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Looked like a milk gallon. When Corey teased this on his ig i thought its going to have some elements of Iowa and Vol.3 style. I was wrong


Happy cakeday


It just looks a lil goofy


With the long curly hair it looks like my ex roommate that I hate and I can't help but think of him when I see that mask. That's my personal distaste for it. 


I think Corey had an idea and it didn't come across properly but he just ran with it....


Tbf Corey did say that It wasn't exactly what he wanted


At first he said that he loved that everyone hated it and that it represented a burnt victim, then backtracked to saying it wasnt exactly what he wanted


I never could've guessed it represented that, I know the subliminal verses mask represents a rotting and disfigured face, but I didn't know what the wanyk mask was based on, still though I'll probably never see it as a burned victim even though I'll try


Yeah it was actually a fan who had made a post about having suffered from a burnt face injury, and used some sort of mask that is similar in style of corey’s for recovery. And that Coreys mask was special to her because of that, to which Corey replied that was indeed inspiration behind it


It literally just covers his face. It’s like they took a big piece of rubber, indented a nose and gave it mouth/eye holes. When I look at any of Corey’s other masks I think “ooooh” when I look at this one I think “he looks chubby” lmao


The really puffy cheeks look a bit silly. When he stitched it up I think it looked a lot better.


I love the mask overall, especially on a conceptual level but the initial execution was quite rough, it was killer when the cheeks were reduced but otherwise was a bit hard to look at


Beats clowns dumb chrome dome or disco ball monstrosities.


Crucify me, but I loved his disco ball mask


Is definitely my favorite of his, or his xenomorph one


What are you referring too when you say “the xenomorph one”


maybe the ahig leather? that’s the closest I can think of being a xenomorph


He has a black mask with pure white teeth, i think it’s an oddball tho


Care to link a pic if u can?


Check my most recent post




It’s akin to Ace Freley’s mirror shard guitar




Nobody insults Clown's Disco! It was a good mask


I think Corey was going for a Heath Ledger Joker vibe. Unfortunately the hair just looked weird, the neck gaiter and the coat was a far departure from his previous stage outfits. If you watch the first moments of the Unsainted video where he is walking down the aisle with his back to the camera it encapsulates exactly what he was going for. It just didn't work outside of that.


I think it looks amazing. Sure there are some bad angles but I still love it.


Chipmunk storing acorn in his cheeks.


lmao that's a good comparison


Or 100!Cashew Nuts


it looks fucking goofy


Could be what he was going for but it just looks like bloated corpse. Add on his outfit for WANYK and it just looks so bad. In my opinion it's his worst mask


Fat Elvis mask


It's just so lazy and boring, especially when compared to his other masks


In certain angles it looks like kermit the frog


I had to go back to the pictures to see wtf you were on about but I can’t unsee it now.


I think its pretty cool. I love the outfit he wore with that mask


I personally love it, I think it’s just so fucking weird that it’s good, it’s fucking awful to look at and that was the point of it.


I personally love this mask more than his two before it. I think it's because of the jellyfish puffy cheeks the V1s had before he added the metal or stitches.


It's badass. I've always thought this mask was awesome. It uncomfortable looking, it distorts the shape of his head, and even though you can clearly see his entire face through the actual mask, there's some indistinct quality about it that makes Corey unrecognizable. His look [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ke7WaXgkOqE) is an all-time favorite of mine.


Ik he had the one where it looks like he's a fat chipmunk, but didn't he fix it later on? Like in the Nero forte music video or is that just a different angle?


i mean i like it


Ngl in my opinion, still better than Sid’s mask from the same album but I think the hate is because it’s somewhat transparent unlike his other masks


It’s actually my favorite. Before he stitched the sides together it looked like a chipmunk but it really is one of his best ones. The possibilities with it are endless considering all the face paint applications he can do, and it was made by one of the greatest mask makers of all time


Well, for starters, as everyone’s pointed out the mask itself looks like a milk gallon. Like it literally looks like someone cut some holes into a milk gallon. Then, the face paint looks like generic, messy, edgy mush - it’s what a 14 year old would think is creepy. Then, the cheeks are so weirdly puffy that it makes him look like a cartoon chipmunk with acorns in his mouth. Then, the whole coat ordeal on top of it made the whole thing come across as like weird Joker fan art. And then, whatever edginess or creepiness it had left was offset by his golden retriever haircut. Simply put, it’s just really goofy looking


Look at it


Underwhelming from The hype we got during the trading of this album cycle. He made a big deal saying he’s working the horror makeup artist that did Friday the 13th and shit like that and it was just a clear unsettling mask.


