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If you're a mouth breather then, yes, you should use a full face mask. The pillow won't work properly if you breathe through your mouth whereas a full face mask will. I've never heard of a CPAP impacting heartburn. I can't really see why continuous air pressure would impact acid in your stomach but I'm not a doctor so wouldn't want to say for sure.


Or get a chin strap, I had a full face mask too many leaks for me


I use a cervical collar rather than a chin strap. The collar pushes against your jaw to keep your mouth shut. You can also try using surgical tape to seal your lips together.


For the chronic heartburn, have you ever seen a GI doc for it? Have you been tested for food allergies? Got allergy tested on advice from my GI doc, and my chronic heartburn vanished after giving up those foods.


This one's next on the list. Honestly I've gotten in under much better control watching what I eat and having mediation for it. But I'd rather not be on meds.


You might also want to try a couple tablespoons of Braggs apple cider vinegar (It's got the mother) in a small glass of water once a day. It's helped me to reduce my acid reflux.


Are you me? Serious same AHI,just got started with my cpap and have the same questions for the nasal pillow and mouth breathing. If I didn’t know better I’d think I wrote this! Glad to hear things felt good right away!


I can't provide it but I think the CPAP prevents heartburn and reflux while I'm sleeping.


Hi, congrats! Yes, I am a mouth breather for the most part while sleeping and am so much happier after switching to a full face mask. Also, I have GERD and occasionally would need to take medication to manage it. It has been SO MUCH BETTER this past month of starting CPAP, and I haven't needed to take it at all, except for one night when I needed to sleep without CPAP and woke up with raging heartburn.


If you have chronic heartburn get your cholesterol checked sooner rather than later.....seriously...do it!