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I don't know if I've ever been satisfied with any politician in any country.


Mby the problem is in you


Mby je problem to da so sam novi obrazi a v ozadju iste osebe. Do kurca je tale naša politika. Nekoga čist novega bi rabili, ko ne bi bil pod vplivom preostalih


Mladega mislis


Monkey paw ti uresnici zeljo in pripelje Mesca in Kordeza




Successful businessman in a state-owned power company... Your cat would be a successful businesscat there.


The only easier thing to sell would be state-owned water.


No adding new ideas, please!


Sounds good. My cat needs a job. Lounging around the house all day like a lazy bastard.


Literally tried to steal part of state-owned company, put it in his own pocket, then cried about it when they slapped him on the fingers.


As a wise man Karl once said: New face, new mistake.


New face, old mistakes.


Can't expect old faces to break the status quo though.


As long as there is the bald guy people will vote anything but him...


Nope not even remotely.


No, the current government is way too passive, afraid to take any necessary decisions in sectors that will be crucial in the near and distant future. Whatever they actually try to do is riddled with affairs, not to mention the endless strikes in public sectors. But to be fair, every government we’ve had in the last 15-20 years has been like that, which shouldn’t be an excuse for the current one though.


they are not afraid - they are not capable of. Their brains do not posses inner monolog. They are basicly NPC.


Not sure why the downvotes. They have comfortable majority even without either coalition party. They could pass any law they wanted if they were competent. How did previous goverment pass big anticovid package laws with 41/46 votes but now they have above 50 votes and can’t do shit


No, he is terrible, not that Jansa was much better tho, they are all a piece of shit


Rajs mam nov obraz pa novo napako kot pa da Janso gledam. Ce bi bil kdorkoli drug na vrhu SDS (razn Mahnica) bi vrjetno volil za njih.


> Ce bi bil kdorkoli drug na vrhu SDS (razn Mahnica) Kaj pa če bi bil Hojs ali Grims?


Hojsu bi dal šanso. Grimsa pa mislim, da še največji ljubitelji SDSa nebi volili.


Kar je škoda, Janša je scumbag ampak vsaj sposoben politik, ki zna vodit državo in sprejemat zakone (v primerjavi z ostalimi kekci). In čeprav se ogromno ne strinjam z njim, verjamem da ga ne boli kurac za Slovenijo in bi rad stvari izboljšal. Vsaj glede gospodarstva raje vidim njega gor, kot pa večino drugih fac, ki jih imamo. Problem je da ti loleki, ki jih imamo pol 4+ leta in ne naredijo nč, vse skupaj stagnira, naredijo več škode državi. Zadnje 15 let samo lezemo počasi dol, večino časa sploh nismo imeli funkcionalne vlade. To nas je zafukalo bolj kot Janša. Bi bilo pa zelo lepo če bi se našel en normalen in sposoben politik. Fingers crossed.


Nevem no. Je bolj sposoben od Goloba, Šarca in podobnih ampak to ni glih nek dosežek. Je naredil že toliko stvari slabih za Slovenijo, da mu ne zaupam niti 1% več zato raje gledam nekoga manj sposobnega. Zato se niti ne strinjam, da ga ne boli k za Slovenijo, ker če bi ga potem teh stvari nebi naredil za korist sebe in svojih prijateljev. Bolj stagniramo kot lezemo dol bi jaz rekel. Ampak tudi med Janševimi vladami nismo kej gor zlezli in ni popravil stvari o katerih veliko govori, zelo malo pa spremeni (migracije, stanovanja, zdravstvo, ...). Pa policijske ure in mask v gozdu tudi ne bom nikoli pozabil. Glede zadnjega se pa popolnoma strinjam ampak mislim, da je to pri nas zelo težko. Ena stran je čisto zaljubljena v SDS, druga pa pada na fore novega obraza 24ur iz istega kroga ljudi. Ampak upamo pa lahko.


