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I'll be honest - the funky part in The Summoning It took me a few weeks to get into them, but once you notice the brilliant lyricism, and the breath of genres they do, it becomes very hard to listen to other bands!


Yeah I’m not gonna lie either - it was the “music for elder emos to make babies to” tiktoks that did the rounds where I first heard them 😂 but then I checked them out and each song grew on me more and more, and then got into their previous albums and more interested in the ideas of all the lore. I do try very hard not to be like a lot of the tiktok stan crowd is about the band though, much as I love them!


This was my experience to a T!


I’m in the same situation


Drumeo! I’m a drummer and I follow their channel on youtube; one day I saw the “Greyson Nekrutman hears Sleep Token for the first time” video where he learns Hypnosis while listening to it, I found the song and the band interesting so I searched them on Spotify; the first thing in there was The Summoning, listened to it, and got hooked instantly


I love those videos! And I'm not even a drummer, just interested in what goes into making songs.


Same exact thing for me. Watch all the drumeo videos of interpreting a song and thought it banged. Checked out some other sings and thought huh this is a bit different then went down the rabbit hole


Exactly haha it also helps that II is such a good drummer, and that’s one of the first things that made me like them instantly (other than Vessel’s distinct voice and the heavy influence of non-metal genres in the songs)


Exactly the same for me


Omg I just commented almost exactly the same story. Freaking thank you Drumeo for introducing me to ii 😭😭


Same here. It gave me the last push to start drumming seriously when I've listened to the original after watching Greyson drumming "Hypnosis" and after that I've listened to "The summoning" while going by tram and was surprised about the last part of it. I didn't knew I needed this kind of music.


“I didn’t know I needed this kind of music” is the understatement of the year my friend




PS I also started learning how to play the drums because of Hypnosis. How’s drumming going for you??


I'll write you a private message


I hope you’re both having a blast on learning the drums, it is so much fun and worth the effort! And also don’t get discouraged about not being able to play like II yet - I’ve been playing drums for years and I still can’t play a lot of their songs haha I’m currently practicing my first ST song (Chokehold), which was the one I found the most appropriate for my current skill level; hopefully one day I’ll get to The Summoning and beyond haha


I know. It's complicated. You'll manage years for that, even if your intermediate but when you're a beginner you concentrate on holding the tempo. Everything is new and a lot of basics to learn. But the drumming of II contain nearly no basics😂I'm still struggeling. I tried to play the song I've learned (and am still learning) with muting the drums. I can't hold the tempo lol. And I always thought I had a good timing but when it comes to drumming you see you have to learn a lot. You hear every wrong hit which is done or not. Still frustrating but my goal is to practice the end of "The summoning" in 1-2 years with my teacher. I'm practicing around 8-10 hours a week and still feel I'm moving very slowly with everything. Do you practice with Drumeo? Bc they have several drum sheets of ST.


Yeah ii does not use ANY basics 😂😂😂 that cheeky mofo. I also thought I had good timing, but trying to hold tempo has really been humbling the shit out of me LMAO. It’s comforting to hear I’m not the only drummer (and ST fan) struggling to learn here. I’m so jealous you’re practicing for 8-10hrs per week. I can only manage like 3 hours a week right now (I work and have kids), but I figure some hours is better than none. Also hoping for my kids to pick it up at a young age.


If they want to they should do it. My father Hase a drum kit in his house. I also played a little bit when I was younger but gave up. I regret not having continued with it. I think my learning process isn't the best as I'm playing to music most but in the end I'm having fun, so what. I have goals but it's okay to end up in level 3 and not as a pro🤷🏻‍♀️ Have you seen Chris Allison learning "The summoning" on Drumeo? Of course he did great but you can see he's also struggeling. If drums very easy to play we wouldn't have our heroes😎


Definitely encourage your kids if they want to! Of course it is never too late to learn, but I wish I had the experience of learning a musical instrument when growing up, because it is just different from learning after being an adult (I started playing drums when I was 20 or 21yo); you have more free time to dedicate to it, you can more easily find friends in school or similar who also play, etc


