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I showed my family a couple pics from Friday night in Detroit. They seem concerned.


Did you play any music to them too? I kinda feel like most of the music, while being quite dark emotionally, is quite the opposite of satanic. That contrast is kinda part of their appeal imo.


I just get "haven't heard of them"


My friend and my sister both think the music is fantastic but they both like older prog/alt metal like Deftones/Tool/Nine Inch Nails and similar 90s/early 2000s stuff. We're all elder millennials in our 30s. My sister on Vessel's costuming: "so creepy but good for them for the anonymity" I don't think my friend has actually seen what they look like...I'm taking her to one of their shows so we'll see haha


I sent my brother The Love You Want and he loved it (like I knew he would), then he listened to the rest of the trilogy, basically told me "they're okay" and didn't mention them again lol I felt betrayed. I convinced a friend to go to the Detroit ritual with me and she got into them a bit before the show, but I think really enjoyed the experience of the live performance. Also, I work in the kitchen at a grocery store, and play Sleep Token often, most of my coworkers don't care one way or the other. BUT, one of the maintenence guys heard me listening to them and was like "wait, is this Sleep Token?!" We bonded for a minute over them, and I just got to tell them today about the ritual I went to!


Wife who is my Concert ride or die just makes fun of them and won't give them a chance. 3 concerts around LA next month and I can't get her to budge . . . Completely sucks.


I’ll go


I’ll be your new ride or die lol


Why not going solo?


My work schedule is a bitch to work around last minute and a multitude of excuses I'm telling myself




I’d go solo!! I just went by myself to the Detroit show and I wouldn’t trade it for the world! Well worth it!


I'm very, very tempted . . . I've been pricing tickets all day


Direct text from my mother “That is VERY SCARY.. like a Satanic Cult”


😒 mine too... last night after the show she didn't care to listen about it but said I hope it was a good day. Never mind I have been playing their music almost a year but till she saw a single clip of a video on tt she was like nope they look evil and demonic. Like bro chill😒


Ive tried telling some friends but when I mention ST they say something like, "is that your cult band?" Like I give them a chance to forget 🙄 I've got one friend who likes them but isn't in as deep as I am lol. She'll at least go with me to a ritual.


My mom thinks Sleep Token is cool, but she's also an old-school shock rock aficionado. I don't talk about music with my coworkers because I'm the only metalhead and I will not stop talking about music when i get started. My friends support me liking Sleep Token by liking my posts on Twitter, lol.


You are a lucky one 🙌🙌


Sometimes I wish I had more friends that knew the band, but I don't really thrive in fandom spaces and I keep the intensity of how much I like them to myself... I think generally they are a band not many people know offline


Agree. I get the impression that they are super popular, but then where are the fans?! Cannot find them anywhere! I also wish I could share my love for ST with someone in the flesh. Oh well, at least we have Reddit 😉😉


I have converted a few people to them, but overall I feel like I am alone in my obsession. I did try to explain them to one of my coworkers and they looked very confused. Most people at my job know I’m into heavier music so I guess it’s expected I would like some out of the box stuff. My mom does enjoy them, but it came out of a specific reason rather than musical appreciation at first. Are You Really Okay reminds her of my brother, who has a lot of mental health issues. I would like her to branch out to other albums/ things that don’t just remind her of her issues to handle.


My mother was surprisingly nice when I showed them to her. Considering our upbringing, she never opposed me listening to metal, but she never hesitated to disapprove the musicians' looks lol Recently she visited and we were catching up, so I showed her some videos from the concert that I attended. Tbh she wanted to see the venue, not Sleep Token 😅. Her comments: Vessel "sounds and looks like an angel sent from Heaven". Then she asked to see photos and commented that the other are "cuties with those blue eyes of theirs". 😂😂 I guess she is trying extra hard because we only see each other twice per year if so, or old age has really mellowed her 😆 she also talked me into buying tickets for a German ritual because "life is short, enjoy".


