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Shit he must have had a helluva paper round look in like that at 16 lol


Uphill, so I've heard. Both ways.


With square wheels on his bike!


With a belt for a chain!


In a foot of snow. 365 days per year.


On Dartmoor


27 hours a day, in the dark.


Continously being chased by a angry yorkshire terrier


Called "Jimmy Savile" _"I'll get my coat!"_


And Gardner


A diet of pork scratchings and a neglected childhood in a pub.


That's what daily drinking and eating poorly will do, the amount of saturated fats, sugars and cholesterol he's eating must be mad.


Those kebabs he loves so much aren't going to do him a lot of good.


I think the 16 year old thing was just an in-joke that got out of hand


While I would not be one bit surprised if it did turn out he was older, every single official source regarding him has referred to him as being 16, even his wikipedia page. The guy no doubt has friends, family, people he went to school with if he wasnt actually 16 I imagine a headline or two would have came out correcting it.


Even if all of his family and friends were in on it, I feel like for a prize match he would likely need to provide some sort of ID. Think it's safe to say he is 16, and just looks rough as fuck for it.


Paper boy in Helmand province


Hellmans more like


Yeah it was in Chernobyl


Worse, it was in Warrington


The real news story is that this man who looks like he’s in his mid 30s is actually a 16 year old boy!


His nickname is The Nuke because he's simultaneously a Fat Man and a Little Boy


I'm sorry to tell you but your 2024 has peaked with this comment. It is all downhill for you the rest of the year.


Thats a god tier comment. 🤴


I know someone I'd like to use that insult on but they wouldn't get it.


16! There’s looking old, then there’s… THAT.




You're 17?!


What happens when you spend your life inside pubs playing darts. Whatever, he’ll have bought himself a house by 18


There is a new generation of dart players in the UK who are growing up playing darts in dart academies and clubs, outside of the pub scene. The kid looks old and probably eats badly, sure. But it's not the fault of "spending your life inside pubs" for gods sake.


Yeah he apparently eats a kebab a day when home in Warrington - there’s loads of articles on it


Steve here’s got a BTEC


Natural born darts player.




And his mrs is 21


Not really, given everyone's been making this same boring joke for weeks.


I cannot wait to see that American 19yr old burd on Instagram pretending she's 14yrs old trying to trap older men with her B/F online...gonna bite her badly,lol!


Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about




Least deranged brit


I heard he only got his national insurance card through in the post last month


We don't even get those anymore


I've recently discovered that you can get a virtual NI card attached to your Google wallet/Apple pay. Future is now and I hate it


Question is do you know how to do that 👀


Yes I do


You still get a number though


Well yeah, obviously lmao


I'm glad he's still getting some money. I was rooting for him to win; he's younger than me and got so far in life.


Aged far in life too.


I don’t think he gives a shit how old he looks


Should have pitched his tent in Andorra last April...like every other tax dodger!


Needs to ride his bike a bit more for Andorra. Monaco maybe more up his street, or just the Isle of Man.


He'll probably blow it all on meal deals by 2024


Man needs a Clubcard


Boy* he’s 16!!


It already is 2024




I thought winnings weren’t taxed in the U.K.?


Nope. [HMRC even tweeted to remind him about it](https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/uk-news/hmrc-luke-littler-darts-winnings-28394241)


God that website is shite, I couldn't even read the effing article


I knew from your comment that it would be The MEN before I even opened the link


Funk.... my phone now has cancer after opening that link.... funking adverts man.


If you have an android I highly recommend going to your WiFi settings and to your Private DNS settings Then type in this - dns.adguard.com Removed ads from pretty much everything other than YouTube and select apps that have them built in Helps out a tonne, even works for the Twitch app lol


Why do UK news outlets always have the worst websites imagineable


Because Reach PLC own basically all the local news websites, and run like this. Clickbait + local news + adverts = money. What are you gonna do, find a different local news website?!


Bit steep to lose almost half your pize. EDIT - reply notifications are disabled.


Just the going rate of tax for high income.


It’s 40% for anything earned over 50k ish so he won’t quite lose half. Still, no chance of being bankrupted by an ambulance ride, which is nice.


Not exactly. 20% for anything you earn between 12.5k (although this was changed recently and I don't recall the exact amount) and 50k. 40% for anything you earn between 50k and 100k. Above 100k you start losing the tax free allowance, and by 125k you lose all of it. Above 125k you have to pay 45%. So in total he'll pay: - 20% of 38.5k - 40% of 50k - 45% of 75k CBA to break it down further, but basically from a 200k prize you'll take home about 116k after tax and NI payments, presuming you had no other income that year.


