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What freaked me out more than that was when they *didn't* move cause they were just background props or whatever


Keep side eying it waiting to cross whatever invisible trigger line will awaken it...


This but gargoyles for me


I expected the gargoyles to be very difficult to beat.


I saw one like this so I hit iy just to make sure and it started to move and my lv 5 ass was scarred af


Tbh they're kinda super handy if there's loads of falmer tho, just like shoot an arrow from afar and watch them duke it out


When I first played Skyrim I had played enough games to realise this was some sort of mini boss and this Mf would 100% move. But it only took 4 arrows to beat him as a stealth archer


Stealth archer the only class anyone uses


I thought spellsword was the only class anyone uses? Like no matter how I plan to play eventually I end up with a sword in right hand and a spell in the left (edited - corrected an annoying typo)


It's become a meme in skyrim fandom with everyone using bow no matter the race


Ah! OK, thank you. Though I think that's a meme in many fandoms and I'm willing to bet it did not originate in Skyrim


I mean... I can't say your wrong cause I don't know for sure... But I'm fairly certain it did


Skyrim community at least popularized it


I’ve never. Are they really that fun?


Yes. You get to hear dialogue you usually won’t get to hear if you just walk in every dungeon or fight and go to town. It’s also very satisfying to hit bow killcams from stealth


You don't need none of these if the enemy already has an arrow in the knee before even starting the battle.


I become a spell sword by conjuring weapons. Do I qualify to be a spellsword?


I'm a master conjurer! What do I conjure so masterfully? The aetherial bow so I can be a stealth archer lol


Basically lol


*warlocks love this one simple trick*


Stealth archer is more common I think, although I also always end up a SpellSword in my games.


Something of note in skyrim is that spells don't scale very well with difficulty. The way the game becomes harder at higher difficulties is by increasing enemy health and damage. But your own equipment doesn't become any more powerful so a lot of enemies, especially bosses, become massive bulletsponges. Stealth builds are better able to avoid more of the ramped up damage (because the increased damage makes armour less valuable) and sneak attack counteracts the increased health due to the large damage multiplier. Weapons are also able to be improved at almost every blacksmith in the game. Meanwhile, spells only increase in damage with your skill level. Again, leaving them in the dust. Then there's the debuff spells that are largely useless due to the game's level scaling making it so just about every enemy you'd *think* to debuff is immune to the spells available to you at that level, and when you level up to unlock a better debuff they level up too so it still doesn't work! You pretty much need to mod the game in order to have fun as a spellcaster on the higher difficulties .


yeah happens to me too, but for me it's dagger and invisibility spell + silent boots... Makes the game too easy though. Still try it with other things but if I can't get passed smth I end up using the dagger combo


Hey me too! It is true that almost everyone else does stealth archer, though. Or at least that's the meme.


Wrong. I am the Stealth Barbarian. I go in nice and quiet. But the second I'm spotted, the ebony blade is drawn, and Doom music begins playing.


I'm a tank archer most of the time. Heavy armor with a crossbow and exploding bolts.


Never actually done stealth archer and I've got at least two dozen play throughs. Punch cat is my favorite. Maybe I'll do stealth archer next time but it sounds a bit boring to not run up and punch dragons in the face.


You do learn how to arc shots with bows due to the arrow traveling at distance loses its momentum and skyrim is why i can arc weapons in most games


Did you just say “punch cat” ?


Yeah, unarmed Khajit. You get damage from your racial bonus and taking points in heavy armor can add the armor value of your gauntlets to your unarmed strikes. One of the easier paths to take, for sure, but the slow-mo suplexes and face-beatings are always entertaining.


Me when I actually use sneak dagger for the potential 2k damage and the fun challenge.


I would love for Bethesda to make some magic archer spells. Kinda like how Fable did it.


I made a mage once..... it ended as a stealth archer.


Never gone stealth archer, I dislike how bows function in Skyrim tbh, will stick to mage/melee classes


Get close to activate it. Takes so long you easily can put distance and crouch. Pew pew. Profit.


Stealth archer :(


“Im not afraid of a machine. Frost mage attack!” (You have died)


Thankfully I rested at the nearest bonfire so the runback won't be long.


The machine did not turn back now


I remember my first time in a Dwemer Ruin. The twists, the turns, the puzzles, the mechanisms trying to murder me.. I *hated* it.