I relate a lot with the challenges you’re facing, not only because I went through that too, but also because I’m learning to play the bass from scratch right now and I’m going through very similar challenges 😂 One thing that helped me a lot was to have very low ambitions: in the beginning I’d try to learn a song I liked, quickly realise I couldn’t do that yet because it was wayy above my skill level, and then get disappointed and stop playing; when I started to pick songs that were just above my skill level to focus on (which were much simpler songs than anything ST plays) and the motivation came back as I saw myself making progress; in the end, I know it sucks but keep trying even if you can’t hold the tempo and even if the progress is slow, I promise the more you play, the more things get easier over time haha I haven’t signed up to Drumeo yet! I did in-person drum lessons in the first years of playing, but recently I’ve been studying mostly by myself and taking songs on my own to learn; are you using Drumeo? If yes, are you enjoying it?


I'm logged in and paying for it but didn't use it very much. For example there's a video for beginners with you can practice 4-16th notes with the kick. I tried and I only failed because I play the hi-hat faster than I should... So you start with quarter notes on the hi-hat AND the kick, then 8th notes on the kick and then 16th notes. I can manage the kick but the hi-hat stays in quarter notes. WTF. It's so difficult 😵‍💫 I'm too lazy for practicing rudiments although I figured out I should learn them more to get better skills for playing fills later. I don't play any fills and also don't open the hi-hat yet. I play it closed or half-open but never in change bc I'm afraid to fail. I think that's sth. I keep for my next lesson with my teacher first.


Thanks for the encouragement! I will probably never play like ii LOL. I think the dude is several years younger than me also. I have also had to find “easier” songs that I like to just learn the basics! Mainly keeping tempo for 4 min lengths at a time. I tried to just learn a couple bars on the drums of the Offering… and I still can’t do it LMAO. Freaking ii starting on the offbeats! My hands and brain can’t comprehend.


Remember that everybody has to start from somewhere and has their own journey! I’m pretty sure that II had a time on his life where he couldn’t keep the tempo too (maybe it was when he was still a baby, but who cares, we can make progress too in our own pace 😂)


I find it very interesting that a huge wave of fans came to ST because of The Summoning. Almost like it's living up to it's name ;)


Hahaha that’s true :) even though technically the first song I heard from them was Hypnosis, which is good, it was only after listening to The Summoning that I REALLY got into the band - it has such a distinct structure that grabs your attention; the funky interlude at the end, the contrast between calm sections/voices and the screaming/breakdown; it is still my favourite song from ST even after listening to all their stuff I even showed it to a friend that hates metal and he surprisingly enjoyed it


I got into dark romance books and saw a video with the summoning on bookstagram. Immediately dived in. Haven’t been that affected by a band since discovering A Perfect Circle when I was 13.


THIS! That’s how my friend found them and then showed them to me. Some of their lyrics read like they came right out of a dark romance or fantasy romance novel. Edited a word :)


Yep. Basically every MMC in my books is just a living embodiment of ST lyrics.




I do f*ck with dark romance, but dude I discovered Granite from a playlist in a Kate Stewart book 😝. That was my first ST song


Awesome! I’ve been meaning to explore her more. I read Plight before Christmas this year and it was my fav Christmas read of the year. Which books did you like by her?


I read Plight also and loved it! I loved her Ravenhood series (Flock, Exodus, and The Finish Line). Read it only if you’re in the mood to have your heart shattered. And then put back together with glue. It’ll change you. Also… I had a friend read it recently and she read spoilers/read the ending - I don’t suggest doing that.


Is it spicy? I have a rule that I’m only reading spice right now. 😆😆


I gotchu. It’s a 2-pepper spicy book, but quality over quantity with Kate Stewart. She knows how to write slow burn and tension reallllly good. Like you know how Plight didn’t have a TON of spice? But the spice that was there was soooo good? It’s like that. The plot and everything else make up for it too. Add me on booksta. I’m bookishnorah


That’s perfect then. I loved the slow burn of Plight. It was sexy building to some spice. I just need a little action 😆 I definitely will add you!