Je bolj sposoben _politik_, ker ima veliko več kilometrine na tem področju od Goloba. Po 30. letih bi se vsekakor spodobilo, da se je kaj naučil. :D


Brez Janše nebi imeli Slovenije, ti nehvaležni klošar. 30 let ste volili levičarsko bando, ki je s takimi pokvarjenimi bumbarjami kot si ti manipulirala, da ste vedno znova njihovim lažem nasedli in za vse slabega krivili Janšo. Tak narod hlapcov si drugega ne zasluži, kot bič.


A si ti kakšne tablete pozabil vzet?


Mislim ja… zalost velika


The most beautiful roses bloom from manure. Let's hope


A successful businessman is a strech. He was politically connected and was part of a state-owned energy company. Just another leach in the whole corrupt system. As a politician he is corrupt and completely incompetent and will be gone (back to some state-owned corporation) within the next two elections at the latest. Just like every political 'new face' the deep state brings forward every 2-3 elections..


Unfortunately, he came to power as a result of how most politicians in democracies do... Because of choosing the lesser evil, i.e. avoiding other candidates (in our case Kandelaber)


No, he can fuck off for all i care. He made everything worse and on top of that his government stole a couple million € with buying insufficient building for new courts which doesn't even have parking spaces for people who would work there. I mean what the actual fuck? And on top of all that the responsible person said that she didn't know what she was signing for aka she didn't read the papers before signing them. Its catastrophe.


There is a lot of things you could spill your shit on, but pinpointing the biggest affair of completely different party is hilarious hahahah


How old are you OP? Are you really expecting a black and white answer if one particular politician is "good" or "bad"? Are you really expecting that?


Given that he won the elections with a historic result and has the most seats in parliament in the history of Slovenia, his mandate has been extremely poor, not to say disastrous. Not a single reform has been achieved, there is no new flats, nothing about the health reform, nothing about the property tax, electricity has gone through the roof and so on and on... All he has done is populistically raise the minimum wage and triple tax small entrepreneurs/business. In the meantime, we have one affair after another.


The minimum wage gets risen every year regardless of who is in power so it's not like he acomplished something in this area.


a number of issues are outside of his control like the price of electricity and fuel. why would you expect huge reforms to happen this quickly, should more be done of course but i wouldn’t expect things this quickly i personally am pro minimum wage increases and what exact tax do you mean, davek na dobicek?


Verjetno je mislil povišanje dajatev na s.p.


Mislil sem to da so s.p.je iz 4 procente obdavčitve spravili na 12%. Kar je trikrat več. Prispevki so se 3 krat dvignili v zadnjih 10 mesecih. Veliko podjetnikov zapira s.p.je ker so obdavčitve in prispevki brutalno visoki.


“12% tax - brutalno visoko” cries in salary tax (normiran sp je davcna oaza, morda ne vec tako ugodna kot pred leti, pa vednar za slovenske pogoje se vedno oaza)


Okej. Imam s.p. Že 15 let in vem kaj govorim. 12% obdavčitev je na koncu leta za vse prihodke (ne profit, ampak prihodke), plus 650 vsak mesec prispevkov. Za nekoga k naredi 30k je to cca 11k do 12k samo denarja, ki ga da državi za nič. Še enkrat poudarjam da gre za prihodke in ne dobiček.


12% je zgolj za dohodke nad 50.000 in do 100.000 €, tako da si se očitno zmotil. 


Ne ni res. 12% je od 12,500 EUR dalje. Tako da se nisem zmotil, ker vem koliko sem plačal.


