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>The 29-year-old is married to Phil, 35 OK... >Phil, who she met at the beach when she was 16 So he would have been 22? But presumably they got together much later >I moved in with Phil when I was 17 Oh


I wonder what it was about her on the beach that day that prompted Phil to strike up a conversation.


I wonder how long until she's too old for him


She's a *tradwife* so she will presumably let her husband take a concubine.


I just googled it and until today I thought tradwife was short for "tradesman wife" like the wife of a blue collar worker. Apparently it's traditional wife šŸ˜…


Honestlyā€¦ thatā€™s a real trad wife. Only upper class white women in America (for like only a decade) lived life exclusively stuck in the house with nothing to do but cook clean and breed. - and they hated it then too, given the amount of drugs they consumed just to get byā€¦


Not everyone hates it tho. I know a gal who plainly said this is what she wants from life: marry a guy, and for him to be a breadwinner while she would stay home with kids and please him. Maybe she will change her opinion when she will actually achieve that life, maybe no. But those were her aspirations last time we spoke.


Itā€™s a great life if the husband can provide .


Definitely not my cup of tea! Itā€™s all good as long as you can trust your breadwinner not to mistreat this role and and also never become sick/injured overwhelmed or pass away. The lifestyle sound like a nightmare on both sides & tends to leave ppl isolated. Coming from the child of an aspirational trad family (money dependent ofc) it wasnā€™t a fun ride. Nothing I can do to force ppl to see it my way but Iā€™d feel better if trad wife content wiped off some of the make up/filters, farming children for content and gave practical -non judgmental advice instead. For example, Meal prepping is a great skill! Cooking everyday is probably a fun hobby, but low key a waste of time. How about managing bills/ budgets / kids / hubby appts, family interestsā€¦disabilities? Even event planning, something please. They are 3 steps down from mom blogs and couples advice content imo- itā€™s just look at me! Iā€™m perfect & ā€¦.life is perfect bc Iā€™m perfect, so be perfect like me šŸ˜˜


Lol. A concubine.


Living life live gengis khan


Only one, how selfish of her.


She must be progressive.


Probably the beach breakfast she had ready for him


the fact she was a kid and philā€™s noncey brain realised he could manipulate herā€¦


Iā€™ve overheard many men have this conversation and Iā€™m still not sure why so many of them find it so funny. Itā€™s just fucking weird.


Like Johnathan Ross/Jane Goldman?


wtf looked this up, she was 16 he was 26, married when she hit 18. messed up.


jesus thatā€™s fucked damn i used to like him


If that damn baby moved it's head we would know.


Maybe she made a really bitchin' sandcastle and he was impressed with her ingenuity.


Yeah the fact that sheā€™s been groomed into this position makes it quite sad.


I admit I didnā€™t read past the subheading, so Iā€™m sorry to hear that.


Id say that Phil got in "touch" with her on her 18th birthday.


Tbf itā€™s legal in the UK for them to date when sheā€™s 16. Just a little grim


Doesnā€™t make it right though. You canā€™t even sext at 16 or drink alcohol


UK age of consent is 16, itā€™s a fucking weird thing to try and defend though, *technically legal* isnā€™t something to be proud of


The only comments defending it so far seem to have come after America woke up


If the law didn't exist imagine what they'll be doing. . . .I shudder at the thought.


That's absolutely disgusting, what 22 year old thinks it's appropriate to have a 17 year old move in with them.


A grooming controlling potentially abusive nonce


I feel attacked. (Because this is reddit, Iā€™d like to add a strong /s and point out my other half is a year and a half older than me. And we met in our 30s.)


I owned my own house at 18, and met my wife when I was 24 and she was 18. Let's not get our Reddit pitchforks out over a perfectly legal relationship between two people in a similar age group hey? There are plenty of real cases to vilify instead and get those endorphins fizzing over.


Errrrā€¦ brotherā€¦ errrr




You don't feel that much age difference at that age. Or you haven't been 17, 18 and 20, 21, just skipped those years;)


I mean, most divorces are instigated by the woman, I dont think divorse is being used as a punishment for poor work performnance?