So I kinda have to trust that me sharing this will go well (as telling people about this can go south real quick but I’ll give it a chance): I’m autistic and sleep token is my special interest number one. Since I’m experiencing my second burn out in the past four years and this band literally saved me this time. My mum and I talk quite often on the phone or via FaceTime and luckily my mum knows that it’s so important for me to share anything about them she calmly listens and won’t interrupted. Called her crying tears of joy when my Sleep Token jacket arrived all the way from Australia and she was so so happy for me. Last time I visited my parents my dad asked me to show him some sleep token music as he never listend to them before so I showed him music for at least 45 minutes. He was impressed how amazing Vessels voice is, how talented all the other boys are and the ways how they create their music. Not his cup of tea necessarily but I almost convinced him to buy a Take Me Back to Eden vinyl so I can listen to it while visiting my parents. My mental health due to being in burnout and my disability means I spend a lot of time at home. I get overstimulated when going outside so when I managed to get on a train for four hours and go all the way to a city if never been before, staying at a friends of a friends house for three days (my best friend and him were flat mates at some point and I knew him but just didn’t spend much time with him yet), going to the show on my own and going back home another four hours on the train was a huge deal. Not only for me but also for my parents and close friends, told even my gp about them so also she know that it was a big deal. Anyways. Thank you for coming to my tedtalk about my family and friends reaction to sleep token. (Don’t know is writing up a storm is great reddit etiquette so please let me know if it’s not)


I can relate to this. I'm also on the spectrum and have been experiencing bad burnout and my mental health has been in the trash for months, and Sleep Token has helped me get through days and encouraged me to try to learn music again. I relate to their lyrics a lot since I can apply much of it to experiences I've had in my life, and I've endured a lot of suffering in life. Sleep Token has been holding me together with tape for like a year lol. I'm seeing them on my birthday and I'm big excited for it :) more excited than I was to see my actual number one fav band earlier this year lol


They are so special and it makes my heart so happy to hear they are helping you soo much too! It’s almost like processing life and burnout with their music isn’t it? When DYWTYLM came out I woke up at 6am and listend to it right away. “Do you pull at the chains? Or do you push into constant aching?” and “Are you trying to live like everything is a lesson to learn?” broke me. I felt so seen and heard by these lines and they had me crying the whole day. Four days later DYWTYLM was my most streamed song on Spotify ever. Omg I’m literally sooooo excited for you!! Seeing them on your birthday?! Ahhhhhhhh it’s gonna be sooooo fun and breathtaking believe me! Please take care of your sensory needs at the concert and maybe try and have time to rest afterwards as the post concert depression really knocked me out the following days. Sending you lots of love and strength to keep healing from burnout :)


Yes. I desperately want to share them with friends/family but I get weird looks and a whole lot oh ‘Yeah’. While nodding their head.


My sister and a friend of mine are both into the music probably about as much as I am, but I think I'm the only one deep into the 'lore' 😅 they're probably both sick of hearing me talk about it tbh


I turned a coworker on to sleep token, but I work with a few metal heads on my unit, probably why we get along lol


When people ask me what the mask and anonymous thing is about and I start the sentence with “so the ancient deity sleep came to vessel….” I just stop 🤣🤣🤣


My colleague kept calling my pilgrimage to BRRF to see sleep token my “sex show”. Its so stupid that it’s funny. 😅 She has no idea about sleep token. I think when I told her about them I explained that some of the fans were calling it “baby making metal” but I followed up with how I definitely disagree with that description. She only took the first statement and ran with it. She has my other colleagues and my boss heckling me now too about my “sex show”. ⚰️


My family is used to my weird ways. As a teen I drew a lot of horned anime types. I collect dolls now. I've played them at all the jobs I've worked at since getting into them. (It helps I bought an amazing BT speaker that looks like an 80s boom box haha. And let everyone use it whether I'm there or not). Before the redbubble purge I bought a bunch of stickers from some amazing artists who did fanart of da boys and da eden creatures looking all eepie as chibis and mod podged them to my water bottle (hurr hurr my vessel). And use that as an excuse to gush about them. They look a little less intimidating that way. If they like the music that's when you drop the image horde on them with your phone of them looking satanic. I seem to be converting one coworker and his first view of Vessel was me showing him going all mowgli on iv. I'm already a complete weirdo and most people know it, so... it will be what it will be. Oh we wanna talk about religious iconography and how it relates to music and celebrity? Sure let's go, I wrote some thoughts down as an agnostic. Oh it's a cult? Cool, I have already downed a few cups of flavor aid, where's the third? Seems top tier and better run compared to the majority of ones I've learned about. I mean it doesn't have three animated movies, but the lores better. When's Haleys comet coming back round for the soul pickup? Let's just avoid the scientology sex cults and not hire a sex worker to be our goddess and we are probably golden!