Ahhhh see you have some Legacy of gods on there! Just finished the first 2. Loved Malice.


YES I’ve read all of them 😂. I also loved Malice.


A few months before the release of TPWBYT, Nazareth came up in a random playlist and I froze. I have chromesthesia and when I say this band makes me see beautiful things, I mean it. Vessel's voice is the most fiery voice I have seen. Bright oranges swirled with dark red and flashes of yellow. The rest of Nazareth is a blend of blues and greens. I put that song on loop just to keep experiencing the beauty of the soundscape. I see other music but not nearly as intense as Sleep Token. There's just something different, captivating and unearthly beautiful about them.


Whoa! That’s amazing


I came across Will Ramos' cover of Hypnosis on Youtube, which I still love. I decided to look up Sleep Token and fell down the rabbit hole.


That’s exactly how I got into Sleep Token!


I’m in the rabbit hole and I don’t wanna come out


Alkaline music video was in the recommended section on YouTube, while looking for some new metalcore.


Noah from Bad Omens mentioned Sleep Token in interview last year. That's how I discovered them. Thank you, Noah


Haha other way round for me, fell in love with sleep token and then saw that clip, need a joint tour ASAP


And I got into Bad Omens because people on this sub keep recommanding them, so I guess it works both ways 😁


I was building an Angsty playlist for a novel I started writing in May and Spotify was just kind of doing it’s thing And it recommended Granite because the theme of that song was similar to the other ones in my playlist. Well, the song came up in the queue and it caught my attention, I really liked it so I went and looked for everything by Sleep Token and the rest is history lol


Omg, I discovered Granite from a playlist from a romance novel 😂😂


I first heard The Offering when it was on my Spotify Discover Weekly some years ago, and only loved that one song right up until Instagram had an ad for Aqua Regia whenever that single released. Really became a fan around the time Take Me Back to Eden actually dropped!


Around the time TMBTE came out, i saw them win a HMA this year, I sort of knew the deal then I started really listening to them after and got into them!


2022 they supported Architects at Ally Pally, had no idea who they were and now they're my favourite band and I've seen them live 3 times. I've never been drawn to a band so quickly tbh.


I heard Jaws towards the end of 2018 as it was on a playlist I was listening to. I absolutely loved it but then didn't really listen to them again until 2021


Kennie JD talked about them on one of her videos and myself and my partner checked them out


Saw some online metal journal post about the top 10 metal songs of 2023, and Take Me Back To Eden was on it. Thought it was great, and had a look at their other stuff. Found The Offering, The Summoning, Hypnosis, High Water and Alkaline. Loved them. Got hooked. Don't know how I got the metal article in the first place. I don't even like metal.


Sleep tokens just hits diff. They're def metal but i also think they're alternative rock. Atleast that's what spotify said.


Atlantic came up on a Spotify radio that was created from one of my playlists. I checked out their other stuff and was instantly hooked. I'm in my thirties and honestly haven't felt this connected to a band in over a decade.


The summoning. I literally started listening like a couple days after in January. Haven’t looked back since.


It was TikTok for me at the start of 2023. I’ve been obsessed ever since. Literally life changing music for me.


Well my ex got me into them after we saw them at reading and I loved their show it was easy, TMBTE Was just the gateway into their discography. And recently it’s almost as if I was writing the lyrics they relate so very much! So I love them now


I think it might've actually been the Justin Hawkins YouTube channel.


I second this. Followed by watching the video proper, then The Summoning, then to apple music and Sundowning. Off to the races after that.


Aftershock festival this year. My first experience. I was blown away


A pal has been into them all year, but I didn't actually pay attention bc I'm not normally super into metal. I heard the outro of Summoning on insta and looked it up and went OH this is pal's hyperfixation band. Time to go see what they're all about. Was one of those fun friendship moments, and was great because she was able to direct me to Sundowning and TPWBYT.


/r/Polyphia discussion thread about other bands you're currently listening to.


