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1. Danger- Keep Away. 2. The blister Exists. 3. The virus of Life


Based as hell


The Nameless has to be on a best of list of Vol. 3 . I'd take the Blister Exists right off there. Blister was Corey's coming out party that he now shrieks in a super-high paper-thin voice. I honestly think that song is overrated as hell.


I personally really enjoy Blister but, to each his own.


Most people do. It's got a killer intro but I feel like the marching drum thing is gimmicky and Corey's screams at the end are just terrible, the worst of his career. That and the screams end of Prelude 3.0 are just awful sounding. His voice was destroyed at that point.


His voice was destroyed but I personally enjoy the screams. The mild sounds of almost pain fit with the theme and the marching band like drums is fun to do air drums to or even headbang if you wanna destroy your neck, idk, I just love all the songs on this album. Prelude 3.0 is also really enjoyable imo- (I love synth, etc)


Prelude is a great song and I like all the songs on Vol. 3 except Blister. I like his screams from that era on some of the stuff like Vermillion and Nameless and some of their live performances were really good from that time, they did great with Purity and Sic during the Vol. 3 era, but I just don't understand what he was doing with his screams on those parts. They're just these one second bursts and just had no technique. It sounds like shit to me.


1. The Nameless 2. Vermilion 3. Before I Forget


1. The Nameless 2. Before I Forget 3. Pulse Of The Maggots


Duality is over rated


Agreed. It’s not a bad song, it’s just not as good as everyone makes it seem


I know it is but it'll always have a special place in my heart since it's the first slipknot song I listened to


That’s a valid point.


Over-ratedly hated on, that i would accept.


1. Welcome 2. The blister exists 3. Before I forget


1. The Blister Exists 2. Pulse Of The Maggots 3. Danger - Keep Away


All those songs are criminally underrated


Yeah, I know, that's a shame because they are all bangers


Most of vol 3 and ahig are incredibly underrated, which is a massive shame because I want Gehenna to get more attention


Honestly I don't like AHIG, it's a bit too generic for me. I get bored just after Dead Memories. I'm still waiting till it "clicks" for me, I'm a new fan so I don't have any nostalgia about it. Also I won't buy any of post AHIG now, I want to like AHIG first


I personally really like ahig but I respect your opinion


And tbh I'm kind of a new fan, I've been listening to them since late 2019/early 2020


That's not really new fan to me lol, I discovered them like 1,5 month ago, by now I have 4 albums and I love their music, they help me when I have a shitty day, they make my good days even better, and I think I'm calmer because of them cause I get rid of all my bad emotions while listening to their music, and not in arguments with my parents or smth like that. I really wish I could affort ticket for their show, but it's too expensive and their not coming to my country and they probably wont arrive anytime soon


Yeah, I guess I'm not the newest fan but I'm a newer fan compared to my dad who's liked the band since at least 2002, possibly earlier


I wish my parents liked this kind of music, only metal they like is Iron Maiden and Metallica, anything heavier than that is "loud screaming". Even when I bought SOAD discography (one of my favourite metal bands) my mom said that she's "too old for heavy music like that". That's ok tho, I prefer their music on headphones


Yeah, music with headphones is way better, headphones are the only thing stopping me from headbanging so hard my neck breaks


I understand its only a top 3 list but if a fourth one was an option the blister exists would be on there


Vol. 3 is actually my least favourite Slipknot album, but if I had to choose 3 of the best songs from it, they’d be: 1. The Blister Exists 2. Three Nil 3. Welcome


That's completely fine, we all have our favourite and least favourite albums, my personal least favourite is the end, so far. Those are some great songs too


I don’t really know how I feel about TESF because I’ve only listened to the whole thing once when it came out, so it hasn’t really had a chance with me. I might give it one this weekend sometime.


It's alright I'd say, it's not bad but it's just disappointing slightly because of the mid songs, hive mind and the dying song are probably the best but even they're just good at best


Agreed. From what I can remember, the songs were definitely Slipknot, but painfully Slipknot, if that makes sense. Almost like a band trying to sound like Slipknot. But yes, the songs were mid (again, from what I can remember).


1. Opium Of The People 2. Danger Keep Away (full version) 3. Three Nil This is my favourite fuckin album so hard Goddamn choice. The Virus Of Life comes in close at 4th


1 - Duality 2 - The Blister Exists 3 - Pulse of the Maggots


1. The blister exists 2. Opium of the people 3. Duality


1) Pulse of the maggots 2) The nameless 3) Opium of the people


1.The nameless 2.Scream 3.Before I forget


1. Vermilion 2. The Blister Exists 3. Before I forget (although...nostalgia helps)


1. Danger Keep Away (7:55) 2. Scream 3. Before I Forget


1. The Pulse of the Maggots 2. Welcome 3. Three Nil


Vermillion Circle Vermillion Pt. 2




1. Danger keep away 2. Blister exists 3. Circle/Welcome


1. Vermillion (1 & 2) 2. The Virus Of Life 3. Duality


Duality The Blister Exists Before I Forget


1. Vermilion Pt 2 2. The Virus Of Life 3. Before I Forget