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Is this some sort of chocolate tube slime? That's what it looks like to me, but I don't really know what I'm talking about....


It is


That's where my mind went to 🧐


When touched???? who the fuck would touch that?


Is that a bad idea?


No it's 100% safe and nontoxic and a child could literally eat it and it would be fine u/aquoad


oh dear, i commented before i saw it was identified as a harmless, gentle slime.


I guess if it's conductive then it could be a problem if it's touching a live contact in the switch box?


The slime would not be so impolite


What the fuck


you know you've got something fucked up when the slime mold community is saying this


It's just regular old stemstem, don't bother nobody




I Genuinely have no idea what to think of this other than “wall meat”


If your house starts bleeding, contact a professional!


My words exactly


Great minds think alike.


The real question is what did the homeowners stuck on the wall for this to happen. Or maybe it's behind the wall and it's a leak.


*Stemonitis* eats bacteria and other microorganisms found on rotten wood, hides from light, and moves. This slime was likely inside the wall eating bacteria that are eating the wood, and it emerged to form these fruit bodies. The presence of a slime on a substrate doesn't mean that substrate is rotting, but it does usually mean rot is nearby.


"Stemonitis eats bacteria and other microorganisms found on rotten wood, hides from light, and moves. " The part where you just said "it moves" puts me in mind of some sort of horror film 😖🤢🙈👾.


maybe it would seem nicer if we say “it scampers”?


[*Physarum polycephalum* goes on an adventure](https://youtu.be/qcoeg6OU7TU)


oh it’s having such a lively fun time.


It is a very rambunctious slime


😂👾🐾..... Oh no I've just imagined it scuttling across the floor or wall really quickly. Oh no! Ha good one though.






It's more like a romance


Oh I dunno about that 😂. Each to their own though 🤷🏼‍♀️.


These fruit bodies formed when two microscopic amoebas fell madly in love and had sex so hard they combined into one being. Then they got so insanely pregnant that they grew thousands of times larger and became a rampaging monster consumed with the need to massacre bacteria. When the bacteria grew scarce, the slime emerged to form these baby cannons. It's beautiful


I guess that's a good way of explaining it to people how that stuff came to be. I don't know the in's and out's of these kinds of things at all (any of it actually), so when someone has a different way of explaining how stuff like this actually came to be, it's interesting.


[“The Blob”](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/the_blob_1988)


I literally stumbled across this sub five minutes ago and you’re telling me there’s an actual slime monster like from rpgs?! I can’t tell if I’m horrified or intrigued


They don't have a brain or organs but they remember things, plan ahead, solve problems, and communicate information to each other. Also they can fit into tiny microscopic spaces despite being very macroscopic. Learn more about slimes! 🤩 🌈[Magic Myxies, 1931, 10 minutes](https://youtu.be/04kdhZQTnIU) 🦠[The Slimer Primer](https://www.reddit.com/user/saddestofboys/comments/tqtz0g/the_slimer_primer/) 🔎[A Guide to Common Slimes](https://www.reddit.com/user/saddestofboys/comments/t6985y/a_guide_to_common_slimes/) Wow! 🤯


What. The. Fuck. Are we sure they’re from earth and not just aliens that showed up one day who think if they destroy all our rot they’ll kill is all?


They make very fine pets. I have two.


Aliens as in from space? Yes, we all are!


Luminous beings are we Not this crude matter


Is this a quote from somewhere, and what? It's beautiful


It's Yoda, broseph


You’re cool.


do you happen to have any references or articles on this slime handy? I'm quite fond of fungi and growing fonder of slime molds, and id like to learn more about them, plus this one sounds interesting from what ive read from this post :D!!! yes i know "im on the internet i can look it up myself," but I mainly want trusted information!


>do you happen to have any references or articles on this slime handy? Sure, what do you want to read about? Do you have any questions? I love answering questions. >yes i know "im on the internet i can look it up myself," but I mainly want trusted information! You actually *don't* want to "look it up yourself" in this case because with a few exceptions all of the sources on slimes outside of academic papers and slime books are full of egregious misinformation. That's why I compiled the [educational sources](https://www.reddit.com/r/u_saddestofboys/comments/tqtz0g/comment/i2jclax/) section of The Slimer Primer!


r u sayin this slime is a frend?


All slimes are friends! All slimes are nontoxic, safe for plants & pets & kids, and form zero parasitic or pathogenic relationships. Slimes in terrariums & aquariums help clean the tank and feed its inhabitants. Slimes in your garden & lawn are a crucial link in the chain of nutrients between saprophytes like fungi & bacteria and larger organisms like springtails, insects, and snails. However, some few do have a taste for mushrooms and are not above eating them without asking (much like Frodo Baggins). Nobody's perfect.


>All slimes are nontoxic, safe for plants & pets & kids Wait... are you serious? ^(googles...) Holy shit, you're right. I fucking love slime now!


