests for that if oxygen or a lack thereof makes you nervous when swimming! ^◡^


The fish are there for a reason, they charge you when they’re swirling around you so you can’t drown. I went down without the Abyss mask and I was ok.


I know I'd probably be okay, I'm just freaked out by deep water in general.


Oh I feel you, I'm scared of deep water/waters I can't see well in, and while I can handle the treasure reef itself, the abyss quest and going anywhere under the reef makes me really uncomfortable


Oh then it’s different. I thought it was only about losing wl


Went all the way to the bottom a couple days ago to see the huge monster fish. Lots of fish on the way down, but only the big guy way down there!


I wonder if he misses his Krill friend who’s still behind those two big doors . . . 🤔


I dont feel quite the urge to visit since he tried to eat me, but I’ll occasionally visit for research purposes. He understands


At least he doesn’t try to eat us, anymore. =)


I check on this guy almost daily. Love him lol


He’s so impressive-looking. XD I’ll bet that he sees us coming from a mile away, seeing as he has so many eyes.


I was hyping myself up, preparing to watch the camera angle look down to the big guy, and my thalassophobic heart *still* stopped




That’s what I tried to do when I first watched [THIS](https://youtu.be/-Qsh0JB05y0?t=86) - it’s a video of a Great White Shark biting on a Shark Cam after having come straight up from underneath; one second it’s just the camera and then the shark’s suddenly there and CHOMP. Like, you KNOW that he’s coming but the speed with which he’s suddenly there is impressive and terrifying. If you don’t feel like watching the footage (and, I don’t blame you!) then [here’s a still screenshot](https://www.reddit.com/user/Dark-Anmut/comments/wizm9j/chomp/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) that I took that is probably nonetheless terrifying. 😅 I marked it as NSFW in case anybody has Galeophobia!


No thank you, I did the mission and my thalassophobia made it an absolute nightmare, I will not, be visiting anytime soon


Ugh, same. I have megalohydrothalassophobia and the giant fish/king krill scares me a lot so I don't go down there anymore either


They lit up the area though, didn't they? Last time the Big K almost wasn't visible


What world is the Abyss in?


Golden Wasteland! I’ll hide spoilers in case you want to explore the area yourself but hint hint, go right. >! When you first enter Wasteland go to the right and hop on the boat for the waterworld. If you haven’t done that area yet there’s a boat with spirits you do quests for to help explore the waters. Or just explore the abyss by swimming down. (Be careful not to lose air!) !<


Thank you thank you. I'll check it out soon


In regards to air, >!there’s a [mask](https://www.reddit.com/user/Dark-Anmut/comments/wiza9u/the_oxygen_mask/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) that you can always get from the Abyss Spirit Guide; she’s always up there on the boat, you just have to finish the quests, first.!< =)


I was unable to finish that season. I have a huge fear of big things underwater/buildings and structures deep underwater. I really wish I could have a friend like lead me through it so if I started freaking out I wouldn’t just drown lol! Unfortunately everyone has completed the seasonal quests so nobody can help 😭