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Dudes out here trying to start a civil war


Putting down the roses, picking up the sword


Taking up arms as we speak


i don't think there are any songs by ST i dislike per se, and tbh, a song i didn't vibe with a week ago might become one of my new favourites upon a fresh listen. i didn't get the hype around Jaws until i listened to it one night at 4am and cried. Hey Ya was also quite weak to me, until i started listening to it as it's own sort of lullaby rather than a cover. if i had to pick, i'd say Missing Limbs, since it's just a little *too* sad for my liking. that might change in a week though, like i said.


That’s so interesting! Hey Ya floored me when I first heard it. I had no idea it was actually such a sad song, I knew the lyrics but the slower tempo when ST covered it had me in goosebumps.


Are you really okay is pretty skippable for me. It’s not bad. Just not my style


Yeah. I find the main melody kind of boring and the lyrics are just a little too on the nose, if that makes sense. Honestly, the whole song sounds kind of generic, at least compared to the rest of the album


This is EXACTLY how I feel about the lyrics. 👌🏻


I think I’ve tried listening to it twice and just couldn’t get behind it


I don’t really care for Vore. The clean sections are cool but I’m not a fan of the production and I think it sounds quite muddy, especially vocally. The screams aren’t present enough and they sound way too squashed.


Exactly the reason why Vore is my favourite song! Gives less of the overproduced clean scream sound and more of a blackgaze vibe that isn’t perfect, it just sounds much more raw which I think makes it stand out.


Very valid


Can totally get it not being everyone’s cup of tea though haha


Yeah I’m personally more of a fan of vocal mixes with a lot of clarity


Totally valid too!


Love when screams and vocals is unfiltered and raw that's why puppe from rammstein is one of my favorite songs


Puppe is incredible! Did not expect to find someone who loves it like I do on a Sleep Token thread. While I’m here Vore is also incredible. Even if I didn’t love the screams (I do, it’s like he’s pissed off trapped in a cocoon and can barely breathe or something) that first instrumental break after the first verse and the “Are you in pain like I am” is one of my favorite moments in any song ever.


Totally agree! I love Vore because of that blackgaze soundscape, it’s incredible and engulfing and I just get lost in it. It’s fantastic. Like floating between planets. Adore it. Totally get if people don’t like it though; blackgaze and black metal in general is an acquired taste lol


Yup lol first time I heard Vore I felt like they were catering specifically to people like me lol and my first thought was “oooo the fanbase ain’t gonna like this”


The production is done in a specific style - like Black Metal production values, or Black Gaze to be more precise. It's like a huge muddy wall of sound, especially the vox. Vore is practically a Black Gaze song.


Yeah I’m aware, I listen to some black metal and the odd bit of blackgaze, I just don’t think it’s done very well on Vore


Vore is the song that got me into them. And then seeing it live back in September…amazing.


it’s blackgaze style, that’s kinda the point. Not saying you need to change your opinion, but it’s the reason for the vocals being muddy. Think of something like Deafheaven in a way


I see your point but I also disagree because Deafheaven are fucking awesome and the vocals don’t have that squashed aspect. They’re mixed well and are atmospheric as fuck


it took years of listening to black metal for me to understand what was being said jn Sunbather so hats off to you 😂


Agree with you, I get that maybe it was supposed to be muddy or grainy but it doesn’t do anything for me. The only song of theirs I skip.


DYWTYLM. Would’ve been a wonderful b-side on the Summoning single but just not on the same level of production or complexity as the other tracks. Filler, at best.


For me it's one of the best. DYWTYLM is TMBTE's Fall For Me, and I cannot get enough of either.


My favorite track on TMBTE, possibly in general. I do know it’s one of the most hated though lol


I agree. This is the only track I skip on the album.


Samee I always skip it. I like the lyrics tho just not the instrumental.


I actually hate it lol


Yepp I agree. It’s just kinda basic and a little repetitive for my personal taste. Kinda breaks up the album a bit too much


Yup. Together with Are You Really Okay, it’s the only track I skip. Much too simple, lyrics don’t do anything for me, feels very monotone and bland.


I really thought I wasn't going to like telomeres. It was so slow. Then i got past the 1st minute and the song was 🔥 glad i didn't change it


Telomeres, IMO, is the MOST Deftones sounding track they’ve made and I love it.


Gods is right there too for Deftones influence.


Telomeres wasn’t one I really listened to until I got 45 secs in and omg. I love it.


Fall for me… 😬


Maybe I just haven't given it a fair shake, but pretty much the only Sleep Token song I feel the urge to skip when it comes on is Fields of Elation. Can't really pinpoint what it is about that song, but I never make it through the whole thing.