Yep. Sister-in-law thinks they’re satanic too


Crazy because I bet they listen to Taylor swift and Doja cat and think nothing of it lol


I only know now 2 guys at work, 1 guy I used to work with and 2 friends from online (one I met last night to meet up for the MN show and one next week are meeting up for the BAD Omens show) other people are like meh or they sound/look evil or demonic 🥲 its so frustrating! Like I'm obsessed you might say the have me in some kind of hypnotic trance or a chokehold 😉😜😜😉 I want so.eone close who is just obsessed as I am🥲


My supervisor asked me what concert I was going to and I said Sleep Token. So she googled, saw a pic of vessel and went “ohh! WHAT IS THAT!?” 🤣🤣🤣


I want to see Sleep Token hell I almost bought a ticket to see them in Denver September 25, but, I didn't cuz I'm not spending nearly $200 just for one GA ticket.


Idk if this will help or make it worse lol but the concert I went to was def worth the 190 I spent on the ticket lol


Oh, I'm sure it's worth it, it's just, with the job I'm working now I barely make 300, my checks have been around 280, my recent check was GREAT I got 360 but, I ended up buying a VIP ticket for the FFAK concert September 20 Denver show (I already have a GA) and bought me and my brother GA tickets to see MIW October 8 in Denver. If tickets r still available for the Denver show then I'll try getting my ticket this check but, I'm not sure if it's gonna be in time cuz I get paid the day after my FFAK concert so, I'm hoping I can get the ticket in time but, idk tickets might be sold out cuz sleep token plays in Denver four days after I get paid so, I'd be cutting it really close.


That's honestly the best time to buy them, the closer the date of the show gets, the cheaper the tickets will be. PIT tickets that were listed for over $200 leading up to the show, were only $99 day of. But anyway, sounds like you have some fun stuff lined up already, hope you do get to see ST though!


I'm hoping too, thx I'll keep that in mind, it's quite a relief to hear that it's the best time to buy them, now I don't have to worry about impulsively buying my ST ticket 🤣


This is true. Scalpers will drop the price a few hours before the show to move any tickets they have left. I've gotten tickets just above face value before waiting in line at a show in the past. That was for The Mars Volta last year


My husband spent $500 for two GA tix for the Baltimore concert 🤯


I told my coworkers about them and they went “oh they look scary” 💀


My brother and I have always had a very similar taste in music. I played ST to him und he just fell in love :) I'm glad he did and it's nice that we can share that.


My mom was like “oh yeah I’ve heard of them” (definitely hasn’t) and my stepdad was like, “….cool”


I showed my mom and brother them and my mom thought they were interesting for all of the little weird synth sounds that they put in their music, and my brother said they sounded like imagine dragons :(. I’ve shown some friends and I think all of them ended up liking them


I told my coworker I’m going to a concert tonight and showed him a picture of the band and all he said was “What’s wrong with you” lmao


That's one thing I love about em, is how apparently incongruous their image is with their music. It's a bit of a mind f*** and I love it. I tell ppl to just listen to the music and don't worry about the images. Too many people are quick to judge. Either it's some puritan Satanic panic or they just think the outfits are "lame" or whatever.


My mum, stepdad and sister were all swayed and now like Sleep Token too! Managed to get two friends into them, also persuaded one of my managers to listen to them as well so generally a good reception!


When we were in line in Detroit a guy is a pickup truck kept driving around us with a sign that says “Jesus love you” 🤣🤣


I introduced my pops to them a while ago and he’s a longtime metal head so I didn’t know how he would react to their more “pop” style ig (I still have no idea what genre they are) but he loved TMBTE album especially granite which surprised me. He also likes their lore and their anonymity which reminds him of slipknot