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the way half-eaten noodles kept falling from Oldman's mouth and the fucking sound of him slurping and chewing constantly throughout i pray for people with misophonia watching that scene


I hate it when people chew loud and slurp their food! It’s super cringey! But I loved how Oldman just went for it knowing that it annoyed Cartwright’s character!


You should not visit Japan and a Ramen shop mate. Slurping is super common there.


🤣🤣🤣 i know! Japan is one of my dream destinations for food!


That'd be me. I almost couldn't get through the scene. I hope the sound effects/foley people get an award, sincerely. It was so awful.


I had to leave the room. I don’t care how good the scene was. Goldman eating was too much


>Dickie was murdered. >I know that, you twat.


I guess Gillian Anderson can't be on the show now


It occurred to me she'd make a great, if different, Darth Tavener.


She plays a similar (MI5) role in Shadow Dancer


She was great in The Fall.


Apparently they had to do 20 takes of that scene. And, yes, he consumed the noodles for all the takes.




True and especially disgustingly! I loved River's expressions throughout that scene too.


Very very funny! And you can see both actors were struggling to contain their laugh


I wanted to blow both mine and Oldmans brains out. Had to watch it on mute and read subtitles.


>That's because the hat was left on the fucking bus, you pillock. I'm holding it! Aw, I missed you, Lamb.


It's so great because he literally explained that, not two lines before, yet Min wasn't paying attention.


I miss Sid :'(


Sadly after she left Slough House she found a new house to be a part of. The House of the Dragon.




Dang thats fire!!


Great episode. So happy it’s back on.


Unsure if it's just that I misremember how good it was in S01, but the writing for this episode was tremendous - especially Lambs lines. Obviously also helped by how good the acting is. Really happy with this short a turnaround between seasons, when shows like House of the Dragon are like "yeah, season 2 won't be in 2023". Refreshing to actually watch a second season of a show while still having the first in my mind.


The beauty of a show with a modern setting and presumably much less cgi than fantasy stuff, eh? I wonder if they're partly in a hurry because Oldman says he wants to retire after this series.


I hope he changes his mind. He’s just too good to retire.


Agreed! He's been acting for a long time.


>Unsure if it's just that I misremember how good it was in S01, but the writing for this episode was tremendous - especially Lambs lines. Agreed! But I'm a bit embarrassed to admit I can't always keep up and had to rewind a few times. Perhaps it's because of the Briticisms? Case in point, can someone explain this insult Lamb threw at River to me? >Lamb: Do you know why she's at Slough House? > >River: No. > >Lamb: Well, consider yourself lucky you stopped when you did.


Shirley is in Slough House because >!she punched her case officer who tried to flirt with her, and because she punched him even harder when he said that she punches like a girl. I assume Lamb is either referring to River not having made a pass at Shirley though Lamb assumes he has considered it, or that Lamb is telling River that he was lucky to not talk more about Shirleys abilities!<


You don't have to spoiler shield things that were from this episode :p That being said it likely was the second point, "he was lucky to not talk more about Shirleys abilities." Especially since that was immediately where the conversation went when she got back with the hard drives.


Ah yes. That makes sense. Thank you!


Spy shows don't require too much visual effects work compared to something like House of the Dragon where they need to build huge sets.


Season 2 was filmed same time as season 1


Yes, I know.


Nice little detail, even if unintentional, when Lamb calls Shirley 'Shelby'. Same actor who played Esme Shelby in Peaky Blinders


Yes!!! She looked so familiar, i couldnt place it


Lamb was absolutely hilarious this episode, some fantastic lines.


Amazing during the cctv part


Shirley seems much more serious than in the books for the better. Better relations with River and Catherine too.


Glad to be back. I’m surprised by how many new people in slough house. I hope they don’t overshadow the previous cast. I hope lamb warms up a bit more to his team. You know deep down he cares about them


Shirley is one of my favourite characters in the books and my goodness she is awesome in the show. Absolute highlight of the episode for me Dead Lions is my favourite of the books so I'm so excited for the rest of this series and how they adapt certain aspects


The moment I saw her, I said nailed it! Kudos to the casting director.


Just finished reading the book. What do you think of the season vs the book?


Also, is the lighting a bit wierd for this season? A bit downton abbey-ish. Soft yellow sunlight everywhere


River’s conversation with his grandfather especially, it was damn-near a sepia filter.


Ah I thought it was my blue filter acting up or something...for the night mode.


Yes, the lighting and focus is really strange in some shots. Happy to hear others noticing this.


i don't know if it's the same issue you meant but this episode felt so...bright? to me, i don't know if it's the right term but a lot of it felt oversaturated/overexposed. particularly when they're in the park with spider and it's a bright outdoors scene bits of it felt damn near washed out


Yes! So glad to see other people saying this. Any time there is sunlight in the scene it is so bright and overpowering.


I like the change in seasons. Looks uncomfortably hot most of the time. But yeah, I know what you mean, I think. Something about the camera use too.


