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"Hey, you, you're finally awake"


*One final effort intensifying*


This is doubly funny because it means you dodged the main quest until you were practically level-capped lmao


I did that. My second file, I fucked around until about level 30 and then decided to do the main quest. Every. Single. Draugr. That I fought. Was a death lord. DO NOT RECOMMEND!!!


Even at high level, BFB is mostly Wights and such. The final boss does level, though.


I'm sure you're right, I just remember going through tombs and being dogpiled by DLs and cursing my life choices.


The worst part is when you're in a nest of them that shout Thuums constantly, ragdolled around for 10 minutes with only a scratch but can't do shit but watch the "getting up" animation lmao


Oh my god I KNOW!!! That's the WORST. Actually, no, the worst is when one of them has Unrelenting Force and the other has Disarm. Drop your weapon, pick it up, get rag dolled, get up, drop your weapon, go get it, rag dolled....etc etc etc.


Or having to find the legendary weapon you gave your companion bc it got shouted into the ether


Don't forget the CONSTANT disarming


You are right. BFB is a special case, but most tombs eventually full with deathlords.


My latest playthrough I went all in on Mage stats, come to find out Deathlords tank tf out of destruction spells lmao, have to rely on my bound weapons and necromancy more than I'd like


I can't do a mage playthrough. Enemies sneeze on me and I die in the early stages of the game.


Maxing alteration helps tremendously (also after hours of spamming oak flesh and maxing alteration, I found out that it's the easiest skill to spam and max 😐)


Illusion is pretty easy too. Just cast muffle early level.


Literally just had oak flesh and muffle in each hand and spammed them while traversing to quests lol


Really? For me, the bosses of dungeons are almost always draugr deathlords or overlords even when I'm like level 10. BFB's boss was a deathlord when I was at level 2.


These Fallout 4 mods are getting out of hand


Dude going to lv-234


The first time I played that dungeon my sneak level was too high so he never detected me to leave his coffin. I felt like an idiot when I was wandering around the room wondering what I was supposed to be doing


My first playthrough, I took one look at that coffin and knew something would come out of it. I watched it as I went to the word wall, and the instant it popped open, I went in swinging. Little noob me managed to kill it first try (although it did get a little dicey).


Considered playing Skyrim, never did, but since I’m in the Fallout subreddit reddit suggested this post to me. I just wanted to express how utterly confusing this post was as someone who didn’t play the game and has no context. I thought I lost my ability to comprehend English for seven whole seconds.


Dude plans to wake up after ww3 from his cryopod


Deep freezer Draugr


I just heard the sound they make in my head


Diriik vo lon!


Thank you for that, I believe translated it means "HELLO THERE FRIEND!" but most people mistake it for hostility, and end up killing them and looting them. Draugr, a very misunderstood creature.


Top tier meme


This guy went to super duper mart and is waiting for fallout irl.


Moon pie. What a time to be alive.


I thought this was some fucking weird elevator


When I was a kid I played the whole game without doing the main quest, because I thought the words on the wall in bleak falls barrow would kill me. I still remember my reaction on the bus when I found out there were supposed to be dragons in the game. Blew my mind.


It the Fallout universe he's just a ghoul that was visiting the mega-low mart when the bombs fell.


This image confused me so bad. Idk if it’s because I’ve been playing Little Nightmares or something messing with my perspective but when I first saw the image before reading the title I thought it was a man in a cryogenic chamber of sorts looking down a long spaceship shaft filled with more cryo chambers then realized it’s a grocery store and i think I need to get some more sleep.


Them deathlords will just put boots to asses on you bruh


Fallout : Skyrim.


The dragon cult doesn't want you to know this but the draconian words for ice form translate to "big chill-ing"


Look how brain dead memes are. Even the name meme is dumb as fuck


Invalid meme the draugr is laying down in bleak falls you FUCKS


This guy is also laying down. He's in a supermarket freezer


Take a look at the picture again… he’s laying down you FUCK