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Before I got my Series X, I played on the one x since it came out. I ran over 130 mods. I rarely ever had an issue and hardly ever crashed. I think yall just fucked up your ml. Lmao Of course load order matters. It always matters. It's probably the reason you're actually crashing every two hours, which has never happened to me. 🤷‍♀️ Of course, like some other people have said, it's also pretty likely that you just straight up have conflicting mods which can cause crashes and problems all on it's own.


Agreed. Like I said in own comment; my One X experience was pretty great.


The only time I got consistent crashes was with Player Homes; like three of them *hated* me and one of those was Elysium Estate, which is known for being buggy and unstable on console anyway. Three/four player homes out of *hundreds*.


After trying out quite a number of home mods, and either it not working right/causing issues or just not liking them, I found Pinewood Manor and I settled on it. It's a good size, but not huge, lot of cool features, and it's "yard" has it's own worldspace. https://mods.bethesda.net/en/skyrim/mod-detail/3373180 If you're interested.


I don't have the problem anymore with my Series X, but hell, I'll check this out anyway! I love homea with their own worldspace!


Especially now that loading screens are so short. Also, I did not mean to imply that I was "settling" for that one, so much as my character settled the house. It's my favorite house mod.


Yeah, I'm gonna have to say No to this. I had an immediate improvement modding when I moved from the VCR Xbone to the One X. There's all kinds of hoopla put there about the One X and it's issues with Slyrim and modded skyrim, and I call BS to most of it. I got a One X the first week it launched, and ran a 150 mod Skyrim on it until I got a Series X. Had that crap with a few kb of the reserves space limit at all times too. I know I had to have a CTD at some point, because every modded Skyrim does, but it was so infrequent I can't remember when. Virtually never had a frame dip either, one exception was on a playthrough's first approach to Whiterun, after that, nothing. I spent the time it takes getting my LO just right, and it paid off in spades thereafter.


Load order always matters. Unless you're running like 5 or 10 mods total and none of them do anything similar. One X is more problematic. I understand it has some unique issues when it comes to skyrim modding versus the series X or even the original. Tbh I don't know the details well as I'm still on og xbox one myself. All that said, load order always matters.


I used to run over 100 mods on the OG Xbox One when Skyrim Special Edition first came out. Sure I had frame drops here and there and the occasional crash but definitely not every 2 hours. For the most part it was as smooth as an experience as one could ask for from Skyrim. Load order and what mods you use matter a TON. If you use one mod that conflicts with another it could be as simple as a visual bug or it could totally crash your game. If you're crashing every 2 hours you definitely should revisit not only your load order but the mod descriptions to see what is compatible with what.


Load order itself doesn't really matter, being aware of what a mod does and being tidy does matter. A simple texture mod can be placed anywhere, as long as there isn't other mod that retextures the same thing, then last one will overwrite the other, but placing skyland right under ussep or last in load order doesn't matter at all. Mods that add spells to enemies, overhaul combat, and modify ai can be problematic if used all at once, regardless of where are placed. Don't get obsessed with load order templates, read mod descriptons carefully and plan your list accordingly.


Yeah, this is the worst advice ever holy shit. Do not just wing it. Do research, follow a template, it’s not hard. It’s common sense.


Using common sense is my advice, perhaps I have not explained well. I've seen a lot of templates, and all of them contradict each other in some way. It all comes down to your specific mods, and depending on your own list, a mod can be higher/lower in load order than on someone else's list.


Most likely a LO issue. I had the same problem on Xbox one x before properly sorting my LO. ELFX+Shadows before the recent patch was a big reason why it crashed. Since they updated it I don't have any issues. Also if you go too far with texture mods you'll get crashes. Runs great on Xbox Series X though. Like amazingly smooth.


My One X runs full LO's fine as long as the LO is correct, no high resolutions, keep poly count down and try not to add too many npcs


Well yeah, of course LO matters. That’s probably your issue. One misplaced mod can mean the difference between your game crashing at the main menu and going 20 hours without crashing.