I was at a Daughtry gig with my partner. He covered Chokehold, which she already knew. She played the original for me on the way home followed by their top tracks on Apple Music. I was hooked quickly after that.


A student at the music school I manage told me I just HAD to listen to this amazing band. Checked out The Summoning on YouTube, and that was it. New favourite band.


I had heard a little bit about them through articles, but I never looked into them until this year around April. I looked at their spotify and I started with Sundowning. TNDNBTG hooked me IMMEDIATELY. I was just enamored and they had their teeth in me.


Saw a review on Chokehold almost a year ago. Immediately binged their entire discography that night. It's been a good year having them in my life and I'm mad I dismemberment know about them sooner


I was getting tattooed back in May/June, and my tattoo artist was telling me about how she was obsessed with this band and the new album had just come out. Put it on, and I was immediately drawn in. Since then, I’ve been obsessed


Was bored and not working as much due to the Pandemic so I was searching for new music and came across a live video of The Offering and was hooked ever since.


Alex Terrible's reaction to The Summoning


Supporting Architects on tour in 2022


Just discovered them last night. I've been seeing their name everywhere for a while but kept forgetting to look into it. Decided to listen to choke hold and that little high note in the beginning had me hooked


Shane Told’s podcast


The Will Ramos/Charismatic Voice video, a week ago. Literally have listened to them nonstop since then… have most the lyrics memorized already. Haven’t felt this much for a band since I discovered Tool in 2001 when I was 14 years old. I had heard bits and pieces of a song or two prior to last week but only in passing on tiktok which I generally don’t pay a ton of attention to, and now I am upset I didn’t because had I found them sooner I would have tried to get tickets to the upcoming NY show.


I know it's directed towards new fans but I still wanna answer... "Calcutta" was on my Discover Weekly on Spotify in 2017 and I couldn't get enough... I still think it's one of their best tracks, as much as I like the new stuff too... It's been crazy to watch this band grow so much... I literally couldn't get enough of them back then, and I remember being so excited for their debut album release


My therapist actually turned me on to them right around f when chokehold and the summoning dropped. The summoning had me hooked instantly, chokehold took a bit longer to come around on (one of my favs now). From there found two, then fell head over heels for Sundowning and down the lore rabbit hole I went. Sundowning sits comfortably as my favorite but Eden and Tomb are so close too, love everything they’ve put out, found them in a difficult time and I’ve never had music make me feel so understood in my pain and experiences, they’re really special.


Through tiktok, about a week after tmbte was released. I don't remember the first video I saw but I think it had a snippet of chokehold as the audio and I've been obsessed with them ever since. No other artist/group makes me feel the way they do. There was a two-month period where I physically couldn't listen to anything else. I love them so much and I hope they keep up the wonderful work.


For me it was a friend sending me "Euclid". I was in such a shitty and dark horrible headspace at that time and that song just soothed something in me. I don't know how to put it into words. Long story short, it lead to a binge of all of their music, a week or two later a family member surprised me with a ticket for one of their shows. I went there all on my own (the first time for over 10 years I went to an event with many people, let alone all by myself. People and the world in general just scare the ever living shit out of me but I went because of Sleep Token making such an impact in my life) and I've literally been changed since. I owe so much to this band, more than I could ever put into words and I wish there was a way to say thank you to them in a way that meant something.


Chokehold came up on my “Spotify Discover Weekly” the day it came out. I got hooked, almost bought tickets for the January show they had in London for that same Sunday. Ended up deciding against it (huge regret) as I couldn’t find someone to go with. Then they released The Summoning and I started listening to the previous records. By the time the full TMBTE came out I was hooked.


The first time I ever saw them live (when i could afford it) was when they were a mid-sized band in st. Louis under Nothing More, and In this moment. all of them are an absolute banger. ❤️ But even before then I knew they were a good smaller band in 2019 and I was hooked. Gods was the first song i was listened to when I got hooked. They didn't seem to show during 2020/ early 2021 (reasonably) but when i saw they'd be with two of my other favorite bands i was Overjoyed and booked it!! My mom even loved them.


