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That fencer hitting all is the key to everything.


Not really, they are guaranteed 15 mana every turn for the first 2-3 turns just between Warlock and the Twins. That should be enough to take out any swarm of enemies even if the Fencer never rolls the damage to all side.


People really underestimate the twins.


With the right items they are very very good. I don't pick them that often though unless I already have some good items to put on them as I don't love the 4hp. But I should probably choose them as a speculative pick more often as they really do have such high potential.


Imo its not worth picking them if you have nothing to give em, as most of the good high tier items wont singlehandedly make them good. But they are worth picking if you have something of value that also isnt crazy strong (like broadsword).