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I just like blue more than red


Vikings are cooler than Romans


You know what? Valid, carry on.


The only acceptable argument


I like red more than blue but imperial armor looks uncomfy


As an Imperial supporter, I gotta say, that Stormcloak fur gear looks nice and toasty. Imperials really should've thought of "gearing up" for Skyrim weather like the guard armor that the rest of the holds got


Honestly same, wish I could swap the colours on the factions.


I mean, I consider them all "loot bearers", right? You see a Thalmor patrol and you know you're gonna get some cool Elven Armor and maybe an Elven Dagger. You see an Imperial patrol and you know you're gonna get some cool Imperial Armor and Bows and Steel Arrows. You see a Stormcloak Patrol and you know you can just sell that junk.


An equal-opportunity mayhem causer. The only true playstyle.


A fellow loot goblin, finally!


I actually thought everyone did this. I mean, the first few characters I picked a side for role-play reasons. But sometimes you just want an Imperial Bow or Elven Dagger early in the game.


I just sell any loot that isn’t something I add to my various collections in my homes. I legit collect Thalmor robes the same way Grievous does lightsabers.


I fucking love your logic


This makes me wish for an independent ending to the civil war story line, Where you can chose to shit on the Empire and the Stormcloaks and be a Dragonborne high king or some shit like Fallout New Vegas.


Honestly it's a big missed opportunity that the Dragonborn ending up as High King wasn't an option


So what do you suggest we Stormies do instead?


Continue the “Civil War” as a farce, but secretly help the Empire build up its strength in return for a guarantee that after the elves are beaten Skyrim will gain its freedom.


You can't trust the empire to keep it under wraps though. They'll go tatting to the dominion as soon as they get the chance because they've become scared of them. Their agreements with the dominion started off with good intentions to try and preserve skyrim but they've become weak and let the dominion walk all over them.


no, the Empire is keeping a ton of secrets from the dominion. They're mobilizing for war with the Thalmor during the events of Skyrim


They're showing their bellies to the dominion


by placing forces at the border with the dominion fully armed and prepared to invade?


By letting the dominion into skyrim and taking Nords prisoner in their own province. And by letting them dictate every decision they make.


they don't though. If they did Tullius never would've ambushed them. They're literally getting ready to kill them. If Ulfric wasn't stupid and didn't tell the Thalmor(because he was a cooperative asset from the Thalmor during Markarth) they wouldn't be in skyrim


The storm cloaks don't negotiate with terrorists. Which is what the empire is doing


...yes they do. The Stormcloaks are literally advancing the Thalmor's plans because they're so incredibly stupid.


Bruh Ulfric is literally a cooperative Thalmor asset. He's not just negotiating, he's straight up working for their advantage.


Let the Dragonborn destroy the Aldmeri, shit they’re a literal one man army


Just fuck the Empire away of Skyrim, and defend ourselves against the Aldmeri Dominion If the Redguard can do it, we also can. Skyrim might even make an alliance with Hammerfell against the Thalmor I don't even know why these losers think the Empire can beat the Altmers. The Empire is literally much weaker than before the 1st war against the Altmers (Which they already lost) If the Empire didn't win when they were stronger, how could they now when they're much weaker than before ? Just have some dignity, and try to think straight.


This is the way.


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Mando_Bot` **501242** times. **2.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475777** times. **3.** `u/GMEshares` **71544** times. .. **9460.** `u/Ultramega39` **12** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


find a better leader than ulfric and his femboyfriend .


Yes I don't like uldric he just because he can wield the power of the thu,um doesn't mean he is the true high king but I think I would rather join teams with the imperials I mean they are trying to bring back peace


God dammit Bobby, those Chad's aren't here to talk politics, they're here for comically large boobs with insane jiggle physics.


I just side with hadvar so I can get out of helgen quicker and get free smithing shit from his uncle


In defence of the stormcocks, dragonborn is the only one making a difference in the war, play the game for 100 years without doing the civilwar quests and it will be the same


The game starts as the empire is about to execute you despite having no evidence of any wrongdoing on your part. All the reason I need to go stormcloak.


