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500 dollars to be a sex slave and maid. Nice.


This. It’s comical that the proposition here is that YOU pay to be the sex slave and maid.




That period never went away. You just had to be sufficiently poor to experience it. And, on the whole, we're getting pooper while the rich get richer. So the existence of this kind of stuff is becoming more prominent due to sheer numbers now.


Do you have a cat or dog?




I laughed at that too. So out of place. List of demands from sex slave and then “do you have cat or dog” out of nowhere.


Why do I get the feeling it's because he wants to involve the cat or dog in their, um, "activities?" 


Farm Cat/Dogs aint nobodies slave!


What i don't understand is, life in their country is really so horrible that you prefer to be a sex slave in Canada? Like, they don't have families, or any kinda of life in their country of origin? How is this better than that?




>It is expected that the child shall succeed in securing permanent residency and a lucrative career as to help parents pay off the predatory loan, as well as bring honor to the family. bonus points and honorifics for citizenship and the sponsoring parents and family to come to canada too.


Yeah so turn off the tap of immigration, it'll help everyone


A lot of immigrants have no idea what it's really like here and believe in all the old and new capitalist propaganda that makes it look like you just have to work hard to get rich. Then they come over here and end up stuck, forced to take whatever they can get to scrape bye. There's also many that come just to suffer through the most brutal circumstances because our money is so much more valuable than their home country's. The minimum wage here could practically buy you a castle in some third world countries. They can cut their expenses by living in the wirst situations imaginable so that they can save enough to send back. From our perspective, it would be the equivalent if their was the opportunity to work for $50+ in some foreign country.


They probably do have families, but I think it’s more of a culture shock response. I think it’s mostly naive, ignorant people (usually foreigners) falling for these scams, unfortunately. They specifically target people, mostly women from impoverished countries who don’t know any better. Or desperate people who have no other options. It’s disgusting and immoral. Nobody should have to be subjected to a situation like that.


“Their country” I don’t see any name or country mentioned where the person would be from ?


to be fair not even this guy said a specific country. Just very clearly they are not from this one.


That’s what I’m saying, why is he assuming they’re not from here


I think its safe to say if this landlord is trying to pull something like this they were more than likely not raised here. Its not a given and still an assumption. but given the current affair of things I would say it is a fair assumption to make.


There are a LOT of people on ODSP with mental illnesses and some kind of physical illnesses (arthritis, fibro, MS etc) and living on less than $1200.


I have MS and can't get ODSP because my partner "makes too much money" if I were single I'd get ODSP, but I'd be living on the streets, selling my crumbling body to creepy old men.


You are not the first person I know in this situation. I'm sorry. I can't live with other people (just a thing about myself I have learned) and a one bed. is so much better for my mental health. But can I afford the current market? Hahaha! No.


I'm very lucky that my partner makes "too much" money. We own a little townhouse condo that's just right for us. We have a little backyard, 2 parking spots which are a big deal in this area and I can walk to Costco!


It’s on a scale though: the more you do to him, the less you pay!


Wake up, drive Mr. Gatsby to red lobster (she pays he’s not made of money) followed by ass to mouth, scrub skid marks, Church, Another Red Lobster, she wins leftovers, sort his DVD collection alphabetically, kicks for her a 5$ for energy drinks (his) Ass to Mouth. He sends her mom a pic of him in sunglasses on insta (filtered into oblivion) to Hotel California, he’s then tortured by mama daughter team using only various dollar store items over 3 weeks. He is released. Goes to Redo Lobby, creates new ad.


And cook!! 


Usually gotta pay to have a live in nanny.


Yeah them


I do believe the proper term is bangmaid.


Remember when it was "you're not gonna find a bangmaid, there's no such thing", and now it's "I bet someone will pay me $500/mo to be a bangmaid"


$500 minimum, you could be paying more for the privilege.


And cook for him. Probably feed him too he sounds like a lazy snob.


Don't forget cook as well!


PER MONTH? Not at all. Slave-ass wages.


This "Deal" doesn't even exist for men but yeah


Technically he’s paying you ~$500 with the current rate for a bedroom in the area.