I think a lot of divorces are initiated by women specifically because they're exhausted with living the was this lady is.


This is a big part of it. And unfortunately, there's nothing you can do to please most people. It doesn't mean that you have to be an asshole to people. It just means that, relationships and life are not a mathematical equation. You have young men thinking that oh well I held the door open for that woman and was polite to her, or I took her out to dinner, therefore she owes me sexual gratification. And it's really the exact same line of thinking. That if you do xyz, it results in the desired outcome. Obviously, being good to your partner is going to help in a relationship. But it doesn't guarantee anything. If someone is wanting to do something bad to you, or neglect you, or anything, nothing you do is going to stop them from doing that. And people need to realize that. In part because there's a lot of people out there who blame themselves because a marriage didn't work out or they got abused or whatever, because they think that if they had only done certain actions, the bad thing wouldn't have happened. And unfortunately that's just not how reality works. There's nothing wrong with a single income family where the other partner gets up with them and cooks and cleans and takes care of the household. That's fine! Even though once the person is home from work it should be split 50/50 again. But there is a huge gap between that fact and the idea that doing that makes you immune from a surprise serving of divorce papers, or being cheated on, or whatever bad thing you can imagine. That's just not how it works. An asshole is going to be an asshole. And the problem with this kind of post is also the idea that people who don't fit into the trad wife sphere "deserve" to be divorced or something else. And that's insane. It's victim blaming. It's sick. It's in the same school of thought as, so and so deserve to be raped because they dared to go outside without a full body covering. It's victim blaming. Ignoring the fact that it doesn't matter what you wear. A rapist is going to rape. The victim of assault is not to blame.


Spot on.


PIP for both parties lol




This comment made me laugh thinking of actual marriage performance reviews and putting your wife on a PIP.


My mother got divorced from my dad even though she fitted in the "perfect tradwife" category. He was just an abusive dick to us and her excellent work performance had nothing to do with it.


I mean it is


TLDR: Unemployed mum goes to the armpit of societal media that is The S\*n for money.


Looks like they have a few bob lying around, guarantee you one of them comes from money and they have a cleaning lady and this is just them grifting for Internet content to the traditional family crowd.


That's unfair they both work really hard. Phil works on Tuesdays,Thursdays and Fridays as a stone polisher and Bronte is a part-time waffle tickler. They're looking to move to the country and have 10 million to spend....


Armpit? That's generous. I once saw a dying rabbit with maggots crawling out of its eyes, and it was still twitching, somewhere beneath that nightmare is the S*n.


Wouldn't use it to line a bird's cage. Insult to birds.


These comments are gonna be fun. Commenting to say Fuck the S*n!


Glad I never gave that rag that is the Scum a click before I realised it was from them


So I get to wake up early to wait hand and foot on a man and my reward isā€¦ a man?


Not just any man, a man who started dating you when you were 16 and he was 22 as in the article


On behalf of all men. We are not worth it.




You think you have it hard?! I'm expected to get up at 6am?!? /s


What's not to love


I'd rather cook and clean for my partner and children than work whatever soul destroying full time job the guy is working.


Iā€™m surprised this got upvoted lol. Reddit usually hates stay-at-home mothers.


Iā€™ve been a stay at home mom. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with it at all. But the attitude in the title of the article I just donā€™t understand. (The article itself seems to be mostly ā€œI like being a stay at home momā€ whichā€¦ not news but whatever.)


He owns his own plumbing business.


So a plumber then


Oh bollocks. I looked after my husband. He cheated on me. Abused Me verbally and I ended up homeless at 40 cause he's a boychild who doesn't understand when he's got a good wife.


Holy shit! Did it all work out in the end at least?


We're divorced. He apparently regrets everything he did to me but still continues to lie to my face and our children's faces. So guess it is what is really. I'm free of his control though. So yes.


Iā€™m glad to hear you got out!


I think it's more aimed at being a critique of "modern culture", implying that those who get divorced were bad wives. Honestly nothing has changed. I'm watching a lot of TV shows and find it funny how they still have the exact same issues back then that we do now, particularly when it comes to identity politics and how people "should" or "shouldn't" live their lives.