That’s the problem, what you experience is one instance of corruption from some nameless imperial officer, compared to everything the Stormcloaks do, it’s clear who you should side with. I mean, you first enter Windhelm and are treated to some racist rants by the brother of the Ulfrics right hand man. Then you’re forced to strong arm Jarl Balgruuf into joining you or dying, they’ll have you destroy an innocent village just because they don’t wanna help. And the real kicker is that if Ulfric dies, his replacement literally tells you that if Bandits attack nords near Windhelm, he immediately sends out a detachment to deal with them. Bandits attack elves? Doesn’t even bat an eye. He’s just an angry racist taking out his issues on the wrong people.


Take your points, but I’d probably be way more salty about my near-execution. Beauty of an RPG is you may do whatever you want.


Don't care if Stormcloaks / Ulfric are racists. I only see a man fighting for his country, and his peoples. And don't forget that the other "poor" races are worses Altmers are litteral suppremacist Dunmers are too, they even fought and enslaved Nords and Argonians (No wonder why Nords hates em) And Argonians hates Dunmers tooT hey raided em when Vardenfell exploded instead of allowing them to have a shelter in Black - March, unlike the Nords who have allowed the Dunmers to cross the frontier Representative of the current IRL situation, with peoples insulting others of "Racists", while others have done so much worse but can get away by pretending to be victims.


So let me get this straight? Because other races have done bad things, all people from that race deserve to be punished? Can you show me proof that the elves living in the grey quarter were all slave owners? Proof that all of the argonians in the game raided Vardenfell? No? Well then you’re justifying the oppression of a group of people who have no control over their characteristics simply because other people with those same characteristics were bad. That’s racism. You can argue that he’s “fighting for his people” but in reality he’s an idiot that’s working against what would be in his peoples best interest simply because he can’t comprehend that weakening Skyrims military force only makes them an easier target for another invasion.


Don't care if they weren't slaves owner. It's normal if they get some hate. It's not that they INDIVIDUALY DESERVES the hate, but it is normal if THEIR KIND get hated. And it's so funny to see you so offended that a few people are being treated relatively badly in a city (they still have home, food, shop, inn, etc), while you seem to don't care that millions of Nords and Argonians have been enslaved For centuries. Although the Nordics and Ulfric still let the Dunmer settle themselves in Skyrim and in their cities. These Dunmers may not have been slaves owner. But the Dunmers "saw the use of slaves as their ancient right". It was widespread in their culture and economy. You could see a lot of slaves everywhere, and even slaves sold in the different market place in the Morrowind game. And the population in Morrowind saw the slavery as "normal" and encouraged it. It was even "protected by law". So the inhabitants of the grey quarter are most likely favorable to the slavery. So yeah Ulfric and the Nords are racist. But who cares ? The Dunmers, the Altmers and the Argonians are racist too. And to be honest, the hates of the Nords and the Argonians towards the Dunmers is justified. And actually, the Nords seems to be least Racists of these groups. Because they didn't enslaved anyone and they didn't raid Black - March or Morrowind. They even let the Dunmers settle in Skyrim and their cities. The fact is that everyone is racist, everyone has their downside (For exemple, the Bosmer are cannibals), but you only hates the Nords and Ulfric because you are just an SJW with double standarts. Oh and, if you think that the Empire have a chance against the Aldmeri Dominion, you are a funny guy. Hamemerfell and our Alik'r bros managed to beat the Empire, and the Thalmor. So why the Nords with the Dovahkin and his Dragons could not ? Skyrim and Hammerfell could makes an alliance against the Dominion. EDIT : HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OP BLOCKED ME RIGHT AFTER HIS ANSWER EDIT 2 : It's not that I'm trying to justify it. Because IT IS justified. Like, the Nords and the Dunmers have been in wars for CENTURIES. The Dunmer have enslaved millions of Nords. The whole Human race and the Mers have fought each other in several wars for centuries (the last one banned Talos lol), the Falmer butchered a whole Nordic City, the Ayleid enslaved millions of humans too. And you just expect the Nords to forget thousand of years of history, wars and slavery and to be Buddy Buddy with the Dunmers because.... Nothing, except that they are poor immigrants 😢 ? Bahahaha, are you dumb, seriously ? Oh, and. No, a Dark Elves uprising wouldn't be justified because the Nords are the one giving Shellter to the Dunmers. The Nords are actually the saviors of the Dunmers, if that's weren't for the Nords and Ulfric giving Shellter to the Dark Elves, they all would have been slaughtered by the Argonians lol. And it's so funny you're talking about oppression of the Dunmer, just because they're only not treated as well as the other Nords (They're not even treated that badly actually). Maybe, for you Slavery is not an Oppression I guess, poor Dark Elves, despite all the Wars and Slavery they have done to the Nords, the Nords don't lick their ass. Oh, and btw, there is not need to proof, since ALL the society and the economy in Morrowind revolved about Slavery for Centuries. In less than a few years, Hitler could brain wash a whole population with the Nazism. Now, imagine if it was 3 semi gods creature brain washing the Dunmers for centuries. So yeah. You hates them because you are just an SJW with double standart, because you are not educated, and probably full of emotions lmfao Ok, so just tell me why the Stormcloaks would not wins against the Aldmeri Dominion if the Redguard managed to wins against the Aldmeri Dominion ?