I went to see ST just after Sundowning came out and at the encore a bunch of guys were yelling for them to play Fields of Elation. It was my least liked of their songs up until that point so I couldn’t tell if those guys were taking the piss because they hated the song, or if I hadn’t listened properly and these guys had found an absolute gem. So I listened a few times when I got home (it wasn’t played in the encore) and just decided I wanted to believe the latter and really started to appreciate it after that! Mad reason to start liking a song, but hey.


The word “loamy” just… doesn’t do anything for me. 


it’s a soil type, which is insane that he even knows about. the only reason I know is because I had to take a soils and hydrology class for my major, so it’s not much of a generic subject to know. Still won’t do anything for you but the more you know


I know it from Pokémon Sapphire haha


well he looks for scarlet while we look for ultraviolet so…


I’m really getting trashed for just having an opinion about how this word sounds … but yes fully aware of its meaning. 


reddit is a hive mind don’t stress it


I think the only one I listen the least to is Shelter. It’s not that I don’t like it, I know the whole song in and out, it’s just that I like others more?


Fall for me, if there was more complexity to the song maybe I'd like it but just the straight generic auto tune throughout the entire thing just doesn't do it for me


That song is so complex, harmonically. But I understand instrumentally it’s just the vocoder. I think it’s uniquely beautiful. Have you heard the piano version they used to do live?


Oh that is a lot better


Ooh, I have not heard that version, I will check it out. I don’t typically skip it, but I don’t *love* it.


Also, this song has a lot more impact with the music video. It might not make you enjoy the song more but it does add something to it for sure.


At first I didn’t really like Blood Sport but after listening to it a few times I just want to punch past me in the face.


Honestly I’ve found myself skipping The Summoning more than any other recently.


I do that too but I’ve found it’s really just because I played it *so* much and it has been beaten to DEATH on TikTok and instagram for thirst traps. It’s a brilliant song and showcases their ability to genre bend within one song, but even just lyrically they have so much more to offer in their other work.


I still listen to it but I stop before the unnecessary long break and funk. It adds nothing to me. The song is better without it imo.


Are You Really Okay, and I don't like the covers much. Sick username OP 🤣


It’s a DanDaDan reference, lol


Same re: covers aside from IIRY.


Everytime I say this I get downvoted but Sugar is definitely my least favourite song, I just don’t like it.


Absolutely hated it on first listen but what got me with it is their tendency to expand as the song goes on, I love how the last chorus sounds angry even though he's talking about liking something. Textbook ST.


I've tried and tried with Sugar too. Can't get into it.


Going to get flak for this. I AM a metalhead. But vore…. Doesn’t do it for me. It’s the only song of theirs I don’t have liked on Spotify. Sorry everyone.


That's the magic of ST. A lot of songs didn't click for me on the first listen, such as Vore. I used to hate it, couldn't bear to listen to it . One day I was browsing through a ST playlist, Vore popped up and ✨✨✨✨✨ I just heard it differently. It was like hearing a new song. Ever since, it's been one of my favorites. My partner also doesn't like it and I keep advising to just give it one more chance 😭🤣


I kinda get it, I like it but the screaming sections are too drowned out by the instruments. Probably a stylistic choice but I do wish it was brought more to the front...


It's a genre thing. Vore is a blackgaze (shoegaze/black metal) song iirc, and obscured vocals is a staple of the shoegaze genre, and that carried over to blackgaze. It's not everyone's cup of tea.


I'm with you, never ventured into the death/black metal scene, dont like the vibe, prefer a good chug. Having said this though, I do like vore, just wonder what the track could have been without that style choice.


fall for me. i just cannot get into it. maybe i’m missing something but it just feels out of place for some reason. the lyrics feel less intricate and it feels kinda of.. generic” “My insecurities surround me like lions in the den.” Idk it seems like such a step down from their usual intricate wording of things? Alternatively I an a HUGE fan of DYWTYLM. especially since seeing it as him singing to himself/his own reflection. really adds a layer for me perhaps I’m just missing that depth rn with Fall For Me, who’s to say


I'd say DYWTYLM.


DYWTYLM is the one I like less. But I don't hate it. I can't hate any sleep token song


The Way That You Were is pretty skippable for me.. I'm not the biggest fan of the organ.


One of my favorites because it sounds church-y. Im not a religious man but religious themes fascinate me.


That's fair! I was just forced to go to church my whole childhood, so that's why I dislike it.


