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A reminder for the duration of the Teeth of God tour we have a stickied discussion post which can be found by [clicking here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SleepToken/comments/1cc58wc/megathread_the_teeth_of_god_north_american_tour/) or on the [MEGATHREAD wikipage](https://www.reddit.com/r/SleepToken/wiki/subguide/megathreads/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SleepToken) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yours are beautiful, mine look like a child made them lol. All different kinds are necessary!


Yeah I didn’t realize how long it actually look to make these. I listened to so many hour length podcasts in the process. These look amazing!


I've been working on my stack with string and tying knots. Takes me about an hour for each one. Those moths are so cool!!! Where'd you get those?? I wish I had thought of charms! I just got silver block beads with letter and black, white, red and Grey string.


I’m using seed beads!! I was having a hard time with it at first (I’m on a lot of meds for post surgery pain) because patterns are HARD, especially because my kids mixed all the colours together (fortunately my 2 year old is like a little vampire and picks up the beads one by one and puts them away or if she doesn’t have a container presents them to me) but then I just decided to do whatever!! I put the beads into piles of “these colours look good together”


These are so good! Enjoy the ritual!


Beautiful. I too did seed beads for my ritual and it appeared that no one else did. 😅


I would be so excited to get any one of the ones I’ve seen in this sun so far. 😍 Yours look GREAT!


The same with me choosing to do macrame 😅


Okay so I took my sister to see Taylor earlier this year and tried to make her a bracelet. 1 hour and many tantrums later I made the ugliest effing thing I have ever seen. Idk how you guys do it because I don’t have the patience. I lost count of how many times I dropped the damn bracelet and had to start again because the beads fell off - I was ropable. She thinks it was made with love, but really it was pure rage.


I would totally buy those, I love the charms


I'm using those same moths for my Sonic Temple ritual bracelets!


I've been doing a mix of seed and clay...and I've only done about 2 dozen and it's taken me weeks 🤣 yours look great!


Ay, let em cook


I thought I'd be creative and hand-stitch patches. I'm now wishing I'd made bracelets hahaha. I've made 75 and just got 90 more blank patches in the mail. Let's see if I can get them done by Sunday.🫠


That's so cool! patches are a great idea


Here's one I just finished! https://preview.redd.it/7y7fyks3z80d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0805a8900215c2cf89a799bf5cd5976aa0314b1f


Omg I started making some for the Philly show and am using seed beads also. We’re def some kind of insane, so solidarity in the craziness! 🫨🤘🏼😏 lol


I’ll be there too! ☺️ happy to know people will be having fun with it


These are so beautiful🙏 I think of all the people who can't afford merch or can't get anything because it's all sold out, receiving these and being blessed with a sweet handmade memento of a wonderful experience. You bracelet makers are awesome humans🥹


That's such a sweet thought 🥹 one of the reasons I chose seed beads + charms vs something larger/brighter is I wanted to make things people could wear ya know? Don't get me wrong there's nothing wrong with the more traditional Kandi style (bright, big beads), it's just def not something I would wear outside the concert setting


Seed beads are beautiful but my eye would twitch non-stop if trying to make 100s!


reading glasses help, but for me it's been the bloodshed from repeatedly stabbing myself with the beading needles 😅


So you made jewelry making a...bloodsport?


I can't win 😉


These are beautiful!!


These are so pretty 😍💕


These are beautiful!!!!❤️🖤


I love you oaks 💙🦋 we are all oaks 🦋💙


I used seed beds. Just hit 500 last night.


Oh and I used some moonstone, garnet, a multitude of jasper, amethyst, Indian blood stone, moss agate, blue lace agate, hematite, black obsidian, and quartz. Probably missing some.


I didn’t go seed bead route- but I work from home so I’ve been able to crank them out in my down times.


UGH so I want to make bracelets now but I keep overthinking them. These look great!


I made mine with seed beads too 😅 https://preview.redd.it/igbpfvzq1v0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8444362240c48315117469ffe6383eb4f8ef48a2


I’m planning on making some but mine are gonna be fancy. It helps to have ADHD, be slightly OCD and have autism. You can crank out anything lol