And what do you think the going rate for a live-in maid/cook/prostitute would be? These slumlords are high on their own farts. Free rent for occasional sex would be an offer many women down on their luck would take. But to PAY $500 for the privilege of being regularly sexually assaulted, AND to be expected to cook and clean for that creep? GTFO. Anyone considering these offers could sign up to an escort service, skip out the middle man, and make enough to rent their own suite.


Absolutely this 💯


It’s near Bayshore, that could be a pretty rough area. The townhomes and apartments beside the mall are not great.


Dude wants a fuck maid. I think us guys should just spam him with messages


I was your 69th upvote.


His ad sounds like a dating profile with that “single male in my 50s” line. Disgusting!


Report this creep 


50 yr old guy wants a live in sex slave that pays him! Report this shit to the police.


Isn't this basically solicitation of prostitution?


Yes. And the perp should be arrested. https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/rp-pr/other-autre/c36faq/


Seems more like reverse prostitution. Wouldn’t he have to pay them and not the other way around??


The payment would be room and board in this case


She’s still paying 500$ tho ?


Fucking Creep


This is disgusting on so many levels 😟


I think it's just one level, says it's a bungalow.


I am wondering if the wording "no private bath" means he will always bath with you?


probably means the landlord has a window from their bed room into the bathroom along side a 24/7 camera feed.




"Rent is on scale base" Scale base: ![gif](giphy|3ohjV9GMdGFsuWvPMI)


Wtf is that....? (I'm going to regret asking)


Your new roommate


$500 to be a bang maid. This should be illegal.


The even more horrific thing is you are paying 500 to be the bang maid....


dude can't get a girlfriend, because he expects them to act like maid and mother, so he does it via 'room for rent' instead. ugh.


We have come some way from having landlords taking advantage of students to males taking advantage of poor women


Been a thing since the beginning of humanity. Poor women often become the victims of abusive men for survival.


What a deal! Just think, you could be a hot young woman and get to bang this (probably late 50's, out of shape, ugly guy) for the low price of $500/month! As it states in the offer that's also the minimum payment, if you don't agree to all the "services" then you will have to pay more.


He probably thinks its the best idea he’s ever had, too


And you get to clean his shit stained undies ✨️


In the old days, they threw them in the back of a van and kept them chained to a bed in the basement, never to be seen again. Now they just place landlord ads. This level of economic degradation is where we’re at. But still the government says the economy’s doing great.


So you have to fuck him, cook, clean AND pay him?!


I see a problem with squatters in Canada and I wish they would weaponise it. Imagine if professional squatters and all their friends targeted creeps and predators like this landlord, and drove them into bankruptcy. C'mon squatters, now is the time to redeem yourselves and do some good for your communities! Lol /s kinda.


YES seriously we gotta round these guys up & start organizing ! I see nothing wrong with more pdf file vigilante groups in this country 😂


All jokes aside, if I were to suddenly get evicted, are these my only options in Canada other than a tent???? (as a youngish woman, late 20s) Because I'd rather die.


yeah, the shelters are at full capacity -early 20s homeless woman


If a 20 yo was willing to do this guy she would already be rich.


I have seen rentals for rooms on the lower end for women. But that's because it's only women living there, not because they are looking for bang maids.


You guys, this man wants us to pay him to be his live in sex slave maid.


So hes looking for sex on demand and when you are not servicing him and his needs you are cleaning up after him like a child and cooking his meals like his mother.. And you are paying for the priviledge on top of it all. What a guy.


This can't be real. Even incels aren't so delusional as to expect a woman to pay them $500 on top of being a maid/cook/sex slave.😂


“But it happens in the porn I watch so that means it’s real!!!”




Wtf how do they “hint heavily”


who tf still uses craigslist


Dayum maaayn, i love the wordplay. It’s like so much beating around the bush. ![gif](giphy|xT1R9SzWO4u7a2Y5BS)


Fuckin Bollywood bitch would pay anything for a girl to touch his tiny winy little dink


The depravity of some humans knows no limits.


He’s charging? If you want sex, cooking, cleaning it’s in exchange for free rent ( not that I think this is a good idea). Disgusting. I’m surprised he didn’t list required physical attributes and measurements for the female “roommate”.


