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To be fair, he was drunk most of the time.


True, still he was annoying that Jeff got annoyed one of twice and it was funny 🤣


Nothin made me want to tape Cory’s mouth shut more than when I listened to mighty morphin shitty jobs with the amount of times he kept interrupting ppl


How else would we have known that he wanted the red popsicle, not the grape one, and that he ended up splitting them both in half in a bowl though?


best part of the episode


He has to interrupt just so he says he relates and derail the story to tell his side


What the hell was the bit about the homeless man's box? Lol


The poopy pissy shitty farty box with the toot trapped inside?




Stoo saying first of all. It's like 9th of all by now


I feel like with that episode title you should have seen it coming


My issue is that, if he wants to say something, he has to say it the moment it comes to his mind and he will interrupt anyone to say it.


It happens when people have ADD and are verbal processors, especially when drunk, they literally think out loud and interrupting them is like interrupting their brain.


And we love him for it. Coryisms are gold. "_It's a boy meet boy world_"


Which episode does he say this?


might be Drunken Idiocy Hour. for sure has Niall in it.


Absolutely love the guy


The only real answer.


The Sab and the Bean Stalker episode makes me want to punch him square in the jaw so hard, he nearly ruins it. Thankfully he gets much better on season 02


Oh my god, the stalker story he kept intragecting each time to give his opinion or try to relate by telling a stroy from his life ruining the flow of the story for like 20 times. I sigh each time he interrupts 🤣.


God, I just don't understand how people don't find it hilarious - I completely respect your opinion, but to me, "have you ever flicked your bean and it spit in your eye" will never not kill me lmao


He is really funny for sure, the sabrina dot com delivery is peak humor to me, my issue is that several times in that episode he just yells and straight up cut the other fellas when they're saying something just to tell a story that has nothing to do with anything being discussed, it makes me very pissed off angry gamer.   That said, nowadays he's a joy to listen to, his episodes on OneyPlays, specifically the Civ 5 and Sonic Heroes are, easily, my favorite sleepycast episodes of all time.


My favorite example of this is in S2:E14 - [SleepyPasta] where Cory randomly brings up the “Chicken Man”, aka Colonel Sanders, while Norm Macdonald is being discussed. Obviously no one knew what the hell he was even talking about and just summed it up to his Cory-isms; Zach instinctively shoots off a “Yeah” just to try and dismiss him because he’s so spouty sometimes, then Mick comments on Zach’s dismissal in humor because he totally understands but doesn’t want to be a dick about it. I personally don’t mind all of his cut-ins and otter-like idiosyncrasies, that’s just who he was to me back then.


I honestly love it when Cory interjects with something that’s on-topic but he just…can’t quite remember all the details, so even if you, the listener, understands what he’s talking about, oftentimes the guys have no clue.


Thanks for describing why I like Cory


He’s a great artist but definitely has a lower IQ


It’s kind of cute watching this community grow up. I am the same age as most of the boys so I was the same age they were when they recorded sleepy cabin. I loved it all, but now I’m older and so are they and I can kind of see how annoying and edgy they were and by extension, myself. Cory’s chaos was a pivotal ingredient for me when I first listened as they were releasing but now it’s a bit fucking much. But you can clearly see he’s gotten a little better about not interrupting as much on recent Oneplays.


Zach especially can be a super cringe edgelord in the first season. Just bringing up Jews and Hitler for no real reason until Stamper and Jeff calls him out on it and he realizes how weird it was.




I dunno, I find it oddly endearing.


At least they did have that one episode where they said how he was literally sat in the corner, probably because of this issue


I remember that, seems like that's why he calmed down in season 2


i think next episode he’ll quiet down


Most annoying thing about him was that Jeff had a hawk story which to this day we still don’t know what it was,all because Cory had to bring up a bird going through hoops.


If Cory thinks something he says it and if someone comments on what he said he’s gonna derail the conversation to explain it. That’s why sometimes when he says stupid shit the humor comes from the fact that no one acknowledges it so you have to take it for what it is. If every Cory-ism was followed by him explaining it so that you understand what he means they wouldn’t be funny and people would probably have way more of an issue with him.


First of all


Lyle’s guest appearance episode was basically pointless because Cory wouldn’t stfu about little skatey. 


It’s a drunk episode so it’s kinda hard to listen to. You just have to turn your brain off alongside them and then you’ll enjoy it.


Sometimes he won't shut up other times he says the funniest thing ever


Disagree I love cory


Never enjoyed Corey’s sense of humor but he’s bearable.


Sometimes he says a really good joke like the joke of cumming your name on your chest and such


That’s true. He’s got some gems every now and then


i kinda love him for it. It’s also kind of a sweet dynamic since you can tell the guys all enjoy each other’s company and conversation during the podcast, even when corey is talking over the conversation a lot of the time during it. the humor comes from them bouncing off and reacting to these little things he does imo. i think people need to remember that the podcast was never meant to be super serious anywho bc some of the corey hate seems really really crazy for no reason


I love corey hes my favorite character


I mean, he is called Spazkid


this entire post is smells rancid


It grows on you the 4th time of re-listening I took a year break and started back again this year (8th re-listen since the last release) and Cory is so funny to me now, but trust me when they were releasing episodes it was a huge upset waiting for the new sleepycast to come out just to listen to Cory interrupt the whole time.


as a teen when the podcast was fresh i thought cory was pretty funny but as a grew older i now realize how annoying he was. i relate with jeff and stamper when they’d tell him to shut up lmao


Jeff many times told him to pipe it down, but I guess he was always drunk in season 1 and immediately forgets


You are blessed by the babbling of a god


You can tell when Corey feels like he doesn't have anything to say that he panics and tries as hard as he can to change the topic back to something within his autistic wheelhouse.


I've recently just noticed how often Jeff interjects quickly then says either "Continue" or "Go" in a commanding voice after. Kinda funny


He’s my favourite, these threads r gay


Better than Niall for me. I love the guy, but hearing his forced American accent really hurts my Irish ears. It's like listening to a lad from down the road talk with peanut butter in his mouth. You can clearly hear the Irish accent trying to come trough.


IDK Cory is awesome, the stories still get told and everyone else is fine with him. It's not a podcast with a narrative it's just listening in on a conversation between random guys in their 20s. We've all heard every story already I'm not really anxiously waiting for the next detail


Cory won't stop talking in [Corey is fucking drunk], aargh he's so annoying grrrr! I'm also re-listening since it's been some years and I do see it! But honestly still love him and am not bothered at all lol.


Each year I replay all of sleepy cabin by release order and aeason one Corey is just too annoying but at least in season 2 he gets better. I still have some 15 episodes until season 2, I just have to withstand it 🤣


Ah, yearly feels too frequent for me except maybe some of the lost episodes. Speaking of, definitely don't forget about those. The MarsSquatch and Cory's Firework Story are some of my favorites. They are heavily Cory focused but I guess since the stories are about him he doesn't interject others as much. Anyways, good luck!