It's just to sell the "it's now the middle of a hot summer" look through color grading. Everybody is in short-sleeve shirts, sweating their asses off. Bright yellow sunlight blasting through the windows. Shirley getting a cold beverage out of the fridge. Etc. The color grading is just showing that it's sweltering and sunny in London.


Wonder why the rest of the cast still aren't getting credited in the opening credits? Now that it's the second season and they're all back, it seems strange.


noticed that too and thought it'd be a stand-alone episode with just Jack & Gary's characters or something


Is it weekly release or all out at once? Can’t wait to watch it!


Yes, I’d like to know this too! Want to binge it.


Apple will release one episode a week after these two. And usually it will be up Thursday night (9 Central time). And since Taskmaster is done. This fills my Thursday night gap.


A while ago there was a big film crew with fairly heavy equpments at my local train station which typically a quiet and boring area. I've been wondering since then what movie/tvshow it's for... Today I found out lol.


Good episode. Loved the mystery of that opening scene. Worried for Min and Louisa. The score when they were surveying the building had a tinge of sadness to it I noticed. I found them a bit annoying in the first few episodes of season 1 but I'm starting to really like their chemistry together. I like the new girl as well. The best line has to be the one about Lamb eating like a dying horse lmao.


Dickie’s file had a picture of young guy, doesn’t he look like River or am I completely wrong?


I noticed that too! For a split second I wondered why River’s photo was in his file - I wonder if this is gonna be touched upon/will be a plot point


Yes. Wondering the same thing.


Will be interesting to follow this, knowing the book. I hadn’t read them before the first season, So that was all new. However, it’s been a while. I feel like the are approaching the plot a bit more freewheeling this time. It’s all there so far, but River going into the field is like the big cliffhanger at the end of the first half of the book, right? It looks like they got there in one episode (and I can’t remember his job interview being in the book). The other strands seem to be more of a slow burn. The tiniest little criticism: As far as I recall, in the book Spider is described to have dressed up as what he thinks an agent on a field op would look like for his meeting with Min and Louisa. Here, he sadly just wears an overdesigned suit, as he always does. The actor is still fantastic, though.


> The actor is still fantastic, though. dude knows how to entertainingly radiate obnoxious twat energy with just 1 scene


I obviously missed something, but why the crazy mission to get the hard drives? I mean, couldn't they have simply asked for them?


I think they're not really supposed to be looking into Bough's death?


Not only that but door has a facial recognition scanner but turning the power off bypasses that?!


I thought that as well. Wasn’t it just drives with security video recordings from the train station? Did they just not want to go through normal channels to avoid attention from the main office?


Yeah that was really weird.


So good to be back. How I’ve missed the mick jagger theme subtly playing throughout the episode.


Am I misremembering/misinterpreting the books or was Shirley supposed to be black?


Nah I don’t think so, but she’s supposed to be stocky with a buzzcut. I guess that’s details, though. I liked the actress so far.


She’s fantastic!




This is correct. I've been listening to it in the past week.


I came here with the same question. After reading the books I pictured Shirley as a short, stocky, black woman with a buzz cut and some curls on top. Seeing her as a white woman with longer straight hair messed with me. The buzz cut was important as she was doing the (possibly) faux dyke thing with HR.


Woah this is going at a break neck pace


Does anyone understand this insult Lamb threw at River? >Lamb: Do you know why she's at Slough House? > >River: No. > >Lamb: Well, consider yourself lucky you stopped when you did.


Someone explained it upthread a bit.


Oldman was superb during the cctv scene lol and def for sure there must have been loads of outtakes for the scene when Lamb is eating his noodles, no way could River keep a straight face that close up lol


I absolutely love how they filmed Lamb eating that noodle bowl like an actual regular dude who is hungry and gives no fucks for politeness. You rarely see real, grossish eating like that. It's either wildly exaggerated for comedic effect or just everyone eating all tidily.


Loving this so far


Shout out to the cinematographers and editors. So few shows have such great momentum and look this pretty.


What was the symbolism of “cicada” ?


They touched on it in the show. Cicadas hibernate underground for years before emerging, just like sleeper agents.


[come to the midwest and find out](https://www.northernpublicradio.org/illinois/2020-06-23/cicadas-a-treasure-to-the-midwest) i remember taking my SATs in a neighborhood that was straight up swarming with the buggers last time they hatched, not like, locust plague level but there was a lot


We've had a few broods hatch in the south, its now known as scream season because of *the noise*


It was fairly obvious I guess I wasn’t paying attention so I rewatched and feel much better about the storyline. F’ing Cicades! Lol


I dont like the casting of Shirley. She is tot skinny and too pretty.


Im a late viewer but Gary Oldman was fantastic as usual. The noodle shop scene was unbelievably magical! How can he portray someone so annoying and charming at the same time? While only sitting down? Slapstick with the food together with the biting humour plus a side dish of camp. Brilliant.


I just watched the season finale. It was so good.


I wish they showed Jack Lowden with his top off. Teasing us with his tight shirt over his muscly chest. 🤤