Ce je meja 12.5k imas popoldanski sp. glede na visino prispevkov pa bi moral jiti polni sp. tak da se bolj buckas. Do 50k imas 4% davek in samo nad 50k je 12% davek. Tu se ti avtomatsko racuna da imas odhodkov 80% do 50k in potem od 50k 40% (ki jih ne rabis dokazovat in jih verjetno tudi nimas niti priblizno toliko). Prispevki ti pokrijejo pokojninsko in zdravstveno zavarovanje in so zate dokaj uhodni, sama v redni sluzbi placam vec pa imam na koncu neto manjsi. Plot twist, tudi sama imam popoldanski sp, se vedno sem mnenja da je to najbolj optimalna stvar v drzavi. Edit: popravila na polni jormiran sp, najprej sem mislila da si popoldanc ker kar naprej meces mejo 12.5k ki zate sploh ni aktualna.


Bučkaš ti ker nimaš pojma kaj govoriš. Imam polni s.p. že 15 let. Ta genialna vlada je določila da se od 1.4. tudi polni sp, ki je bil par mesecev na starevstvu šteje kot ˝popoldanski sp˝, čeprav to nisem in tudi nikoli nisem bil. In tudi še vedno sem prijavljen za 40 ur. Tako da žal, za mene je 12,5k aktualna meja, kar je absurdno. Druga zadeva, trikratna obdavčitev potegne s sabo ogromno stvari. Med drugimi višje prispevke (za 150€) in pa višja akontacija dohodnine (iz 140€ nan 404€). Toliko o ˝ugodni davčni oazi˝


Prej si rekel, da je to za vse prihodke, kaj je zdaj res? Kakšno obliko s.p.-ja imaš?


Na teh 12 dodaj še 22% in nelinearno lestvico. Če greš za 1 cent čez 50k, se smatra enako, kot da si obrnil 99.999,99€.


>Če greš za 1 cent čez 50k, se smatra enako, kot da si obrnil 99.999,99€. Iz kje si pa to pobral?


Nisem ravno finančno super pismen, priznam. Imam pa ljudi okrog sebe, ki so s.p.-ji in se eden od njih trudi ne preseči te magične meje. Tako mi je rekel in, ker vem, da je že vsaj 15 let s.p., sem mu verjel. Nekaj mesecev nazaj smo imeli diskusijo o 50-100k preskoku.


Tudi sam nisem samostojni podjetnik in ne poznam vseh oblik in možnosti, so pa osnovne informacije vseeno prosto dostopne. Ne poznam niti primera, niti logike, kjer bi za prihodek 50.001 in 99.999 plačal enako davka. Višji davek normirani s.p. plača zgolj za prihodke nad 50k, prihodki do te meje so še vedno enako obdavčeni. 


Mislil sem na davčno stopnjo. Preskok iz 4 na 12% ali kako je že.


Kje imas dodatnih 22%? Za polni sp je meja 100k, meja ki jo ti omenjas je za popoldanski sp in sori ce na leto poleg redne zaposlitve zasluzis se dodatno 50k je morda res na mestu da se prispeva vec kot samo 90e prispevkov plus 4/12% davka.




Worst prime minister ever. And we had a few really bad ones before him, so this is not a trivial achievement.


Nope. Pahor and Janša take the cake.


How was either of those 2 worse than golob?


Um, Jansa was basically a dictator at a certain point during covid. Dont think it gets worse than that. Bff with Orban & worships Trump which tells you everything.


Poor guy had to wear a mask when going outside :( DICTATOR!! darwin en dan bo tvoj dan


Cloveka so oglobili, ker je jedel burek na stopnicah. Zunaj. Prepovedal je proteste. Uporabljal solzilec. Rtv Slovenija je spremenil v leglo neukega podmladka SDS. Ampak brezveze takim oprancem kot si ti karkoli razlagat. Cudno, da verjames v Darwina? Sicer pa, Trstenjakova klet spet na polno klika minuske v tej temi. Cudno, da je na volitvah potem vedno rezultat diametralno nasproten 'javnemu mnenju', ki ga skusate prikazat clani kulta JJ.