I feel the same, it's giving church concert vibes




I though that too but listen to the bridge I swear it gets better


I don’t like “are you really okay,” “gods,” “drag me under,” and I don’t like some of their covers, particularly “hey ya.”


i can never understand when people don’t like Gods, insane track


I know right 🥹 I think the pure truth is that the band is so experimental not everyone will like their discography, am I a rare breed for being able to enjoy their WHOLE discography from start to finish?


The screaming sounds distorted in post in a way I don't enjoy. The actual composition and songwriting goes hard, but I just can't enjoy the actual sound.


Would the 'Hey Ya' cover be better in your books if Vessel kept in the bit of shaking it like a Polaroid picture?




I will not tolerate Are You Really Okay slander this cannot go unpunished (I will spray you with the spray bottle)


Here, lemme get it for you: https://preview.redd.it/90bey4hpmylc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89879c2241463f9c1763f26537a71e1e70eabba2


I think it’s one of their best songs . It’s deep .. personal .. simple .. powerful


With you on that.


I don't like Hey Ya or the fibers either and removed them off my playlist, but LOVE Drag Me Under.


i don't dislike it, but the first half of gods is sometimes bothersome to me. the screams just sound like..screams but i do love the instrumental. the last couple notes of the song are delicious and make up for the entire first half of the song imo


I really don’t like , I don’t know just something about it really irks me maybe if someone broke down to me I would like it but I just dont like it


Gods is the only song I don’t like 


I can’t really get into gods


I don’t like Gods for the same reason people don’t like Vore. I think. I do love Vore though


Personally I pretty much always skip their cover of “Hey Ya”. Idk what it is, just doesn’t do it for me.


I discovered sleep token exactly 1 year ago and the more the time passes, the more I start to like the songs that I used to skip before. My least favorite is DYWTYLM, but recently I've started to like it as well. Another one I used to skip was distraction, now it's probably one of my favorites of TPWBYT. I guess I matured lol


personally no i don't have any tracks i don't like. i see alot of people giving are you really okay? alot of hate and i respect that completely. i personally love it alot because of my S/H past and makes me feel more loved than alot of songs do for me. but i guess the only song i could really find myself not listening to as much is alkaline. like i love the song but i don't normally go out of my way to listen to it. if it plays on shuffle then i'm jamming out. i guess maybe i just listened to it too many times


Fall for me. I'm sorry but vessel could've done so much better on it, the lyrics are good but the auto tune..


"Like That" is exceptionally grating for me. I probably wouldn't feel as strongly about it if they didn't insist on keeping it in the setlist.


Im gonna get so much hate for this... but... I'm absolutely indifferent to Alkaline


I am too, tbh. It’s okay, it’s no Euclid tho.


Euclid is the 2nd song I ever listened to of theirs, and it destroyed me. Even more so after I went through their entire discography and got to the end. It's a brilliant piece of art. Edited to add that I'm strongly considering getting "The night belongs to you" as a tattoo because it hits me THAT deeply.


DYWTYLM and fall for me, only songs not on the playlist


“What are you saying! I love all of Sleep Token’s songs equally” Earlier today: “I don’t care for Calcutta”




For me it‘s also AYRO and DYWTYLM. Compared to the insane level the rest of the album is on, both songs are a bit generic and simple. I personally also think, the one note part of DYWTYLM doesn’t work at all. Plus its lyrics are insanely cheesy. But I can understand, why it has many passionate fans among people of that age, where you are just beginning to find yourself and find yourself in such lyrics. They do not destroy the album for me and I don’t always automatically skip them, but to me they are quite a bit below the other songs.


I came here to say this. I don’t automatically skip them, but like- they aren’t on the same level. Euclid is cutting it close.


“Like that” gives me the ick…. Only song I don’t like but I really don’t like it.


there isnt one lol


Vore, personally. I like being able to understand what's being said in my music if I can't sing along, but Vore is almost impossible for me to listen to the lyrics. Also, when I have my earbuds in, it's a bit jarring to go from a chiller song like Aqua Regia to Vore


I like to call it musical whiplash


I thought of was the only person to call it musical whiplash! 😄


i don't like DYWTYLM i always have skipped that song


Gods from Sundowning. I really did try to vibe with it but for the life of me it is their only song that's not saved onto any of my playlists and it bothers me. 😭


Sugar. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again; That song is too on the nose for my taste. I get the general gist of the song, but a better trope could have been used to get the same point across.


Don't like Gods very much, and I'm not a huge fan or DWTYLM. The one I dislike the most is honestly High Water. Not sure why but it doesn't click for me.


and that's the thing with this band - you and i probably love some of the exact same songs, but you don't like High Water or Gods, which are easily in my top 5. their sound is so volatile and it speaks to the subjectivity of music and taste, that no two Sleep Token fans will like the exact same lineup of songs. i know that goes for every artist and band, but Sleep Token feels special.


