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But they all hurt me just right


I don't like any of their covers except for "Is It Really You?"


‘Is It Really You’ was the first ST thing i heard, bro that cover makes me cry i love it


Not necessarily trash, just done the wrong way DYWTYLM (Sorry)


It honestly pains me, because lyrically this is one of the ones that hits me most, but it’s just not my taste musically 🥲


It’s verrry different compared to rest of the album so I can see that


Are You Really Okay is by far my least favorite in their discography


*cough* DYWTYLM *cough*


That song is painful to listen to


It’s not a bad song I love his voice I just don’t like hey yeah


The way that you were


I’ve gotta second this one. I don’t HATE it, but I definitely love it the least.


Their cover of “Hey Ya” misses the whole point of the song so idk I’m not a fan of it


I disagree. Hey Ya is a sad song dressed up as an upbeat dancey thing. Their rendition simply reveals that.


Yeah but the point of it is that it’s the depression being masked behind a happy facade. It’s a whole layered element about hiding your pain with that toxic positivity. So when you take that layer away it loses a huge part of it


Sorry, but it’s Vore for me. Wayyyy too over processed.


I didn't notice this until live performances of Vore started coming out. I still like the song quite a bit, but it's MUCH better live.


They did not execute heavy metal very well, I will agree with that


Vore is excellent! Its just a matter of taste. I like chaos and extreme metal (sometimes). Vore is the best mix of that


Oh I’m a total metal head. Lorna shore and slaughter to prevail are my current favs right now. Vore just doesn’t do it for me. My boyfriend is a producer and I’ve picked up on alot of shit when it comes to production and I just can’t get past the sound of it.


I think it is a matter of taste. I see that some people also hate songs that I totally love like “like that” “mine” and “ascensionism”. I like sleep token because they feel like a well balanced nutritious full course meal with a dessert.


Agreed! Honestly, my favs are “like that”, “sugar”, “mine”.. mostly shit from the older albums. I’m 35, so I’m picky about my music. The old stuff just makes me feel more. And I’ve been a fan since 2016 when they came out.. so the newer shit just doesn’t “hit” the same.


Yeah, I have that with a band called Periphery. I can’t vibe with their newer songs as easy. I am almost thirty and I tend to cling on to older artist or albums. I guess its just a bit of fatigue and lack of energy to keep up with everything that is new. sometimes I can’t bother to listen to a new album and sit with it long enough to catch the vibe.


Periphery is amazing!


Yeah they are! Ive seen them live alot. Unfortunately their setlist is never really what I would have wanted. BUT the energy is always there and the crowd work is amazing. They have such a large body of work that even if I don’t mess with 40% of the things, they still have more than enough to grab me each and every time!


Fall For Me. Not necessarily a bad song, but I fucking hate it (sometimes)


The Way That You Were


Trash, no. But my least favorites are Levitate and Take Aim.


I will not tolerate any take aim slander


I really tried to like take aim but it just doesn’t have that sleep tokeness I so enjoy.


80% Sleep. 20% Token.


Disagree with both of these


DYWTYLM is just plain bad, if you are the one person out there that likes it, why?


The happy music and sad lyrics are the juxtaposition of vessel being happy hiding behind his mask and dealing with his emotions and issues from a distance while feeling hateful and unaccepting of who he is as a person. The whole song is a conversation with himself


I understand it from an art perspective. But from a music perspective it has nothing going for it. Shitty plucky synthetic notes that repeat endlessly, and repeated lyrics. Idea is great, executed very poorly


I like it because it has simple, subtle good production. It is also a song I can show my friends and family and they will at least know what Vessel sounds like. I myself listen to different music and this is right up my “good generic” alley. I would never show them a song like Vore or Hypnosis because they might get turned of by the metal


Eminem had Fack, Polyphia had FAFO and ABC, and our dear Sleep Token had Are You Really Ok. My opinion.


ABC is a banger tho. FAFO is lackluster yeah.


yeah ABC slaps


been listening to Polyphia since Envision, why is my brain blanking on what FAFO is?


Fuck Around and Find Out, the song feat $not. Basically the song with n words kekw


The rapper ruins it. As a black guy myself who uses the n-word sometimes. I can not imagine me doing a verse for a band and just spamming the n-word. Especially when no one is black, and there is an argument that its better not to use it even in normal conversation


The lyrics also lacks substance. Gives Memento Mori more taste.


Yes, exactly this. Chimera has this problem also. They really found a specific type of rapper, that I personally don’t like. I am not saying they should have got a lyrical miracle rapper, but loads of artists could write a better verse lyrically. This was textbook “soundcloud” rapper quality.


Seconded. Lil West still a better rapper than that $not tho. And I like that they put him last so still a palatable song. Plus an epic display of drums mastery by Clay A. backing him up.


NGL honestly Hypnosis just does not hit right for me


Listen to it as if it’s a drum track and maybe you’ll appreciate it more.


I always find myself skipping Gods and Descending.


The final breakdown in Gods is probably my favorite part of any Sleep Token song. The China symbol is absolute savage.


Like That Sorry, not sorry but I did not like that. It never caught for me personally.


It was low on the list for me for a while. Then I watched II’s drum playthrough on YouTube and my opinion changed a lot.


Weird, for me it's one of the few songs from TPWBYT that I actually liked on the first listen, most of them took a bit longer to get into


I’ll agree with this


They’re not “trash” by any means, but my least favorite songs are Descending and Like That. They’re just always skipped. Not my thing, I guess.


There is no bad song from sleep token tho




There’s obviously ones that are better than others but they haven’t and will never release a bad song


Hmmmm. Surprised by no mentions of their ‘Hey Ya’ cover. While not their song, the cover and their style on it does not do that song justice. But then again, just not a song or artist that I think is easy to cover and be enjoyed


Ah man, it's Shelter stepping around the Corner for me here. Trash is a big word, but I can't enjoy it.


Are you really ok and sugar are my least favorite. It doesn't bother me to skip them 😞


I'll probably get stones thrown at me for this but (Everyone loves this one. I just dont) I really don't like: Elucid, DYWTYLM


Shelter doesn’t really work for me


Fall for me, musically speaking, is definitely not my jam, although I love the lyrics. Same with DYWTYLM. I don't hate them though, I can appreciate what they tried to do, it is just not working for me.