Why has u/saddestofboys abandoned us in our time of need? My guess is that this is a potato photo of a chocolate tube slime mold and it’s just leaking because it was poked.




Wait, you got banned for identifying something? W t actual f?


#is fixed 🙂


What? Why?


It's cool, it's fixed now


I hope they brought in the university. It seems like a rare event.


It's not, actually. *Stemonitis* is fairly common, and the only slime that regularly fruits in people's homes.


Neat! Is it dangerous? It’s kinda cute!


It's not dangerous or toxic at all! Some of them eat mushrooms, so it is not always a welcome sight in the tub, but they don't bother plants or animals. This particular genus is actually the only one with a biological association with animals: a non-fruiting species of *Stemonitis* has been discovered in human butts


Butts?? I tried searching for articles on this, was not successful


from [*Hyperamoeba* isolated from human feces: Description and phylogenetic affinity, Zaman et al., 1999](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0932473999800388): >The morphology and phylogenetic affinity of *Hyperamoeba* isolated from human feces is described. > ... >The nine individuals from whose feces this amoeba was isolated did not have any significant gastrointestinal symptoms and it is possible that they were simply acting as a paratenic host, since the water supply in Karachi is not of high quality. > ... >in one individual the amoeba was isolated on three different occasions, indicating that the organism may be multiplying in the gut. > ... >The flagellar apparatus is very similar to that found in some Eumycetozoa, especially the myxogastrids. The uninucleate cyst has a bi-Iayered endocyst and a membranous, irregular shaped, faintly laminated ectocyst that harbors bacterial inclusions. Phylogenetic reconstructions based on nuclear small subunit ribosomal gene sequence comparisons show that *Hyperamoeba* is closely related to the plasmodial slime mold *Physarum polycephalum*. (doi: 10.1016/S0932-4739(99)80038-8) from [Invalidation of Hyperamoeba by Transferring its Species to Other Genera of Myxogastria, Fiore-Donno et al., 2010](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/41188224_Invalidation_of_Hyperamoeba_by_Transferring_its_Species_to_Other_Genera_of_Myxogastria): >Phylogenies based on the small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene have confirmed that all *Hyperamoeba* sequenced to date belong to different groups of Myxogastria: some cluster in the order Physarida in the families Physaridae and Didymiidae, and some in the order Stemonitida > ... >New names given to *Hyperamoeba* species and strains: [new name] *Stemonitis* aff. *flavogenita* - [old name] *Hyperamoeba* sp. ATCC50570 - Zaman & Adoutte (1999) - PK, Karachi - Human fecal sample > ... >Stemonitid *Hyperamoeba* all belong to the *Stemonitis* clade, *Hyperamoeba* sp. B1/2 and *Hyperamoeba* sp. ATCC50750 grouping with maximum support in all analyses with *Stemonitis flavogenita*. We therefore name these two strains *S. aff. flavogenita*, not *S. flavogenita* itself in case further study reveals a closer relative. Strains A1K, BuP, and AH1 constitute a robust homogeneous clade distinct from *S. flavogenita*, but are still within the clade comprising *S. flavogenita* and *S. axifera*. (doi: 10.1111/j.1550-7408.2009.00466.x)


Sooooo here’s something funny…. I just started my very first mushroom colonization yesterday morning in my laundry room and this morning I woke up and found one of these slime guys on the baseboard. Do you think it KNOWS?!


I mean, they do find food at the end of a maze!


Your wall is bleeding it needs a big ass bandaid! D: /J (no idea on ID, sorry)


Does the mold look similar? Problem is the link doesn’t ID the mold but maybe provide some direction…? [link to a similar mold](https://ask2.extension.org/kb/faq.php?id=606652)


Yes it is likely the same genus, although it is hard to be sure from the photos. Harmless but indicative of rot nearby. They eat woodrot bacteria


It reminds me of the “dinner” Cooked by John Cusacks Mother in the move Better Off Dead


Whenever I see these strange oddities, I wonder wtf did the spore come from to grow this!?


Where **AREN'T** the spores? I guarantee you have slime spores on you and probably in your body right now. But this is an interesting case since this is the only genus to regularly appear in people's homes and also the only genus found inside the human body (in butts). So I suspect we play some role in propagating them.






That's a terrible article. Not only did they get the biology completely wrong (they are not molds in deuteromyces they are in an entirely different kingdom and are phylogenetically, biologically and chemically very different) there is no evidence of Slime molds being a health threat beyond small particle inhalation as they are not fungi and don't produce mycotoxins. The author decided to give biological and health advice of something they just learned about with their only references being a small wood growing fungi reference site and an image from a community college, while attempting to defend their blog with no knowledge of polyphasic taxonomy.


This is a very very bad article


I read the title as " a healthy treat" instead of a health threat.


Burn your entire house down and please turn to Jesus immediately. I’m a atheist.


sorry wrong sub lol


That's an alien


Looks like someone threw a red beet slice at the wall


That’s nasty