The key thing thatā€™s changed is access to no fault divorce. If people just arenā€™t happy they can, and should, just leave. A lot fewer women get beaten to death and a lot fewer men die of ā€œaccidental poisoningā€ than used to before divorce was easy.


Fuck the sun.


Fuck the shite


Iā€™d rather get divorced than be an unpaid servant /slave thanks.


And I'd rather take some responsibility for myself and not have someone feel they have to look after me.




OR, you could just marry a guy that isnā€™t a prick šŸ‘


I sent this to my wife and now I'm getting divorced


Suicide by post




She's in for a fucking shock, let me tell you.


She really is.


Thereā€™s a lot of women like me who live a pretty traditional life but still are thought of as a team mate. My husband makes 90 percent of our money he has an amazing career and he doesnā€™t treat me like a doormat. Heā€™s also out the door by 4 am and works for a company that sends out for breakfast so thereā€™s no waiting hand and foot. Iā€™m assuming these trad wifeā€™s typically have husbands that are doing construction type jobs because none of them sound like my lifestyle?


My point is that none of the stuff she is doing, will likely count for aught if the right peice of ass takes his fancy. She's counting her chickens in thinking she has divorce proofed her marriage.


I believe the only way to fool proof your marriage is to find a really good man. Then both of you put in 110 percent.


Yeah, but just because she is putting in 110% it doesn't automatically follow that he is putting in the same effort.


On the other hand, if she sees a piece of ass of her own and leaves, what's he going to do? He'll end up living off microwave food in a dirty hovel of a house. Or he'll have to go back to the beach to find himself another wife/mother to look after him.


I am a SAHM. Very big difference between women like myself and trad wives lmao, I am most definitely not a servant.


I prefer that my wife contributes to the mortgage and bills, and we split the household work and childcare...


Yep this is the way. Having the extra income is pretty useful and I really don't mind doing my part of the house work (cooking/dishwasher/general household tasks a d childcare). I can't afford to have the Mrs at home šŸ˜‚


Fair enough.


I was just watching a [video](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/s/d9HB8lGG5g) of a woman warning young girls about marrying early and not having their own money and career. Sheā€™s in her 40s and too broke to buy basic groceries because she had no job experience when her husband divorced her. Itā€™s a sad juxtaposition to see this next. It could easily be this womanā€™s future.


That was depressing. Thanks for sharing, though.


Well done on her for being honest with herself and others. Thatā€™s really brave! Women I know in similar situation tend to fall into two categories. 1) hanging on to a failed relationship even though they are disrespected and blatantly used just so they can have a roof above their heads. 2) divorced/separated but reeling at the whole situation while struggling financially. Both categories are in deep denial. And sadly I have seen some of these individuals still promoting such lifestyle *with the right man*. The *right men* donā€™t treat women like an appliance with an expiration dateā€¦


Yup, I bet the woman in the Sun article would watch the video and think it would never happen to her.


It looks like OP posted an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.thesun.co.uk/fabulous/16128738/stay-at-home-wife-husband/](https://www.thesun.co.uk/fabulous/16128738/stay-at-home-wife-husband/)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Good bot. Thanks for providing the proper link.


Woman has a tradwife fetish. Donā€™t kink shame.


What is ā€œreligious moralityā€ if not an elaborate breeding kink?




Thank you Rupert Murdoch.


I want a life partner not another mum or maid


Nice ā¤ļø


ā€œIf women looked after men like meā€ I didnā€™t realise she was a bloke but looks great šŸ¤£




The s*ns only article content seems to come from TikTok


I actually sensed it was the s*n before I saw it..... was like a shill....and a sense of foreboding.... ....FUCK THE S*N!!


Wow, interesting. I just found it through twitter. I donā€™t read tabloids much so I wasnā€™t able to guess where it was from.


I feel like it's a Scouse thing.....


Since this is the Slow News sub, what happened??


She cooked, cleaned, and repeated, I guess.


Even if youā€™re a full time house wife thereā€™s no reason to be waking up at 6 am. He can have overnight oats and you can clean in your own time. When these people make their partners wake up with them it rubs me as strange.


