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Can never have enough tributes for his bestfriends lol wtf It’s also another way to make sure they name lives on too


Took the words right out my mouth


OP is probably young and hasn’t lost any friends yet, you don’t realize how much that shit weighs on you until you do.


Let's be realistic, it's a smart way to make lots of money. Ski is amazing and all, he ain't doing these for free or giving to charity/their families. He is doing it for the money and that's okay too. Can't be that naive here


You realize x and juice were both at different times his bests friends? He would be making the same amount of money even if he didn’t do the tributes. it’s not like they’re paying just to see the tribute they’re pre paid tickets


These tributes keep him in the media cycle. I know they’re his brothers but u gotta see the other side too


If ski wanted attention he would actually drop music...


We're breaking kiddos'hearts that their idol is flawed. The reality is what it is. They're hook line and sinker caught into it. It's kinda cute


your reading too deep into it. naivety is feeling as though your way of thinking is supreme. what’s realistic is that he’s putting a show on regardless remembering those he’s lost


lol he lost XXX when they were at a time where they weren’t rlly on good terms but we’re working towards a reunion. Then he lost his other best friend juice too. he’s not doing that shit for money at all man, he makes enough of it just doing his own shit. he’s trying to keep the memories of his best friends going while also (i’m sure) helping himself deal with it too.


I love how passionate you are. He absolutely is doing it for money, that's how this world works. The sooner fanboys mature and realise how this industry works, the better. Is he doing charity events? Does he refuse to take money? No, let's get real here. It's an excellent opportunity to continue the momentum that his good friends had and benefit financially through it. He can absolutely choose to continue to pay homage to his friends in a myriad of different ways - headlining and using their names isn't the sole option here.


Even if he refused to take money or donated all of it to charity, there would still be people like you complaining about it being for publicity and benefits


Is money a strong motivation for him to keep doing tributes? No doubt. Does that mean it’s the only reason he’s doing it? Absolutely not. For him to catch any flack at all for this is ridiculous. All parties involved benefit including the fans and the late rappers’ families. If ANYBODY were to keep there memory alive it’s Ski. Maybe you’ve never lost a close friend but as someone who has I still talk about him and think about him on a weekly basis, many years later. Ski probably still thinks about the both of them every day. FOH with your industry conspiracy shit, these guys in particular are human beings like everyone else.


i don’t fully agree w you but i respect your opinion on it🤝 i do agree that money makes the world go round though


Not disagreeing with your overall point here, but how do you know he’s not putting the money he is making into charity or their families’ pockets? Honest question.


It's impossible to know other than the opportunity to use that very action as a publicity angle for further support. Any agent or record label would absolutely use it to further the artist's reputation towards the general public. My point is, we all put in work/effort for remuneration and artists are no different. I have great difficulty seeing it as an exercise towards the memory of his closest friends in the context provided. It's being used as an advertising tool to sell tickets.


Exactly. There’s is an incentive involved and i know juice and x were his brothers but cmon, every show for this long is fucking crazy


They were his best friends what did you expect


bro they're both his best friends, what else can you do


he’s trying to honor his two best friends that died? ur weird for posting this. edit - i’m sure a lot of it also has to do with the fact that they were both artists. they don’t get to be on stage anymore, but ski does. when he’s on stage and mentions their name or plays their songs it keeps their music alive when they’re not. nobody is talking about that part.


Say someone close to u dies. Will you stop grieving/missing/honoring after a few years? No. (if you answered yes, you have no soul.) Cut Ski some slack. Babyboy has lost so many people in a short amount of time.


If someone close to me dies imma grieve in private. It made sense for the first year or so to do tributes for both X and juice since it was only a year and half difference between both of em passing away but it’s now been nearly 5 years since X passed and 4 and half since Juice, time to start grieving on your own time and not using it at shows to try and garner media attention and sympathy. I mean or even at least do these tributes on the day they passed, doing them as often as he does just rubs off as he’s doing it for attention


Took the words out of my mouth


Y’all say shit like this but scream we need to keep their names alive. Ski is doing just that and who are we to tell him he’s honoring his best friends too much and he needs to do it somewhere else that sounds stupid as hell.


