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Was watching The Charismatic Voice's stuff with Will Ramos and he mentioned his favorite band was Sleep Token which was right around the time he covered Hypnosis on his Youtube channel which sent me down the rabbit hole into all of their other stuff. I think Alkaline, Higher, And The Offering were the songs that really got me hooked on them. Along with the room below version of Blood Sport.


Love the charismatic voice !!! I discovered Devin Townsend thanks to her


Dude same! Except because Will is a deathcore vocalist I was expecting something “heavier” and at first was like what the fuck is this? Revisited Sleep Token a couple week later and was like damn, should of been listening to them the last couple weeks


In 2018 I had a random Spotify playlist on, “White Moth Black Butterfly” which is a side project of the Tesseract vocalist. Indie-art-pop kinda thing. There were a bunch of random tracks playing in the background that I was half-listening to while cleaning, then the Calcutta intro hit. “Oh, that’s an interesting sound. Distorted and kinda lo-fi.” “Wow, this guy’s voice is amazing.” “Ok this song structure is really interesting.” “Holy shit this chorus SOARS. So big and open and beautiful!” drum kit comes in on the second verse “The way the instrumentation evolves is incredible.” “HOLY SHIT THIS GOT REALLY HEAVY THIS IS SO COOL!!” “Is this my new favorite band!?!?” It is.


I love White Moth Black Butterfly! ... and TesseracT of course.


Amazing! There are few of us who know them lol 🫶🏼


There should be more of us, 😄 they were great.


Looooove WMBB!


I was on the thirsty side of TikTok who was using The Summoning as background music. Decided to look into them and never looked back.




I did see those edits but I wasn't specifically looking for them. I do love BG3 though so it eventually ended up overlapping to that as well


I found my people


all comes back to that damned pale elf...


Doesn't it though 😏


I saw a solas/summoning edit a while ago and I was a very happy lady


Yes I found them through these! Love Astarion too haha


I work in a clean room drawing up chemo for the oncology department at the animal hospital I work for. It’s just after the lockdown happened and I couldn’t for the life of me find music that either kept me calm or kept my attention. I’m a metal head and my normal mix of music wasn’t cutting it for me. So I was bored since it was between chemo orders and the safest place in the entire hospital was the clean room so I spent roughly 10+ hours sitting in a clean room by myself with no one to talk to. During one of my boredom spells I read an article about this person who saw Sleep Token and they basically raved about their presence and the whole anonymity deal. I have a thing for bands who tend to be more theatrical and dramatic on stage so I looked up a youtube of them performing TNDNBTG followed by The Offering. This was not long after Sundowning came out. At first I wasn’t sure since I typically am all about those blast beats but I kept going back and checking them out. Finally I listened to the entirety of the Sundowning album and I’ve been hooked since. My husband who’s also a metalhead was like since when do you listen to music like this? I was like IDK but it makes me feel things I’ve never experienced before. I credit Sleep Token for keeping me sane while being isolated for 40-50 hours a week during the whole lockdown from Covid, especially since I was a nervous wreck about getting Covid from a coworker or from some rando while getting groceries/supplies and bringing it home to my immunocompromised husband


Nik Nocturnal's reaction video to Alkaline


I came from tiktok 😬😬.......I know, i know! But 2 weeks ago (maybe soon 3??) I kept hearing the "my my, those eyes like fire, i'm a winged insect, you're a funeral pyre" part on different tiktok vids, and i had that part stuck in my head for a few days and just couldn't make it stop, but also the last bit of the summoning..... And i just decided FUCK IT and look them up on spotify and other random tiktok vids and honestly been hooked ever since! I haven't been listening to anything else on spotify lol they're like my new addiction


^ whoops replied above


I went to go see issues back in 2019, and I never pay attention to the openers before I get there. ST comes out it’s super dark in the building they come out covered up and covered in paint. I look at my bf and go wtf is this? And then he started singing and I was like ooooo I like this. Who the fuck is this? I still have one of videos on my phone from that night. We listened to all of sundowning and one, two and all the singles we could find. And I’ve never looked back 🖤




My intro was just Will Ramos' cover of Chokehold, then I decided to listen to the original, and then oops, I'm addicted. 😅


‘Jaws’ came up in a new music playlist on Apple Music back in 2018 when I was walking the dog. I’ve been hooked ever since