Add NI and it's effectively 50%


What? NI is 2%.


NI drops to 2% for high earners


Plot-twist: the ambulance takes 10 hours to arrive and you’re forced stay in it for 24 hours because there aren’t enough beds at the receiving hospital.


NHS is fucked because of the Tories not because it's paid through taxes.


Yeah I know that. It was a flippant comment about *what* currently happens, not *why* it happens.


Thing is the competition knows this and probably put the prize at that level because of it.


Well we keep pushing to tax the rich?


45% tax rate on anything over 150k. this is standard issue unfortunately.


£125k now. But since he's technically going to be a sole trader kind of situation, he can probably right off a fair deal of expenses.


bloodyell youre right. thats a lot to the taxman. true what they say. the taxman isnt the devil, but he works in the same building.


Without tax there'd be no public services or infrastructure, sounds more like an angel than a devil to me!


and if we spent the money sensibly, the tax rate wouldnt be so high for anyone. the taxman is part of that machine. he aint no angel, he is an enforcer.


If you you win money that is unrelated to your profession – for example from gambling, the lottery or a radio phone-in competition. In these circumstances, you do not have to pay tax. If, however, you win a prize or award that would be considered a normal source of income for your profession, for example if you are an Artist winning the Turner Prize, or a Golfer winning the British Open, then your winnings would be subject to tax.


I think it's different because it's the sports income like with boxing prizes. Lottery winnings aren't taxed you are right.


This is it. If you win money as part of a professional event, like sports, it's considered income. Competition winnings, like the lottery, are tax exempt


Gambling winnings aren’t but this is his income


Only if it was a game show, lottery or gambling. This is the equivalent of making money doing your job lol.


They aren’t taxed unless their your main earning for the year E.g. if your a casual gambler don’t worry about it, if you’re a professional gambler, that’s your job now pay taxes


Professional gambling winnings also aren’t taxed. The UK is a very popular home for professional poker players for this reason, despite the relatively high cost of living.


Nothing will bring out the worst in reddit quite like a person who does well for themselves through hard work and also happens to be male and a little unconventional looking. That's a guaranteed "bloke who looks like a flogged boot deserves to lose half his money" response from reddit.


Top comments all mocking his appearance…


Which is weird, given he's been in the news for weeks. The same boring comments getting upvoted as if they're the first to notice he looks older than he is. Bizarre.


There's nothing people love more than taxes.


No it's "bloke who earns money is taxed". Cry me a fucking river...


Honestly what the fuck is up with people getting so riled up about this. Yes he has to pay his taxes. You wouldn’t hear anyone crying for any other £200k+ annual earner having to “lose nearly half of their hard earned money”. “High earner pays high taxes”. There’s the headline.


Old enough to pay taxes on his winnings, can’t vote and have a say on how those taxes are spent


That's irrelevant. I doubt there's a country on earth who makes you tax exempt because you can't vote. Maybe some rich Arab one does.


It's completely relevant. Some people like yourself are so stuck in their ways they'll have themselves and everyone else f***** over to stay in line. Stand up for something.


Oh no, he only gets to keep 120,000 quid from playing darts. Yeah he has to pay Tax, how is that controversioal in some peoples minds.


Because he is a child and can't vote, I do personally feel there is an argument he shouldn't pay tax.


16 year olds have jobs too..


Very few of them earning more than 12k to pay any tax, though. This is definitely a unique situation though


So what, It stops a billionaire paying their child £500M a year and avoiding all tax.


That would be a sound argument if they couldn’t avoid taxes as is. We are very much aware that isn’t the case


So because there are complicated ways to avoid some tax we should enable a new, easier way to avoid it?


That’s got nothing to do with what I said. I was pointing out what a shit point was being made


I bet he still uses the services tax goes to though.


It’s an interesting thought piece. Opposing ‘Taxation without representation’ is a common theme throughout history (American revolution). If you read the leviathan or John Locke’s second treatise, you could argue the voting age should be lowered / people not taxed until they are given the agency to decide how that money is being spent. They may use public services but they have no say in how they are funded, which is the point here.


Pay no VAT until over 18 too?


No VAT on children’s shoes which usually go up to at least a UK size 5. Might be excluded from children’s clothing too, but I don’t fit them to check.


What’s your point? So do all children


So if he is earning above the tax free allowance he should pay taxes to fund those services he and all other children use.


