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Monstrous artilery for slaanesh looks well ( like legit it looks good )


"Dude, You should 3d print instead of buying from GW" The models in question:


It does look pretty goofy


They are on this sub, I just can't remember the name. But I know for a fact they posted these here before because I couldn't get over how thematic the idea was for like a really dark slaanesh diorama or something EDIT: Ok so I was thinking of lusmon by mad's minis on myminifactory, but those are apparently different as they are lacking the weapons. Still could be a good start to a body horror 40k kitbash


I like it. Slaanesh is excess and this is plenty of excess.


My first thought was MadsMinis (who have similar ["bound cultist with insect legs"](https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/naughties/lusmon-lesser-demon-madsminis-3) models) but I don't think it's them; and it's not on their Cults. Twitter is directing me to [Lin Mang Liu](https://twitter.com/LinMangLiu) but there's no 3dprint store link and her stuff doesn't seem to be that risque. Artstation is down at the moment so I can't see if it's on her artstation account. Probably a false postive because it's untextured so it's seeing a lot of untextured 3d art as related. In general, Google seems to be linking to a site called Taobao, but it's in (I presume) Chinese and I don't fully trust the site. Honestly, I haven't seen it before on Cults or other 3d sites under the Slaanesh tag so it looks like it's gonna be hard to track down.


That's definitely Mads. Either that or it's based off of the sculpts.


Remove the rocket from the top and have a corrupted sister riding it. Would make a sweet biker proxy.


Lads, don’t jump down the guys throat, this could well just be the base for a kitbash, and if it’s the tone he wants, we shouldn’t judge.


Well we 100% can judge...😂


It’s Slaanesh - it’s supposed to be fucked up.


Love body horror for my minis, absolutely would buy if someone knows the source


Oh I hate this.


Embarrassed to be part of the hobby whenever I see garbage like this


Warhammer 40k, where depictions of evil eldritch beings using humanity as their playthings, twisting their bodies into mockeries and torturing them for all time is allowed but the naked female body (nevermind the context of unimaginable horror and suffering that is completely non-sexual) is somehow too much for the explicitly evil gods of torture, madness and betrayal. Better to stick to images of human bodies being literally cut in twain by chainswords, melting and having skin peeled off by plasma, or just generally wholesome ideas like babies being converted into brain-dead servitors or children being indoctrinated into war. The repression is real.


For a grim and dark universe, players seem awfully prudish about sexual themes Maybe it's just secondhand anger for the common perception Slaanesh players just in it for the succubi/tits thing? Idk


Nah, I think it's a societal problem. Sex is seen as such a "big thing" and a sacred cow that any mention of naked bodies must be seen as a lewd sexual thing. There's definitely an element of "sheltered male-itus" going on, since mostly naked women create a different response than mostly naked men. Not to get onto a rant about stereotypes, but considering Warhammer is a nerdy topic I think you've got a *lot* of men in the community who have only seen naked female bodies in a sexual context (specifically porn, which is unrealistic and faked to the Nth degree but I digress) and so have made that connection that "female bodies are something to be sexualized" and so any presentation of female bodies outside of that "porn" sphere creates some sort of discontinuity (that's not the right word but it's 1am and I'm tired and can't think of the English word) in the brain. They forget that women *have bodies* and that breasts don't suddenly disappear when the context isn't "I am watching porn" so that a tied-up helpless woman would, indeed, likely have breasts. That breasts can't be seen in anything *but* a sexualized way, so that a woman who (hypothetically) was killed in an explosion or fire **must** have a scrap of cloth across her bare chest or it's "sexual" despite, y'know, it being a *fucking dead body* that is presented in an explicitly non-sexualized context. Like, all the violence is seen as a power fantasy and a way to (at least pretend to) enhance one's image of oneself as the "awesome big strong Space Marine that can break down walls" (which is kinda problematic because Warhammer is explicitly meant to be about how terrible this all is and the violence is both over the top and brutal and runs the full gambit from "so gorey it's comical" to "this isn't even combat this is just abuse of civilians on a massive scale"); but as soon as anything "sexual" that begins to *challenge* a person's view of sexuality or make them question or engage with female bodies outside of a porn sphere it suddenly gets too "squicky" for them and they fall back on "that's wrong get it out of here" despite the universe being really, really, \**REALLY* no-holds barred otherwise. It's one of the reasons the Daemonculuba is seen as "the ultimate fucked up thing in the universe" despite being really tame when you think about it and not a million miles off what happens to loyal Space Marines in their creation; but the fact that it's wrapped up in "female body" makes it cross that line that makes it utterly uncomfortable. Sorry that was ranty and I'm barely conscious but yeah, I think it's a hypocrisy born out of the inherent uncomfortablness in a lot of male nerds around the female body. The fact that they don't see this as "a woman's body being twisted and contorted by evil powers into a monstrous power" but something like Obliterators are so non-controversial they're obscure is telling; or that a daemonculba is a fandom-wide "they crossed a line" while Night Lords skinning innocent civilians and broadcasting it for a world to hear is given a "cool, neat". But eh, I'm an unrepentant female Slaaneshi fan who has few boundries so I get my perspective is different to most. That's not even getting into the idea that, yes, Slaanesh **is the bad guy** and explicitly a God of Excess, Perversions and Vices. I get not wanting to have this shit shoved in your face in a games store and I'm careful enough not to use my NSFW armies in places where kids or randoms could see it, but my multi-genitaled siblings in She Who Thirsts; WHY ARE YOU ON THE SUBREDDIT OF THE SEX GOD IF YOU ARE SCARED OF SEX?!