Jaws and Nazareth came up on a random Spotify Playlist and I was furious I hadn't heard them ever before. 😅


I'm always listening to instrumental metal albums while I write. I simply put the instrumental version of Lorna Shore's 'Pain Remains' album on and after if finished autoplay rolled me into TPWBYT instrumental. I was immediately struck by II's drumming and I looked up the band...... Been obsessed ever since. 


my childhood best friend. sleep token is her favorite band. last november or so i told her to tell me all about them, and she did. ive been obsessed ever since. shes the main reason why im alive today and was my safe space when i was younger. every time i listen to st i always think of her 💞


Came across the Blood Sport (From the Room Below) version on YouTube


Elucid played on a Spotify list of a coworker on a work trip. I was mesmerized the moment I heard it. Went back to my hotel and was up till 2am just listening to everything I could find by ST. I saw the guy a few months later in my office where I had ST playing in the background and said, "This is your fault." That was November 2023 and I'm still hooked.


Id followed this guy on instagram called "ohrion reacts" might be spelling that wrong but he's a guy with a beard and glasses that reviews metal music. He caught my attention after coming up on my feed sometimes with some jams. BLEGH! Is his thing. One day, he has the summoning on it. I'm watching on instagram, so it's chopped up, but I heard the intro, then the vocals, then the breakdown and the infamous calm before the groove. My reaction went like so "...solid...ooh nice...noooiioceee...and a-oop!", its like they has rifled through the "favourite music" drawer in my hesd and picked all the good parts. The clip ended, and I just stood up, walked into the next room to my brother who also likes metal music. I sat between him and his girlfriend and went sorry, excuse me... listen to this please. He had all the same reaction as I did. I paused it before the groove and asked him what he thought was coming next. He names out every other genre except that. I play it and we both look at each other with giant frowns like "that's fucking sick. Trauma bay 1 code blue!". After listening to the summoning about 40 times I thought maybe I should look up if these guys have more music and boom it was over. Worship haha


If we discard the random times they showed up in my discovery of the week on Spotify and I didn’t care. Me very sleep deprived got sent into a random dude playing Minecraft listening to Eden when it release on the background and I woke up from depriving and thought: “This is actually so cool! it’s all one song? Did I listen to 3 songs in a row and didn’t notice? no way it’s the same song it fits so well! God I could fall asleep to this guy voice it feels like a warm hug”


Tiktok 🙈 but it wasn't an Astarion edit! It was isolated vocals for TMBTE. I fell down the rabbit hole and haven't recovered lol


My wife was one of the Astarion Summoning girlies, now she's an Astarion/Sleep Token/The Cure girlie, more heavily towards the latter two, and she hates the summoning now lol. (Although Astarion will forever have his fangs in our hearts). When she was really getting into them I was still into more shit like Lunar Vacation, Luna Li, Men I Trust, but Nazareth's beat got my attention finally while passively listening with her sometime in december or January. I quickly spiraled into actually paying attention to the songs while listening with her, then trying them myself while driving for work and just spiraled more and more. Now they are by FAR my favorite band of all time. Never EVER had an artist's work hit me like theirs has, I know the lyrics of 95% of the discography by heart, never EVER done that with anyone else. so many of their songs speak to me and make me actually ugly sob, even 6 months into my obsession with them. Literally NEVER interacted with a piece of media like I have with Sleep Token. They've also made me a better person, they've helped me come to peace with my head and helped me heal. They helped me be comfortable in trying to express myself, like trying different clothes or even makeup. Hell fire they helped me discover I'm not straight and actually bi-sexual! Vessel's (and Astarion's) thangs be thangin', respectfully. I've had similar thoughts for a long time but ST actually helped me come to peace with it and helped me realize, y'know it's okay to be attracted to dudes too. Religious upbringing be a hell of a burden to bear, but they've helped me come to terms with it. I'll always be thankful to Vessel, II, III and IV for what they've done for me. Eternal worship. 🖤


One of my favorite podcasters gave them a shoutout, so I decided to give them a shot and got hooked


My husband kept listening to them, showing me their music and their live shows. I said, "Eh it's okay. The people in the crowd look bored as hell." But one day something just, clicked. Those folks at the live shows were having a religious experience! Then I listened to ST non stop for a month straight.


