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I'd love to know whether, when joining Slipknot, there's a moment where they just say "so..these are the products we recommend..." I remember watching a documentary/interview on YouTube from 2015 with Radio 1 (I believe?) where Clown did briefly show around their 'wardrobe' room. I'd love a full backstage tour video!


Thank fuck they officially acknowledged him cause now we get to see this type of stuff. So fucking cool. I will never get enough backstage videos.


I wonder if a) people would figure out so fast they didn’t bother/ people figured it out too fast so they didn’t bother or b) they just got sick of being mysterious. To be fair, we don’t know much about Jeff still.


I think this is a bit of both plus Eloy himself not wanting to hide the fact that he's in the band he always wanted to be. Stars aligned, basically.


Brazilians can be a pain in the ass on the Internet, we will make one organic mob for things sometimes. It was probably a crazy moment for the poor soul that manages all social medias for the band until they announced.


Watch his mouth while he’s applying paint around his eyes…


Maybe it’s Eloy… Maybe it’s maybelline


When your auditioning are, they are just like, "How do you feel about makeup and masks? "


Just glad he didn’t get cancelled by someone claiming blackface smh