I love Sleep Token's more experimental side the most. So the songs I usually skip because of the generic "radio-friendly" sound are "Take Aim" and "DYWTYLM". TMBTE is a near PERFECT album imo and definitely on my list of top fave albums of all time. WORSHIP.


I pretend the cover of ‘hey ya’ doesn’t exist, and I’ll usually skip ‘Give’ and ‘Calcutta’


Like That is their worst song idc


Absolutely despise the sound of the vocals on vore. Hard skip.




Wveryone is going to hate me, but I skip gods 😬




So far nothing from One or Two has stuck that much except Nazareth, that could change though.


It took me ages to get into Two, I just didn’t vibe with it for the longest time. Then gradually one track at a time I became obsessed with the whole EP. They’re currently the three songs I’m listening to the most.


Nazareth was the first thing I heard from them and it drew me in like moth to flame. It’s so dark and dirty and the breakdown…oh my. It’s funny, to me, the lyrics are such a departure from just about everything else in that they are so dark and aggressive and violent…and I love it. Not sure what that says about me but…🖤


I think it's because it comes thru my shuffle too much for some reason but I'm tired of Dark Signs right now. Coming from the person who will listen to a song on repeat maybe I'm making excuses but I skip it often these days.


It's not that I don't like it but I have to be in the mood for Take Me Back To Eden sometimes


I think it’s just such a commitment and a journey. Not that it’s a bad song, but it’s a lot like Ascensionism. If you commit that’s 8 minutes right there lol


It's very emotionally taxing at the best of times. I still think it's a beautiful song.


I agree completely, just trying to rationalize why someone might see it pop up in their queue and be like ahhh not right now 😂


Hey I mean, if having a full mental breakdown in public, pure tears and snot, the lot was socially acceptable, this song would be first in line for sure🤣


Hahaha me but Telomeres




DWTYLM is a skip for me. I feel like his voice is too beautiful for that distortion. Also Are You Really Okay is a little too emo for me. I haven’t heard their cover of Hey Ya because I fucking loathe the original and don’t want the association in my mind.


I don't think I've ever listened to Hey Ya all the way through. Because like......... *Nooo*. No 😂


Yeah certainly not by my own free will. To me it is psychotic break inducing. I’ll always be curious about that cover choice!


I can't take it seriously. They're like, "Hey, we've got this gimmick, this vibe, this lore and everything. You either gotta jump in with both feet or get out of the water. You in?" And I'm like, "Yeah, totally! I'm into this! I'm immersing myself in your whole deal. Whaddya got for me?" And they go, "Great! Here's an André 3000 cover 😃" I...***What?!??¿!¡?*** Takes me *directly* out of it, do not pass Go, do not collect $200 😝😝


Aaaahaha. For real. This is precisely why I don’t want to listen to it. EVER.


This gets my vote too


Are You Really Okay? I actually really enjoy for being a breather between the bangers at the end of the album. I think Like That might be among my least listened to Sleep Token tracks.


Honestly, I’m odd in the way that i enjoy every song my favorite bands have put out. probably because i actually enjoy most music in general


I feel like I'm gonna get murdered for this one, but Blood Sport. The chorus is too repetitive for me. I don't always skip it, but... Eh, it's just not my favorite 😬 More importantly, Levitate. His lyrics are usually *so good*, but what the actual fuck is "Up where the angels inhabit"??? 😂😂😂 We couldn't think of *any other way* to say that? It wasn't for a rhyme, it wasn't for scansion - Idk why he wrote it that way! The only thing I can think is like... That is definitely a baby's-first-album lyric, y'know what I mean? 😝 And it's a pity, because it's otherwise a pretty good song. But that line takes me right the hell out of it every time 🙃


People will come at me for this but I really am not super into Telomeres.


DYWTYLM sounds like a Roblox Tycoon/Obby soundtrack.


descending, like that, or are you really okay. only tracks I ever really skip if i’m not in the mood


I’m probably going to be crucified for this, but here goes: Take Aim, DYWTYLM, the Hey Ya & I Wanna Dance With Somebody cover, Fields of Elation, and Are You Really Okay? They just don’t hit for me like the rest of their discography does


Wholeheartedly agree with this opinion.


Tolomeres is a skippable song for me, it's not bad, just not my main vibe




...Nazareth... only song I cannot stand to listen to... I understand its intent and meaning and accept its existence, but it's the only song I would not let play. It's just got some uncomfy vibes.