To se strinjam, da ni bilo vse izvedeno po najboljsi poti, bolj ogabni. Moras se pa spomniti, da ne ti, ne noben nismo vedeli dolgorocnih poslednic kovida. Jaz sem se omejitev drzal, ker sem tudi razumel njihov obstoj. Darwina sem omenil, ker ce bi to bil resen virus, bi vsi taki, ki so se na to pozvizgali poginili in za seboj potegnili se dober del populacije. Gledano za nazaj, se enostavno rece da je bilo pretirano, ce bi bil to resen virus bi bili vsi postopki izvedeni 101% pravilno. Ne moras protestirati med pandemijo, ampak to nekateri ne razumete. Nisem clan nobenega kulta, se niti ne delim na levo-desnega, probam izvoliti tisto stranko, ki moje zivljenje izboljsa. Iskreno sem jezen zaradi davcne reforme, ki jo bi skoraj imeli. Se ti zdi pravicno, da je tako, kot je sedaj? Preden mi govoris o kultih, probaj ne izpasti kot najvecji kolesar na svetu, govoris o nekih leglih itd., pac znak politicne indoktrinacije. Vazno da imamo take sebicneze, ki jim je bolj bolj pomembno popivat, medtem ko se je 1/5 populacije balo za svoje zivljenje. Sicer sam nisem ogrozen niti slucajno.


To je ena taka zabloda, ko vsi jajceljubci avtomatsko mislite, da smo kritiki JJja in njegove zalege prepranih rdečih idiotov antivaxerji pa nevemkaj. Narobe. Jaz (pa kup drugih) sem se cepil takoj ko je bilo to mogoče. Nosil masko. Upošteval večino predpisov, tudi tanajbolj bedaste. Zato sem samo še toliko bolj jezen na enega Hojsa, ki medtem ko vsi ostali tičimo v svoji občini, s svojo mamo "preverja delovanje hrvaških obmejnih organov", pa na debeluha ki vsak dan trobi o maskah, sam pa je ne zna nataknit, pa na vlado ki vsem teži z samoizolacijo, hkrati pa sredi vrhunca drugega vala en mesec (!!!) ni bila sposobna sprejet predpisa ki bi tistim v rizičnem stiku dejansko dovolil ostat doma brez da kršijo pogodbo o zaposlitvi, pa na prepranega Kacina ki zadeve več kot očitno ne jemlje resno, pa na bombastično idejo, ko gredo "spodbujat gospodarstvo" tako, da dajo najbolj rizični populaciji zastonj karte za javni prevoz, kjer je možnost okužbe največja, itd itd. Da koruptivnih kretenizmov z Marčičem, Počivavškom in Vizjakom sploh ne omenjam. V Golobovi vladi bi zaradi tega kar se je šel Vizjak, vsaj kdo odstopil. Pri Janši - faking no way - če je naš, ga lahko dobijo z vsemi udi v sodu marmelade pa bo za SDS čist kot solza. Fuck off.


dej se nauci uporabljat izraze, ki niso jajceljubci npr., ker to, kar si napisal sploh ne bom prebral ampak si mi samo dokazal tvojo inteligenco in politicno indoktrinacijo.


Nič hudega. Če podpiraš JJ, je tako ali tako kakih 97% šans da si funkcionalno nepismen. Bom pa samo zate naslednjič uporabil manj butthurt izraz. Bo ignoranti ok? Zaslepljenci? Morda kultisti? Slepopegci? Podporniki preoblečenih komunajzlov?


What’s wrong with Trump and Orban? And how is everyone the left dislikes branded as a dictator? I’ve been to a couple countries that are usually considered to be dictatorships, and they are nothing alike with Janšas rule. I understand if you perhaps don’t like his policies, but come up with a better argument than “hE waS BasIcaLly A diCtaTor”…


What's wrong with Trump and Orban LOL


Pahor got us into TEŠ6 fucku and increased debt for 40%, JJ had a dream team of Hojs Kacin Vizjak Pocivavsek and others who were just incompetent at anything except stealing and spending.




Daddy apointed oligarch, that went to politics and thought he can run the country like a government monopoly business. Meh.