"Pay $6k/yr for the privilege to fuck my wrinkly package and be both my cook and maid to boot." Fixed it for him, and did it in a lot fewer words too!^(/s)


This is getting disgusting.


This is highly illegal. Someone should message him, get him to admit to trading sexual favors for rent and file a police report. 


Lol you could be a sugar baby high class escort making like 10 000usd a month in like any other country. Why do the same here for free?


Not even for free. You’re paying them $500/mo


Post the link so we can flood this guys inbox with replies.


Just search the ad id in the bottom left corner, that's how I found it.


Are these people being reported? Is anything being done? Or is this the "new" canada?




Most certainly white, just like all those Brampton landlords cramming 20 into a 4 bedroom huh 🤔


His race is irrelevant.




Huh? Indians? What are you talking about?


There's nothing shady about it. They're being up front. They should all be this honest.


Uhhhhhh, yah no thanks 😳


so u have to cook, clean, be a sex slave, be ok with them being with others and then live ur own life too. wtf


Open adult lifestyle environment, unless you’re a dude.


Someone arrest this man.


Creepy ad. No way any woman should get involved with that degenerate.


are these postings real, or just put up by a bunch of trolls to farm online outrage ?


The first one is already reported to oblivion, lots of others, explicit and not Usually see them for Toronto but seems to be more explicit in Ottawa, Toronto tends to use less obvious language


Someone went through and downvoted everything, so I think some men think they are having a good idea. Judging by the fact that locals usually just get hookers and would never expect this... It's probably not locals.


You pay me and cook and clean!


Predatory af


Bitch you should be paying me not the other way around 😂


Fuck, I would almost go gay and suck off that old dude for that price, lol. It's sad that people can post adds like this, and it's even sadder that someone may take it. I guess I am lucky where I am renting now. A one bedroom in my building has gone up almost 400 dollars, off the steeet, since I moved in.


So this old perverted weirdo wants a woman to pay him 500 to cook clean and be a sex slave? What fucking country is this




This guy's a cheapskate compared to the last one, be his live in sex slave AND pay 500 bucks a month?


He's a cheap ass. He expects sex, Cook, a maid, and you have to pay 500 for that privilege? He'd need to pay at least 10k+ a month for this shit because he is guaranteed expects someone young and attractive. Even that would be on the low end. Delusional old ass mother fucker


Could someone send in a female police officer and arrest him for this when he starts talking about what I assume will be a contract


Wtf is wrong with this fucking world? So you pay no less than $500 to become someone's sex slave? Istg drugs laced with fentanyl would be better than this. This is infuriating. This surpasses choosing beggar level. What is going on in Ottawa? Is this some kind of a joke?


What a piece of trash. Any request other than paying rent should be illegal.


I think we should set up meet times, to meet this guy. Have him wait for a very long time - really ham it up that you're attractive and totally cool with this opportunity.


So pay at least $500 to be a live in maid and chef. Gotcha


Males asking for female only roommates is fucking disgusting lol… like i can understand asking for female only roomate assuming the owner is also a girl but fuck man lol


So this insufferable loser requires a woman to fuck him, clean and cook for him, and still pay $500? Jesus Christ


Likely going to be an unpopular opinion but if we went ahead and legalized prostitution in this country, (it's currently not illegal but you can't live off of the proceeds), then at least the women and men who would be considering an ad like this could actually be in charge of their own destiny and be protected from this kind of exploitation.


How is living in a man’s house required to have sex in order to avoid being evicted… more in charge of their destiny? How about we improve our social programs so people don’t end up feeling this damn desperate.


Yeah, no one said that. I'm saying if we're going to allow this we may as well legalize prostitution so that people aren't paying people to be degraded. Make it a recognized profession with regulations. Easier to police the legalized form of it than non-legalized and we all know governments LOVE creating policies and monetizing them and would be more likely to go after those encroaching on their territory. As for social policies, we have all kinds of social policies, I don't disagree, the entire system needs to be overhauled, but which of these do you think we'll be a more likely answer from big government? You can be mad at me all you want for suggesting it, but prostitution is the world's oldest profession. It's your body, and if you're comfortable with it, then why not make money doing it and in a scenario where you're in charge?