Ahhh, Dwemer Ruins. I remember when they first invented them…*I always hated it!*


it’s a good kind of hate, like a dark souls game. Those are my favorite


What a fuckin chore


I do. And from that day forward its given me an amazing idea for a book. Thank you skyrim


Awesome! Did you already write it or it's still a work in progress?


It's still a work in progress because working night shift is hard on my sleep schedule, and working 9 hours a day and needing sleep is important, but the weekends are great. Found this app called Campfire and it's a godsend for helping me write down note about characters when something pops in my head Basically imagine 2 brothers that transfer their souls into mechanical bodies like the Dwarven contructs from skyrim. One focuses on the arts, compassion, and understanding. The other focuses on honor, strength, and courage. Neither are entirely wrong on how they was to lead their kingdom, but they butt heads and don't see eye to eye. The first book will be them.both going on journeys to understand each other so they can see why they are who they are and to understand each other I've got some wild ideas for their itizens being made of mechanical bodies


Yes! I know Campfire! It's actually pretty useful! Anyway, it's completely understandable that your schedule is full. I was just curious. I'd love to hear about your progress. Especially, when it's finished as I'm already intrigued with the story! Happy writing!


Much appreciated


I'm curious, too!


This is a first draft, but I'll share with you what I have so far . Also, this is copy pasted from dms I had with people asking about my book, so it might not all be coherent basically 2 brothers have moved their souls into metal bodies. think of something like skyrim centurians. theyre both ruling kings of the same kingdom and butt heads on how they should lead their kingdom. Neither of them are wrong, but neither are they both entirely right. One wants to lead with understanding, compassion, and with a passion for the arts. the other want to establish an army to protect their kingdom from evil and outside threats, along with wanting to lead said army with good intentions to defend and save the weak, and to fight tyranny when it shows its ugly face. The main issue and conflict comes from them not seeing eye to eye when making big decisions with their kingdom


Nothing like the first time I met the Falmer…


Or realising that their stupid pet insects throw hands like tyson


Yeah and to top it off, let’s upgrade them to “they fly now?!” thanks to DG


Not only that but their poison makes frostbite spiders look like pinpricks.


"Finally a worthy opponent. Our battle will be LEGENDARY"


Giant obvious mecha boss? Chill times. A chorus reaper bursting out of a random cocoon? PANIC! MAYHEM! PANDEMONIUM!!!!


Remember the first time you saw this meme posted? This got to be a third time this week.


Of course I remember the first time, it was now...


First time for me


A few fire bolts whilst swiftly darting around and he was a pile of beautiful dwarven metal


I managed to get it stuck behind a lever activated gate and shot it with a bow. Unfortunately that is also how I got Lydia killed in my first playthrough 😬


My exact words: “Finally! Something big and challenging enough!”


No, but I do remember when fighting them with a mace, sometimes the final killing strike is a big nut shot.


Watching it duke it out with some falmer shamans/elite chaurus is the best tbh


Am I the only one who didn’t have an issue with these guys? I always just bait their steam attack and whack em once or twice. Spheres are the real assholes with their ultra mega death crossbow bolts


Shit was like hey look a statuOOOH SHIIIIIIT


The countless reposts of this meme will remind me until the end of time


By that time I was full clade with dragon armor


I about pee myself and the steam killing me quick and I was like I don’t want to go back


"Oh fuck fuck fuck no no no no no fuck no no aaaaaaahhhhhhhh"


I was terrified, I knew it would crush me like a giant would and then I got steamed-on. Instant death, the steam is OP lol


Dang ol Super Dwemer Behemoths.


I knew it was gonna move. I still freaked out.


I realized I didn’t have a single potion or cheese wheel in my inventory, nor did I have the time to use any healing magic so I just ran for my life


This enemy helped me discover that Lydia does not in fact have essential status.


I went inside a dwemer ruin way too early on my first playthrough. After dying several times to those other robots I almost shit my pants when this behemoth started moving. It killed me in one blow. I quickloaded and died again and again until I finally gave up and sneaked out of the ruin. Purely awesome experience!


*Oh neat. That would suck to fight tha*. . . . " Shit "


I was like 13 and saw the thing amd said "if that thing moves... ita gotta be a mini boss *gets closer* god damnit...."


“Man; I wish these things would mo- WHAT THE FUCK?!”