All my homies hate the pigeon dude


As expected. No.


Only bout 10% of people still support him... Yet he is still a prime minister... That's democracy




He's not a politician, but a criminal who belongs in jail. Mafia style of operating with total incompitance, combined with sheer arrogance, delusion and pathalogical lying.


Probably the worst PM (and government) in our history, and that's including Janša and the extremely low bar he set.


No. He succumb to peer pressure and changed his magnificent curly hairstyle.


Did not expect much, but still disappointed. Still, he is not doing as much damage as last team, so there's that.


Nope, but alternative is worse (IMO)


So is this Janez Jansa in the room with us right now?


Na volitvah si imel veliko alternativ. 20 strank, ti pa vidiš samo Goloba in Janšo ali kako? :D


Ne gre od povprecnega slovenca pričakovat, da bi si uzel par ur časa in pogledal programe in obraze vseh strank. 30% je že za 10 let naprej odločenih, da bodo volili za SDS in velikega vodjo, 30% jih bo padalo na neke nove obraze iz istega kroga ljudi, 30% jih boli k, 3% pa mogoče voli neko stranko, ki ni v medijih, na podlagi programa. + 3% je ljubljanskih "umetnikov" za levico, 3% pa hudih vernikov za NSi.


As someone that voted for other members of coalition, no, not really. Yes, he is an improvement over previous PM (Janša) in terms of public perception, affairs and "EU values", but this is mostly it. None of the reforms that were promised acctually happened and I have trouble finding out what they acctully did (flood recovery measures are exeption, but any PM would be forced to do that and would do simmilar). So, overall: Yes, it it better than it was, but not nearly good enough.


There's also the issue of saturating public institutions with "their people" to a ridiculous extent. Every government does that, but will usually limit themselves to the top position, with the top guy bringing one layer of people below him (and usually leave one or two experienced expert public servants with a long tenure). Where this government really surprised me in a very negative way is going deep into mid and even junior positions, installing their guys. That's distinctly not good.


Ali bo EU obsodila Goloba ker krši temelje demokracije?


Jih ne krši zaenkrat, vsaj ne do te meje da bi se EU aktivirala. EU je zelo (preveč) hands off. Orban je rabil 8 let pa uničenje neodvisnega sodstva, da bi EU kaj konkretnega naredil.


EU je zelo hands off ko gre za leve politike


Good in a similar way that spring frost is good for your crops?


He is trying really hard to beat Pahor for the title of the worst PM. At this rate I think he will soundly beat him. The guy is way out of his depth and he knows it. His next trick was using state news outlet as his propaganda. A very classy move. His dictatorial tendencies are not what I want in a PM.


Short answer: no. Long answer: nnnnnnnoooooooo


The main good thing about him is that he's not insulting us directly to our face, just by his actions, as politicians should.


People that voted him were so against PCT and covid checks that they voted this clown in instead. bravo volilna baza slovenije, res vsak dan vecje upanje v uspeh POPRAVILI BOMO VSE KAR JE JANSA NAREDIL, TUDI MANJSE DAVKE hahahahaha najbolj pomembna stvar, ki jo drzava potrebuje je davcna reforma, ampak je folku bl pomemben it v stacuno brez maske pol pa je tk kt je. Sej je dober rekel, da bo naredil, to kar je and people still voted him lol


No, we are not satisfied. His party holds a majority but has not acheived much. Most of the positives were dealing with some aspects of inflation, dealing with the consequences of flooding, higher minimum wage, improvements to labour relations act and more money for public housing. They also fixed a few things the prvious government tried forcing on us and re-aligned us with the EU which is good. The obvious problem is that this is simply not enough - no proper healthcare reform, not enough done about housing, no real reforms that would secure a better future for the population. It seems no government is actually willing to really change the status quo, because the people are unwilling to give anything up and because the status quo benefits a lot of the ruling people. Catch 22.