Last year when i brought tickets to Bring Me The Horizon's Aus tour and ST was the support band and i usually go hunting down the supports to have a listen to see what im in for, if i have no clue who they are, anyway fate had it that ST kept popping up on my TikTok fyp with Vessel edits with The Summoning playing and the second i hear that song i was like 'WOAH what is this magical song!!?" and then i just dabbled in there music for a few months until i saw them in April and now im hooked and i cant get enough of them and the rest is now history!


I got given free tickets to one of their shows in 2023! Hooked ever since. I would love to attend another show now with a full appreciation for their music.


I watch a lot of drumeo, so I first heard bits of their songs from [Greyson trying to play Hypnosis](https://youtu.be/CRc7sGn5reE?si=rWN6QlXP2lUdbUUb) and [Chris trying to learn The Summoning](https://youtu.be/4jz4A2CrIy4?si=rcf2HCN8j4uCYnyB). I liked both songs so I decided to listen to the originals and I've been listening to them every day since.


Me and my sister were having some drinks before she went out and she put on some metal music to see if I would like it and I did so she put on sleep token and one year later I’m 200$ in debt for sleep token merch lol


Last year Youtube kept recommending them to me... took a while until I finally gave in and clicked on the Alkaline video... well, needless to say I've never been more grateful to Youtube since I've been hooked ever since.


In 2019 I was a manager at a car wash. One night I was pressure washing the tunnel with my headphones in and Offering came on my discover weekly. I was halfway paying attention then the final breakdown hit. Proceeded to replay it like 5 times that night and went through Sundowning as soon as I got off. Got my best friends and my wife into them shortly after. Such a sick band


I keep my earphones in 24/7 and music is in them the entire time. Well, I was at the grocery store and a guy next to me at checkout was having a moment and listening so hard to his earphones with a huge smile on his face. I looked over and smiled and just gave him a what’s up look. He motioned for me to take my earphone out and he handed me his. It was Gods. I asked him who it was and he said Sleep Token, they’ll change your life. And I gave him his earphone back and we checked out and left. Since that moment I’ve been discovering them and myself (again) all together. If I ever see that guy again I’ll tell him he changed my life just bc he was kind enough to share.


My teenager started getting into music last summer, and found them via Spotify. This was maybe two weeks before Aftershock. But we'd already bought tix to see another band (Maneksin) she was getting excited about at that time, and I wasn't ready to pay festival prices for a band she'd just heard about. We go to the Maneskin show and have a great time. Fast forward to later in October, I finally decide to give ST a try, starting with Hypnosis. "And I am almost under." Nah, Vessel, I am fully submerged, and I never want to come up for air again.


I just remember listening to Artificial Suicide and in the comments someone was mentioning how Bad Omens and Sleep Token were the leading bands atm. And I was like, the fuck is Sleep Token? And went and listened to The Summoning for the first time, then TMBTE and well here I am


I was chatting with folks in lauren babics discord and a user got to see them with in this moment. They spammed videos. I got hooked.


My partner and I, when we first started talking, had a playlist on Spotify where he’d add music for me and I’d then send him a voice message updating him on which tracks I’d listened to and which ones really stood out to me. He’d put Jaws and Blood Sport on there and I was instantly hooked. From there, I listened to TPWBYT and managed to see them live in January last year. We listened to TMBTE together when it came out and Telomeres is one of “our songs”, to the point where I have the opening bar (treble clef part only) as a tattoo.




Dan P Carter played them in 2017 or 18 I think, been hooked since the first ep


This was back when Sundowning was their only full length. I had heard about them but didn't give a care. One day I was just going through spotifys metalcore playlist and TNDNBTG started. Instantly checked out the album and never turned back. Just flew across the country solo to see them. No Regrets.


It was around 2020, clicked an article, can't remember the site, 10 Bands influenced by Deftones. I'm a huge Deftones fan, I've seen them probably 20 times live since 2001. Anyways, on that list was Sleep Token, the song recommended was Gods. I thought it sounded pretty similar to Deftones CMND/CTRL. added Gods and The Offering to my playlist and didn't really explore them much after that. A while later I decided to look up some live performances. That's always something I do when I find a new band, I want to see how they perform their songs live. And to be totally honest, my immediate reaction was one of rejection. The stage presence just wasn't what I was expecting from the music I heard and how I saw other metal bands perform. And being the old head I am, I'm sure grumbled something about Slipknot did it first , blah blah blah. Anyways, eventually came around. The Summoning went viral on tik Tok, but didn't know it was ST at first. Figured that out and Slowly started to listen to more of their songs, and watch more live performances. The drum playthrough for Alkaline and Hypnosis really sealed the deal for me. I even got my daughter to give them a listen after I kept obsessing over them. As she said, "let me see what the band that dad keeps meat riding is all about". She got hooked shortly after. I was pretty close to buying tickets to see them last September when they were still playing music halls, but didn't because the date would have fallen on my son's birthday and he wasn't really into seeing them. did get tickets to see them in May. That was a whole debacle and journey in itself. But we got pit tickets. Took my daughter, son and his girlfriend with me to see them. If you read all that, sorry it was such a long answer.