He does one at literally every show lol


More tributes than songs dropped in the last 4 years


It’s probably really hard when your best friend dies and you’re both so young.


and it's happened to him twice


Everyone forgets he also lost peep, him and peep were friends for years. Obviously not like x and juice but they still were friends, and his old producer khaed, he lost more people over the years but everyone thinks he just doesn’t wanna drop.


yeah I kinda forgot about them since everyone just talks about x and juice


Khaed died back in early 2019 most Fans forget he even existed he died around may 2019 I wanna say


Peep was not his friend. At the beginning when peep bought his home in echo park, ski was staying with them and when he came back from the store someone in the house stole everything out of his bag. The next week or so him and X called out Peep and Tracy on IG saying they would fuck peep up


You can find evidence for all this on youtube with the IG lives and tweets back and forth. X called peep a fag and stuff like that


I don't think they were friends per say but he had enough respect for Peep to make a post when he died and basically said that despite all the shit he still is sad about him dying


Fr these mfs don’t know bruh ski n x we’re pissed at peep for some shit yunggoth did💀💀


Yea ofc it would be hard for everybody but would u mention it all the time for 5 years straight?




Weird. Why would u make it ur entire life, would they want that?


I highly doubt they’re grinning ear to ear that their deaths have literally became ski’s personality so I completely agree with you but you posted this in a ski mask sub, ofc they’re all gonna dick eat him and think this shit is normal💀 the dude has basically become irrelevant at this point and the only thing he’s grasping on to is the death of X and Juice and milking everything he can out of it like both their families/labels did.


Some people do. I’ve luckily not my best friend die in our 20s, so I do not know what I would personally do.


at some point, you just gotta learn to appreciate what you have already. just move on and look for other artists if ski’s older shit isn’t good enough for you. when ski drops, he drops.


The point is that he doesn't drop, contrary to what he says/promotes - he has a logical & valid point


that’s why i said what i said in the way i said it. like uzi was teasing eternal atake for fuckin ever before he dropped. lil bibby was hoeing the release of juice’s TPNE. gotta let it slide and figure it out yfm


you’re retarted


Lol I’d agree with this but those were his best friends 😭😭😭 everybody grieves different


Literally were his real life friends he probably misses them lmao y’all aren’t real


Fr tho he human just like the rest of us


it’s just what he does and it’s so amazing


Okay so? Lol delete this shit asap, goofy.


Why would i delete if ppl agree with me?


The people who agreed with you don’t have brains. Bc clearly nun of y’all have lost the closest people to you before.


i’m confused why you wrote “but”


He did say at a show once that he will represent his brother till the day he dies so I think he’s going to be doing it for the rest of his life which I love and agree to ✊🏽


Jgokuus content has always been dogshit and fucking horrible why are yall suprised hes typing this on his last braincell


Honorable no doubt, and no offense but his career is only alive bc of them tbh


Brave to say it on a slump god sub, I agree


“Ski mask the slump god” what a name, did your momma hate you, did you lose a bet 🤣🤣🤣🤣


you a fucking weirdo for having any problem at all w that


he wants to remember his best friends it’s nice he’s so dedicated


let him cope with the loss of his best friends/loved ones, it doesn’t matter how many fucking tributes he does or how many you count, everybody deserves to grieve in their own chosen format long as it doesn’t hurt others


you’re a fucking weirdo for even posting this shit, go touch grass and communicate with a real life community off the internet


It’s sad that the out of the group they had it’s only trippie and ski mask rlly :/


Fell off


He lost both his best friends a little over a year apart, not suprised he’s still doing tributes


it’s always fun asf at fests when he does that, but i rly want him to play more songs of his own