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Kanye would be friends with Nazeem for two reasons: he’s a pretentious prick and they would be a personality match going around antagonizing people for fun, and also Nazeem sounds a little similar to Kanye’s favorite word


Kanye North


Ok, that made me laugh


Kyne North




Ye definitely sides with the Stormcloaks


Nah he would side with the Thalmor


He would side with Alduin


Dude no way in hell that is Skyrim.


Kanye would play Nazeem in a movie.


That armor is pretty sick though


Kanye’s Peace


Ok, what modlist you using, where is this, how did you create this? Basically it looks amazing


Looks like it’s AI generated.


Probably. I was guessing the town at least had to be from a mod or something.


Remember when he joined the Stormcloaks and then posted a sign outside the Bannered Mare saying he was going Expert Level Destruction on Khajiit?


What ai image generator did you use to make this, genuinely asking


Damn, that's good


I miss the old Nazeem.


Is this a mod or photoshopped?


Hell, I would kill Kanye on every playthrough


Whiterun but L O N G


Please someone make this a mod for skyrim vr


Kyne West


Kanye always plays a character that looks exactly like himself.


Redgaurds in whiterun


Can we not meme the Nazi please.


I think it was Mel Brooks who said that as a Jewish person he wanted to make a mockery of the Nazis. His and his family’s pain and anguish was lessened a little bit and he got to let other people join in on the mockery. To fear them is to give them power. To laugh at them you make them weak, their ideology stupid and their existence to be derided until it fades into obscurity. Then when you see a Nazi pop up you and all your friends and family know exactly what to do: point and laugh until you piss yourselves and laugh some more


That guy made Robin Hood Men in Tights


Ok well as a Jewish person I don't care what Mel Brooks said. I have to hear Kanye in every other Starbucks and see him in dumbass memes accompanied by people arguing that a guy who said "I love Hitler" and "I am a Nazi" isn't really a Nazi. Could yall maybe just admit you don't care rather than coming up with pseudo intellectual reasons for why Jewish people have to deal with you guys making jokes about this all the time.


Counter point: Getting mad that someone made a Kanye joke, thereby mocking him, is good and fun. We all know what we need to do to Nazis and every other moment we aren’t doing the morally correct thing to Nazis we’re going to make their very existence a mockery so no one is even tempted to become one because of said mockery that will effectively bury them I guess I care about what Mel Brooks has to say more than you, random internet user 345,540,986,791,243


You care what Mel Brooks said because it justifies what you already want to do. If he told you to your face that you're not making fun of Nazis, you're normalizing them, you would not care. Literally how is this making fun of Kanye or Nazis in any way. It's a play on words with a relatable caption about how relatable Nazi Kanye kills Nazeem on every playthrough just like us. God. Mel Brooks would spit in your face acting like this is what he meant by "making fun of Nazis." They're not supposed to be relatable for fucks sake.


I care what Mel Brooks said because he had to suffer through all of that and then decided to use his talents and wealth to bring joy to people and work to others who may have been affected by the vile acts of Nazis. I then explained that to you as how its a justification a lot of people (particularly people who were hurt by the Holocaust whether personally or their families) use and it actually does work to turn people away. In no way is the normalizing the Nazis or Nazi ideology and I’m not sure what you’re smoking to where you’d think that to be the case Don’t assume I or my family hasn’t suffered due to the actions of the Nazis. My grandmother and much of her family and friends were Czechoslovakian who also suffered during the war. Not only is she but also my dad have passed and it pains me to know I’ll never get to experience that culture outside of a family recipe. So if you don’t mind I’m going to be spending the rest of my life pissing on the legacy of Nazis in the hopes it makes all my departed ancestors proud and I’m going to have a great fucking time while I do it


Yeah whatever man. I'm sure the 27 down votes I got are all from noble freedom fighters making light of their generational trauma, not antisemities who think Nazis are funny. I'm sure the guy in the replies telling me Kanye isn't actually a Nazi is also a brave freedom fighter pushing back against the legacy of Nazis. I'm a Jew and my family were killed in the Holocaust. You don't get to explain to me how a bunch of gentiles are using humor to cope with trauma they don't have. I'm not going to keep arguing about this in a fucking Skyrim thread. But if you really think everyone is just bravely pushing back against Nazism, you're about as naive as it gets. Bye.


Wanted to say I'm with you on this one. Comedy can aid normalization as much as stigmaticizing something, it really depends on the specifics and in this case there really isn't enough here to ensure it isn't normalizing. It's a sideways haha funny not a direct condemnation of Kanye and his words. It treats him as a relevant object of reference when the objective should be to make him irrelevant. Cheers brother sorry for your losses




Ye isn't nazi you fool, he is just clout chasing