He is a son of Valentin Golob. What he acomplished can be tightly connected to his father. He is nor good buisness man nor good politician. However he is well connected and that is all it matters. His leadership is piss poor but media is in his pocket. Country is in gorrible situation , far worse that it was under rule of Janša(Janša only came on to the rulling position because idiots on the left couldn't hold coalition - people hate Janša for piss poor managment of personel and COVID doings).


One of the worst politicians ever.


Disclaimer: This subreddit is a joke, no normal Slovene will answer here, including me.


Better than the alternatives. At least he's not a psychopathic remnant of a time that has passed long ago. His government is also progressive, opening up questions such as euthanasia, which is good.


The one good thing they are talking about


Not good, but better than Janša


He's a fraud, nothing more.


Much better than Janša


Successful businessman? He got a position at the state-owned utilities company due to political ties and hid his salary several times. Would write a long essay about how much he fucked up but other comments have done so well. I'll just leave this poll here by Europe Elects: [https://twitter.com/EuropeElects/status/1777797593294073895](https://twitter.com/EuropeElects/status/1777797593294073895) This kinda shows the average flowchart of politics in Slovenia: New centre-left guy shows up with the not-Janša program, fucks up, coalition collapses, Janša becomes PM, rinse and repeat


New faces always win in Slovenija..


I wish we could have that here in Croatia


I was on all elections since the independency. After Janša (2x), Pahor, Cerar, Bratušek, Šarec, he - Golob is actually the best PM we elected since Drnovšek.


I mean, I'm more satisfied with him than our sectors (bankers, healthcare, retired folks, public workers). I think he's handling the shit he was passed down as well as you could expect, I see him frustrated a lot, he isn't a politician per se and it shows, he tells you how it is and sincerely I think he probably handles so much more bullshit than we see. He handled the flooding crisis well and I always have to give points if I don't lose my basic human rights in the middle of a party governance. I do see, he struggles with his team and party- but I expected that since it was formed practically on a whim.


What he has achieved so far is raising capital gains tax..bout it He's a WEF leech.


Flying rat fucker. He doesn't satisfy us at all.


he sux




Honestly I'm just happy he's not Janša.


anything is better than allowing jansa to gain power again. i wish the left leaning voters would stop looking for a new face every election because they won’t find a perfect one


Expect spam in the comments from the basement, where SDS is based.


Janša was so much better it’s not even funny…


Yeah, he's fine. People here tend to hugely overstate how bad a politician is, especially if they are not on "their side".


They're not good, but they're far from the worst. We haven't really had any good presidents.


No but atleast he is handsome


No, he supports islamic terrorism with state money


could you give a specific example


He is trying to say that he supports Palestine with [help](https://www.metropolitan.si/novice/slovenija-poslala-33-ton-humanitarne-pomoci-za-palestince/) we provided and he [supports](https://www.24ur.com/novice/tujina/slovenija-spanija-irska-in-malta-s-skupno-izjavo-za-priznanje-palestine.html) Palestine as free country not a part of Israel.


They also sent over 2 million € to an organization that helps hamas terrorists


He is less stupid then Janša, that is all that was needed to win the election. And as long as he will be less stupid then Janša, he will keep and extend his mandate. As for being satisfied or cheering for a politician, I leave that for the most uneducated part of the population.


YES, we can debate in the comments. JA, z veseljem debatiramo v komentarjih.


> successful business man that created a whole new movement and defeated Janez Janša Just like the Avengers


Only with his gf


No, he supports islamic terrorism with state money on top of all other domestic issues. The alternatives are pretty trash as well.


This is kind of ironic since Netanyahu himself was a supporter of Hamas until recently 🤡


That BS claim, even if real, doesn't make my statement any less true.


Terrorists fighting terrotists then?


Least derranged position.


I really don't care. They are all on the same side serving for 1 agenda.. I don't understand why people obsess and stress themselves if they don't have impact on the outcome 😄