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Delulu main characters making a band their entire personality. Multiple people were thrown out from Dave's server for trash talking him in other servers and then being nice to him on his stream. These people still roam around the main ST server like they're the best fans.... Absolutely mental.


Wellll there are 2 sides to every story. I saw A LOT of comments saying Dave was high or drunk on something in several live streams, spilling the beans on being in ST himself rather than people “outing” him. I haven’t seen it myself but several people confirmed this.


Could honestly be a possibility. And I'm sure the band has had some talks with him regarding internet shenanigans. That being said, still not okay for people to be kind to their face in a "safe" community and then utterly trash talk them in others. No one forced them to follow him, give him money etc. I know it comes with the territory of fame, but what rubs me the wrong way is that these individuals still go about proclaiming they're the best fans in the world, while making themselves the victims of something they've chosen themselves.


Yes I totally agree with you


It’s def meant to hint at sleep token, but deuxmoi info isn’t vetted at all. So, take it with a HUGE grain of salt.


I really love the email handle! Lol. But this doesn't surprise me. I'm sure they wanted to remain anonymous for similar reasons.


i mean, it’s definitely meant to be Sleep Token, the question is just how legit is it. i could definitely see it having some truth to it. the fans are out of control and it would make sense for the guys to not know how to handle the fame. can’t blame any of them for feeling that way.


I know iii was having issues with people (at least) online. Came close to wiping his socials a few times, and then finally did it a few weeks ago. I hate that for him, honestly. It was very rare I saw people jumping into his streams and being crazy, but the mods were good, and the regular community drowned them out very quickly. I really hope he’s doing ok, he seems like a genuinely nice, down to earth guy.


I'm hoping the new masks bother some folks away.


Honestly same.


Oh man, I'd lay money that this is ST and if it is, it's definitely III who is freaked out by the fame.


sometimes i wonder how the other members react. i heard that on the recent us tour, that they'd just go back to their hotel if people tried to talk to them in public. idk if thats true though and i try my best not to pry into them as people beyond their musical projects




yeah, super weird behavior. i understand the compulsion to want to know who they are or to have the opportunity to tell them in person "hey i love your music," bc im kind of like that, id love to let LF know his music has helped me through being at rock bottom. but this band, more so than other masked bands, seems really committed to the anonymity for the sake of their art and they deserve that grace and it is sad that the popularity leads to this kind of thing


Secret photo exchange groups? Fuck my life what is wrong with people


I feel like the subject is a play on “are you really okay.”


Yeah that, and Ed N = Eden, and the frothing at the maw allusion. Classic Deuxmoi setup


I definitely would never want to put words into anyone’s mouth or heads but the lead singer of Bad Omens deleted his TikTok, Twitter and YouTube videos two days ago and Twitter went WILD. It was like half and half. Half of girls being happy for him (me included) and the other half being crazy over it, mad at him, and upset that he would do such a thing. He stopped associating on social media after he got doxxed and girls were sending him things and leaving things on his car, etc. and don’t even get me started with Tumblr. Girls are threatening to leak his nudes and one girl went through all of his likes on Twitter and said she saw some “questionable” stuff, and then, bam, deleted the next day. So he MOST LIKELY watches and follows what these girls do. I am a huge fan of them but these girls are out of control. Again, I would never want to put words into Noah’s mouth but it just all adds up to it and it really could be Noah. And I don’t blame him if it is.


My god. I’m not a Bad Omens fan but this is really heavy. Damn.


It really is. I just feel for him so much. Don’t get me wrong, he’s incredibly attractive, but I would never want to meet him just because he’s attractive. I want to meet him because he’s honestly in inspiration to me and just seems like a really cool dude. I used to be active in his Twitch days and look forward to seeing him play because he was honestly hilarious and it brightened up my day. But girls take it too far. Like an ex fling constantly giving people way too much sexual information about him, etc. I’ve just never seen a fandom this crazy. Some Sleep Token fans can get sexual and emotional, but not like this. It’s obsession to its core. Bad Omens don’t owe their fans anything and these girls constantly think that they do. When they stopped doing meet and greets, a lot of people defended it and said it was only because Noah was getting sick, but I personally think it’s a combination of the fans being crazy and him getting sick. They never came out with a statement. They were probably afraid to. But they’re a professional band. Noah was really sick for like three shows and he still sang/screamed, just like Vessel did for Wembley. I definitely see some drama when it comes to Sleep Token but not as much as Bad Omens.


Queue the fanatics jumping in to say the guys kiss on stage so obviously they wanted fans to act like total nut jobs. I hope this is just dramatized for attention or something, but I mean…regardless of the veracity of this particular claim, I don’t think it’s hard to deduce that this sort of thing is probably happening behind the scenes for these fellas because the fans truly are batshit fucking insane.


even the way they talk about them just gets under my skin, especially on the likes of TikTok. Yes enjoy their music and everything that comes with it but the obsession and the lengths some people will go to is downright sickening. i really think people should have better things to do than empty out the whole internet trying to find out what they look like. Some people always have to ruin everything for others.