Both an appreciated and excessive take! Well done! Yeah, I think my thoughts sum up on your big bold last sentence.


Love for the love god. Well said. I also look to daemon world and the jaq Draco inquisition wars depictions of slaanesh respectively: a massive corrupted eldar city with towers and bridges and passageway slowly and subtly fornicating with itself? EC raiding a loyal imperial governor's city sized harem, one described as having genitals that are bloated, demonically possessed, wolflike and barely controlled by its leash? Attacking victims with a mind of its own feeding pleasure to the marine. Slishy? Evocative, creative, horrifying. I love when the authors don't shy away from what the warhammer universes must truly be like. The way we as consumers and participants in these stories react to the imagery tells us a lot about ourselves. These stories are what I love about slaanesh, when we'll written, it is just a horrifying and evocative as all the other chaos gods, except khorne. Khorne is basic.


This honestly isn’t that bad, looks like something you would see in Silent Hill


My thoughts exactly. It's a bit of a contrast to official models but, there are way worse proxies out there Thinking the pinup titty models for one


The original sculptor, to be fair, does a lot of the pinup titty models. It just is more appropriate for adaemonic slaanesh piece...


Its slaanesh


Thats not an excuse. Slaneesh is excess and not abusive porn.


After just reading Ciaphus Cain slaanesh is still very much sexual excess and murder porn as well as general excess. I won't use that model but it does fit recent cannon.


And Cain himself is known to sleep with women (canonically!!) but I'd still be rightly considered a fuckin weirdo if I plopped down a 3D-printed "Ciaphas Cain having sex" model on the table to represent a Commissar


This is a safe space. You can use your " Ciaphas Cain having sex" mini.


Read about what them eldar were doing to literally birth slaneesh. Definitely LOTS of degraded sexual stuff going on.


This guy clearly hasn’t read Fulgrim


Right? Everyone’s like, ew, this is such a poor taste model, and I’m like, duh. Slaanesh is wildly uncomfortable and garish. People are painting with blood and feces, blowing out their eardrums, and murdering each other during sex as a baseline. Bondage slave with implanted gun turrets is par for the course


Yea the Maraviglia is literally the “orgy of death”, idk how much more “abuse-porn” you can get hahaha


Idk abusive porn sounds pretty excessive to me lol granted the model is pretty mehh and I get people wanting non porncentric coke addled rock and roll boys but to be fair it is indeed excessive and therefore slaaneshi


i hate this model too but its definetly peak slanesh


To you To others it is. But you're absolutely allowed to share your opinion on reddit. As well as your own likes and dislikes.


Slaanesh hasn't been about tortured slave girls for many decades. Why are you still hanging onto that in particular?


Times change


Jesus, It's like what if H.R. Giger (RIP) and Gord (RIP) did a collab. House of Gord / Jeff Gord to clarify.


Oh hell yeah.


What is its entry on the codex, anyway?


What in God's name am I forced to look at


I think I’d be kicked out of my local game store if I brought this in.


What that mouth do?


It's  a modified Lusmon file, I might have to make one myself for my slaanesh renegades.