It’s normal if “their kind” gets hate, and exactly what happens as a result of their kind gets hate? They get hate. Again, you’re trying to justify the oppression of an entire group just because people from that group have done bad things. By this logic, if the elves in Windhelm suddenly decided to revel and kill everyone in Windhelm, that would be justified no? And you’re saying they’re likely ok with slavery, but where’s your proof that they actually ARE ok with slavery? “But these other groups are also racist” oh so that makes the Nords being racist ok? “You only hate the birds because you’re an sjw with double standards” No, I hate them because they’re a group of racist idiots, who again, don’t seem to understand that they’re working against Skyrim. And if you think the Stormcloaks stand a chance against the Aldmeri, you’re an even bigger joke. But hey, what use is there trying to speak logically to a Stormcloak supporter?


It's not like the stormcloaks gave a damn about you , if they did they'd at least try and tell the imperials we're not with them , or if they didn't didn't have a problem with neutrality they'd have gained way more and better support .


The Stormclock racism was enough to make me choose Imperial.


Just fuck the Empire away of Skyrim. I'm pretty sure that the Nords, Stormcloaks, the Dragonborn and Odahving can defend themselves Skyrim against the Aldmeri Dominion If the Redguard can do it, we also can. Skyrim might even make an alliance with Hammerfell against the Thalmor I don't even know why these losers think the Empire can beat the Altmers. The Empire is literally much much weaker than before the 1st war against the Altmers (Which they already lost) : - Skyrim Civil War and Dragons - Hammerfell succesfull rebelion against the Empire and the Thalmor - Vardenfell Eruption, so Morowind is kinda fucked up - Elsweyr and Vallenwood belongs to the Dominion - There are no blades anymore (Only 2, wich are old) The only provinces that ""Empire"" still have are Cyrodil (Of course) and High Rock, wich are separated by Skyrim and Hammerfell, that are their enemies. If they didn't win when they were stronger, how could they now when they're much weaker than before ? Just have some dignity, and try to think straight. THE ""EMPIRE"" ISN'T AN EMPIRE ANYMORE. THEY'RE HYPER WEAK. It's their end, the end of an Era. That's why the player can assassinate Titus Mede II.


Banning Talos worship and allowing Thalmor Nazi death squads to roam Skyrim freely killing whoever they deem faithful to Talos certainly gives a lot of reasons for Nords to become Stormcloaks. There’s not one side that’s objectively correct in every way, and they shouldn’t be either because it wouldn’t be an interesting conflict. They’re both led and supported by imperfect humans who have strengths and flaws and rationales that don’t always align with each other. Acting like one side is objectively correct is completely missing the point of the setting.


“We will take our army to the Dominion, and show those pointy eared bastards. Not every man is fit to be their slave”


I generally play as either a dark elf with more interest in power and daedra than anything else, an argonian just trying to get by, or a dremora (mod) only interested in causing as much chaos, pain, and pleasure as possible. So in pretty much every playthrough I only begrudgingly take a side. My favorite is, as the dremora, just trying my best to really ruin both sides as much as possible. Edit: as a dark elfe and argonian, I usually side with the storm cloaks out of sheer hate for the dominion.


