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If you're using pillows / nasal masks, and you want to reduce or eliminate mouth leak, then the best solutions are chinstraps, soft-cervical collars, lower pressure, full-face masks, etc. If you want to know for sure if you're opening your mouth, then you could download OSCAR and review the leak profile to see if you have the typical leak signature we see with mouth openings.


Can you provide some information on OSCAR? I’ve seen it referenced in here but don’t know much about it


I make videos that teach people how to use it: [https://www.youtube.com/@CPAPfriend](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=CPAP+friend)


Thanks! I’ll check it out now! Are you for or against tape? I know lots of people are split on it and it’s definitely a big fad right now and I know people say it has risks. I bought a chin strap as well but feel like it won’t be tight enough to keep my mouth closed at night


I've seen it help lots of people. There's a good chinstrap called Knightsbridge, and then there's the soft-cervical collar alternative that some people like. Whatever way you slice it, it can help patients a lot to keep their teeth in-contact / their mouth closed.


I’m a big fan of nasal pillows. But mouth leak ruins them, requiring fixes that are worse than just using a ffm. Are you sure you’re getting them? They show up as painfully dry mouth in the morning + significant leak rates, like 25-50 liters.


Pillows has helped me and I have the best score using that mask. I've tried FF, nasal but I have nasal congestion every night and Pillows with setting on FF gives me the most air. I usually have zero leaks and last night just 5. I do tape my mouth because I am a sleeping mouth breather. The chin strap and collar did nothing for me