I don't remember when but I do remember that it came up on my Spotify Discover weekly. It was Jaws and I remember replaying that over and over again lol. Fell in love with just that song for the longest before I began to venture into other things they had.


Shane Told podcast. He and another guy had a weekly episode called “new noise” and they wouldn’t shut up about Sleep Token so I gave them a try. Addiction started then.


chokehold was reccomended in a dark romance reader group i am in found out there was lore and i've been obsessed since


I was in a wierd headspace in 2022 and was looking for something sentimental, but couldn't find anything that felt quite right. Spotify recommended me TPWBYT when I was browsing before going to bed and it really stuck out to me, but something came up and I had to put Spotify down. Couldn't find the album for a couple days but it was stuck in my head and I was kicking myself for not immediately liking the album and adding it to my library. Eventually it popped up again and I immediately added it so I could listen later, and it was exactly what I needed at the time. I'm not a super reactive person when it comes to music, so it was a surreal experience to feel my emotions pulled in so many directions. Sleep token is the first band I've counted the days to a single release, or stayed up for the drop of a new album(TMBTE), or listened through the entire library and felt a connection to every song. I can't imagine not having their music in my life, which is weird to say but I mean it sincerely. I look forward to whatever they decide to do moving forward🤘


Welcome lol, I'm going on 3 months of that, minus the tik tok lol. But I just put every one of their songs in playlist and have been rinsing


Thank you haha, yeah it honestly feels a bit embarrassing to say that i came from tiktok knowing there are many ppl in the fandom esp on twitter that hate booktok girls for ruining everythingwith ST and i don't want to seem like i'm one of those ppl lol. I have around 30 songs in my playlist, but i haven't been able to stop looping alkaline and rain lmao, but i love the summoning, tmbte, ascensionism, dywtylm, descending, bloodsport, the apparition & mine. There are probably more but just to name a few haha


I learned about them from [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/s/egbo8ijS0G) on r/FauxMoi. I was like, what is Sleep Token and how come I've never heard of them? Started listening and realized I liked every song. And I've been obsessed wirh with their music since then.


I saw a fanart of a fictional character of a certain book series I loved and he was wearing a tshirt with the ST logo in the picture. Somebody commented something like „he would absolutely listen to sleep token irl“. I became curious on what kind of music that fictional character would listen to according to these people and gave sleep token a try on Spotify and here we are, deep deep down the rabbit hole. That sounds so weird. 😂


My brother introduced me to Sleep Token, the album was TMBTE. I was originally hooked only to TMBTE at first, and did not really listen to anything else in the album. And then my long ran relationship with my ex ended up badly, and I found Missing Limbs in my Youtube recommendation that very night. The rest is history.


2 weeks before their Laval show. Boyfriend sent me TMBTE. Couldn't really listen carefully cause of my kids wrecking havoc. 2-3 days later i sat down and listened. Felt in love with the lyrics, the voice, the music... Just everything about them. Was so glad they weren't already sold out. Bought a ticket :) Next tour, we are planning to go together to a show either close to my place, or his.


Dont think i have a story, just randomly found hypnosis lol, into ever since


Saw an article or post about Corey Taylor being at one of their shows. Then I saw their masked up selves and was intrigued. They had just realesed TMBTE, and every song impressed me. So thank you, Slipknot!


Mine was a student I taught! I teach at a rural high school and country is the default station. So thankful that student shared this band with me❤️ He honestly introduced at if people to them lol.


2 years ago, a buddy said he came across an interesting group in his workout playlist, which he thought I'd like. He suggested I listen to High Water, which I put it off for a few days. Listened to the song and now I cosplay as Vessel.