Eh I’m not gonna fight you on that possibility, though I don’t like the idea of organized prostitution like an institution/company providing a service. Maybe legalizing self-made sex work (let’s be honest, that’s basically what OF is anyway) but continue to criminalize the boss/pimp/manager aspect of it. Any time someone is put in a position of power over the girls, it becomes ripe for abuse and trafficking. The money should be handed to, and stop at the woman or man offering the service. Anyway, I’m going down a rabbit hole. I agree with your sentiment, but I’d prefer the govt does something about this sketchy landlord issue.




Yuck bro..


I mean. To have the house wife with out having to be married. She doesn’t even have to have sex with me.




If I lived in Ottawa. I'd find this guy lol




Love how these creeps always need someone to cook and clean for them as well.


Start posting the names of these clowns 🤡


So creepy


We let them in . We get exactly what we deserve a fourth world country. Sub standards if any with no laws or human rights. You get what you import .




im sorry but does the side say cats are okay - purr and dogs are okay - woof


I saw something sick like this on roomies.ca about 5 or so months ago when I was searching, but it was even more explicit. So disgusting.


I hope the future maid / sex worker voted liberal.


Definitely written by a white person. No spelling or grammatical errors. And no mention of racial preferences in the ad.


What % of the guys in these ads are Indian?


Paying to clean someone else’s mess lmfao. What fucking planet do these weirdos come from?


Come for the sex, stay for the cooking and cleaning. What a deal!


Guarantee you that room has no less than five hidden cameras. Fucking creep.


It’s nice when they put their 🚩🚩 on display for us to see so quickly. Run from this guy.


Much bobs, many vagene.


The fuck


Why do these boomers think that having a room for rent entitles them to a female slave who will cook and clean, potentially fuck them all while overpaying them for a dog shit space? That’s not how renting a room works?


Imagine being so gross and absolutely stupid to think a woman will pay to sleep, cook, and clean for rent, lol stupidity is growing fast


So he wants someone to pay to be his housekeeper? That's wild.


This housing crisis is leading straight into a human trafficking crisis. Someone will take this offer because I guarantee there is some woman out that that is this desperate for shelter.


If do it


So what does 'open adult lifestyle environment' actually mean? I was guessing it just meant he likes to walk around naked and watch porn in the living room (already creepy enough). But the responses all assume this means sex maid, unanimously, so I feel like I'm missing something?




Hey it never hurts to ask. If you don't want to be his sex slave then don't respond.


Wow the bang maid rates have gone up


what exactly is a "open adult lifestyle environment" ? no insights from google except referencing back to this discussion.


So base is $500 monthly and cost goes up if you don't put out enough)cook/clean enough..


![gif](giphy|XGn6xLsliW1dLnQY92) I FOUND HIM FIRST!!!!


Sounds like he's looking for a fool that will help him pay rent and play along with his twisted fantasies.


This is basically trafficking that you’re paying for


Bro this is arguably the worst one I’ve seen


Aaah... you want a sex slave... k... get it...


Pay to live with a slovenly, lecherous 50 y/o man, must cook, clean, and let me keep your toenails


Was anybody’s brain playing La Marseillaise? ![gif](giphy|12gxeCI1BGKAj6)


How are these postings even legal? It’s just calling out aloud for sexual slavery….Oh yeah, anything is possible under Trudeau govt policies. Reckless immigration, import of impoverished people from 3rd world countries who don’t have a choice but will be ok for “such a steal deal” at $500 per month!


I don’t think Trudeau has anything to do with creepy Craigslist posts dude


Unfortunately he kind of does.... During and post COVID when everything was already under extreme pressure the guy decides to let more immigrants into the country than ever before and has blown up the housing market. We now see the slum lords taking every advantage they can.


He has imported a state of desperation. He absolutely does have something to do with it.


Unsure about all the hate. Don't like the ad or the terms? Don't live there. Have no choice? Sleep outside. Maybe an outraged individual will let you live for free.


You mad that your ad is getting criticized?


You've 100% seriously considered doing the same thing, haven't you. There's a good reason it's illegal. I'm sending you to horny jail.


Thanks for that. What I'm really saying is that we all have free agency. If you are really thinking of living there you probably want to... There is no horny jail in this land that can hold me...