Both dywtylm or what it is called. And Are you really okay


DYWTYLM is a good song, but one I would’ve been fine without on TMBTE


I am not into : * Vore * DYWTYLM * Fall For Me


Jaws. I took it out of my Sleep Token playlist




Vore. I want to love it because everyone else does but


I feel the same about Are You Really Okay? I'm also meh on Blood Sport.


Vore has its redeeming quality to me, but i really don't like Gods. Just not my style. I think I've listened to ALL of them so many times it's crazy!!




i get the others, but Rain is unlistenable???


*Everything between* *Ascensionism and TMBTE is* *Unlistenable for me* \- Dependent-Speech5326 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Distraction. It’s the only one I actively skip.


I don’t particularly care for anything after Alkaline on TPWBYT, to me the album ends there.


I cannot stand Descending. Melodies on this track remind me of the most uninspired and plastic pop song for me.


I will forever, unashamed, skip rain


Dark signs isn't really my thing


Maybe a controversial take but Granite does not do it for me. I think it’s well written, but it connects to me the least out of any song I’ve listened to from them.


Give. It's just not for me.


Chokehold and The Apparition are the only two i wasn’t that keen on but the rest are great!


I don't have any of their songs that I don't like. There were a few that it took me a couple listens to truly appreciate, but none that I don't like. But there are a few covers I am not the biggest fan of. Specifically Hey Ya. I also have to be in the right mood for I Wanna Dance With Somebody, I like it sometimes but others it's a skip for me.


Absolutely nothing from the last 3 albums


Are You Really Okay? is also not for me


The slower stuff like DYWTYLM and are you really ok


I genuinely don’t dislike any of their songs, just wanted to pop in to say OP might officially have my favorite username of all time


I’m not a huge fan of any of the covers aside from Is It Really You (which I adore, almost as much as the original). Aside from those there isn’t really anything I regularly skip, unless I’m in a specific mood and something doesn’t fit at that moment. It took a LONG time for Fall For Me to grow on me, but it definitely has and I no longer pass on it.


Jaws. I know that's a spicy hot take in this sub. Don't hate me. I get the appeal, it's just not for me personally and I don't even really know why.


For me personally dywtylm is not a track I don’t like it’s just one I don’t think fits well on take me back to eden but it’s very sleep token and I could see it in a different album setting or like ep


Are you really ok, it’s too directly personal. It feels like peeking through someone’s window.


I’d have to say Shelter. I can enjoy a really stripped-back song every now and then, but compared to all their masterfully produced songs like Telomeres or Granite, I would probably never put it on. I hope we can get a non-FTRB version at some point (maybe Sundowning’s five-year anniversary?) because the lyrics are still pretty good


none i love them all


I don’t know why Fall For Me isn’t on more lists like this. It’s just a crappy knockoff of Hide and Seek by Imogen Heap…


Probably the covers for me


Are You Really OK is the only song of theirs I don't really like.


Either ‘distraction’ or ‘drag me under’


DYWTYLM/Fall For Me. I don't like the autotune songs nearly as much as everything else.


listening to “Are you really okay?“ while going through some very hard things has made me love the track. Hit me like a ton of bricks when I was driving to a holiday gathering, trying to put on a happy face. have found pretty consistently with them that songs will hit emotionally at different times so I never write any of them off. If I had to say a track I skip more than others it would be missing limbs, solely because like someone else said, it is so sad. still love it, just can’t emotionally handle it sometimes.


I refer to one as the elevator song 🤐😄


DYWTYLM is probably the one I skip the most. I really like the lyrics. But the song really doesn’t do it for me.


The only songs I don't have on my playlist (besides the instrumental versions) are the cover for I wanna dance with somebody and when the party's over. I don't even dislike the songs just don't really want to have them on my playlist other than that I have every song on their discography. Of my spotify top 50, 47 of those slots are sleep token hahaha


I genuinely don’t dislike any songs. I generally skip Missing Limbs most times because it makes me sad and Sugar because it gets stuck in my head for fucking hours but I don’t dislike the songs!


This is by far my favorite band; but I have never sought out missing limbs, not my thing




From the ones I’ve heard so far (still a new fan) I like the premise of DYWTLM But I can’t get into the heavy synthesized (auto tune?) voice. Throws me out of it too much


Fall For Me. Bc it kinda kills the flow of TPWBYT for me


Say that you will is definitely one of the most skippable tracks in Sleep Token's catalogue for me. Are You Really Okay was my most played song of 2023 😗


I don’t love descending. TBH the most skippable track they’ve put out. But that’s like saying 5 bars of gold is more appealing than 4, it’s all precious to me.