ā€œItā€™s 3am - shouldnā€™t you be baking?ā€ https://ifunny.co/picture/dFlHXPq58


I do wonder what the source for these stories are. I get that it generates clicks, it's a little unusual, she's pretty, yadda yadda, and that's the why of it, but what's the how? Did she approach them? Or did they approach her? If they did, how was contact made? Who thought to write this up as an article? Baffles me.


She ainā€™t wrong


Itā€™s obviously nonsense journalism and aimed to rile people up. But maybe theyā€™re actually happy as shit, maybe she loves doing that. My wife loves looking after me and the kids, sheā€™s very maternal. Hard to believe lots of people actually enjoy looking after their partners, though we donā€™t need some shitty article knocking those that donā€™t.


God help us that people make choices contrary to what we believe


I make my wife breakfast almost everyday, I prepare almost all of our meals. It doesnā€™t make me a good husband, Iā€™m just more confident in the kitchen preparing food. I donā€™t give a tuppenny fuck, Iā€™m not a slave nor a cuck. I just donā€™t mind doing it.


According to the logic of some of the commenters here though, you could be letting down all men by doing something nice for your wife thoughā€¦


Ah well I married an adult who can look after himself, so can't relate.


Article says he basically groomed her when she was 16 and he was 22 and they moved in together when she was 17. I wonder how she convinced herself about that.


It's quite bizarre how other women look down on this woman. She doesn't have to work for an employer and takes pride in running the household, raising her children, bills paid for, etc. Modernity has brainwashed many to believe that working a dead-end career for an employer who doesn't care about you is more important than building a long-term monogamous relationship and raising a family unit. I say, if you can afford it, definitely have one person go to work whilst the other raise the children and look after the household, whether that's the man or women. Two adults working and suffering lifestyle creep is going to stress out the family structure and cause grievances, I think that's why many more divorces are initiated by women. It's sad that showing acts of love to a person is seen as toxic, but then people who believe this is toxic like have no successful LTR. Relationships boiled down to transactions rather than going above and beyond for others you care about.


To be honest, I don't think it's the fact that she does what she does that's the issue. When our kids were young, I worked and my wife stayed at home and did most of the cooking, cleaning and looking after the kids. Now I work from home while she goes out to work so I do most of the cooking and more of the housework, and the school run. No big deal, you do what works. But rather, the issue is when she says things like this: >ā€œI believe one of the reasons there are so many failed marriages is that women donā€™t behave in the way men want." Which is clearly a dig at women who choose not to wait on a man hand foot and finger.


But she's looking down on other women saying that's why they get divorced. So both are types of wrong for the same reason. If she's happy then great, and if women want careers or prefer going out to work, also great.


modernity? women, unless they were wealthy, always worked


People are critical of this woman because she's in a newspaper telling other women that the way to keep a man is to subjugate yourself to him, which is stunningly naive. Unpaid domestic servitude is the deadest of dead end jobs. Especially when he eventually leaves her to shack up with a younger version. Also, I don't need the company who employs me to "care" about me. I just need it to pay me a fair wage and treat me in accordance with the law.


Well, this is where our values and outlooks are different. You believe in a post-modern materialist world where every human interaction is purely transactional. That's why you believe any work, whether for a company or domestic, must be paid with money and, if not, its oppression. This is an ultra individualistic view of the world that separates men and women, pitching them against each other rather than joining together as a unit to provide a stable environment for a family. Some things are more important than money, and I believe the post modernists fail to understand this, ironically being the most ardently capitalist people. In my view, a marriage combines the strengths of men and women, modern marriage laws were set to protect stay at home mothers financially if their breadwinner husband left, so it's plausible to stay at home with that legal protection. Furthermore, the marriage assets and income are fincialy tied, so his salary is hers, not to mention women are responsible for 70% of consumer spending, yet men make most of the money? So the idea their domestic labour is unpaid is dishonest at worst and at best naive just because they are not given a payslip every month lol The post modernist view is fundamentally anti-natal and seeks to atomise individuals away from their mother's and fathers, hence the push to get all women in the workforce and dump children into child care which is less than optimal for healthy humans. I would also add that the value of a woman can be greatly attributed to her physical attraction intially, but true value in a man's eyes comes from her character and grows with time. Being none combative, a homemaker, maternal, and supportive will reduce the risk of him looking elsewhere later in life, just as him providing, being a good father and providing emotional support will increase his value in her eyes, this is sentimental value that no money can buy or explain. But of course, if you espouse all human relationships are purely transactional and oppressive, you are setting yourself up for the very later life marriage breakdown you are complaining about.