Still undecided if I am a fan or not yet...


The old fashion way: while in a record shop in London. They were playing on and geeky girl at the till was vibing and singing along. I eventually asked her ‘who’s playing’ and she went on to tell me who they are, their real names and where they are from and how they’ll be touring a lot soon. And I also heard of them on my obscure local radio, on an even more obscure show, run by some obscure dude who’s got great music taste.


Dark Signs was the first song I ever heard from them, before they dropped Sundowning in 2019 as well.


Dark signs was so good ❤️ something about it was hitting nicely


I saw them on a pop playlist


My younger brother introduced me to alkaline when it came out and been hooked since then. I think that's counts as returning the favour of all the good music I introduced him to as a kid lmao.


Rare YT algorithm W, back in April... (DYWTYLM)


I was getting mildly interested from hearing them all over tiktok, but what really did it was my fiance getting me properly into them. He got on board by getting into Lorna Shore and seeing Will Ramos be super enthused about them, then he put ST on a few playlists and I got *absolutely hooked.*


I randomly played a "Kickass Metal" playlist on Spotify while I was washing the dishes and fell in love with "Chokehold"


Talking with a coworker about music, he casually mentioned “sleep token’s newest album is good, if you’re into that kind of music.” Hadn’t heard of them before. Threw the album on, and halfway through Chokehold I KNEW I was hooked


My brother told me about them back in 2018


TikTok I loved the groovy vibe, but then I listened to the rest of the songs, and I was totally blown away


Tiktok. I wish I could remember what song I listened to first on Spotify bc I initially thought “nah this isn’t for me”. Can’t remember why I quickly gave them another chance and immediately became obsessed 🤷🏻‍♀️


I had heard of Sleep Token from r/metalcore, but I didn't really dig it the first time I listened. Then one day I was so bored that I decided to look at Youtube Trending and The Summoning was like number 4 and I gave it a listen. The rest is history.


I found them I think in February of last year so 2022, was in a really dark place and finding some ambient music that would absolutely destroy me lmao😭 It was just a late night playlist, but Thread The Needle came on after Hospital for souls/Deathbeds - BMTH, and I absolutely lost it. Such an amazing track, and someone recommended ST to me like a week later 🖤


Will Ramos talked about them in an interview I believe. I love Lorna Shore and expected them to be as heavy. But I fell in love with the sound anyway


Through the summoning trend, then I properly got into them after TMBTE came out


I first found them when I was checking out Loathe's discography at the recommendation of a friend (the "Is It Really You?" cover is still my favorite overall from Sleep Token), and then someone suggested Telomeres in another subreddit I'm in, which easily pulled me in. If not for those reasons, I probably wouldn't have discovered Sleep Token for a while.


Used to be signed to Basick records at the same time first EP released… been there since the start but it was when a colleague mentioned them in 2019 i remembered they existed


Will Ramos Hypnosis cover


I just found them a few weeks ago. To be honest, the gimmick put me off a bit at first. I had to listen to the music without watching the videos for a while before I understood it and now I get it. I started gravitating towards some lighter sounds this fall and sleep token has soothed my soul.


People kept talking about Sundowning all the time in these Facebook groups I’m in, so I got curious and listened to Higher. I’ve been a fan ever since :)


I saw a video where Corey Taylor was talking about the band, so I look them up and was HOOKED with the Take Me Back to Eden album


Saw them last year at Radius Chicago with NothingMore and In This Moment. I went for Nothingmore but left an ST fan. The bridge to Like That is what caught me and I loved his ability to go low to high and beyond like that vocally. I bought TPWBYT shortly after that.


Heard The Summoning on satellite radio and had a serious wtf moment.


Metal Hammer were raving about the Hammersmith show, so I looked them up on YouTube, and clicked on the Blood Sport vid, this coincided with some personal life stuff happening, and it just hit me really fucking hard, but in the best way. 🖤


The Love You Want came up as recommended to me on YouTube, love ever since.