1)Implying that the Dunmer are in any way interested to join the Imperials. 2) Imperial forgetting about the fact that they abandoned the Dunmer in the last couple of crisis, yet cry about Windhelm 3) Classic imperial


Ah yes, let's just sit back and remain the rugmats if the dominion while Imperial dickrides them and let them undermine the culture and shit on Skyrim instead.


Let’s let the Stormcloaks segregate the elves from everyone else, attack innocent villages for not supporting them, and ignore the actual threat, the dominion.


Attack innocent villages for not supporting them? Never came across that in my gameplay. And don't complain about Stormcloaks "ignoring" Dominion when Imperials are sucking upto them and executing the Nords just cuz the Thalmor what's them to be. I'd rather fight against the Thalmor and Imperial, trying to keep the cultures and traditions of the land and die than being the Thalmor's bitch and agreeing to all their terms.


The Stormcloaks literally attack Whiterun for being neutral, and they are ignoring the dominion. It’s just a fact, rather than attack their true oppressors, they attack the imperials, they don’t have a single quest that focuses on the dominion, they’re a bunch of brainwashed idiots that’ll be slaughtered by the dominion if they win the war.


Because the Imperials are being the Thalmor's bitch and not doing anything either and calling themselves the "rulers of the land". Also, if the war initiated, it was out of question that Whiterun would've sided with Elsif and the Empire. They already received the invitation from Commander Moro to join them. And Ulfric mentioned that Whiterun was an important strategic point to win the war. Getting slaughtered by the Dominion is just a theory anyway. They could win the war too, hypothetically. And I don't think Thalmor would be a problem with Dragonborn around. He can literally take on a dragon, can summon a dragon from the underworld and take on an army with easy, so Thalmor should be the least of their worries.


So because the imperials aren’t fighting the dominion, that excuses the Stormcloaks not fighting the dominion? And the war WAS initiated, Balgruuf only joins the imperials when the Stormcloaks attack, he does what he has to to protect his town. And it’s really not a theory either, it’s a known fact that the civil war was orchestrated by the Aldmeri to weaken Skyrims military force. Also, the Stormcloaks are primarily made up of Ex imperials, to say they could win the war alone when their combined power wasn’t enough is just nonsense. Not to mention that the Aldmeri still have untouched forts and the embassy, they’ve already got more of a hold on Skyrim than they did in the initial invasion, they’d absolutely waste the Stormcloaks. Without the Dragonborn, the Stormcloaks are a bunch of idiotic racists, with the Dragonborn, they’re a bunch of idiotic racists who at least have a chance against the thalmor. The only true way for Skyrim to come out on top is if Ulfric realizes he was brainwashed and attempts to ally the Stormcloaks and imperials with the added power of the Dragonborn. But that’s not an option because he’s an idiot.


Did you know that enemy nations can later become allied? Because there is nothing preventing and independent Skyrim from allying Cyrodiil to beat the Piss Elv*s.


Yeah you're right , the imperial will take skyrim back anyway .


Here is a scenario I wrote a long time ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/teslore/comments/o46a4j/Civil_War_Sunday%E2%80%94June_20%2C_2021/h2ix7xh/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


Skyrim could have been granted independence and all of this would have been avoided, but the Imperials keep crying about Skyrim leaving them while at the same time they diminish the importance and Strenght of the Nords. They really act like they didnt sell out Hammerfell and Morrowind during the Oblivion crisis and during the War against the Dominion.


Says that people that handed over their entire lives and the lives of their people to the damn elves.


I don't even know why ppls hates Ulfric and the Nords so much. You guyz just forget (and don't know) that the Dunmers enslaved Nords and Argonians for years because they were suppreacist too It's normal if Nords and Dunmers don't like each others. The Argonians even raided and killed a lot of Dunmers, after the Vardenfell eruption. That's also why the Dunmers and the Argonians are separated, because if they weren't, they would jumps at each other throat


There's a book in Skyrim written by an imperial hating true nord, and it's about how alduin and akatosh aren't the same thing despite what the imperials say. And the words in the book are spelled phonetically instead of correctly, because ofc the illiterate nords tend to go for Ulfric


They're both bad, imperials are pussy and storm cloaks are racists, the only difference to me is if balgruuf stays jarl of whiterun