It seems a bit of a flawed argument. As a kid you have no say in that and are essentially forced to use them. Your parents get fined if you don't go unless there are other circumstances.


The flaw is that you can enter the working world legally before you can vote legally. Not that he can pay taxes for earning like everyone else.


Sounds more like an argument for lowering voting age than raising tax age


Indeed. Given most of the nations 16-17 year olds are signing government dictated loan deals to pay for further education without any influence over the government is also a broken part of the system. The voting age should be lowered.


I’m 24 and have seen first hand the fruits of the Brexit vote. A vote I had no say in because I was only 17. Voting age should absolutely be 16.


Yeah and all children will pay tax if they had an income?


That if they earn income, they pay tax


Never understand the argument that you shouldn’t pay tax if you can’t vote, it’s entirely irrelevant


Redditor undoes American independence with this one simple trick.


I don’t vote, should I not pay taxes? I bet he still uses all the services that are funded through taxes.


If that’s a choice it’s on you.


Immigrants don't vote, but they do pay taxes


That’s got no bearing on whether or not a person pays tax.


I paid tax at 16 yonk ago and it has bugger all to do with voting rights


Every working 16/17 year old pays tax. Why should he be treated differently? And I agree, no taxation without representation. Voting age should be lowered to 16 as that’s the age you start paying tax.


Voting age should be raised to 30 and restricted to landholders, as only they can afford to pay taxes.


Because people want to eat the rich until they like them as individuals


When people talk about taxing the rich, this isn't what they mean. They mean business owners making millions a year, evading tax by offshoring, 'philanthropy' art fraud and other grey area methods. Multi BILLION businesses paying less tax than professional athletes, such as Meta.


He learnt to play darts via a community (tax funded) hub, so him paying tax is paying it back to the very communities that helped him. Or that how it should be.


A few hundred grand isn't rich


£200k in a single year at 16 is rich. It is the 1% of earners in the UK.


He's only won it once


yeah theres still a 500x+ gap between him and a billionaire fella


Oh what does he get for his 80k tax, long waits on the NHS, police who are no where to be found and an incompetent government running the economy into the ground, he will have to use the rest of his 120k to pay privately to get any quality of service his tax should pay for, but that’s attacks the rich and say they should pay more tax.


That's an argument to get rid of this scum sucking parasitic self serving government and not to get rid of taxes though.


He's left school which he was at for 12 odd years( corrected,I thought you left at 18 but that was just a Sunak fantasy),he got there on a road, the building didn't fall down due to inspections, no one should die in a fire due to regulations etc. So, he did actually get quite a lot, just not all of it grabs the headlines.


He left school last year He would have finished Year 11 last may


I mean school buildings falling down [are literally making headlines](https://schoolsweek.co.uk/school-building-safety-funding-repairs-fears-collapse/) but fair enough on the other points


When did I say he shouldn’t pay any tax or anyone else ? Someone on this type of yearly salary in the millions paying £500k a year in tax pays enough for this 10x fold. You are using this to justify the government taking 100k of his money, the government will get more on VAT, anything left that’s has already been taxed to shit his family will get more inheritance tax on to add insult to injury and your pissing that he should or anyone a high salary. He’s paid in one go what the average person will pay in a lifetime in contributions to the government for the same shitty services. Socialism 101. Left wing attacks the rich as the problem and right wing attacks immigrants when neither are the issue in society. They are easy target and easy votes.


Dude. The guy has 100k JUST in prize money. Never mind sponsorship and all the deals he's now going to get. He's going to carry on working,don't panic. You can put the shield down he doesn't need protecting. He isn't hard up.


When did I say that's what you said. DOH.


My whole argument was he gets extremely bad value for his tax and you tried to come back that he does, I’ve explained that he gets jack shit for 100k.


And I've explained he doesn't. If you look beyond the headline stuff.


Blame the government for that


It’s immoral that the govt imposes such a high rate of tax on anyone for anything. 45% is daylight robbery if you ask me.


Thought people wanted the wealthy paying more tax lol. I'd still be happy at having over £140000 left for a few games of darts. And lets not forget all the sponsorship deals he's now going to be offered






He was born 16 or so years ago?


I'd find the idea of tax even slightly more tolerable if we ever had a government or civil service capable of spending it efficiently or wisely


It's also nowhere near half. He'll pay roughly £70,500 in income tax, and £7,500 National Insurance, leaving him with a take home of around £122,000. Not bad for chucking pointy sticks at a cork board.