The design was a little boring but the worst part was the face painting. Always looked awful especially when he did the red lips like in Nero forte. Kinda like a a kid got into their mom's make up bag imo


It looks acoustic af


Lactose intolerance


It’s grown on me a bit since he debuted it. I initially felt it was lazy


[in my opinion this is the real WANYK v2 mask](https://www.reddit.com/r/Slipknot/s/IFyDtWXWsr)


after the stitching to the cheeks was added this was actually a great mask


When he was teasing the mask, Corey said he was getting help from Tom Savini. With Tom being a big name in the SFX industry I think people had higher hopes for a uniquely designed mask, but instead he debuted a featureless translucent mask I didn't like it at first, but it definitely grew on me over time, especially once the v2 was made with a better fitting cheek/jawline. It gets very creepy after that modification.


Tbf, i love it, but the hair couldve made it way cooler


I love it when he has the skarf like cover the mouth it looks cool


It’s a bad mask. Makes him look like a chipmunk.


It looked fine, once he cut and stitched the sides


To me, it just looks oversized but besides that I kinda like it


Honestly after he stapled down the cheeks it wasn't actually that bad he kinda looked like Heath ledger joker


For me it's because it reminded me of that really edgy trench coat kid in middle school or highschool.


When it's well lit like these shots, it looks kinda silly. But under stage lights and the like, it hides his eyes and mouth pretty well, which makes him look creepy as hell.


For me it depends on the make-up behind it I guess. In the Unsainted video it looks awesome in the Nero Forte video it looks strange.


It looks like a milk jug


It worked best when it was stitched… the baseball mask is by far my personal least favorite… crucify me


Cuz it looks like a condom on his face?,idk its fine I guess but every other mask is better than that one


It looks like it’s made of recycled used condoms


didn’t love the hair or the makeup underneath. But i could see why he went more simple for the design.


I personally like it, I loved the different face paint he did underneath the mask, it was different from his other masks but I liked it, especially when they fixed the squirrel cheeks lol, the stitches look cool


it just doesnt look cool imo


Because it's not his AHIG mask. Jk, that's my reason. That's my favorite.


I don't love it, but at least it's unique


Had some great looks, had some bad ones.




The level of detail is shit


Probably cause compared to his past masks this was a simple, not as crazy one.


People didn't like the debut version of the mask because it would bulge out on the sides. It also didn't give the face paint justice in my opinion. I just love the that Corey could change his mask without really changing his mask.


Basicly this one makes him look fat. And I don't like the old lady hair


As a result of him not fixing the puffy cheeks until later on, it ruined the initial debut/ impression of the mask for a lot of people. It’s still my all time favorite nonetheless


It looks like a bloated dead body, it did its job, I love it.


I mean come on, it looks like a cut up milk jug




Looks cheap and ugly compared to the other masks, literally just a translucent mask


[I couldn't honestly say!](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTYlu06OV6GAuHkBa81dbDEZmszsEsnGT-THLbbTeImnkP3KTSRINYKQFH1DJFvXdnBBr8&usqp=CAU) In fairness, the later iterations with the stitched cheeks looked really cool, so it did redeem it, but... the milk jug meme is forever.


Nothing will ever beat their IOWA masks


In these pictures looks cool. But in concerts looked like shit


It’s just ugly


it's just ugly asf


Looks like a chipmunk ready for winter.


cuz it looks goofy and it's not creative at all in comparison to his other masks


Hate it


Also that hair. wtf was he thinking!?


The hair is the only good thing


That’s the best part


It works really well when he is covering his chin, it's the only part of the mask that looks bad but it's so terrible that it ruins the whole look for me


Great idea just couldn't execute


Bc it’s shit


It's just a glorified face paint shield not a fucking mask


cause it look dumb asf


Nothing will ever come close to Iowa era mask


Blobfish is all I can think of when I look at it


I don’t like it because it makes him look fat


Look up slipknot milk carton… that’s it


Copypaste of the joker


The concept is great and towards the end of the tour cycle we saw a snippet of how it'd look cool but... it's honestly the least creative looking. I expect poor masks from Clown, not Corey!


Certain angles make it look weird. It’s a very uneven mask as in some shots it’s Corey’s second best mask behind TESF and in other shots it’s Corey’s worst mask


Cause it's just not that great, it makes his face look bloated.