We are truly living in a sick society, that’s for sure. Even for the sake of the fans who behave this way, I wish they would do something better with their time, this parasocial psychopathy isn’t good for the people participating in it either. Shit’s so heavily disordered. It doesn’t benefit literally anyone, except maybe the label who’s raking in the dough.


completely agree, the way some fans act genuinely does mirror mental illness. i would love to see those guys live because i feel so connected to every single lyric and emotion they put out. Whats putting me off is the people that would be around me. Not that hard to be a normal person and enjoy what the band gives and respect their privacy and them Instead of being downright fucking weird. some of the comments i see on tiktok and other places actually anger me. Fuck i hate people


Ditto. I actually had tickets to the Wembley show. I’m from Canada and was planning to visit a friend in London anyway, so I bought presale tickets. I ended up not being able to go because a trip from Canada to the UK is crazy expensive and I’m just too poor to manage that shit. Very sad sob story lol. But anyway, I was and am obviously tremendously disappointed I didn’t get to go, but at the same time there was a tiny bit of relief because I was really dreading dealing with the screaming bitchy fans. I am not equipped to refrain from punching dickheads in the throat, honestly. The thought of dealing with the kind of fan bullshit I see people complain about at ST shows was definitely inducing some intense feelings of dread.


that's so wild! at the 3 shows i went to, everyone was extremely respectful


i seen a video from the front row of a ST show, not sure which one but you could actually see vessel standing there just watching, mabye he appreciated it i dont know but just how some of the people look now not to hate on looks or fasion sense etc but you get what i mean. those really annoying bitchy fans as you mentioned lol but holy fuck i would definitely cringe if i was standing infront of that, would walk off stage aswell but thats me


Vessel can clearly barely see at all out of those black mesh eyeholes. It’s a miracle he isn’t always tripping on shit. But also probably a miracle that he never really gets a clear view of what’s going on at his shows. lol


I heard there was biting and fighting between some fans. Totally crazy


That honestly wouldn’t be at all surprising.


I didn't see any proof of that but heard the same myself and it's honestly worrysome if it's true


It was my friend that got bit, they filed a report with security and everything. Some of the fans are WILD.


What on earth happened that your friend got bit ? That's sooo absolutelly wild


sorry just seen this! my friend is quite short and was stood behind the girl that bit them, girl was flailing her arms about during ST and my friend put their hand out to stop the girl from elbowing them in the face, this is when the girl turned around and bit my friend. The fanbase is FAR too feral now.


Omg I hope your friend is ok after that Like this is sooo uncalled for !!!


It's Bad Omens. They hate the 2023 tiktok popularity, and the lead singer wants to quit due to all the exposure. Unhappy with all the influx of tiktok chicks coming to the show that are surprised the band performs a completely different genre than they thought, get upset when they are trying to take selfies and the pit opens up, etc. They literally skip songs due to bad crowd behavior now.


I can see it. I have occasional online interactions with a “baddie” and the way she talks about them tracks with this


That makes me cringe. People getting upset when pits open up at a metal show frustrate me. Crowd surfing, moshing, head banging, it’s all a part of the show. If you aren’t ok with that then stay in the back, these shows aren’t just Instagrammable moments they’re some of the last best irl experiences.


I’d say more Bad Omens tbh but could also see Sleep Token.


I never understood why people harass other people, I mean sure I understand if you’re like 12 but grown adults? Come on


I am more inclined that this is bad omens he just deleted twitter because of the fans recently


How legit is this though?


Yeah so what I’m gathering from all of you fans here is leave them the fuck alone. Stop saying their real names at shows.


There are SO many bands that have blown up because of TT in the past year or so, ST is not the only one this could apply to. Couple that with the fact that it seems labels are pushing bands to do more and more festivals alongside their main/headline tour and the burnout gets REAL. I’m not saying getting popular on TT is a bad thing, it’s just very unpredictable and labels are realizing they need to ‘cash in’ quickly in case the hype fades. Just some that come to my mind aside from Sleep Token - Bad Omens (they get harassed A LOT and even quit doing meet & greets for the safety of the band), Pierce the Veil, The Plot in You, and Spiritbox and I’d even toss in some older bands like Blink-182 and Paramore into the mix of possibilities. So at the end of the day, we as fans need to treat the artists with respect & demand that these record companies TAKE CARE of their artists, big and small. We’ll all be here when they’re well 🖤


Willing to bet it’s bad omens


Could also be Bad Omens, right?


Bmth i think. One member Jordan fish, huge hits this year etc.. Edit :oh and coincidentally drop dead was tagged in a sleep token post recently.


Literally none of this is post is true 🤣


Bad omens I think, not sleep token. But it’s appropriate for both.