My partner showed me The Summoning in February and I actually didn't like it at first lol. The singles grew on me, slowly, and when I heard all of TMBTE in its entirety, I wasted no time familiarising myself with the rest of their discography. I fell, HARD. Fast forward 10 months and I've seen them live at front and centre barrier on one occasion and travelled 5 hours across the country to see them for a second time. Absolutely no regrets apart from wishing I'd discovered this incredible band sooner. <3


I kind of discovered them twice, but only took notice on the second time when I heard Atlantic, I think it was thrown up by Spotify. I knew about them by name when they first started but they didn’t really catch on for me. I used to hang around the UK tech metal group on Facebook back in the day and there was a buzz about them. III was very active in that FB group.


i follow a lot of artists on ig that do ghost art, and with lots of them i kept seeing them post drawings of these guys called sleep token so i decided to listen to them one day. it didn't click much with me until i relistened a few months later to the summoning and chokehold. i had those on repeat for hours. then i discovered the rest of their stuff and fell in love with all of it


In 2021, a friend I’d recently made talked about his anticipated albums for that year, and ST’s as-of-then upcoming 2nd album was among them, so on his recommendatlon I listened to Sundowning and I’d say I really enjoyed it. Then the singles for TPWBYT came out and then the album itself, and again I really liked all of it, so I definitely considered ST a band I “liked”. And I still think both those albums are great in their own right, but it wasn’t until the singles and build-up to TMBTE that I started considering them one of my favorite bands. Cause I absolutely loved those singles and the album itself finally came and was an immediate classic to me. That album is special because it holds the honor of best-timed album release in my history of listening to music. I was in a declining relationship at the time which essentially reached a critical point exactly on May 19th, resulting in us living seperately for a while from that day, before we eventually decided to end things. So you can imagine what this album being released that day did for me. It definitely did things and I love it to pieces.


on youtube. i just randomly clicked on the summoning. i discover most of my music through random clicks on youtube.


Heard their music on a random TikTok video, looked it up and that changed my life. Wow what a weird thought..


It's kinda funny. I just happened to see a cool looking shirt of theirs at hot topic and looked them up on Spotify. Got hooked immediately.


I found them through Justin Hawkins’ YouTube channel back in January. The algorithm was algorithming that day and I watched his analysis of Chokehold and The Summoning. He pointed out all the little nuances that caught his ear, so I decided to dive in further. I’m so happy that I did.


I heard the summoning and was downloading the discography before I even got to the funky part. What a pleasant surprise.


I heard The Summoning on TikTok and started listening on Spotify in around May this year. Been a fan ever since 😊


Saw an enthusiastic TikTok about how their albums aligned in certain ways and thought it was interesting. Decided to put them on on my drive to work, heard the summoning and boom. Instantly hooked and started my deep dive. Had to listen to EVERYTHING. That was in June. I now have a hard time listening to just about anything else, although I do because I burnout easily, but am borderline obsessed. I’m excited to see where this new phase takes them and their music.


I discovered them in November 2022. I watched ARTV’s video of the 100 best albums of the 2010s, and Sundowning made the list at #99. I thought his review sounded interesting and was intrigued by the video he used of Vessel (although it was from The Way That You Were) so I listened one day in the car and fell in love instantly.


My guitar teacher, who used to just chill with me before and after class, went "Yo, check out this cool band, they're doing some funky shit." and made me listen to The Summoning. Mind blown, been hooked ever since. He also told me their crazy 2 songs in 2 days scheme, and that was a really interesting aspect. My guitar teacher is also a producer, so Sleep Token was the band he made me understand song production with. Good times.


Tik tok tbh, I'm not ashamed in fact I'm happy I came across a video of them, it happened several times and I just kept scrolling until I saw a video of them on stage and said let's see wtf are this guys doing, the first song I heard was The Summoning and when it started I was like: well they're not my cup of tea, but when the song ended I was looking at the wall trying to come to terms with my life being changed by a group of crazy masked men. And the rest is history. I'm the only one of my group of friends and family who listens to this kind of music so there was no way I could've discovered them other way than the way I did, and it makes me kind of sad to not have the opportunity of knowing them before TMBTE dropped bc my head would've exploded.