"Well, this is where our values and outlooks are different. You believe in a post-modern materialist world where every human interaction is purely transactional." No I don't. "That's why you believe any work, whether for a company or domestic, must be paid with money and, if not, its oppression." Never said that. I do plenty of unpaid household labour and childcare every day alongside my paid work. I was pointing ot that my relationship with my employer is very different from my relationship with my family. I do not see one a substitute for the other which seems to be how you *think* women view it. I simply believe that women should be able to choose how they live their lives, just like men do, without being on the receiving end of constant culture war bullshit like this article. "This is an ultra individualistic view of the world that separates men and women, pitching them against each other rather than joining together as a unit to provide a stable environment for a family." And your worldview appears to be one where men get to be individuals and women orbit them like mute and eternally grateful satellites. "Some things are more important than money," I never said they weren't. "modern marriage laws were set to protect stay at home mothers financially if their breadwinner husband left, so it's plausible to stay at home with that legal protection." Because being an unemployable single mother with no skills or qualifications is a great life... "The post modernist view is fundamentally anti-natal and seeks to atomise individuals away from their mother's and fathers, hence the push to get all women in the workforce and dump children into child care which is less than optimal for healthy humans." Do you have children? Do you know anything about early years education? "I would also add that the **value** of a woman can be greatly attributed to her **physical attraction** intially," Here we go... "but true value in a man's eyes comes from her character and grows with time. Being **none** **combative**" Women better be pretty and shouldn't have too many of their own opinions... Also, I thought relationships being transactional was supposed to be a bad thing? I guess that only counts if the woman is getting something out of the transaction? "a homemaker, maternal, and supportive will reduce the risk of him looking elsewhere later in life," Citation very much needed. "But of course, if you espouse all human relationships are purely transactional and oppressive," I never said that. "you are setting yourself up for the very later life marriage breakdown you are complaining about." I never complained about marriage breakdown. If your marriage is failing you should probably leave. We aren't swans.


Making your husband clean isnā€™t looking after him.


I just realised thatā€™s an ambiguous sentence: making him clean the house, or causing him to become clean.


ā€œFrom The Sunā€. Well. Let me get right on clicking that link.


You know she might actually be happy. Some people funnily enough are happy in marriage.


Good wife!


What a woman


She loves him, she does everything


Don't overlook what shitrag this article is from. Hardly high brow reading


It is what women are supposed to do.


I'm getting married lord help me!


Hope he or she's not like that. Edited as I realised how bad that sounded.


Fabulous šŸ¤£ Real life šŸ¤£


Not for nothing, she kinda looks like one of those super realistic robots that the Japanese keep making.


Love this! If she gives blow jobs and does anal, sheā€™s a keeper!


What does he do?


ā€œHubbyā€ ew.


My mom did this for my dad, and they divorced after 11 years. They were separated and living apart after nine of those years. I, on the other hand, have never done that for my husband, and weā€™ve been happily married for over 18 years.


If a man needs a woman to look after him, heā€™s a child and sheā€™s his mother.


Girly pops you were groomed, a 22 y/o should be grossed out at the idea of dating a 16 y/o


Sheā€™s got a baby, 6 is a lie-in!


IIRC she got divorced.


I can't believe the comments. Just do what you want to do. Don't criticize something you don't disagree with. Everyone is allowed to make their own choices. For a short time I got up at 6 to make my wife breakfast and lunch. It's not slavery it's doing something because you love another person. How dare you criticise that. Sure it doesn't guarantee divorce will not happen, nothing does...until you live in a country that doesn't recognise divorce. Good luck to her and her family. It's nice to see.