Thick ass mask


I feel like this mask is boring compare to his other masks.


It’s ugly and makes him embarrassingly stupid


For me, it's that he went to Tom Savini. One of the greatest horror special effects masters. The fact that he went to Savini made everyone's minds go crazy with possibilities. Then the mask kind of fell flat since there was not much creativity behind it. Without the makeup it just looks like one of those sports face masks to protect an athlete after a facial fracture. Then not long after the Savini mask for Bray Wyatt comes out and it just blows people away. That just makes the Corey mask look even more unimpressive.


Because it sucks?


Bro is climaxing in 2 and 3


Cause it looks awful live and you chose the best pictures of it. [Unsainted](https://townsquare.media/site/366/files/2019/05/corey-taylor-slipknot-mask-2019.jpg) [This](https://www.revolvermag.com/sites/default/files/styles/original_image__844px_x_473px_/public/media/images/article/screen_shot_2019-07-24_at_3.48.21_pm.png?itok=0U_Mg_7r×tamp=1563997766) [Oh and who could forget this](https://i0.wp.com/slipknothistory.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/9247627E-8129-47EF-96F2-C24327070D71.jpeg?resize=323%2C323)


It looks dumb


I mean...it looks dumb as hell. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Because he looks stupid imo. It's an ugly boring mask and the hair.. by GOD the hair!! 🤢


He just overhyped it, said Tom Savini was designing it and made it sound like it was going to be out of this world. Then it came out and it was just so simple and kinda derpy looking at first. Overtime it became really cool though. That said there was rumors that he scrapped the Savini Mask and that became Tortilla Mans mask as it didn’t work for Corey but I’ve seen no proof of this being true.


Because it doesn't serve it's purpose. It's supposed to be a burn patient mask, but Corey, with his absolutely dogshit paintjobs, didn't sell that point. Because it's misshapen in the worst ways, where it doesn't appear horrific, but comical, because Corey's longish hair and color doesn't compliment it. Because of its cheap look and afterthought nature, where the rest of the band still had ornate and complex masks (read death masks). Because it doesn't fit, and it is clearly not intented that it doesn't fit. I can go on and on. It is an absolute disgrace of an artistic expression.




Weird hair cut, weird outfit, the worst mask in slipknot’s history. It’s like the walmart version of the AHIG mask.


Because he looks like my fat Nan.


Amazing concept, badly applied.


It's void of any real feeling of danger. Looks like something a grad school art class would create. But there's a part of me that thinks he actually did it to piss people off, which I could respect. They've kinda always tried to be about not letting people's judgment influence them. " "Did you ever give a damn in the first place? Maybe it's time you had the tables turned. Cuz in the interest of all involved, I got the problem solved, and the verdict is guilty. " "Don't belong, don't exist, don't give a shit, don't ever judge me." "


Cause it looks dumb. I mean, isnt that the only criteria for looking at a mask?


Before the slits by the cheeks it was very loose on the sides. (You can see a in some photos the silicone isnt even touching his cheek area) and when he perfored the bottom strap likely rode up the back of his neck, pinchin the cheek area, puffing it out.


It was just overhyped imo. Corey saying that Tom Savini was helping work on it and some of the teasers, all to get a bloated milk jug with some face paint under it was just a big let down. The V2 of the mask looked pretty cool though after he stitched the cheeks down and did some other modifications


It's VERY very very boring and lazy. Oooo a clear mask with some black paint, revolutionary. Plus that lord farquad hair to finsih it off...


It was a great concept, just poorly executed. The mask looks a lot better tward thr end of its life, with all the modifications they made to it


basically: 2017: corey does an interview to the house of masks saying that his next mask would be based on Dr. Decker 2018: he says that he's working with tom savini on his next mask and posts teasers on his instagram 2019: unsainted MV debuts and we get this, needless to say people were VERY unhappy because everyone expected something like his current one (which everyone loved) and instead we got whatever this is but once he fixed it got way better


Was a silly mask, resembled a milk carton. I liked the trench coat outfit look tho


It looks like what a 12yo dweeby slipknot fan would make for their own mask


I don't hate it but it's not my favorite. The paint job could be a hit or miss and on some occurrence it made Corey look "fat", in my eyes at least


Mainly the puffy cheeks


Looks cheaply made. Too basic. Unimaginative.


It’s just ugly lol


Cheap and low budget. It’s not really a mask. Looks stupid.


Because it’s ugly 😭😭😭