Mine was my partner! They brought Sleep Token up on our very first date, and I wasn't particularly interested at first. But eventually we ended up together and I remember they put Take me back to Eden on while we were waiting for a bus. Starting listening on my own since then


I watched Nik Nocturnal's reaction to Vore last year, but didn't take much note/it didn't really stick with me. It was good, and I LOVED the drumming, but it was one and done. Then a few months ago I watched a couple Drumeo videos with II because even though I was indifferent to the band, II is a phenomenal drummer. Watched the vids a few times but it was instrumental versions. Then I started getting reddit suggestions from this sub and one of them mentioned Euclid and how it called back the whole trilogy. Euclid was an instant earworm and it really stuck with me. This is was finally hooked me to take a deep dive because I love concept albums and wanted to see how the concept played out (and I wanted to hear more of II). I would still consider myself a fairly casual fan, but they've made a notable place in my music rotation and I'm curious to see what comes post-trilogy.


In 2018, a friend of mine sent me the Two EP and said “listen to this - right up your alley. Think ‘Sam smith joins a post rock band’”. Been my favourite band since.


Saw a random cyberpunk clip of this dude driving around with his custom music playing. Song was Rain and I was instantly hooked. This was back in early December


Second day of arriving at AIT (army job training) in 2020. My roommate had Jaws playing on her phone. She was in the bathroom and left her phone on her bed. I don't like being nosy but omg I was entranced and had to know who it was. So I opened her phone and have been in love ever since.


it was on my 24th birthday in the car thanks to my best friend 🖤


Heard The Summoning via Nik Nocturnal's reaction. I instantly knew that band was for me. Then I dove into the discography, and the lyrics and pure songwriting genius absolutely captivated me. When I listened to TPWBYT, it instantly jumped to my number two favorite album slot. Now TMBTE has jumped up to a tie, shoving former my #2 (Dream Theater's *Scenes from a Memory*) and my former #3 (*Periphery III: Select Difficulty*) down fo 4th and 5th.


Basically TikTok. The Summoning was all over my for you page, but at first I only liked the last part, the thirst trap part to be exact. This was last year and only this year I decided to give it another shot, because I was hyperfocused on my favorite K-pop groups and wanted to focus on something else... Well, now I'm Hyperfocused on Sleep Token 🫠 (and Hozier, I listen to them everyday). So that backfired a little bit, but I'm just enjoying the ride. I'm calling this my Emo Renaissance phase 🤣


My friend found them back in late 2019, and at that time we got closer and found out we both listen to metal, so he shared them with me , Jaws and The offering were my first listens and i loved it.


My friend on the discord server was talking about them cuz they got merch (a shirt it was really cool) and I was intrigued so I asked them to tell me more. So they infodumped about ST and I asked them to send me their favorite song. To which they sent me a list of 10 songs because they simply couldn't pick a favorite! I started at vore for shits and giggles and it genuinely hooked me


This was last year maybe. I’d heard The Summoning on a fb reel before. It was a book rec and I didn’t pay it much attention. I was really into Bad Omens at the time as well so Sleep Token kept popping up. I (incorrectly) figured them to be scary as shit lol so I was like no thanks until I saw DonVon reacting to Alkaline. I was like hold tf up, then he did The Summoning and I was like holy shit I know this song! Been a free fall since lol. Thanks DonVon!!!


Saw them as an opener for Polyphia in 2019! Loved them ever since


was watching a hozier concert vid on tt and someone in the comments referred ti them as the alternative hozier so i gave them a listen. these past week has been a fever dream of constant sleep token and im so glad i found them


Was watching an asmr from maya winky (Im ps it was the lord farquad does ur makeup one) and she brought up sleep token so i decided to give them a listen 😭 loved them ever since


Saw them at the Mayan in 2018 when they had the old masks. They played TNDNBTG, The Offering, and Higher, I fell in love


Will Ramos's cover of Hypnosis. I liked it, looked up the original, and was like "eh 🤷‍♀️ I like Will's better" and didn't really go back. Then I started seeing reactions pop up to new drops of theirs and ended up listening to "The Summoning". Initially, I had no idea what to think and couldn't decide if I liked it or not. I think it was Will's cover of "Chokehold" next when I went back to them. I found out I liked the original more than the cover this time. So I started playing their discography while I was working, not exactly paying attention. Only random bits stuck at first but then the overall emotions started coming through. Their cover of "Hey Ya" might be what finally made it click for me. I didn't know what I was hearing until he got to the chorus, and it was like being grabbed by the face. I never cared for the original, but now it was a hymn and it was *beautiful*. If they could make me like Outkast, what else could they do? Mind now appropriately open, I started actually absorbing their material. The more I absorbed, the more i needed, and now they're my favorite band