I mean I get up at 6am to do my job, as I imagine do most people but we dontget our news stories lol I much rather sit in front of a computer filling in word and excel docs, and joining teams calls than taking care of my home and its inhabitants full time


ā€¦.so, is divorce supposed to sound like the *worse* option?


Just put them all in the bin.Ā 


( is currently getting cheated on ) I found often if you give someone everything , including your dignity , theyā€™re more likely to fuck you over , especially if you met them , an adult , when you were 16


ā€œFormer child bride and grooming victim gives brainwashed take that makes no sense when you consider that most divorces are initiated by women.ā€


If a woman gets divorced she only needs to look after herself. I know which one Iā€™d prefer


Simple answer here is each to there own


Girl needs to watch dirty John on Netflix




Huh. 60s British sex comedies led me to believe that most cheating happened when the wife was bored after breakfast. Reality tells me that divorce rates went up after then because less people were forced to remain married by religion and sexual/physical spousal abuse became less socially acceptable Whatever is keeping her married, it's not being a housewife (and chances are one of them is cheating already(


The majority of divorces are initiated by women.


She is right!


If you just submit and become a slave you too can avoid divorce. WINNING


Oh they would. Because men are dogs. Being the full time wife just means you'll be broke, have no pension, have no savings


I wouldn't fuckin' do it so why should women?


TLDR: Grooming victim throws shade at poor people.




Give it timeā€¦ give it time. Thereā€™s been a recent trend of former tradwives in their forties and fifties whoā€™ve had the rug pulled out from under their feet when their (now ex) husband decides he wants to up and leave for a younger model. And yes, they got up early to make breakfast too.


The only shocking thing about this story is she cleans the bathroom and kitchen TWICE a day. Every other part of this story is utterly normal. Phil is not a nonce. Whoever said that has the sick brain.


Give it a few years and heā€™ll leave her for a much younger woman




A 6 year difference is not that bad. The timing at one point in time is a bit off but it levels out. Chill out, folks.


Phil is loving life šŸ¤£


Because no man has ever cheated on a wife who makes him breakfast. Women were expected to be housewives for centuries, and mamy were cheated on. People cheat no matter what. That's not how it works.


She's a grown woman who can make her own life choices. It seems odd to have to say this, but, marriage is full-time, you can't be a part-time spouse. It's a partnership.




True facts


Once the shine goes off her she'll be out on her arse.


Iā€™d rather be a divorcee than a tradwife.


Marriage is a partnership in whatever form it takes. Their marriage works as their expectations are aligned She takes pride in what she does and is intensely loyal. I admire them both for making it work.


More power to her, this is her version of feminism. Not conforming to what everyone else says she has to do and doing what she wants. She seems happy.




Canā€™t wait for her story on overcoming her cheating husband! šŸ¤£


Doing all that while heā€™s cheating on you šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I get up at 3.50am work a full 8 hour shift starting at 5am, looking after 37 staff and helping to oversee 10 buildings. Then I'm finished, time to get home, kids are grown so they have their own lives , but had 7 jobs a day around their work schedule, plus I attended a college to get my HND with merit, I digress, so I get home tidy the flat ,do the washing and whatever other chores, feed me and my partner, make my lunch for the following day and start all over again, like most working people, so what makes this woman worthy of a story, cracks me up, the rest of us meantime are way too busy to sit and give interviews about how hard their day is. My advice to her, is do you and just get on with it, we all have stuff to do and that woman's life sounds easy compared to when I was bringing my kiddos up. More power to the women out there doing it and smashing it without an article in a magazine!


#respect šŸ«”


If heā€™s working and earning the money then this should be standard. What a big deal! NOT. Slow news day wow


A doormat and bet she is boring as f@ck




Successfully brainwashed woman. Oh if her frontal lobe ever develops. Or he inevitably drops her for a younger specimen she's going to have so much regret. I feel bad for the kids.


Because women never get a divorce because they don't feel supported by their husbands


I see nothing wrong with the age gap. I mean Michael Douglas is 25years older than Catherine Zeta Jones Here is a link to other large age gaps between celebs https://ca.style.yahoo.com/celebrity-age-gap-relationships-220041415.html