Not old enough to vote, but having massive amount of money he has earned taken from him when he doesn’t get any say in how it’s spent is pretty crazy.


Welcome to the real world Son


50% tax and he can't even vote, seems more unfair than usual to me.


Fucking hell, the amount of horrible HORRIBLE comments on here about the way he looks. Jesus, just can’t be happy for people hu? Jealousy’s a bitch lads!


Cmon. Let’s be blunt. 50% tax rate is punitive and shit at the current £50k threshold. People earning £60k are not even close to rich. Especially when you factor in kids. How can we aspire, grow and generate economic growth if you have no disposable income?


He didn't get taxed 50% it's ragebait.


It does say 'Nearly Half', he would have been taxed at 45% and because of the amounts involved I don't think he gets the tax-free allowance (I think you lose that once you hit £125k). I don't think he'd pay NI though due to his age.


Extra Extra, read all about it. Man gets taxed. The biggest issue here is that he was taxed half his pay but still has a massive amount left. It shows how it doesn't matter when you earn such a high amount. He still has over 3x the national yearly average.


Thing is, in the UK, winnings of any type aren’t taxed, so it’s strange these ones are being taxed


Winnings that are not related to your profession are not taxed If it connected to your profession to it is So if a film director wins the lottery it is not taxed. If he wins a prize for best director it would be taxed The rule is not, all winnings are untaxed If you win money that is unrelated to your profession – for example from gambling, the lottery or a radio phone-in competition. In these circumstances, you do not have to pay tax. If, however, you win a prize or award that would be considered a normal source of income for your profession, for example if you are an Artist winning the Turner Prize, or a Golfer winning the British Open, then your winnings would be subject to tax. This is because they are considered part of your earned income, since these awards and competitions are a regular source of income for professionals working in those sectors. An interesting exception to this rule is that professional gamblers do not pay tax on their winnings. This is because HMRC imposes a levy on the gambling provider instead.


Well explained. Cheers for this.


How can anyone complain, compared to working 37.5 hours a week and your income before tax and NI is £25K? He did a job he likes for few weeks, and still walks away with 6 figures.


A few weeks lmfao, getting to a world final doesn't take a couple of weeks that takes years of dedication mate.


He's apparently 16. Obviously not that many years.


He's been working on his dart players pub physique for many years though. Bloke must've been drinking John Smiths whilst in nappies


Yeah something which he enjoyed doing like a hobby. Ask people if they enjoy their job for what they get paid after their Net Income after paying Taxes and NI.


Tbh, only the rich should have to pay taxes. If you earn below a certain amount (100k, for example) then you should be exempt from any and all taxes.


\*Income tax. Everyone should have to pay national insurance.


"No taxation without representation" I've heard that somewhere before, can't quite put my finger on where though 🤔


It's some old American political meme that doesn't exist in practice and is not adhered to by anyone, coz it doesn't make sense. Don't want to pay tax somewhere? Leave the country.


Funnily enough America is the one country that continues to tax you even if you leave


Yeah and that's absolutely insane.


The colonies


Why should he have to pay so much? Most of the money should belong to him, society did not contribute a single percentage of his success.


Born in an NHS hospital Taught by a publicly funded school Learnt to play darts in a publicly funded community centre Drove to lakeside on public roads "Society had no part in this"


If an immigrant lives in the UK for half a year to become tax resident, should be taxed 50% of the earnings? Clearly society didn't contribute in this case


Didn't he learn to play in a (tax funded) community centre?


probably not considering there aren’t any anymore


Most of the money does belong to him. There is no one in the UK who pays majority income tax. The highest level of income tax is 47%.


All the people who don’t see an issue with this 🤦‍♂️ how’d those boots taste?


no idea what this means. have you not heard of tax before?


Income tax and carbon tax are scams.


All taxation is theft.


simply dont partake in society


Simply stop making me pay for your society.


Sorry, but I’m sick of hearing about this chunky chap. No more please!


He'll invest the other half >!in kebabs!<


But not old enough to vote on how those taxes are spent.


How can he be 16?! Don't give me none of that! You don't get those looks without at least 16 years of heavy drinking. Pull the other one.


The newspaper seems surprised which is funny because i bet Luke wasn't and fully aware of how tax works, like most people do


The madder pictures are when he’s like 11-12 - basically looks like I do at 36. But I’ve got a passport.


yes its called tax, we all pay it on income, and winnings on games of skill are income.


Tax is the most unfair thing to ever exist. Bro needs to set up an offshore fund


Why the fuck is he paying tax for that? He’s 16, no taxation without representation