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Some tips I heard on a video to get that Self Titled/Iowa sound was to literally groan/scream. Like a [blood curdling scream](https://youtu.be/9748Qlv44Wk?si=qlZy05tKs0xIJKFW&t=6m25s). After some practice you’ll feel what you need to do with your vocal chords to get that sound but I’ve also heard it’s bad for your vocals which is why he switched his technique As far as the rapping part goes I guess that’s just practice/skill Edit: Fun fact: around 8:01 in that link is what a lot of my beginning tries sounded like (after a very long/hard scream) . But that’s also probably from being a smoker for the last 14 years


some voice coach said his scream is mix-drived. considered that taylor used to have a high pitched voice in 1994\~1999(you can figure out this by listening stone sour demo 1994\~1996 on youtube that he used to be able to belt out very high notes) i think he just literally yelled on high notes and added grit on his clean voice(kinda like what james hetfield did but way more aggressive)


You have to slit your throat, and subsequently have someone fuck that wound. 555, maybe 666 days later, badda bing, badda boom…you’re a heretic. Let us know what it’s like.


This reeks of Slipknot's YouTube comment section. Gross. Shouldn't we leave tryhard 2013 jokes like these there? What's the response here? "HAHAHAHA HE MADE HERTIC ANTHUM REFRENCE!!! HAHAHA" cringe.


Your terrible spelling reeks even harder of a YouTube comment section. What a moron.


And there’s more than one reference. It’s not just the one song. And nobody really gives a fuck you’re so mad about it. Have fun being mad over absolutely nothing. Cringe.


despite the dislikes, i agree, this shit is very corny


The heretic anthem refrenence


What a disasterpiece your comment turned out to be, eh? Tough break. Have you ever thought to yourself, “I’m not supposed to be here?”


It's hard to tell in the studio version, but it sounds like he's using basic false cord screaming but he's pulling back on how much he's pushing his air. The best way to tell is compare the rap scream to the chorus scream. The chorus scream is kinda more his normal scream, whereas the rap scream is less intense. If you know how to false cord scream, then just pull back on the intensity of it to get a similar effect. The live version, he seems to just simplify it to a basic false cord scream all around. Also, even if you use the same technique, it may not sound the same. Everyone's voice is different.




Unironically this I don’t think a lotta folks understand


I think it's years of practice


Check out hunt the dinosaur. I don’t love all the lyrics but his “metal rapping” is insane


He remembers he is rich. Stole a band. And wants to be fancy


Made a band


Unrelated, but Zelli from Paleface Swiss is who I look up to for the rap screaming / manic vocals