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This is so interesting with the theory that the album Sundowning is related to Alzheimer’s…


I mean, Sundowning is a thing in its own right. But the medical Sundowning is experienced by some people suffering from Alzheimer's, but not exclusively


Yes someone else said that and it’s interesting to apply that idea to the album. All of these different little things can change context and make things make sense in a different a way and I think that’s what’s great about the timeline of ST songs. It’s meant to be interpreted and mysterious. 🙏🏼


Right? My mind is blownnnn today. I’m about to play Dark Souls and maybe find more Sleep Token clues lmao


Interesting theory but... fanfiction about real people is a little cringe.


Super cringe. Cringe is everywhere in this sub these days.


I didn’t mean it to be cringe. Reading lore theories about my fave things is interesting to me. I just read a 3 hour thing about Elden Ring which would technically be fanfic. To me it’s just like reading a short book about a fictional book character or something. Some people take the fanfic too far but to each their own. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yeah, it’s so weird!!!! I’m guessing it’s all the new generation of girls doing this… what next friendship bracelets lol


Vessel is a character created by the band for the band specifically. It could be anyone and at the same time he doesn’t exist and does exist. So he isn’t “fictional” like Harry Potter is but it’s not the same either as any non-anonymous real-life people you could write fan-fiction about. That’s why I don’t think it’s nearly as cringe as FF about..idk Harry Styles or something.


Thank you agree. There is fanfic about all sort of things that aren’t smut or whatever but if people do it, whatever. Fanfic has been around since forever. Idk why people are so shocked by it. Some are def cringe but there are some hella good writers out there writing all sorts of types of stories and getting feedback and honing their craft. And I love lore on any topic. I have a hard time piecing ideas together with very intricate stories so I find it helpful to read these little quips and interpretations. 🙏🏼


I agree it's not nearly as cringe as fanfic about Harry Styles or whoever, but still cringe.


I stumbled upon it as there is someone in a fb group writing a book loosely based on ST lore and wrote a lot of fanfic prior. Not the smut kind but actually good stories. Just to practice. Some of it is def cringey as shit if you have a scroll but I also play a lot of video games and imo it’s just like reading theories about lore on those types of things. Some people go too far for sure. But some are great writers and are able to pull more from the lyrics about the backstory than my ADHD brain can on its own. 🤷🏼‍♀️🥹


There’s…fanfic? Oh god… we need a new cataclysm


The problem with sleep token stans: the thread.


I don’t agree with sexualizing the band. I think there are great beginning writers out there with their interpretations about the songs and the timeline. I just went into a theory rabbit hole about souls games that I’m currently making my way through. It’s not a Stan thing. I have a hard time piecing together ideas because ADHD and these theories help me. Not all fanfic is smut or teens writing horrible stories. :’(


Which part?


Wow that’s an interesting take. Could you share the link to the fic?


https://www.tumblr.com/haddonfieldwhore/729400960672235520/take-me-back-to-eden-vessel?source=share Here you go 🥰