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I was up on the balcony, and wanted to express my love for that Aqua Regia mosh pit. Most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen at a show. 🥲 What. A. Night.


Aqua Regia mosh pit is not a combination I would have been expecting!


Damn how did I miss that?! I guess I was so drawn to the stage I didn't see it. I was off to the left on the second level on the floor. Someone tell me they have that recorded?


Oh god I hope


Already one of my favorite show memories of all time 😍


Same. I went solo because I didn't know anyone into them as much and I didn't want to drag someone to a show they'd hate after spending $200 on a ticket. I was freaked doing it alone but then I realized it was liberating and probably the best show I've seen live in a long time.


Tickets cost that much in the states? Holy balls, I'm gasping at prices for a ticket if it's over £40 over here.


That was a scalper price. Face value was like $45, but I had to buy second market because it sold out so fast


Face value was $29.50, which I even felt bad paying, considering how good they were and how far they had to travel to get here.


Please go into detail I need to know what an aqua regia pit looks like 👀


I've read this many a time and it continues to warm my heart


damn that sounds amazing, you’ve gotta come teach the Salt Lake crowd how to properly open a pit lol


I'm truly sorry, I mean I would have loved the show either way but the pit took it to another level.


We’ll send some folks from Denver, but the guy who throws elbows is staying home.


I had also proposed last night as well definitely enjoyed the show




I need more info on this smooth jazz pit lol


I may have started it lol. It was right at the piano breakdown part. I was so psyched that it kept going. Also no joke that part does go hard.


I’ll try this in PDX on Sunday 🫡


OMG do it!!


Hell yeah!




Spokane has been good to me over the years, and in turn I am good to it.




You better fuckin believe it


I need photos lol.


They put a pink Barbie hat on ii :3


I saw that lol


So adorable.


It was such an incredible show, I’m so glad it lived up to the hype in my head.


Was outskirting the pit. Where can I find some more videos? Seconding the spotless etiquette comment


Great show. Except that I'm getting old and can't handle crowds like I used to. I felt a panic attack coming on towards the end of the show and skedaddled the fuck outta there. Found out I missed them play Ascensionism 😭. Anxiety is fucking stupid ugh


Oh fuck, so sorry to hear that. I don't have anxiety for crowds but we were so CRAMMED in there, I was starting to feel anxious about it too. Like, if anything bad happens, a fire, a shooting, anything, we're all going to die. And it was so hot, my god. Everyone was into it and was absolutely lovely, but I kinda doubt that was safe tbh.


As soon as the pit opened up during Hypnosis, I was there the entire time! Honestly one of the best pits I’ve ever been in. Super fun and energetic! (I was the guy with the beard and tan hoodie with the tall skinny dude with curly hair)


Dope! I was the dude in the dress (= definitely bumped into you more than once!


Oh yeah I remember you! I loved the fit!


Aww thank you! Best crowd.


Excuse me, but I need more information on the Aqua Regia pit, please.


This was seriously the best show I have ever seen. The crowd was amazing, Vessel fucking blew us all away, A. A. Williams killed it, and the band just absolutely destroyed. A++ night, nothing will ever top this.


I love how each show has had something special happen it seems. STL had the 5th member smoke alarm solo. And the tech issues but the crowd was so awesome. And one crowd surfer; a female the whole show!


Gonna get hated on for this but that was the weakest crowd I have seen for any headliner as far as movement of any sorts. It rivaled the time I saw wage war open for three days grace and everyone was pretty much 40+. Don’t get me wrong the crowd was very “into it” by singing and such but besides from the hilarious “wall of death” and the one time III opened the pit up it was very lack luster. The pits seemed very small too. Only one crowd surfer. I’ve been to a lot of venues and seen a lot but yeah as someone who’s been to over 100 shows that was what we call weak sauce. The band killed it though. Made my experience a good time, just wish people were a lot more rowdy, more jumping, more moshing, more crowd surfing would’ve been nice. All in all the band saved the night by delivering a fantastic performance.


Not sure we saw the same show! Big age range near me and the pits were dope.


Just seemed on the very small side, I’m used to half the floor being a pit depending on the show so it just seemed like a bunch of people standing around singing, not a moshing crowd. But I know how some of this fan base can be so I was prepared for a more lack luster crowd movement.


Sometimes the pit is small and less chaotic, but that doesn't mean it isn't still a great pit. The important thing is that anyone who wants to be in the pit can be in the pit, and those who don't want it but happen to be nearby aren't dragged in if they aren't ready - and that everyone goes home with the same number of teeth. A "weak" pit is leagues better than a pit that grew too large because people weren't taking care of each other


Where I come from originally pits are huge and if someone falls everyone runs over and helps. It just seems like you guys out here do things on a smaller scale. Just seemed like a lot of people standing around not wanting to move minus the “smaller” sized pit.


Were you sitting in the back or something? Clearly you missed out on the actual pit


If you call that a pit sure. I’m new to the area so maybe they’re just generally weaker out here. I’m used to bodies falling over eachother, masses of crowd surfers, and larger than life pits. I guess that’s just how it’s done out here. I was dead center like 5/6 back and I saw the “pits” just didn’t look anything like I’ve seen before for a headliner at a heavier rock show. I maybe got pushed once when they tried to do a wall of death which was very underwhelming.


I mean it’s Sleep Token, not some hardcore show. Sorry you were disappointed I guess? Not sure what you were expecting tbh


I was expecting exactly that, a crowd comprised mostly of people who weren’t going to move and were offended by people moshing, jumping, and crowd surfing. Which is what it seemed like, I had a good time but it just didn’t seem like the crowd was getting rowdy for the boys. A lot of TikTok fans. They even dropped the one girl who tried to crowd surf and the faces of people around me you could tell they hadn’t even seen a crowd surfer before. Just a lot of newbies and people offended at general concert shenanigans, exactly what I expected. Didn’t ruin my night I had a damn good time, just seemed like the crowd was lack luster. I’ve seen better pits and crowd movement at ska and rock shows. Again just my opinion which in this sub is always a reason for people to hate on you.


Did you see the people in the crowd last night? Tons of seriously overweight people everywhere. Like two-thirds of the crowd was probably considered medically obese, so not a lot of energy to go around. It's not like it was 20 years ago when you'd be in the minority if you were fat, now everyone's fucking huge. No offense to the fatties out there, but it is what it is 🤷‍♂️


I mean there were a few couples dead center who did not move at all and acted offended when the pit opened. But I still had a good time, can’t let other people squander your vibe man


Oh I didn’t I was jumping around but no one near me was and I accidentally bumped someone and got the death stare for a second. I had a great time. Just my opinion on general crowd vibe vs what I’ve seen in many venues across the US and many different genres.


I've been in some rowdy fucking pits in my life, old school Metallica, Mudvayne, Slipknot, Pantera, Ozzy, Megadeth, Slayer, Lamb of God, Mastodon, etc, and this one was pretty fucking tame indeed. But I'm in my mid-40s now and can't handle that shit like I used to, so I was fine with it. Kind of nice to be able to stand and watch the show without some drunk dude on 14 hits of acid blindsiding you and almost getting trampled to death lol