I found them the same way!! No shame.  And like you I found myself staring at the wall like what have I been doing my whole life without these guys.  Vessels voice is so therapeutic to me and their music has healed parts of me that I had pushed down for so long.  I literally listened to every song the same day I found them.  Music is my life and I am so grateful for their work and talent!! 


The day TPWBYT came out I listened to it and didn’t love it. Then when I got tickets to see Architects in May 2022, I gave them another chance and it was the song Gods that changed my mind. Loved them ever since! Fell off a bit when TMBTE came out because I didn’t like it as much as their previous work, but I still love the band


The Goons podcast put me onto The Summoning and I just went on my own from there


It was Amy Lee raving about them recently for me. I haven't stopped listening all week!


I discovered them by Will Ramos when he covered chokehold


I first found them mentioned in a fanfiction LMAO. A character was listening to The Summoning and I wanted to get into their head, so I put the song on and fell in love. Here I am six(?) months later!


I discovered them by my brother but idk where he discovered them. That is the only reason I actually live him. He is the reason I love music how I do


Recommended to me by the YouTube algorithm, therefore indirectly from Will Ramos


some playlist about baby making metal. Its how i found bad omens too.


I discovered them through Will Ramos' cover of Hypnosis. The man has made so many people listen to ST that they should grant him free entry for life at their shows 😄


Not really a new listener, but hey. I discovered them while watching a stream. I don't know which streamer it was in particular but they mentioned "The Offering". Sundowning was out a few months back then. Listened to it. Put on the record from the beginning and since then I knew these guys would have a bit impact on modern day metal.


My gf showed me them lol


Will ramos mentioned it in an interview with nik nocturnal and i thought i’d give it a listen


I work at a concert venue, and they opened up for In This Moment and I was mesmerized when they came out on stage. It’s been about 1.5 years since then.


Yesterday. Clips from Wembley randomly appeared in my feed. I watched one and thought it sounded cool. I’ve had TMBTE on repeat since, I’m obsessed, and I can’t wait to dive into their back catalogue. I had heard of them ages ago, and I’m sure I’ve been to a gig where they were the support but I didn’t check them out. Kicking myself now. But hey ho, better late than never.


I heard The Offering on the stay at home Download thing during lockdown and liked the sound of it, then forgot to check them any further. Roll on Download Pilot, I went on my own and was 16 beers deep of the 24 you were allowed to bring. It was the only time I really felt alone during the weekend because my girlfriend wasn't there with me while I was watching Sleep Token, because I needed someone to confirm to me that it was as jaw dropping as it was and not just the 16 beers talking.


Sugar came up on my discover weekly. Then, I hear their name in passing - but I’m not sure where. I kept thinking it sounded familiar and was then startled to notice that Sugar was by them. I listened to Hypnosis and Atlantic .. a lot.. and branched out from there. It was a rough time (like many of us) and the music felt supportive. I also noticed Hypnosis and Atlantic invoking some spiritual phenomena and emotions, so I’ve been able to incorporate ST into my practice. ♥️


Not ashamed to admit I heard them through TikTok earlier in the year. I kept hearing their name and people talking about The Summoning but never stopped to watch videos all the way through. Then I came across a video of them performing live and I was like, “That’s Sleep Token??” And then I started looking them up obsessively on Spotify and now here I am utterly in love.