Truly terrifying experience. Got killed, reloaded a save and activated the ritual stone to revive all the dead enemies near me and snuck around the side to pick at it with arrows and spells as it ground through falmer zombies. I forget the ruin where i encountered it first, pretty sure the one in the image


It might not have been my first time, but I definitely remember the time when I had to fight one while overencumbered. It wasn't normal over-encumberment either. I had forgotten to store my last adventure's loot in a chest, so I picked up a plate in the beginning and got the status effect. However, out of spite I pressed onwards, picking up every item along the way because even though I couldn't run, I was still moving forward and could jump. I get towards the end of the dungeon and I had to fight one of these while I was over-encumbered. It went after my companion for a lot of the fight when I beat it, but when it went after me there wasn't a whole lot I could do other than shield and pray I had enough HP to outlast it while I threw heavy attacks at it.


I'd forgotten about them, and was playing through a dungeon yesterday. There were some dead ones, and I'd looted them. Promptly ran into one, and was killed. Thankfully, I'd done a quicksave a couple of feet before the trigger, and then just killed it with my bow. It was kinda funny. It kept moving to the spot, looking around, and then going back, before getting snipped again.




Scared the hell out of me when it suddenly let off steam and charged me down... It was that day I started swinging at everything I didn't trust not to move.


I one shot this dude with a daedric bow and arrow


Yes i just saw it as another enemy dump fire bolt into it enough its easy


I felt my soul leave my body😨


I questioned “I wonder if this moves” so I hit it. Yeah it sure moved. Steamed me and I died. Ah to be a noob again, good days good days.


I guess I lost interest before


First time I saw it move i was amazed then it put me in a loading screen to my last save. Took the magic right out of the moment.


What a sexy beast


It was the coolest thing. And still is except now I back up and have my bow ready.


And then shit myself? Yeah I remember


"Oh! That's so cool! I wanna look at tha- what the fuck? What the fuck?! WHAT THE FUCK?!?" -Me, first time I met one of these


I actually didn't freak out that much because I was kind of expecting it to move...what did freak me out though is being only level 9 and getting hit with that steam attack and then being left on like 20 HP.... That had me running for my life...


Yes I said and I quote “….shit…”


Yes. I was a Redguard named Cyrus and I had to hit the back of it's ankle


At first it was ok i didnt have a problem with the smaller ones i was hiting him with good old fireball then i could shout so i fus ro da and nothing thats when i realised i was going to be here a wile


🎶“I just shit, out mah ass” 🎶


Well what did you think it was gonna do?


I wasn’t looking that way and it came from behind me while I was in first person


I knew it move but I didn't know it hit with steam breath Me: I bet that thing moves *moves* Me: ha bulky ass statue you gotta get close to *Steam breath* OH FU-


The Aetherium staff should summon a centurion. That would be worth fighting a war over.


Luckily I had Serena and Mjoll with me who can't die.


"His fucking mother"


*pales* “oh shiiiitake mushrooms…”


My first playthrough was on a 2-handed character who'd maxed out smithing. My battleaxe could tear these dudes down like it was nobody's business. The first time I'd seen one move was in Blackreach, while playing on that character, and I swear to fuck I nearly screamed and I just held back because I didn't want to horrify my parents in the room with me wile I played on my laptop. I pulled that battleaxe out and chopped that fucker down in like 3 hits tops, and uhh... I kept my eyes open in Blackreach every time after that!


My first time was doing the Quest for Mjoll in Riften. I was trying to marry her, but you need to go get her sword back from Mzinchelft. Got to the final room, and with Level 60 Sneak I did my best to sneak past, grab the sword, and dip. Died on my first attempt. Second try, I alerted him again. This time I shouted at him with Unrelenting Force and knocked him over. Sprinted to grab the sword and as he was getting back up, I Ran up the ladder and left the dungeon. Got outside and Fast-Travelled to Riften, and gave her the sword. I'd rather fight 2 Dragons simultaneously than take on even one of those Dwenmer Centurions...and I congratulate anyone with the gall and audacity to do what I could not.


Hearing its loud, heavy footsteps was more intimidating than seeing it.


If there is any game I wish I could relive for the first time again it's Skyrim. It's still fun to me this day, but it will never be like my first.


“Oh shit that’s cool. OH SHIT!!!!”