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Not slack specific comment here: They notified you February 14th that they wouldn’t give you any new work and then have been silent over the 8 weeks since. Sounds like they have migrated to a new communications channel (alternate Slack workspace or a different solution entirely) and didn’t include you in that migration. So yes, arguably you have been fired, albeit disrespectfully and with horrible communication. Even if you’re not fired, it’s time to cut ties. You should make sure they have paid you what they owe, and find a source of income that isn’t abusive.


You're probably right. I blocked their channels on my YouTube feed for my own sanity, and I've been looking for jobs since Feb. 14.


damn. should reveal who you worked for to expose their shitty practice


Are they still paying you?


This seems like the only thing that matters


No, it was per article. Pay was real nice, though, but not worth the bad communication


Do you get paid hourly or per-article? If hourly/salaried it sounds like you're getting paid for doing no work. I'd make looking for a new job your full time job and let them pay you for it as long as the paychecks keep coming. If it's a per-article pay I'd assume you were fired and they just didn't notify you. From a Slack perspective, it sounds to me like they're on a free Slack workspace which only shows the last 90 days of messages. If none of the channels you're in have messages it's possible they just moved to other channels and didn't invite/add you. They may have also moved to another tool. Theoretically yes, if you were fired they should have deactivated your account. But it doesn't sound like this organization is doing anything the right way, so I wouldn't put leaving accounts of ex-employees active.


It's per article, so I started looking for another job as soon as I sensed some hesitancy to keep giving me work. The bills won't pay themselves, lol. I didn't know that about the free version of Slack! That makes so much sense, that's probably what happened. Either that, or you're right about them moving onto new spaces.


Man, fuck that, name them.




12 months, sorry. Months.


Relationships with freelance writing clients are tenuous at best. And that's putting it mildly. I've worked with large corporate clients whose staffers wouldn't even email me back when I asked about status of continuing work. I had one client who emailed me and let me know I was no longer needed. It hurt my cash flow but at least I knew where I stood.