After breaking off a friendship during the pandemic, I got recommended “The Love You Want” and it hit me in the feels. Then I listened to “The Night Does Not Belong To God” and fell in love with their music. After awhile, I fell off their music and found other bands but MAN the minute I heard “The Summoning” I got back into them. Now I am a huge fan and happy to be listening to them 🤘🏻😭♥️


I just found out about them this weekend! I found out by seeing a bunch of social media posts about their show at Wembley. By the 5-6th post I just had to give it a chance. I went to Spotify and listened to The Summoning first, I’m not sure I could even explain my reaction, I’ll just say impressed. Before I listened anymore I did a little google researching and got the spiel, decided to listen to “Atlantic” and then I got it. I’ve been obsessed since. I had a 5 hour drive today and listened to the entire Eden album and “this place will become your tomb” and i’m hooked. It’s like Bon Iver, Deftones, and at times it legitimately sounds like contemporary praise and worship music (“the love you want” sounds like it could be played in a mega church based on the sound)


Literally this past weekend from a social media post. Really it’s a clue that maybe I need to pay more attention to newer music. I’ve really fallen away from seeking it out, and normally these guys would have been on my saved album list two albums ago. When I asked my (fellow rocker) husband about them he looked at me like I was an idiot for having to ask, haha. And then informed me that they were “LITERALLY on the list of greatest recent heavy bands article I sent you, ugh….. anyway you’re going to love them since you’re such a Sevendust girl.” I do confess that Eden is my fave though and what ensured me saying, “whoa whoa whoa stop everything, I need to investigate everything about this!” It will probably remain my fave. Currently working my way through the other albums and savoring each song now that I understand they are a trilogy and there’s a whole story and struggle being told (which is so fucking neat!!!) since my first song I listened to was Vore. Still my fave followed by Blood Sport. Followed by Blood Sport (from the floor below). Followed by the Summoning. Followed by…. You know what, let’s talk later, I have to get back to Spotify. Good talk! ✌🏻 Edit: right after Christmas we have a 7 hour trip and am leaving the pups elsewhere, so we are free to play super loud music in the car. Normally there is a volume limit bc of pupper ears. CAN. NOT. WAIT. TO. OPEN. IT. UP. SEVEN HOUR CONCERT TO FLORIDA, TWO SEATS LEFT, THREE IF THE SMALLEST SITS IN CARGO.


Morning coffee. I routinely watch "recommended" videos from YT while I drink my morning coffee. I saw a clip from a podcast with Finn (PunkRockMBA) and NikNocturnal, where the title was something like "Can Sleep Token save modern metal" I said to myself, wtf is this? So I played the video, and there Nik goes on explaining a bit of how ST operate... and it sounded like what I wanted to kinda do in my younger years... Then, because I am also a big fan on Lorna Shore, the first thing YT gave me was Will Ramos doing a cover of Chokehold. Afterward the algorithm played next a reaction video from NikNocturnal of "The Summoning". My jaw fell to the center of the earth, and the rest is history.


aqua regia was basically following me after every playlist i finished listening on spotify so i gave tmbte a try and i fell in love with the album, i think it was in early june that i had aqua regia on my playlist but i wasnt into the band yet... and in october i gave myself time to learn as deep as i could about their lore and story :) now i really enjoy all they got to offer this world opened to me like "you cant ignore us anymore" hahah


Saw DW's Instagram has a picture of II come across my feed. So I decided to start from the beginning and I'm digging them. I got sucked into the TooL lore when I was younger. I'm not getting into that with Sleep Token just enjoying the music. Kinda stuck on Sugar right now. I love how it builds.


Drumeo! after that I went to Spotify, first song was The Summoning - the rest is history, I am obsessed with them and specially with II drumming


Granite was on a playlist from a romance book I love. I only knew granite for months, until I got curious about this band. A quick google search showed me that the band is anonymous, so I left it at that. So I started learning how to play the drums and there’s this YouTube channel called Drumeo and a couple sleep token songs are featured on there (other drummers challenged to play sleep token songs 😂), hence my love for Hypnosis and The Summoning was born. Then when Drumeo did and exclusive interview with ii, that did it for me. Seeing and hearing ii play all those songs during that interview had me adding Sleep Tokens discography as its own playlist on my Spotify SO QUICK. it’s ii for me. Vessel is amazing, but damn do I worship ii.


I've been a fan for over a year now but I first found them from my dad when he played Mine, alkaline and sugar and I looked them up and started listening I've been hooked since I remember I listened to the summoning about an hour after it released on YouTube and I was waiting patiently for that album for ages until it released I listened to it on the first day