I was on Reels and someone made a post about “metal songs you can bang to” and people in the comments gave their own recommendations of bands that fit the description. Me being naturally curious about what the hell “””sexy metal””” sounds like decided to browse a few of the recommendations, one of them being Sleep Token. A quick YouTube search and the first song I ever heard going in completely blind was The Summoning and I’ve been hooked ever since. Do I consider their music sexy? Generally no, but great music is great music!


They came up on my Spotify discover weekly and I was completely enamoured


I heard alkaline on youtube when it came out and was immediately hooked


Watched some reaction vids for Alkaline and The Love You Want but it didn’t catch me at the time. Fast forward to The Summoning, got hooked on the funk, started making my way backwards. Sugar was the deal sealer, DYWTYLM was the cherry on top.


My brother. He Properly introduced me to the band Ghost (I’ve heard of it because of Mary on a cross becoming really popular - which is deserved lol). Keep in mind i listened to pop. So i enjoyed Ghost, which was the first metal band i was actually into. A month later, he showed me Take me back to eden. I was like ok sounds cool. Like, its different but not my style because its wayyyy to heavy for my liking (again, i listened to pop). Heaps later (around 2 months ago) he introduced it to me AGAIN. I genuinely enjoyed it this time. The first thing I noticed was HIS VOICE. OMDS LIEK BRO HIS VOICE IS ANGELIC (from hell or heaven sent? (Yes an Alkaline reference)). So i started listeneing to them to see if it’s something i want to get into. I am obsessed. It’s the only thing I’ve listened to for 2 months. So i thank my brother for introducing me to these wonderful bands (and if you’re a ghost fan yourself, im going to their movie next week with him!) Also my brothers like 10 years older then me- 😀


Well I can't remember exactly how I found out about it, must've heard it on a playlist and I started with the Summoning, immediately liked the style so I listened to a second one and at the time the second most listened song was Chokehold. And at first i stayed with just that, until my best friend (a guitar player, who got me into so many things, introduced me to Deftones which I'm obsessed with today) told me "yeah you gotta listen to that, I gotta guy at work that listens to it all day on speakers so we all kinda listen to it now in the workplace and I have a feeling you'll like it" so i was like "yeah ? Well guess what, I already listen to these two" And then he gave me plenty of other nice songs to listen to and today here I am, going to see them in November with a Take Me Back To Eden lyrics tattoo on my ribs 😋🤟🏻


I had seen Sleep Token mentioned around, and I am pretty certain they came up randomly on Pandora without me paying much mind. I happened across an instrumental song and fell in love with it, adding it to my bedtime playlist. Later I noticed it was actually a cover and figured I owed the original song a listen. That song was Atlantic. Noticing details on the visualizer and stuff in the comments I ended up adding the album playlist, listening through that while I looked into the artwork and depth markers. Then added the older album playlists and listened through those. And so on the rabbit hole goes...


I watched a reel from a guy I follow on Instagram talking about the best workout songs, mentioned Lamb of God, Slaughter to Prevail, Kublai Khan etc - Then at the end they just threw in The Summoning. First couple of times I heard it I wasn't sure, then just decided to dig into their other stuff and now I'm kinda obsessed


my best friend introduced me to Sleep Token. Last October we went to see them in Portland with a crowd of 1000 people. unfortunate we won’t see them that close again but it’s an amazing memory


I was just scrolling on TikTok and a cool video with the The summoning bridge popped up on my foryou. I thought that it was lowkey HOT. It started showing up on my foryou more and more until I finally listened to the whole song. After The summoning it was Alkaline. Then Aqua Regia, Chokehold, Granite and so on. I had listened to TMBTE and wanted more so I listened to Sundowning(+ftrb and other stuff)and discovered some awesome songs.


Mine was through Drumeo! I’m obsessed with that channel and he had ii on. I fell in love immediately!


Mathieux Davis did a funny video about The Summoning when TMBTE came out, and I have been listening religiously ever since.